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Official Profile

Age 22
Height 162 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Making sweets, cooking in general
Likes Taking care of others
Dislikes High-pressure sales
Final Uncap
Character Release
キッチンは乙女の戦場! エプロンとミトンを身につけたティナは大切な人、 お世話になっている人のために料理の腕を振るいます。
Character Release

Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 22歳
Height 162cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies お菓子作り、調理全般
Likes 他人の世話
Dislikes 物の押し売り
Final Uncap
Character Release
キッチンは乙女の戦場! エプロンとミトンを身につけたティナは大切な人、 お世話になっている人のために料理の腕を振るいます。
Character Release

Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, (Captain). Let me thank your parents on this occasion as well.
What do you mean why? Because you wouldn't be here without them, and we never would've been able to meet you!
So to you I wish all the best. And to your family a very special thanks.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
I'm so happy that we all get to celebrate your birthday together.
I'm pretty sure my brother feels the same way. I think he's coming by later to say hello.
Hehehe... He's not used to doing stuff like that, so he'll probably have a super scary look on his face.
He's always like that when he doesn't know what to do... Hehe.


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
What a happy day. You get to celebrate, and I get to see your smiling face.
Aaah... What fun. I just love the warmth of everyone in celebration.
Thank you so much, (Captain). Traveling with the entire crew has been amazing. Heehee.


(Captain), happy birthday! Haha... Oh, it's nothing really. I'm just glad I get to celebrate your birthday again this year. That reminds me: is there anything in particular you'd like for tonight's dinner party? Birthdays don't come often, and I want to make this a special occasion for you. Just say the word, (Captain). I'll make anything you want.


(Captain), happy birthday!
Haha... Huh? Why am I all sunshine today?
I guess I'm just so happy for the chance to celebrate your birthday again.
Which reminds me, my brother and I got something together for you this year.
Hope you'll like it!
What is it exactly?
Haha, that's a secret for now! Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for you!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
No, I'm okay. Oh, don't worry, it's nothing. It's just something my brother did.
He was supposed to hand out New Year's gifts to the kids in the crew, but he got the time all wrong.
Aaah, he can be so irritating. But it wouldn't be right for me to change him. I just have to toughen myself up!


Guess what? My brother gave me a New Year's letter.
But when I opened it, all it said was "have a good year".
Maybe this is his idea of a joke? On the other hand, he had such a serious look on his face when he gave it to me. I don't know.
Hehe... It's so like him to do something like this though, so I can't help but laugh.


There! All done!
Oh! Happy New Year, (Captain).
I've figured out my resolution for this year. I want to take the time to learn.
I've always talked about it, but now I'm actually going to give it a shot. I want to read as many spell books as I can so that I'll be able to use higher-level magic.
It probably won't be the same as my mother's magic.
But it'll have the same power to help anyone in need that she always had.
You're rooting for me? Why, thank you, (Captain). Teehee.


(Captain), happy New Year!
Hm? You're wondering what all these fancy meals laid out on the table are for?
They're for today's New Year's lunch. I prepared each and every one personally.
Haha. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I think these turned out great this year.
I hope you like yours.
Hm? You think I made too many?
Oh, that won't be a problem. I'll have my brother finish off any leftovers if it comes to that.
Well then, guess I'd better call everyone here.
There's nothing better than a festive meal to kick off the new year.


(Captain)? What are you doing up so early?
Me? I'm here to see the first sunrise of the year.
Mm-hm, just me.
Lucius is still sleeping off all the fun from last night's year-end party.
Hey, (Captain), why don't we watch the sunrise together?
Yeah? Thanks. Oh, and I almost forgot...
Happy New Year from both me and my brother, (Captain).

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Here you go, (Captain). My very own Valentine's chocolate. To tell you the truth though, I'm not really sure if they turned out well.
It's not like we need candy on our journey, so I was thinking about how Mother used to make them...
You like them?
Phew... I'm so relieved!


By the way, (Captain), I made chocolates again.
I couldn't help it. Remembering your smiling face from last year was more than enough to motivate me.
I guess I can't really explain how happy that made me feel. It definitely didn't feel like I was making any old dish this time.
I even had fun picking out the ingredients! And I have you to thank for that, (Captain).


More handmade Valentine's chocolate coming your way this year, (Captain)!
It's definitely encouraging to see others enjoying the things I'm good at. You know, like using magic and cooking.
I went ahead and put in a little extra work this time though. Hehe... It turned out pretty well, didn't it?
I ended up buying a specialty knife when I was out browsing the shops.
Making something with fresh, new tools is oodles of fun.
I made some for my brother too. I'll give those to him later.


(Captain), I made some chocolates again this year. Won't you have some?
You will? Good.
Um... Here you g... Actually...
Some in the crew were saying that getting chocolates every year can get old.
They suggested playing things up with how I hand over the chocolate, so...
If you don't mind, (Captain)...
Can you open up and say "aah"?
Ah... Th-this is so embarrassing...


(Captain), I made chocolate for you this year too.
Here, it's yours.
Instead of worrying about how best to hand it to you, I decided to focus on the chocolate itself this time.
I guess I don't have to hand-feed you this time.
Hm, you want me to?
Um, okay then... Say "ahh"...
Oh, this is so embarrassing every time...

Mixed Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, a present! Th-thank you.
Ahaha... My face feels a little hot.
It's kind of hard to find time to give and receive presents when you're island-hopping all the time.
I'll treasure these for the rest of my life!
Wait, but they're cookies, so... Okay, I'll treasure these for the rest of today!


Thank you for the present, (Captain).
It's wonderful. Hehe, I can't stop thinking about it.
Giving presents is the perfect way to convey your feelings, don't you think?
You really have to know someone in order to give them something they'll be happy with.
Hehehe... Let's keep that in mind when we exchange gifts again next year.


Oh, (Captain). I had a feeling I'd be seeing you today.
This is another wonderful gift you've given me. Thank you.
Say, do you still remember the first time you gave me something for White Day?
I said I'd treasure your gift for my entire life, but cookies can't exactly last for a lifetime, right? So I ate them, haha.
But I know in my heart that the bonds between you and I will stay strong forever...
Um, what is it, (Captain)? Did I say something funny?


Haha, this is thanks for Valentine's? Appreciate it, (Captain).
Is it okay if I open it up?
Ahh, this apron's adorable. Thank you.
My old apron's gotten kind of worn out, so I've been wanting a new one.
Hehe, might as well put it on right now and get to making sweets!
I'll be sure to give you a few when I'm done, (Captain).
Heheh, I wonder what I should make first.


About your thank-you gift for Valentine's this year, can I make a request?
I was hoping we could make some treats together, if you don't mind...
Gee, thanks!
I've actually wanted to do this with you forever!
Things have just been so busy that I couldn't find an opportunity to ask you...
So thanks a ton for saying yes!
Haha... What should we make first, (Captain)?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Heeheehee, I just remembered something. You're not going to believe this, but my brother used to dress up when we were younger.
He was such a prankster. One time he wore a monster costume and scared my dad so badly they got into a wrestling match.
Then Mom yelled at both of them, and they just sulked in the kitchen. Ahaha!


Never mind. I just saw a kid in a goblin costume.
It makes you think, like, what if there are real goblins out there tonight?
If the goblins weren't our enemies, then all the moms would probably—
Sorry, (Captain). I don't know what I'm saying.
What do you say we dress up for the holiday? It only comes once a year!


Would you look at that, (Captain)?
Hehe... My brother is handing out candy to the kids.
It seems awkward and embarrassing for him, but he's not trying to hide it.
Lucius has changed ever since he started hanging out with your crew, (Captain).
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to cry and bring down the mood. Tonight's all about having fun!
The party's waiting for us! Heehee! Let's go, (Captain)!


(Captain)? What brings you to the kitchen on Halloween?
Huh? Me? I'm making snacks to give out to the kiddies later.
Because I've already given out all the snacks I've made up until yesterday.
Trick or treat, you say?
Hehe, sure. You can have this one, (Captain).
It's fresh from the oven.
Haha, I probably should've said that first.


(Captain), trick or treat!
You'd better have a yummy treat ready if you don't wanna be pranked!
Oh, so you do have some goodies on hand.
Ahaha... Truth is, I did the same thing to my brother just now.
Difference is, he was empty-handed.
Hehe, it's been so long since I last saw him in such a panic.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

The holiday's here!
Heeheehee. I think you could say there's a bit of enchantment in the air. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time.
We have cake, a tree, and everything... If you had told me I'd be able to go on such a fun journey, I wouldn't have believed you.
If you hadn't come, (Captain), I wouldn't be here right now. Once again I owe you my thanks.


Oh, (Captain). Look, I made a cake for everyone.
Now to add flower-shaped sugar frosting... and I'm done! You think it's pretty? Hehehe. Why, thank you.
I wanted to see if I could make it. This was my mother's favorite flower, and it represents one of my most cherished memories.
Teeheehee. I hope everyone enjoys it too.


(Captain)! I-I have to ask you something!
My brother... He...
His solemn face and white beard... I mean, it's a fake beard, but... That face just popped out in front of me!
Is he playing Santa for the kids? What's gotten into him?
I've never seen him like that before. Something must've happened without me knowing!


Hm, I wonder what sort of food I should prepare for this year's party.
It'd be kind of dull if we served the same food every year... Then again I wouldn't want to risk it with anything too bizarre either...
Ah, (Captain)!
Is there anything you'd like for today's party?
Just say the word, and I'll make it...
Aww, really now, (Captain)... You're no different from my brother!
And that's what troubles me most!
Sigh... Guess I'll just have to decide after seeing what they have at the market.
Do you think you'll be able to come along?
Teehee. Thanks, (Captain).
Let's go then.
Haha, how nice to be able to spend time alone with you on this festive night.


(Captain), good timing.
Lucius just caught this really big bird, but we can't decide on how to cook it...
Would you rather have roasted or fried bird, (Captain)?

  • Choose: I like mine roasted.
    Roasted, huh...
    I guess it's time to heat up the oven.
  • Choose: I like mine fried.
    Fried, huh... Everyone just loves that crunchy juiciness.
    All right! I suppose I should get started on that batter.

Thanks, (Captain).
This is gonna make a fantastic addition to tonight's dinner party, so be on the lookout for it!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

In the Heart of the Flames

While setting up camp at Midnight Island, a young goblin slayer named Teena helps the crew set up a bonfire with her magic. Wishing to realize her full potential as a powerful mage like her mother, Teena decides to join the crew.

The crew has made their way to Midnight Island to join a goblin extermination force in pursuit of information on primal beasts.
With dusk quickly approaching night, the crew has arrived at the task force's rendezvous point to set up camp.
Vyrn: Grr... come on! This wood's just too darn damp. We'll never get a fire going at this rate!
Lyria: Sigh... If we can't start a bonfire soon, that'll mean no dinner...
Teena: Hm? What's wrong?
Vyrn: Nothing... We just can't get this stupid fire started.
Teena: Oh, is that all? Just leave it to me!
Teena: Stand back, you two. Watch this!
Vyrn: Whoa! Flames just shot out of your palms... and it looks like we've got a fire now.
Teena: And that should do it! Hehe, just leave the fire business to yours truly!
Lyria: That's amazing! Where did you learn how to make fire like that?
Teena: Huh? Umm, well...
Vyrn: Come on... You'll tell us, won't you?
Teena: A-all right! But... it's not a super interesting story or anything, okay?
Teena: My mom was actually a mage, you see... She went on a journey with my dad, a swordsman, and they went around helping people in need.
Teena: I remember my dad telling me how good my mom was at using support magic to bolster his sword techniques.
Lyria: Aww! So your parents supported each other! They sound wonderful!
Teena: Well, once my brother and I were born, they put a stop on their dangerous journeys to focus on raising us.
Teena: So, as for the fire magic... Well, my mom's the one who taught me the basics...
Vyrn: Hmm? What's wrong, Teena? W-whoa, uh... Are you crying?
Teena: Oh, no. I... I got smoke from the bonfire in my eyes, that's all!
Vyrn: Oh... Well, that's good.
Teena: However... My mom never taught me anything else besides the basics.
Teena: That's why I actually want to be able to use really high-level magic... just like my mom did.
Teena: What else... Oh yeah. I'd like to see all the islands my mom journeyed to, if possible.
Vyrn: Yeah, that'd be awesome! But say, didn't you visit all kinds of places when you were journeying with your brother?
Teena: Yeah, but we were so busy hunting goblins using the airship that was lent to us, we never had the time.
Lyria: Hmm... Oh, here's an idea! Once we finish this job, how about you join our airship?
Lyria: We visit all kinds of islands on our travels, so maybe we could help you! Right, (Captain)?
Teena: Really? Um... But I'll need to ask my brother...
Vyrn: Not a problem! We can go ask your brother together afterward—but what do you want to do, Teena?
Teena: I... want to go with you. I want to see all the sights my mom did, and become a strong mage just like her.
Teena: I don't want to impose... but w-would it be okay with you, (Captain)?
  1. The more, the merrier.
  2. As long as your brother says it’s fine.

Choose: The more, the merrier.
Teena: Hahaha! You're right. A journey's more fun with friends!

Choose: As long as your brother says it’s fine.
Teena: I-I'm not sure he will... But I'll try asking anyway!
Continue 1
Vyrn: Hey, it looks like your brother's back. Just leave the sweet-talking to me!
Aspiring to become a proficient mage like her mother one day, Teena joins the crew on their journey—her resolve as fierce as an everlasting flame.

A Flame That Transcends Time

At Teena's request, the crew makes their way to a village to participate in the Wandering Soul Festival and witness the ceremony of souls.

During the crew's journey, Teena asks to visit a certain village to participate in an event known as the Wandering Soul Festival.
Festive music and sounds can be heard in the distance while the crew makes their way through a dark forest.
Teena: I think it was supposed to be somewhere around here...
Vyrn: Oh, isn't that the village right there?
Lyria: Yes! It looks like they're having fun—let's join them!
Teena: Oh! There's a huge bonfire in the middle of the village. This must be the place we've been looking for.
Lyria: Ahh... When you get closer it gets so warm and toasty.
Vyrn: Hey there, pops. What's with the giant bonfire?
Villager 1: Hm? That there's the holy flame that's been kept for several hundreds of years since the inception of this village. You came all the way out to this village and didn't know that?
Teena: Well... I'd only heard the stories about this village from my mom when I was still a child.
Villager 1: Oho! I see. Then you've probably heard about the ceremony of souls with the holy flame we hold every year.
Teena: The ceremony of souls?
Villager 1: We take soul boats and light them with the holy flame before letting them drift on the river. This is our tradition for expressing gratitude to the souls of our ancestors.
Teena: I see... The souls of your ancestors...
Villager 1: Hehe, those eyes still look doubtful. Well, the ceremony of souls is performed at the end of the festival, so just think about the person you'd like to see the most!
Villager 2: Hyahhh! There's been monsters sighted on the village outskirts! S-somebody do something!
Teena: O-oh no! We need to go help them! Come on, (Captain)!

A Flame That Transcends Time: Scene 2

After clearing out the monsters from the outskirts of the village, the crew awaits the finale of the Wandering Soul Festival. However, the festival is interrupted once again as more monsters gather outside the village.

Villager 2: Thank you. You guys really saved us back there.
Villager 2: Phew... It looks like we can safely perform the ceremony of souls now.
Teena: Thank goodness that nothing happened to the village...
Vyrn: Geez, talk about bad timing. Anyways, we should hurry up and check out the festival!
Lyria: Okay! I wanna watch the ceremony of souls!
Villager 1: Whoa! It looks like more monsters have gathered outside the village! Can you guys please do something about them?
Teena: No way! Why would there be so many monsters gathering here? What's going on?
Teena: Come on, (Captain)!

A Flame That Transcends Time: Scene 3

The holy flame is nearly extinguished as a result of the monster attack on the village. However, by using the magic she learned from her mother, Teena is able to provide kindling for the flame.

Villager 1: Ahhh! The holy flame's been knocked over!
Villager 2: I-I can't believe it... The holy flame will go out at this rate! The ceremony will be ruined...
Villager 1: Gah! We must defend the history of our village... The holy flame!
Villager 2: It's no good... The kindling's going out. What do we do now?
Teena: Um! If it's all right with you, please use my flame as kindling!
Villager 1: What's that supposed to mean? A-anyway, as long as we can protect the fire, anything's fine! Please help!
Teena: Okay... here goes!
In the next instant, the fire that is unleashed from Teena's palm mixes with the kindling.
The flames rise from the kindling and merge with Teena's, giving off a mysterious light.
Teena: What... is this? My palm feels so warm...
Villager 2: Whoa! How did you do that?
Villager 1: Impossible! You... Are you the same mage that saved our festival before? No, it can't be...
Teena: A mage that saved your festival? Please tell me more about her!
According to the villager, a mage once saved the village from danger supposedly using the same kind of magic as Teena.
Teena: Mom... Was it my mom?
Villager 1: I'm sorry... The mage didn't mention a name before departing, so I can't say for sure.
Villager 2: However, I do remember that the mage was quite close to an adept swordsman who she traveled with... That's all I can say for sure.
Thanks to the aid of a mage in the past, and once again from Teena today, the holy flame has been kept safe.
As it continues burning toward the future, its light will never be extinguished.
Villager 2: Thank you... I never thought that our village would owe one family so much. I honestly don't know how to thank you.
Villager 1: Oh, that's right! Please join us for the ceremony of souls!
Vyrn: Huh? It it okay for us to join?
Villager 1: Hahaha! But of course, you're the village saviors!
As such, (Captain) and the crew participate in the ceremony of souls at the end of the Wandering Soul Festival with the villagers.
Teena: I never knew such a gentle and warm flame existed...
Teena: Maybe those two watched it together back then.
Lyria: Wow... I feel like its beauty could just take my breath away.
Vyrn: Haha, it's even got Lyria moved to tears.
Teena: Mom... Have I become as strong as you?
Vyrn: You too, Teena? It's pretty rare for you to get emotional like this!
Teena: Nah, I'm fine... It's nothing, really! I'm okay now!
Teena: All righty, (Captain)! Where should we head off to next?
Teena is reminded of her mother's image as she looks at the soft, flickering lights drifting on the river.
She holds back her tears, having matured through her journey with (Captain)'s crew. The day where she realizes her potential as a great mage draws near.

Light of Hope

Teena has ended her quest for revenge, and our heroes have decided to go on a tour of the various islands. One day, Teena tells (Captain) and friends about something that has been bothering her. Her brother Lucius has lost his drive, and Teena wants (Captain) to give him some inspiration. Vyrn suggests they invite Lucius to some special training, and Teena asks (Captain) to fight him.

The party stops on an island, where they each enjoy a brief respite.
Then (Captain) sees Teena standing around with a sour look on her face.
She had never looked like that in all the time since she stopped goblin hunting and joined the party on their journey.
Teena: Hrrrm...
Vyrn: Hey, there! What’s wrong, Teena? You look so serious.
Teena: ............
Lyria: Are you all right? Are you feeling sick?
Teena: Huh? Oh, uh, sorry! I’m fine. It’s nothing.
Vyrn: Really? It sure doesn’t look like nothing. Is something bothering you?
Teena: Eh heh heh. Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing important.
Lyria: You don’t have to keep it to yourself. If you need to talk, we’re here for you.
Teena: ............
Teena: Thanks. ...You’re right.

Teena: It’s my brother. He’s been...kinda down lately.
Teena: When I talk to him, he hardly says anything back, and then he just goes off somewhere like he’s trying to get away from me.

Continue 1
Teena: It’s my brother. He promised to meet me on this island. I just went to see him, and...
Teena: He seemed kinda down. I gave him an update on what’s been happening, but he hardly said anything back.
Teena: We haven’t seen each other in such a long time, but he just left, like he was trying to get away from me.
Continue 2
Vyrn: I get it. You’re worried about Lucius. Did something happen?
Teena: Hmm... I think it’s because...
Teena: Actually...the same thing happened to me once.
Teena: Ever since I was a kid, my whole life was about getting revenge for Mom.
Teena: Then that was over, and for a while...it felt like there was this gaping hole in my heart.
Lyria: I see. And you think that’s what Lucius is feeling?
Teena: He was even more driven than I was. So it must be even worse for him.
Vyrn: Yeah. He was willing to give his life for the cause.
Lyria: I can see why you’re worried. Is there anything we can do to cheer him up?
Vyrn: Hmm... Good question.
Vyrn: Does he have a hobby or something? Maybe doing something he likes will make him feel better.
Lyria: Oh, good idea! That does sound like it could work!
Teena: Ha ha, yeah. But DOES he have a hobby?
Teena: Hrrrm...
Teena: I know! Swordfighting! When we were little, he would practice all day in the yard. It was like he was in his own little world.
Teena: It turned out to be good training for revenge, but he always liked improving his sword skills.
Vyrn: Well, there ya go! Let’s invite him to do some sword practice!
Teena: No. I have a better idea!
Suddenly Teena grows serious, and takes (Captain) by the hand.
Teena: (Captain)! Please! Fight my brother!
Lyria: Wait, what?!
Teena: He doesn’t respect anyone, but he respects you!
Teena: If the two of you could speak to each other through your swords...I’m sure that would snap him out of it!
Vyrn: That’s, uh... It sounds kinda dramatic.
Teena: You think so? But we have to get my brother’s fire back!
Lyria: Hahaha... This must be what they call “tough love.”
Teena: I think I saw him go toward the forest. Let’s go!

Light of Hope: Scene 2

Our heroes find Lucius in the forest, but he has lost all sense of purpose. He seems unfriendly, distant—even when talking to his sister. (Captain) challenges him to a duel, but Lucius ignores all provocation and leaves. The party hurries after him, but the way is barred—by a monster!

The party heads into the forest. They come to an old temple ruin, where they find Lucius brooding.
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Hm? Oh. It’s you. What do you want?
Lucius not in crew

Lucius: Hm? Oh. It’s you. It’s good to see you again. How did you know I was?
Teena: Do you have a minute? We need to talk to you.
Lucius: Teena...
Lucius: I’m in the middle of sword practice. Can we talk some other time?
Teena: Like when? You’re just going to keep avoiding me, aren’t you?!
Lucius: ............
Lyria: Excuse me! ...It was (Captain) who wanted to talk to you. It’s, um, very important...
Lucius: I’m sorry, but I need to concentrate. If you will not leave me...then I shall leave you.
Vyrn: Stop! You’re doing sword practice, right? That’s perfect! (Captain) wants to be your fencing partner!
Lucius: Humph. I use my own technique, which I developed to fight those fiends. Our styles are too different.
Teena: Ugh, you are so stubborn.
Teena: ...(Captain)! Make him mad! If you can get him to fight you, he’s ours!
Lucius: What...are you whispering about?
  1. What, are you scared?
  2. I'll tell everyone your secret!

Choose: What, are you scared?
Lucius: Ha! I don’t care what you think of me.

Choose: I'll tell everyone your secret!
Lucius: What...?! What do you know, knave?!
Lucius: ...Ha. You’re bluffing. I can see it in your eyes.
Continue 1
Lucius: Sigh... I don’t know what you want, but we’re not getting anywhere. It’s time I take my leave.
Teena: No! Come back! ...Come on, everyone! After him!
Monster: GRAAARR!
Lyria: Eek! It’s a m-monster!
Teena: Ugh! We don’t have time for this!

Light of Hope: Scene 3

Lucius waits for a chance to talk to the party without Teena finding out. He explains that now that he has ended his revenge against the goblins, he fears he is too tainted by hatred to help his sister start her new life, and that is why he had been keeping his distance. But Teena, who had been listening from the shadows, objects to his way of thinking. The siblings’ love for each other sparks a quarrel.

Our heroes drive the monster away. Teena is desperate to find Lucius.
Teena: Hey! Look! I see someone!
Teena: Wait! Come back!
Vyrn: Huh? Hey! Stop! ...Aww, he’s gone.
Lyria: Let’s go after him! He and (Captain) need to talk through their swords!
Lucius: Whew... I’ve finally gotten them away from her.
Vyrn: Ack! Lucius! So that’s where you’ve been hiding!
Lucius: Humph. All right then, tell me. What is this farce all about?
Lyria: Uhhh... Well, um...
Lucius: ............
Vyrn: Er, well... Hey, don’t glare at me like that. It’s just...Teena wanted our help.
(Captain) and company confess to Lucius that they had heard he was unhappy and were trying to get his spirits up.
Lucius: What...? This was Teena’s idea?
Lyria: Yes! She’s worried about you! But you’re just being so unfriendly...
Lucius: It’s...not what you think. I’m not depressed.
Lucius: Sigh... I just...wanted to put some distance between us.
Vyrn: Wha? What is that supposed to mean?
Lucius: Well... Now that we’ve defeated the fiends’ king, Teena should start down a new path.
Lucius: But if I’m with her...now that my hands are stained with blood and revenge...I’ll only get in her way.
Lucius: That’s why I’ve been avoiding her. I took her with me on my long, arduous quest... It’s time she lived her own life.
Lucius: And...I want her to be happy.
Lyria: Nngh... So that’s why. ...But Teena...
Lucius: I know. My behavior...has only gotten her more attached. I would like to ask for your assistance—
???: How could you!
Lucius: Teena.
Teena: Live my own life? You think I haven’t made any of my own decisions?
Teena: You think I can’t be happy with you? Did you really think I was miserable?
Teena: You don’t get to decide how I feel!
Vyrn: O-okay, just calm down. Lucius never said that you....
Teena: Answer me, Lucius!
Lucius: Sigh... That’s enough out of you.
Teena: What!
Lucius: I’m saying this for your own good. You can’t have a bright future like this.
Teena: You don’t know that! I’m not so weak that I need you to worry about me!
Lucius: ...I see.
Lucius: Very well. Then show me how strong you are.
Lyria: Eek! Why are you drawing your sword?
Lucius: Promise me, Teena. If I win, we never see each other again.
Teena: L-Lucius...
Vyrn: Wait a darn minute! This is just a little brother-sister quarrel! Right, Teena?
Teena: ...Okay.
Teena: I will show you how strong I am! How much I’ve grown!
Lucius: Heh. En garde!

Light of Hope: Scene 4

Lucius is surprised by how much Teena has grown. Through tears, Teena lays bare the strength of her heart, and of her desire to start a new life with her brother. Touched by her love for him, Lucius repents of his arrogant, though caring, assumptions. They had survived despair together, and now they would continue on together, hand in hand, on a journey toward hope.

Teena: Haah... Haah... Haah...
Lucius: Heheh... I had no idea you had grown this much.
Again and again, Teena blocks the sword that had defeated the great Goblin King.
Hers was a unique defense—one that could only be accomplished by the girl who had watched and respected her brother’s swordplay more than anyone else in the world.
Vyrn: Stop! That’s enough! Both of you! You could kill each other!
Lucius: ...Indeed.
Teena: Haah...
Lyria: A-are you all right?
Teena: Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.
Teena: You were going easy on me...weren’t you?
Lucius: Maybe. In any case, you are a valuable companion. ...Even if you are my stupid little sister.
Teena: YOU’RE stupid, Lucius.
Teena: You just randomly decide that you’re getting in my way, and you think you can tell me what will make me happy...
Teena: You’re so...arrogant... We’ve lived our whole lives together!
Teena: Stupid Lucius... Stupid, stupid, stupid Lucius!
Lucius: Teena...
Lucius: ............
Lucius: I’m sorry. It seems I’ve been wrong.
Vyrn: Heh heh! That makes Teena the winner!
Lyria: It does! I hope you’re sorry for what you did, Lucius!
Lucius: Humph.
Teena: Ha ha... I’m sorry for getting you all mixed up in our family quarrel.
Vyrn: Forget about it! It was Lucius’s fault, anyway. He can be kinda extreme.
Lucius: Humph. What else could I have done? Teena’s not the type to listen to reason.
Vyrn: What’s that? No amount of reason could get Teena to leave you, huh? You sound pretty full of yourself!
Lyria: Tee hee! Maybe Lucius is the one who can’t live without Teena!
Lucius: What! Don’t be ridiculous!
Teena: Ha ha ha! Oh, Lucius...
Teena: Oh, you’re hurt. ...I did that with my magic, didn’t I? Let me see it.
Teena: Lucius... Let’s go through life together. Hand in hand.
Lucius: ...All right.
And thus Teena resolved her conflict with Lucius, and their bond grew even stronger.
Having survived despair, the siblings take their first small step toward a bright future filled with hope.

Meaning Behind the Flower

Teena and our heroes exchange puzzled looks after receiving a strange request. It came in the form of a letter from an unknown sender, and included payment before they even had a chance to accept it. The party is left with no other choice but to follow its instructions and go to the island named, where they are confronted by monsters.

Teena: Oh, I see it! It’s that island, right?
Vyrn: Hrrrm... Are we really going to do this?
Lyria: Well... We HAVE already been paid...
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Humph. As usual, you’re a bunch of busybodies.
Receiving a mysterious letter, our heroes go as requested to a certain island.
The letter was a request from an anonymous sender, and included payment.
Teena: And there was no return address, so we can’t send it back... I’d feel bad if we just did nothing.
Vyrn: But it just bothers me. That letter looks like it was written by some little kid, but they paid in gold and silver!
Teena: Hmm... Do you think...it’s a trap?
Lyria: Look! There’s a monster on those rocks!
Vyrn: Well, we’ve come this far. We’ll just have to fight! Let’s go!

Meaning Behind the Flower: Scene 2

Having driven off the monster, the party is still suspicious about who sent the letter. Teena senses someone nearby, and discovers a goblin hiding in the shadow of a rock, but something’s not right. The goblin, on the other hand, gives in to his instinctive hatred of humans, and attacks!

Our heroes defeat the monster, thus fulfilling the strange request. But...
Vyrn: Whew... Well, we did it!
Teena: But what a weird request. This island looks deserted.
Lyria: Now that you mention it... All I can see are rocks. Who would need us to get rid of the monster?
Teena: Hrrrm...
Teena: ! Who’s that hiding there?
Goblin: Kee-hee? Uh-oh...!
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Fiends! Even on a deserted island like this one...
Vyrn: Eep! A g-goblin? So it WAS a trap!
Goblin: Kee kee! Run, everyone!
Teena: Huh? Where did they come from?
At a signal from their leader, a bunch of little goblins appear, and take off as fast as their legs will carry them.
Lyria: I think...they’re his children!
Teena: I guess it wasn’t a trap. That letter was from...
Goblin: Kee kee... Kee! I shouldn’t have gone to humans for help. You shall not pass!
Vyrn: Calm down! We’re not... Uh-oh! Incoming!

Meaning Behind the Flower: Scene 3

Our heroes beat back the goblin and organize their information. This goblin had sent them the request to beat the monsters, and bears no malice against humans. But, unable to resist his instincts, he attacks again, and Teena is critically injured. The party wants revenge against the goblin, but Teena implores them, “Revenge will get you nothing.” Later, the goblins help Teena make a full recovery, and the chain of hatred is broken.

Goblin: Gurrrgh...
Our heroes beat back the goblin, but they merely knock him unconcious, then they unravel the mystery.
Teena: I’m not sure...but I think the goblin is the one who hired us.
Teena: He came to us humans for help, to protect those little goblins...his children...from the monster.
Vyrn: Yeah... And he must have been watching from the shadows to make sure we actually beat it.
Lyria: But then why did he attack us? We weren’t going to hurt him...
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: ............
Vyrn: Hmm... Well, when we see goblins, we get ready to fight, too.
Lyria: Hrgh... That’s true, but...
Teena: Let’s go, okay?
Teena: They live on a deserted island. I think that means they don’t want to attack people.
Teena: I’d be lying if I said I could see a goblin and not have an emotional reaction...
Teena: But I wish I could.
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Humph. I’m out of the goblin-hunting business. You do what you like.
Vyrn: Yeah, we will. I’m with Teena. Let’s—
Goblin: Kee kee... Kee! Die, human!
Lyria: Huh...?
Teena: Oh, no! Lyria, watch out!
Teena: Ugh...
Lyria: Aaahhhhhh! Teena! Teena!
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: ............
Lucius: Damn it! How long do I...do we...have to—!
Lucius: Grrr... Raaahhh! Cursed fiends! I will kill you all!
Vyrn: You little...! How DARE you! I knew you could never trust a goblin!
Vyrn: Lyria, take care of Teena! ...Let’s do this!
Goblin: Kee kee...! I... I was just...!
Teena: ...Wait!
Teena: Stop... Let...the goblin go...
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Teena...!
Vyrn: What! But he...
Teena: I’ve had enough...of this...
Teena: You get revenge, then they want revenge... You hate them, they hate you... It never ends...
Teena: Someone has to stop...or it will just go on forever...
Teena: So...please... Let him go...
Teena: ............
Lyria: No! Teena...? Teena, wake up!
Lyria: You can’t! Wake up! Wake up!
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: What!
Teena: Oh! It’s that flower again!
Mother: Isn’t it beautiful? It’s called an andalise.
Teena: Yes, it’s gorgeous!
Mother: I love this flower. And I love what it means in the language of flowers, too.
Teena: Language of flowers?
Mother: Yes, all flowers have a meaning. The andalise means...
Teena: Oh... Mutual forgiveness...
Teena survived, and already showed signs of making a full recovery.
After she lost consciousness, the party, after moments of agony, sheathed their swords. Seeing this, the goblin brought a special medicine.
The bleeding stopped immediately, and the wound had all but vanished.
Lucius is a crew member

Lucius: Teena... Your food is ready. Hold on to my shoulder.
Teena: Ha ha, that’s okay. I’m all better now.
Lucius: Hm? That smile...
Teena: Huh? What’s wrong?
Lucius: Oh, no... I just thought...you’re starting to look like our mother.
Teena: Uh, really? Me? Look like Mom?
Lucius: Heh heh... Maybe I was imagining it.
Teena: What! What’s that supposed to mean?
Lucius: Hahaha. Let’s go.
Teena: ...Yeah!
Teena suddenly stops and smiles up at the skies.
Lucius not in crew

Lyria: Oh, Teena! We have food for you! Today you get a very special chicken soup!
Teena: Ha ha, that’s okay. I can have what everyone else is having. I’m all better now.
Lyria: No, you are not! I am going to take good care of you! Now let’s go!
Teena: Hee hee. Yes, ma’am.
Teena suddenly stops and smiles up at the skies.
Teena: Say, Mom... Will I ever be like you?
The smile of her mother, buried for so long under thoughts of revenge, now shone brightly in Teena’s mind.

Father and Daughter Reunited

Teena is unexpectedly reunited with her father, Aletheia, aboard the Grandcypher. He explains that he left his family behind in order to protect them from enemies pursuing him. When their village was attacked by goblins in his absence, Aletheia was too ashamed of his failure as a protector to show his face again. Teena sincerely hopes he and her brother, Lucius, will one day reconcile, and Aletheia promises to try.

Early afternoon finds Teena on the deck of the Grandcypher, eyes narrowed as she stares in disbelief at a familiar figure.
Teena: Hmm?
The man is decked out in a tall, peaked hat, with hair as white as snow, his long robe billowing in the wind.
His garb alone would seem to declare him a mage, but those robes cannot conceal a powerfully muscled warrior's physique.
Teena: You...
Aletheia: ...
Teena: Dad.
Aletheia: That voice... I know that voice!
Aletheia: Teena! Well, I never!
Teena: Dad... Daaad!
Aletheia: It's certainly been a while, Teena. I never expected to catch up with you here.
Aletheia: Heh... Seems like you got your mother's good looks. I'm glad to see you looking so well.
Teena: Sniff... Where have you been all this time! Why didn't you...
Teena: Waaaah! Sniff... Hic...
Aletheia: I'm sorry, Teena... I really am...
Teena's wails bring Vyrn and Lyria running, anxious to find out what's going on.
Vyrn: What's the deal? Did something happen, Teena?
Lyria: What's going on, Aletheia?
Aletheia: Hrm... Well...
Aletheia: Never expected it to happen here, but... It seems you've already met my daughter... Teena.
Vyrn: Wait. You're the dad who walked out on her when she was a kid?
Lyria: Wow! That's an amazing coincidence!
Teena: Waaah! Dad, where have you been? Why didn't you ever come see us?
Teena: Sniff... Tell me, Dad... Why...
Aletheia shares the story of his travels. He chose to fight, leaving his family behind in hopes that the people after him would leave them alone.
But even the Sage of the Sword hadn't foreseen the goblins' attack on their village.
He was too ashamed of his failure to protect his family ever to face them again. And so he devoted himself single-mindedly to the sword.
Teena: Lucius... really hates you, you know.
Teena: Mother kept telling him not to blame you, but she never got through to him.
Teena: Sigh... Maybe it's a guy thing, and that's why I can't really understand it.
Teena: I just... I hope you can talk to him one day.
Teena: It would be so nice if we could live together again, just the three of us.
Teena: You and Lucius are the only family I have in this world...
Aletheia: I feel the same way, Teena. Not a day goes by that I don't picture it.
Aletheia: I'll talk to him one day. Count on it. He has every right to reject my olive branch, but I'll try all the same.
Vyrn: Hrm... Sounds like it's a whole thing. But hey, talking it out is what people do!
Lyria: Exactly! Families aren't supposed to hate each other...
Lyria: Just let us know if there's anything we can do to help!
Teena: Hehe. Sure. Thanks, Vyrn and Lyria!
Aletheia: I'll be counting on you two. Especially you, lizard.
Teena hopes her father and brother will be able to make amends. Though she tells her father she has faith in him, her eyes are filled with an unfathomable sorrow.
How this fraught family relationship will resolve itself, no one can say.
Aletheia: Lucius... Guess it's about time I faced you, eh?

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ここは落ち着いて対処しましょう! Let's handle this calmly.
さぁ、先に進みましょう! Okay now, let's go!
もう、許さないんだから! This is unforgivable!
私の魔法で片付けます! My magic will settle this!
母さん…私達のこと見ててね。 Mom... Please watch over us.
父さん…どこで何してるのかな? Dad... I wonder where you are.
フィーナちゃんに出会えてよかった I'm so lucky to have met Feena.
兄さん…無理してないといいけど I hope my brother's doing okay...
(主人公)さん援護は任せて! (Captain), I'll back you up!
怪我はないですか?(主人公)さん? Are you hurt, (Captain)?

Other Appearances

Rage of Bahamut


Goblinbreaker Teena

Click to reveal card data

Can you buy me a little more time? Just until I finish chanting my inferno spell... If you can hold back the enemy, I'll help you turn the tables!


Evolve: Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower. Deal 5 damage instead if it's a Neutral follower.

Minions of darkness! My unrivaled flames will purge your rotten souls and restore your purity!

Class Neutral
Card Pack Rise of Bahamut
SV Portal Goblinbreaker Teena
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Princess Teena

Click to reveal card data

At the end of your turn, put a random 1-play point Swordcraft follower from your deck into play.

Maybe it's because I've never worn clothes like this, but this dress makes me feel kind of self-conscious. Mmm... It is really soft though.


(Same as the unevolved form.)

I put so much pressure on myself because I was hung up on the past. I guess that's just the way I am. But maybe I can take a little holiday from being me, just for now.

Class Swordcraft
Trait Commander
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Princess Teena
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!Sレア「ティナ」について
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 03.
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「メドゥーサ」「ナルメア」「ティナ」
  5. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, グランデフェス開催&新キャラクター 「ティナ」(水着バージョン)「ムゲン」(リミテッドシリーズ)紹介のお知らせ