Scenario:...and you. - 0311 I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 8: ・│・・││││ - Episode 2

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…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 8: ・│・・││││ - Episode 2

Shortly before the battle between the two sets of Six Dragons, Nectar's body suddenly reverts to its slime-like form and begins to fill the Grandcypher. Joined by Mugen, Shinsha and friends head to help him, as elsewhere on the ship Seofon and company discover the slime and hurry to investigate the cause.

Shortly before the battle between the two sets of Six Dragons began...
Back on the Grandcypher, (Captain) has yet to awaken.
Shinsha: Nectar? Is something wrong?
Nectar: Yes... Shin... sha...
As Nectar tries to respond, his figure suddenly collapses and loses its shape.
Shinsha: Nectar!
Ugusu: Whoa! What happened, Nectar? Why'd you go all blobby?
Nectar: I... I am... Nec—...
Shinsha: Stay with us, Nectar!
Kushina: ...
(Wh-what do we do!)
Shinsha: Nectar, can you hear me? Nectar!
Nectar: Shin... sha...
Having suddenly reverted to his slime-like form, both consciousness and color alike gradually drain from Nectar's body.
Ugusu: Sh-Shinsha, this is bad! There's something wrong with Nectar. His color's all off!
Kushina: ...
(I don't understand. What's going on?)
Kushina: ...
(Nothing like this has ever happened before, not even during experiments at the Sky's Sanctum...)
Shinsha: Nectar, pull yourself together!
Nectar: Ngh... Urgh!
Nectar: Gah...
Shinsha: Eek!
With a sound akin to retching, Nectar's form suddenly increases in size, completely submerging the hallway.
Shinsha: Aah!
Unable to maintain her ground in the flood of slime, Shinsha sinks beneath the surface and is swept down the corridor.
Ugusu: Oh no! Shinsha!
Kushina: ...!
(I've got to save her... Eek!)
Kushina attempts to scoop up Shinsha but is instead carried away alongside her by the ever-growing pool of sludge.
Shinsha: ...!
Mugen: What gray stuff?
Staring wide-eyed at the gray substance filling the area, Mugen spots the pair being swept away and hurries to rescue them.
Shinsha: Cough, cough...
Mugen: Shinsha! Kushina! You okay?
Kushina: ...!
(Thanks, Mugen!)
Ugusu: Mugen! We've got an emergency on our hands! Nectar's everywhere!
Mugen: Nectar... everywhere?
Mugen: This gray... all Nectar?
Ugusu: That's right! It happened out of nowhere...
Following a thick, heavy sound, the slime expands once more, flowing through the hallway with great force.
Ugusu: Aah!
Kushina: ...!
Mugen: Bwah!
Mugen finds himself swept out onto the deck, but even with Shinsha, Kushina, and Ugusu in his arms, he manages to grab hold of a ledge just in time.
Mugen: Shinsha, Kushina, Ugusu! You okay?
Shinsha: Huff... Puff...
Th-thank you, Mugen.
Kushina: ...
(I thought it was all over for us...)
Ugusu: Look! Nectar's flowing out of the Grandcypher too!
Kushina: ...
(At this rate, he'll spill all the way down to the bottom of the sky...)
Shinsha: Nectar...
Niyon: This sound...
Tweyen: What is it, Niyon?
Niyon: There's a chaotic noise coming from someone on the ship.
Niyon: Old sounds and new sounds are all mixing together, turning the melody into a jumbled mess.
Seofon: Bad news?
Niyon: Yes, very much so. The noise is swelling and running amok...
Threo's Voice: Whoa! What the heck is all this!
Anre: Threo!
Hearing their friend shouting outside the room, Anre and the others throw open the door to investigate.
Anre: ...!
They emerge to find the hallway filled with a grayish slime coming all the way up to Seofon's knees.
Anre: What in the skies?
Niyon: This is the swelling sound I heard. It's obscuring the central melody, making it almost inaudible.
Tweyen: Don't tell me this is happening all over the ship?
Seofon: Take... that!
Seofon draws his sword and slashes at the gray slime with a magic-infused swing.
Seofon: Looks like mixing in some magic will let attacks disperse it.
Anre: So securing a path shouldn't be an issue. In that case, let's work to clear away this gray substance while searching for its source.
Niyon: We might want to stop by (Captain)'s room on the way, just in case.
Seofon: Okay, sounds good.
Threo, just behave yourself and follow me.
Tweyen: I'll resist the urge to fight as well. One wrong move, and we could end up opening a hole in the ship.
Threo: Urk... Okay, fine. I'll be good.
Cat: Mreow...
Meanwhile, the cat in (Captain)'s room begins to claw at the door.
Lyria: Is something wrong, kitty?
Lyria: Oh, you must want out! Here, I'll open the door for you... Huh?
Vyrn: What's up, Lyria?
Lyria: The door won't budge for some reason. Do you think maybe something's blocking it from the outside?
Fif: Let me have a look-see... Oh, you're right.
Fif: Lyria, let's try pushing together on the count of three!
Lyria: Okay!
Both: One, two, three!
Together they manage to force the door open, and immediately gray sludge begins to pour in through the gap.
Lyria: Wah! Wh-what's all this goo?
Fif: For now, let's close the door! Hurry!
Lyria: Oh, good idea!
Seox: What is this stuff?
Fif: Looks like it's kind of jiggling on its own. Maybe it came from a slime?
Nehan: So you're saying this is part of some gigantic slime? But then why would it be on the ship?
Fif: Woah! The slime knocked!
Seofon's Voice: No, Big Brother Seofon knocked! Has that gray ooze gotten in there?
Lyria: Just the little bit that came in when we opened the door. Um, do you mean to say the halls are all filled with this gray stuff?
Anre's Voice: Yes. According to Niyon, the sound is originating from a central area, so it seems to have some sort of core.
Tweyen's Voice: We're heading that way to find out what all this is about.
Seox: Then I'll join you—
Seofon's Voice: Leave this to us. You stay there and look after (Captain).
Seox: All right. Good luck.
Seofon's Voice: We'll have things cleaned up in a jiffy, so just hang in there!
Seofon: Well, I talked a big game, so I'd better deliver.
Cat: ...
Tweyen: Hm? Did you just come out of that room, kitty?
Cat: Meow.
The cat leaps onto Tweyen's shoulder and plops down, clearly settling in.
Tweyen: Er... What now? Should I just take it along?
Niyon: ...
I think you probably can.
Niyon: The melody coming from it doesn't sound like that of an ordinary cat...
Tweyen: Is that so?
Threo: This furball? Meh, a cat's a cat. Isn't that right, kitty?
Cat: Hiss!
Threo: Whoa, it hissed at me! What was that for?
Anre: It certainly seems to have a great deal of pride. Well, whatever the case, let's be on our way.
Shinsha: ...
Shinsha: We've got to get to Nectar's core. Not that I have any idea how to put him back to normal once we do...
Shinsha: Still, I think staying by his side is for the best... No, even if it's not—I just want to be there.
Mugen: Mugen think so too. Alone when sick, not good.
Mugen: Mugen go with Shinsha! Count on Mugen.
Shinsha: Sorry, Mugen. I appreciate it!
Kushina: ...!
(I'm coming with you!)
Ugusu: Me too! I've got to tell Nectar to feel better!
Nodding in unison, the four friends begin trudging back through the gray slime in the direction they had come.