Scenario:A Slice of Summer - Chapter 6: To Split a Watermelon - Episode 1

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A Slice of Summer - Chapter 6: To Split a Watermelon - Episode 1

The crew places the wooden planks according to Helnar's specifications, and Sara uses Graphos's sand to lock them in place. After a series of test runs, (Captain) and company decide to leave Watermelon Island the following day.

The deserted island where (Captain) and crew washed ashore turns out to be Watermelon Island itself.
Hard at work on repairs to the boat, the crew subsists on fish and watermelon while eagerly awaiting their return to Venera Beach.
Helnar: So, if we put these pieces together like this... Ta-da!
Jin: Incredible... The hole in the ship is fixed!
Helnar: All that's left is for Graphos to fill in the gaps with sand to hold everything in place.
Graphos: ...!
Sara: He says you can leave it to him. Take it away, Graphos!
Graphos: ...!
Volenna: Ready for a quick test run?
Zeta: Okay! I'll take the rudder this time. Let's go, (Captain)!
Vyrn: We're pretty far away from the island. Everything good with the boat?
Helnar: Not really...
Vyrn: Huh?
Volenna: It... seems like water's leaking through the sand.
Sara: G-Graphos, are you okay?
Graphos: ...!
Sara: Oh no! It sounds like we need a lot more sand than I thought!
Lyria: Water's leaking through! Oh no, it's getting worse!
Jin: Take us back to the beach, Zeta! Everyone else, grab a bucket and start bailing!
Sara: Hold on until we get to the beach, Graphos!
Graphos: ...!
The crew ends up spending half the day making test trips back and forth between the beach and sea.
Helnar: Looks like it's not leaking water anymore. Getting the hang of things now, Graphos?
Graphos: ...
Sara: Yes, he knows how much force to distribute to hold the wood in place now. He should be able to hold everything together for a few days at sea.
Volenna: Is that so? How about we leave the island tomorrow then? The sooner the better.
Volenna: We're only going to lose strength the longer we stay here.
Narmaya: That's right... And we have worry about monsters when sleeping in the cave too.
Jin: I know this isn't easy for you, Graphos, but please do your best!
Graphos: ...!
Sara: You can do it, Graphos!