Scenario:A Tale of Intersecting Fates - What Must Be Done - Episode 2

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A Tale of Intersecting Fates - What Must Be Done - Episode 2

After the party fights off the monsters, the woman introduces herself as Milla Maxwell. She explains her situation, but the ever-vigilant Katalina is openly dubious of her story. The tension is broken by Milla's rumbling stomach. Even Katalina relents and allows Milla to join the party for lunch.

???: Hm. I may not be at my best, but it seems I can still handle minor threats.
Vyrn: Wow, you're incredible! I've never seen moves like that before!
???: Well, time spent honing one's body does result in greater capability.
???: I may no longer have access to the powers of the Four, but I still possess enough physical strength to handle myself in combat.
Lyria: Wow. You're really something! Might I ask your name?
While Lyria strives to greet the unexpected visitor with kindness, Katalina abruptly reins her in.
Lyria: K-Katalina?!
Katalina: Identify yourself! The way you move, the techniques you use... You're no civilian.
Katalina: Not to mention the fact that you've walked away from a fall that would have killed any normal human!
Katalina: Unless you're looking for a tour of the ship's brig, you'll want to consider your answer carefully.
Vyrn: Geez, take it easy, Katalina!
Lyria: Why are you being so hostile?
???: You've nothing to fear from me, lady knight. I see no reason for conflict between us.
Katalina: Then maybe you should answer my question!
Milla: I am Milla Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits. I had come to the human realm on important business.
Milla: My human companions and I were investigating a town for reported abnormalities when we encountered a strange presence with unusual powers.
Milla: I engaged it with the Four Great Spirits under my control, but it fought back fiercely and knocked me into a dimensional rift.
Milla: Apparently the Four and I ended up becoming separated. And that's how I met you. Does that assuage your concerns?
Katalina: Human realm? Dimensional rifts? I was wondering how you could possibly explain this, but... That's just nonsense!
Milla: Hmm. I see. Apparently this is difficult for you to understand.
Katalina: Oh, I understand when I'm being jerked around just fine. You claim you're the Lord of Spirits? Let's see some proof.
Lyria: What should we do, (Captain)?! I don't like that look in Katalina's eyes...
Vyrn: Come on, (Captain)! We gotta stop her!
  1. Let's talk her out of it
  2. Her hair's gone all frizzy...

Choose: Let's talk her out of it
Choose: Her hair's gone all frizzy...

Just then, a strange noise rings out, breaking the mounting tension.
Vyrn: What?
Lyria: Huh?
Vyrn: Wow, Lyria! That was inappropriate. And that's coming from me!
Lyria: M-Me?! That wasn't me!
Milla: Sorry. That was me.
Vyrn: ...
Lyria: ...
After a moment of awkward silence, no one could hold back their laughter any longer.
Vyrn: Pfft... Heh... Aha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, wow. Are you hungry, Ms. Lord of Spirits?
Milla: From that rumbling, it appears that indeed, I am. I would be grateful for any food you could spare.
Milla: I shouldn't attempt to return to my world on an empty stomach. Nor would it make my search for the Four any easier.
Lyria: Oh, of course. Well, shall we, (Captain)? It is lunchtime!
Lyria: Do you mind, Katalina? I really don't think she's a bad person.
Katalina: Well... fine. Do as you like.
Katalina: I don't know... I guess I'm over it.
And so the beautiful Milla Maxwell (with the rumbling stomach) arrives in Phantagrande from a world beyond the sky.
Not all of the crew of the Grandcypher greeted her warmly.
But (Captain)'s crew would come to learn more about the Lord of Spirits, and her important mission.
In the days that followed, [nickname]'s crew introduced her to the many islands of the skydom.
Milla: Hm. There seems to be quite a wide variety of societies living on this world.
Lyria: That's right! People of all stripes live together in harmony here.
Milla: The fact that such diverse peoples can live in peace speaks well of your world.
Milla: Are there many beings like you, Vyrn?
Vyrn: Like me? Nope. I've never met anyone like me before.
Milla: I know of a plush toy that can fly and speak the human tongue. But you're not one of those, right?
Vyrn: Heck no! Do I look like a stuffed animal?!
Katalina: ...
Lyria: Katalina... Are you still suspicious of Milla?
Katalina: You bet. There's still a great deal we don't know about her background and true nature.
Katalina: For all we know she could be an imperial assassin. Or she could be in the thrall of a primal beast, or driven by dark essence...
Lyria: She's not, Katalina. I'll grant you that she's a little odd, but I can't imagine she's any of those things.
Katalina: Lyria... You need to be a little more wary of strangers.
Lyria: But sometimes when I'm talking with Milla, I feel the way I do when I'm with you.
Katalina: You do? I can't imagine anything that she and I have in common.
Lyria: It's not anything physical. It's more... how to put this...
Lyria: You both know exactly who you are, and have such confidence in yourselves.
Lyria: And your voices kind of sound alike, too!
Katalina: Our voices...?
Milla: If I may ask, (Captain), why are you traveling with all of these people?
Vyrn: We're on a journey to Estalucia, the island at the end of the sky!
Milla: That's some sort of uncharted island?
Vyrn: Yep! They say in the whole skydom, (Captain)'s dad is the only person who's ever made it there!
Milla: I see. But what will you do once you arrive there?
Vyrn: Huh?
Milla: I'm sure you want to do more than merely lay eyes upon it.
Milla: So what is it you wish to accomplish there?
Vyrn: A-Accomplish there...? Why are you so interested in this?
A familiar voice cut's (Captain) off before an answer could be given.
Sierokarte: Oh, looky! The gang's all here.
Lyria: Siero! I didn't know you were on this island.
Sierokarte: Well, I hate to admit it, but it's not by choice. My supply ship crashed and now I'm stuck here.
Katalina: That's horrible! Did you get caught in a storm or something?
Sierokarte: No, nothing like that. This black whirlpool just suddenly appeared along my route...
Milla: A black whirlpool?!
Sierokarte: Hmm? Whom do we have here?
Lyria: This is Milla! We kind of ran into her, and now we're helping her find her missing spirits.
Milla: I don't suppose you happened to see any sort of spirit-like being near this whirlpool?
Milla: Specifically, a spirit of fire, water, earth, or wind. They would not have been subtle.
Sierokarte: A spirit, you say...? Well, regardless, I fled here as quickly as I could, so I didn't see much of anything.
Milla: I see.
Vyrn: So what's the deal, Milla. You know something about that whirlpool?
Milla: I certainly do. Being sucked into a black whirlpool is how I ended up on this world.
Vyrn: Wh-What? That means...
Lyria: That means that if we follow the whirlpools, we might learn what happened to your spirits!
Sierokarte: Ooh, sounds like you're onto something interesting here.
Sierokarte: Well, if there's intel to be found about this whirlpool, I'm the girl to find it. Leave it to me!
Milla: Thank you. I appreciate that.