Scenario:A Slice of Summer - Beach House Boogaloo - Episode 4

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A Slice of Summer - Beach House Boogaloo - Episode 4

Percival misunderstands the nature of onions, while De La Fille decides to use seafood for the curry instead of meat. (Captain) and the crew hurriedly go fishing.

With a curry emergency gripping the beach house, De La Fille takes matters into her own hands. The crew will just have to make more.
Under De La Fille's instruction, the crew begins the curry creation process.
De La Fille: Okay, we'll start by peeling the vegetables.
Heles: I frequently make cakes, but more savory fare is slightly beyond my expertise...
Heles: I just hope I don't end up being a burden...
Camieux: My mom always said that it's harder to make sweets than savories, so I think you'll be fine!
Camieux: Anyway, let's start by peeling the potatoes.
Lyria: If you're peeling the potatoes, I'll work with (Captain) to peel the carrots.
Percival watches everyone peeling vegetables and picks up an onion himself.
Percival: It appears this one must be peeled by hand...
Percival: ...
Percival silently peels the skin from the onion.
Lunalu: Rgh... I've finally returned to my senses...
Percival: ...
Lunalu: Um, er...
Percival: What's going on here? Why is this so hard... The onion simply refuses to be peeled!
Lunalu: (He's... What's wrong with him?)
Lunalu: Um, you've already finished peeling that onion.
Percival: What's that?
Lunalu: That brown part is the onion's skin.
Lunalu: What you're peeling right now is the white part. That's the part you eat.
Percival: But... this is still skin, isn't it? In a sense?
Lunalu: (That's right... He's a true knight, so why would he ever need to know about onions?)
Percival: Gah... I see I still have much to learn.
Lunalu: Um, I can help you peel the rest of the onions, if you'd like!
Lunalu begins helping Percival.
De La Fille: Let's see... Now we need to cook the onions. Percival, you were in charge of those. Are they chopped yet?
Percival: Sniff...
Percival: Sniff... What's wrong, (Captain)? Do I... sniff... have something on my face? No, I'm not crying!
Percival: Strong knights... sniff... don't cry!
Percival: I'm trying to focus on chopping right now, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't distract me!
Heles: That's a lot of onions to handle alone. I'm finished here, so let me help you, Percival.
Camieux: I'll help too!
Percival: You have my thanks.
Camieux: Yep! Just leave it to me!
Lyria: Oh, that smells great!
De La Fille: The onions are a nice golden brown and the vegetables are cooking, which means...
De La Fille: (Captain), could you get the meat for me, please?
At De La Fille's request, (Captain) looks for the meat they prepared earlier, but...
Lyria: Hm, there doesn't seem to be any. Kaz must have used the last of it.
De La Fille: No meat! Oh my goodness, that's the first thing I should have checked! How could I be so careless?
Camieux: I can run out and buy some more!
Vyrn: We usually get meat from the morning market. Is there a butcher shop nearby or something?
De La Fille: Oh no... Wh-what am I going to do?
Heles: De La Fille, is meat an absolute necessity?
De La Fille: Huh?
Heles: There are plenty of curry recipes that don't require meat after all.
De La Fille: Heles, that's a wonderful idea!
De La Fille: We're in Auguste, so we should be able to substitute seafood for meat!
De La Fille: In fact, that's exactly what's going to make our curry special!
Percival: If we're going to get seafood, we'd better do so quickly.
Lunalu: Aren't the fish markets around here only open in the mornings?
Vyrn: If nobody's selling, we can just catch some! I mean, we'll have to hurry, but...
Vyrn: Let's talk to some of our fishermen friends about getting a fishing boat, (Captain)!
(Captain) nods in agreement with Vyrn before heading out to fish.

A Slice of Summer - Beach House Boogaloo - Episode 4: Scene 2

The curry created by (Captain) and crew receives rave reviews. When Kaz returns, they share the leftovers in a festive banquet.

De La Fille: Done! Here it is... The beach house's special seafood curry!
Lyria: Oh, that looks delicious!
Heles: It's a good thing we finished it in time. We'll have more customers coming in before we know it.
As if on cue, the beach house once again begins to fill with customers.
Friendly Boy: I'm starving after all that exercise, and this curry smells amazing! Wait... This tastes different from usual!
Lyria: Yep! It's seafood curry, today's special!
Friendly Boy: Wow, haven't had something like that before! And whoa, it's good! Crazy good!
De La Fille: Whew...
Grandpa with Kid: Hey, could we get some of that curry too?
De La Fille: Of course! We'll have it right over!
The seafood curry that (Captain) and crew made is extremely popular and ends up outselling everything else on the menu.
Percival: It appears our customers are beginning to thin out.
Lunalu: Whew... I'm exhausted!
Heles: Great work today. Would you like some water?
Lunalu: Oh, thank you!
As (Captain) and crew begin closing down the beach house for the day, Kaz returns home.
Vyrn: Welcome back, Mr. Fisherman!
Kaz: Sorry I'm late! Thanks for looking after the shop while I was gone!
As thanks, the crew lays out the leftovers for Kaz and the others to eat for dinner.
Kaz: Wow, I'm glad you all made this curry!
De La Fille: I hope I wasn't out of line in doing so...
Kaz: Considering how little training you had, this turned out wonderfully! Absolutely delicious!
De La Fille: There's still some left! Enough for seconds, if you'd like!
Camieux: What's this soft, white stuff you brought back as a souvenir, Kaz? It's sweet!
Kaz: Ah, that's fish cake! There are many different varieties. This is one kind.
Camieux: A fish cake? Do they have bakeries under the sea?
Percival: Hey, Lunalu, can you grab those plates for me?
Lunalu: S-sure! Got it!
Percival: You... don't have to carry that many at once, you know.
Percival: (Sigh... Doesn't look like she's going to calm down anytime soon.)
Vyrn: Whoa, this grilled squid you made is amazing, Kaz!
Lyria: There's nothing tastier than food enjoyed with friends! Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods to Lyria, happily sitting in a circle with friends.
And with that, the crew's busy day running the beach house comes to an end.