Scenario:A Tale of Skyborn Bonds - The Blue of His Eyes - Episode 2

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A Tale of Skyborn Bonds - The Blue of His Eyes - Episode 2

Stahn believes his friend Leon to be located nearby, but the party's attempts to gather information end in failure. As they're ready to give up, Stahn spots Leon on the outskirts of town. But when he calls out to him, his friend mysteriously disappears. The party races to the forest in hot pursuit, where Lyria begins to detect a strange presence.

Having agreed to aid Stahn—who claims to be from another world—the party sets out to locate his friend.
Vyrn: So about this friend of yours...
Stahn: His name's Leon.
Eugen: So this Leon character got sent here with you?
Stahn: Probably. I think so, anyway.
Lyria: You don't know for sure?
Stahn: I was actually on my way to meet him just before I ended up here.
Stahn: I spotted him walking through the streets, but just as I called out, I got caught up in some kind of rift.
Stahn: Next thing I knew, I was in the back streets of this town and Leon was turning a corner just ahead of me.
Stahn: I called out again, but I guess he didn't hear me. I lost sight of him after that.
Eugen: Hmm. All right. I think I'm caught up.
Stahn: He's not the type to wander about recklessly in a place he's not familiar with, so he should still be somewhere in town.
Vyrn: Say no more! What do you say we get straight to gathering info?
Stahn: Some good old-fashioned legwork, huh? Sounds like a blast!
Vyrn: You're too carefree for your own good, pal. Try not to follow any more shifty characters into dark alleys—they don't actually have any candy.
Stahn: Hey, don't worry about me. I'm old enough to watch out for myself!
Lyria: Hmm... No luck finding any news on Leon.
Stahn: I wonder if he's already skipped town.
Stahn: ...Wait!
Vyrn: Wh-what! Why you shoutin' out of the blue like that?
Stahn: Over there! That's him! Leon, wait!
Lyria: Hmm? Where?
Stahn: Aw, crud! He's gone...
Lyria: I didn't get a good look, but did he not hear you calling his name?
Stahn: He definitely should have, given how close he was. Something's not right...
Vyrn: You're sayin' he ran away from you, then? That'd certainly be a surprise, seein' as how you're buddies and all.
Stahn: Well, the Leon I know would actually go out of his way to call me an idiot and tell me to stop following him.
Lyria: Sorry, I'm confused. Aren't you friends?
Stahn: Through thick and thin! That's just the kind of guy he is.
Vyrn: That's quite the bizarre friendship...
  1. I think it's cute.
  2. Sounds complicated.

Choose: I think it's cute.

Stahn: It is! Leon would get ticked off if you said that to him, though. He might come out swinging.
Vyrn: This dude sounds straight up terrifying...
Stahn: Nah, he's a good guy, I promise.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Sounds complicated.

Stahn: You think? He's pretty easy to understand, once you get to know him.

Continue 1

Eugen: Is now really the time for this? Shouldn't you be going after him?
Stahn: Oh, you're right! I'll lose him again!
Vyrn: That way leads out of town. Let's chase him down!
Lyria: U-uhm...
Stahn: Hmm? What's the matter, Lyria?
Lyria: There's about this forest.
Stahn: Now that you mention it, I guess the air does feel kind of heavy.
Eugen: Do you sense a primal beast, Lyria?
Stahn: A what?
Lyria: I don't think so, but I'm not sure.
Vyrn: What do we do? Want to turn back?
Lyria: No, let's press on. This feeling does worry me, but we need to find Leon.
Stahn: Thanks, Lyria! But don't push yourself too hard.
Lyria: Thank you, Stahn.

A Tale of Skyborn Bonds - The Blue of His Eyes - Episode 2: Scene 2

Entering the forest in search of Leon, (Captain)'s group encounters unfamiliar monsters. Stahn, however, recognizes the beasts as creatures from his own world, and uses this knowledge and his sword skills to help defeat them. Afterward, he happily explains how his sword is a partner that has been with him through countless adventures. This reverie is interrupted by Lyria's worsening condition, after which the party returns to town.

Stahn: Leon? Hey, answer me, Leon!
The party presses through the forest in search of Leon.
Vyrn: Where the heck did this guy get to?
Lyria: Hmm...
Vyrn: Lyria?
Monster: ...!
Vyrn: Agh!
Eugen: Monsters! Wait, what the hell are these things?
Stahn: Watch out! Hiiiii-yah!
Monster: ...!
Stahn: Stay on your toes, everyone!
Eugen: My bad!
Monster: !
Vyrn: Wow, you seem pretty calm!
Stahn: Of course I am. There are bound to be monsters in a forest like this.
Eugen: Have you seen those things before?
Monster: ...
Stahn: Sure. I think they're pretty common as far as monsters go.
Eugen: Huh... So that's what's going on here.
Monster: ...!
Stahn: We're almost in the clear! Haah!
Stahn: This is the end!
Monster: ...!
Stahn: Phew! Looks like that's all of them.
Stahn: To get back to what you were saying, was there something strange about those monsters just now?
Vyrn: We've done our fair share of traveling, but this is the first time we've ever seen monsters like that.
Stahn: Really?
Eugen: Really. Never seen that kind before.
Stahn: Which, uh, means what?
Eugen: Ain't it obvious? The fact that only you recognized them means they came from the same world you did.
Stahn: Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.
Eugen: Not that I really get what's going on here, though...
Eugen: Regardless, you took them down quickly. You're quite the fighter! I'm impressed.
Stahn: Thanks!
Eugen: And that sword... It's a fine piece of work. Seems well cared for, too.
Stahn: Heh. It's a pretty important sword.
Stahn softly strokes his blade with a contented expression.
Stahn: We've been on many adventures together, and it's saved me more times than I can count. It's my trusted partner!
Vyrn: Sounds like a good thing to have.
Stahn: Your weapon is quite powerful too, Eugen. I've never used a gun myself, so it was a sight to see.
Stahn: And it's got deadly accuracy to boot!
Eugen: Haha! Thanks, lad. I suppose you could say this gun is my partner, just like your sword is yours.
The two laugh as they exchange words, while Lyria scans her surroundings with a troubled expression.
Lyria: Could this be a primal beast? But it feels...different, somehow. Like many different presences all mixed together...
Vyrn: You okay, Lyria?
Stahn: You don't look so good. Don't push yourself too hard.
Stahn: We're not having any luck finding Leon anyway. Let's head back to town and rest up.
Lyria: But Leon might be wandering around in this forest all alone!
Stahn: Don't sweat it! Leon's insanely strong. I'm more worried about you right now.
Eugen: He's got a point. Let's get out of here for now.
Vyrn: Come on, everyone. Oh, and there may still be monsters hanging around, so stay alert.