Scenario:Arthur - Arthur the Sleepyhead

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Arthur the Sleepyhead

(Captain) pays Arthur a visit in his room only to find him still fast asleep.
Arthur: Zzz... G... Mor... ning, (Captain)...
Arthur: Today, I'm... gonna...
Arthur: Zzz...
  1. Yell loudly.
  2. Call Mordred.
  3. Shake him.

Choose: Yell loudly.

Arthur: Wha? It's... fine...
Arthur: Zzz... Zzz...
Arthur's loyalty increased by 50!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Call Mordred.

Mordred: Oh, not again. Honestly, that guy sometimes...
Mordred: At times like this, you just take a mint leaf right here, and...
Mordred: Push!
Arthur: Whoooah! I'm awake!
Mordred: See? Just do this, and he'll get up every time. I'll lend you some too, (Captain).
Arthur's loyalty increased by 100!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Shake him.

Arthur: Nnn... Nwha? Okay, under... stood...
Arthur: Well, good... night, then...
Arthur: Zzz... Zzz...
Arthur's loyalty increased by 75!

Continue 1