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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 十天衆が頭目、天星剣王のシエテだよ。よろしくねー! I'm Seofon, Star Sword Sovereign and Leader of the Eternals. Nice to meetcha!
Home Screen あ、そうだ…たまには十天衆のまとめ役やってみない?君なら皆、言うこと聞くと思うんだけど…って、あははっ、冗談冗談! Ah, that's right... One of these days, would you like to try playing the mediator for the Eternals? I bet you'd be able to get them to listen to you... Haha, kidding, kidding!
いつかまた、君と戦うのが楽しみだなぁ。ふふっ、ま、次は負けてあげないけどね? Ah, I'm looking forward to taking you on in battle again sometime. Heheh, even so--next time I won't be going easy on you!
団長…その力に呑まれるなよ。…なーんてね! Captain... don't let that power consume you. ...As if that'd happen!
やっぱり剣が一番カッコいいよね~!ねぇねぇ、君もそう思うでしょう? Ahh, swords really are just the coolest! Hey, hey, don't you agree?
なになに、俺の剣拓コレクションが見たいって?ハイじゃあ、1から3000番までで好きな番号言ってみよう! What's that? You want to see my Spirit Sword collection? Sure! Pick a number from 1 to 3,000, and we'll go from there!
このマント良いでしょう?俺が皆の分も揃えたんだ Isn't my cloak cool? I got everyone to match!
Add to Party 出発するよ~ Moving out~
了解 Roger.
行こうか Shall we?
Uncap 本気出しちゃおうかなー Should I get serious?
Journal 十天衆が頭目、天星剣王のシエテだよ。よろしくねー! I'm Seofon, Star Sword Sovereign and Leader of the Eternals. Nice to meetcha! Same as Recruit.
まずはお手並み拝見といきますか For starters, why don't you show me what you've got?
俺の剣拓コレクション、見たい? Wanna see my Spirit Sword collection?
EM Lvl Up 楽にいこうぜ Let's take it easy.
EM Perk Lvl Up 素晴らしいね Wonderful!
いいね Very good.
ふふふ Heheheh.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack いくよー Here we go-!
そーれっ There.
無駄だよ It's useless.
Enemy Defeated この程度かい? Is that all you've got?
Skill 1 本気出しちゃおっかなー Should I get serious?
Skill 2 俺をガッカリさせないでよ Don't disappoint me.
Skill 3 こんなのはどうだい? How about this?
C.A. Ready 準備はいい? Are you ready?
Charge Attack 天星剣…奥義…ディエス・ミル・エスパーダ! The hidden art of my celestial swords... Diez Mil Espadas!
Skip Charge Attack ディエス・ミル・エスパーダ! Diez Mil Espadas!
Damage Taken うわ!? What the--!?
Red HP 大丈夫、大丈夫 I'm fine, I'm fine!
Knocked Out 三十六計逃げるに如かずってね They say the smartest thing to do in a pinch is to beat a retreat!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Huh, guess they're not half bad.
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
We're really in it now...
Healed どうもどうも! Thank you thank you!
Join Battle ふふふ…俺は強いよ Heheheh... Just so you know, I'm pretty strong!
Victory はははっ。ま、当然の結果だよね Hahaha! Well, what else did you expect?
Turn Start さぁさぁ、しまってこう~! Alrighty, let's get 'er done!
MC Defeats Enemy 終わりっ It's over!
MC C.A. Ready 団長ちゃん、そろそろ本気で行くよ Hey captain, it's time to get serious now.
MC Red HP 無理は禁物だよ You don't have to overdo it.
MC Knocked Out ここは任せて! Leave the rest to me!

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen えっ? テキトーなのと真面目なのどっちが本当の俺なんだって? 嫌だなあ… そんなの全部本当で全部嘘さ。結局のところ、君が見たい俺を見てるってだけのことなんだよ Huh? You're wondering whether my carefree side or my serious side is the real me? C'mon, now... It could all be the real me, or it could all be just an act. At the end of the day, you're just seeing the version of me you want to see.
俺にももしもの事があった時は… その時はよろしく頼んだよ。ねっ、団長ちゃん In the unlikely event that something happens to me... when that time comes, I'll be counting on you. Alright, captain?
七星剣に認められてから、以前よりも星の海にアクセスしやすくなったんだよね。つまり俺が本気出せば、文字通り星の数ほどの剣海を生み出せるってことかな Ever since I got the Seven Star Sword's stamp of approval, I've been able to access the sea of stars more easily than before. In other words, when I go all out, I wonder if I could literally flood my opponent with swords as countless as the stars...?
Add to Party 俺の力が必要なの? Need me for something?
んー? 今日は気が乗らないなぁ Hmm? I don't really feel like it today...
ん? なになに、俺に用? Hm? What's up? Have you got something for me?
Uncap 我ら気高き獅子の眷族… クオーレ・ディ・レオーネ! We are followers of the noble lion... Cuore di Leone!
Journal 十天衆が頭目、天星剣王のシエテだよー。よろしくね! I'm Seofon, Star Sword Sovereign and Leader of the Eternals. Nice to meetcha! Same as pre-5★.
十天衆てさ、俺にとっては家族みたいなもんなんだね、多分。煩わしいけど、無くなったらやっぱり寂しいカンジ? ま、こんなこと誰にも言ったこと無いけどさ、君にだけは教えておく Everyone in the Eternals is like family to me... probably. They might be troublesome, but of course I'd get lonely without them around--that kind of thing. Well, anyway, this isn't something I've ever told anyone, but I wanted you to be the one to know.
十天衆のみんな、最近少しだけ柔らかくなった気がする。俺含め、昔は他の誰にも興味無かったからさ、本当に。団長ちゃんに会って変わったのかもね、あはは The Eternals all seem to be opening up a little more lately. Even me--in the past I wasn't all that interested in other people. No, really! I wonder if I've changed a little just from meeting you... ahaha.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack あらよっ Here we go!
それー Take that!
ほいっ Hiyah!
Enemy Defeated じゃあねー See ya!
Skill 1 天星剣王は伊達じゃないってね These spirit swords aren't just for show.
Skill 2 この程度で倒れないでよ? インフィニート・クレアーレ! Don't give in yet--I'm only just getting started! Infinito Creare!
Skill 3 ほらほら、考えてる間に終わっちゃうよ Hey, hey, it'll be over before you can think about it.
Skill 4 満天を見よ! そして、彼の七星を刮目せよ! Turn your gaze to the sky! And then--find those seven stars everyone knows and loves, and watch closely!
C.A. Ready さあ、フィナーレの時間だ Now then, it's time for the finale.
Charge Attack 天星剣… 最終奥義! シエン・ミル・エスパーダ! The ultimate hidden art of my celestial swords... Cien Mil Espadas!
Skip Charge Attack シエン・ミル・エスパーダ! Cien Mil Espadas!
Damage Taken っ…! Hgh...!
Red HP ふふ...、 ゾクゾクしてきたよ Heheh... I'm shivering with excitement!
Knocked Out んー...今日のところは見逃してあげるってことで Hm... Guess I'll have to let this slide, just for today.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
We're really in it now...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed どうもどうも! Thank you thank you! Same as pre-5★.
Join Battle ごめんごめーん、ヒーローは遅れてやってくるってね Sorry, sorry! Heroes always have to arrive just in the nick of time, you know?
Victory はははっ。5億年早かったかな? Ha ha ha, guess they were five hundred million years too early to be taking us on!
Turn Start さあ、全力でかかってきな? Now then--why don't you give me your best shot?
MC Defeats Enemy 終わりっ It's over! Same as pre-5★.
MC C.A. Ready 団長ちゃん、そろそろ本気で行くよ Hey captain, it's time to get serious now. Same as pre-5★.
MC Red HP 安心して。俺がそばにいるよ Don't you worry. I'll be right here with you.
MC Knocked Out ここは任せて! Leave the rest to me! Same as pre-5★.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 十天衆の皆でどこか遊びに行きたいんだけど、俺の誘いが集まってくれるのか不安でさ…。ねぇ団長ちゃん、ちょっと誘うの手伝ってくれない?えっ…?俺といつもこんな話してるって?あっはははは、そうかなぁ…? I'd like to get all the Eternals together somewhere, but I'm not sure if they'd follow my invitation. Hey captain, would you invite them for me? ...Eh? I'm always asking you to do that? Ha ha, I wonder if that's true...?
星の海は俺と繋がり、無限と言ってもいい程の力を与えてくれる。それをどこまで上手く扱えるかは、俺の腕次第だけどね。だから、もっともっと強くならなくちゃ I'm connected to the sea of stars and it gives me almost limitless power. How well I can use it is up to me though. So I have to keep getting stronger.
十天衆は、悪い奴らに怖がられる存在であるべきだ。だから強くあるのは勿論、空にその名を知らしめなくちゃね。それが、世界の平和に繋がると思うんだ All bad guys should fear the Eternals. That's why we have to be strong and make our name known across the skies. I believe that is how we'll achieve world peace.
Add to Party いくらでも頼ってくれていいんだよ You can rely on me as much as you want.
ははっ、ご指名ありがとね Ha ha, thanks for picking me.
シエテ感激ぃ Seofon's so excited!
Uncap 天星剣王の力は天井知らず!ってね "There's no limit to the Star Sword Sovereign's Power!" ...Or something like that.
Journal 団長ちゃん、元気してる?稽古だったらいつでも付き合うよ!シエテお兄さんにどーんとぶつかっておいで! What're you up to, captain? If you're training, I'll be happy to join you! Hit your big brother Seofon with everything you've got!
団長ちゃん、キミはツイてるよ!だって天星剣王の力を間近で見ることが出来るんだからね!そこはいわば、特等席ってやつだ! This is your lucky day, captain! For you get to see the Star Sword Sovereign's power up close and personal! You got the best seat in the house!
あれれ?今剣拓が見たいって話してた?えっ?してない?またまたぁ〜、遠慮なんてしなくていいんだよ? What's that? Were you asking about seeing my spirit sword collection? Eh? You weren't? Again, there's no need to be shy, okay?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack よっと! Alrighty!
そらっ! Here we go!
甘い! Too easy!
Enemy Defeated 残念だったね Sorry for your loss.
Skill 1 最強を味わってみるかい? Want a taste of my power?
Skill 2 ほら、全力でかかってきな! Come on, give it your all!
Skill 3 これが天星剣王の力! Behold the power of the Star Sword Sovereign!
Skill 4 満天を見よ! そして、彼の七星を刮目せよ! Turn your gaze to the sky! And then--find those seven stars everyone knows and loves, and watch closely! Same as pre-6★.
C.A. Ready 決めちゃっていいかな? I've made up my mind. Can I go?
Charge Attack 切り札は最後までとっておくのさ!エスパーダ・ガラクシア! We saved the best for last! Espada Galaxia!
Skip Charge Attack エスパーダ・ガラクシア! Espada Galaxia!
Damage Taken くっ Guh!
Red HP やるじゃない… Not half bad...
Knocked Out はい、撤収撤収! Yes, retreat, retreat!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Ah, that's what that does.
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Oh man, I'm in trouble...
Healed さあ、切り替えてこう! Let's switch it up!
Join Battle 天星剣王シエテ、参る! Enter Seofon, Star Sword Sovereign!
Victory 悪いね、俺最強なんだ Sorry, but I'm the strongest!
Turn Start どこからでもかかってきなよ Bring it on!
MC Defeats Enemy いいぞ!団長ちゃん! All right! Captain!
MC C.A. Ready さあ、その輝きを見せてくれ Come on, let's see you shine!
MC Red HP 油断しちゃったのか Guess I got careless.
MC Knocked Out あとはお兄さんに任せなさい! Leave the rest to your big brother!

Character Banter


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバースデー! Happy birthday!
誕生日おめでとう!君の誕生日を一緒に祝えて嬉しいよ! Happy birthday! I'm so glad I get to celebrate it with you!
誕生日おめでとう!えっ、誕生日プレゼント……? ははは、やだなぁ……忘れてないよ!…よーし!それじゃあ、今から一緒に買いに行こうかー! Happy birthday! Huh? A birthday present...? Hahaha, come on now... I definitely didn't forget! ...Alright! How about the two of us go shopping right now! Same as character's Year 1 Happy Birthday cutscene.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーニューイヤー! Happy New Year!
あけましておめでとう! 団長は新年の抱負を決めたか? 俺は、「一日一本、剣拓を取る」に決めたぞ……はははは、冗談だって冗談! Happy New Year! Got any resolutions lined up, captain? Mine is to collect a spirit sword every day... Hahaha! Kidding, kidding! Same as character's Year 1 New Year cutscene.

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
今日はバレンタインデーだな。 Today's Valentine's Day, yes?
団長はチョコをもらったのかい?俺? 俺は優に三千個はもらったな… えっ、これは冗談じゃないぞ、はははは! Get any chocolates, captain? Me? I've already received about three thousand... Huh? No, that's not a joke. Hahaha! Same as character's Year 1 Valentine's Day cutscene.

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Ah, today's White Day?
Hm? You're wondering about how I'm returning the favor for those thousands of chocolates I received? So you remembered. Sigh... It's been difficult, to say the least! Same as character's Year 1 White Day cutscene.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーハロウィン! Happy Halloween!
トリック・オア・トリート!……ってフュンフの奴、さっきお菓子をあげたのに悪戯しやがったからな… Trick or treat! I gave Fif some candy earlier, and she still played a prank on me... Same as character's Year 1 Trick or Treat cutscene.

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマス! 今年こそは十天衆の奴らを集めてパーティーでもって、思うんだけどねぇ……アイツら集まるかなー Merry Christmas! This is finally going to be the year we get the Eternals together for a party. I can feel it! Wonder if they'll show up, though... Same as character's Year 1 Happy Holidays cutscene.


Eternal's Summer Vacation

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen サラーサを放っておくと島の魚介類を食べ付して環境破壊し兼ねない…これは冗談じゃないぞ… Left to her own devices, Threo could eat enough seafood to destroy the island’s ecosystem... No, I’m not joking...
剣拓だけじゃなくて魚拓も取ってみたいんだよね。ようし、釣り行こうよ釣り! I'm not just here for Spirit Swords--I'd like to try getting some fish prints as well! Alright, let's go fishing!! A reference to Gyotaku (魚拓), the practice of recording catches by painting a fish with ink and then making a "print" of it. The print kanji (拓) in Gyotaku is the same kanji as in Spirit Swords, 剣拓 - Seofon makes an "imprint" of his swords.
日焼け止め?そういえば塗ってないなぁ?あ、団長ちゃんが塗ってくれちゃったり?え?なんでそんな嫌そうな顔するの?団長ちゃんの冗談は厳しいなあ…ハハハ 冗談なんだよね?そこまで嫌じゃないよね? Sunscreen? Now that you mention it, I didn't put any on. Ah, how about you put some on for me, Captain? Huh? What's with that disgusted face? Captain, your jokes are so mean... Hahaha--It was a joke, right? You wouldn't hate it that much, right?
Add to Party ひと泳ぎしようか! Shall we go for a swim?
しゅっぱーつ! Moooving out!
どうどう?似合ってる? Well, well--How do I look?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack よっと Alrighty!
それっ! There!
甘いね Not good enough!
Enemy Defeated 海の藻屑ってやつかな? Is this what they call a watery grave?
Skill 1 俺自身が太陽になるッ! I will become the sun itself!
Skill 2 夏が一番似合う武器、それは剣だ! The weapon best suited for summer--that's the sword!
Skill 3 どう?俺、輝いてる? So? Am I shining?
Skill 4 満天を見よ!そして、彼の七星を刮目せよ! Turn your gaze to the sky! And then--find those seven stars everyone knows and loves, and watch closely! This is the same as his regular line.
C.A. Ready 派手に行っちゃいますか! Let's get flashy, shall we?
Charge Attack この夏の主役は俺だ!ディエス・ミル・エスパーダ! This summer's star is none other than me! Diez Mil Espadas!
Skip Charge Attack ディエス・ミル・エスパーダ! Diez Mil Espadas!
Damage Taken おっとぅ! Whoopsie!
Red HP あっついなあ… So hot...
Knocked Out アッハッハ!逃げるが勝ちってね! Ahaha! Live to fight another day, right?
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
I'm getting heatstroke..
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 助かったよ Thank you!
Join Battle ここで俺が颯爽と登場! Here's my dashing entry!
Victory 終わった終わったー!さ、遊びに行こう! All done! Let's go play!
Turn Start ちゃちゃっと終わらせて、泳ぎに行こうか! Let's get this done quickly, so we can go for a swim!
MC Defeats Enemy さっすが団長ちゃん! That's our captain!
MC C.A. Ready 団長ちゃんの見せ場きたよ! Time for the captain's big moment!
MC Red HP あんまり浮かれすぎちゃダメだよ? Don't get too carried away, now!
MC Knocked Out お疲れ、団長ちゃん。……さて、お遊びはここまでだ Good work, Captain. ...Alright then, playtime's over.

Perfect Santa Suit

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen メリークリスマス!今年こそは・・・十天衆の奴らを集めてパーティでもって、思うんだけどねぇ・・・あいつら集まるかなぁ・・・ Happy holidays!

This is finally going to be the year we get the Eternals together for a party. I can feel it!

Wonder if they'll show up, though...
Same as character's Year 1 Happy Holidays cutscene.
Add to Party みんなにプレゼントを配りに行くよ。 I'm off to give everyone their presents!
よし!シエテお兄さん張り切っちゃうよ! Alright! Your big bro Seofon is pulling out all the stops!
団長も、一緒にサンタさんになる? Captain, would you like to be Santa with me?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack フッ!
そこだっ! Gotcha!
メリクリー! Merry happy!
Enemy Defeated はい、こんなもんでしょう。 That's how it's done.
Skill 1 これがサンタさんパワーだっ! Now this is the power of Santa!
Skill 2 いい子にしてるんだよ♪ You're all such good kids!
Skill 3 プレゼントだよ! Have a present!
Skill 4 満天を見よ!そして、彼の七星を刮目せよ! Turn your gaze to the sky! And then--find those seven stars everyone knows and loves, and watch closely! This is the same as his regular line.
C.A. Ready これも、俺からのプレゼントだよ This is yet another present from yours truly!
Charge Attack 聖夜の楽しみは奪わせないよ!フェリス・ミル・エスパーダ! I won't let anyone snatch away the Christmas fun! Feliz Mil Espadas!
Skip Charge Attack フェリス・ミル・エスパーダ! Feliz Mil Espadas!
Damage Taken
Red HP ははっ、休憩休憩・・・ Haha, time out, time out...
Knocked Out プレゼントを積み過ぎたかも・・・ Maybe I loaded up with too many presents...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Feels like my toes are freezing off...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle みんなのサンタさん華麗に参上! Everyone's favorite Santa swings by for a marvelous visit!
Victory 頑張ったみんなに、プレゼントだよ! Everyone who did their best deserves a present!
Turn Start ふぉっふぉっふぉー、メリークリスマス。 Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
MC Defeats Enemy お見事!素晴らしい一撃だね。 Nicely done! That was a fantastic blow.
MC C.A. Ready 聖夜のツリーのような輝きだよ。 You're sparkling like a Christmas Tree!
MC Red HP いい子だから、少し下がっててね。 You've been so good, why don't you stand back for a little bit?
MC Knocked Out どうやら君は悪い子だったみたいだ It seems someone's been a little naughty.