Scenario:Big Bad Shadow - Power Level Over 9000

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Caught in a Big Bad Shadow

While investigating a scream coming from the Grandcypher's pantry, the crew is ambushed by an unknown, immensely powerful version of Vyrn. (Captain) and company are backed into a corner when Katalina, Ferry, and Jin from a different world appear out of thin air to lend a hand.

Vania: Soup's on, Bloodkin! I made a yummy, yummy stew! Eat, eat!
Yaia: I helped Vania too! We made fried rice together!
Katalina: Don't forget about my contributions. I'm feeling especially confident about how the food turned out today. Go on, take a bite!
Jin: You... had a hand in making this, Katalina?
Rosamia: (It looks tasty. Don't mind if I dig in.)
Rosamia: I don't feel like dying just yet, so I'll leave Katalina's portion aside for now.
Katalina: Huh?
Vyrn: Not again, Rosamia! You got your private thoughts and public opinions mixed up!
Despite their reservations about Katalina's cooking, the crew's appetite wins out, and (Captain) and company settle down for their light meal.
Vyrn: Are we out of apples? I don't see any out here...
Ferry: Hm? There should still be some in the pantry.
Vyrn: Gotcha. I'll be right back!
Lyria: I wonder why Vyrn's taking so long...
Vyrn: Yaaah!
Katalina: Gasp! That sounded like Vyrn! Something must've—
Jin: I'll go have a look. Vania, you and the rest stay put.
Vyrn?: ...
Katalina: Vyrn? What was that scream just now?
Vyrn?: Nothing to worry about. Just dropped some apples, that's all.
Everyone lets out a sigh of relief.
Everyone except (Captain), that is, who studies Vyrn with a look of doubt.
Vyrn?: What?
Lyria: (Captain)? Why are you glaring at Vyrn like that?
Vyrn?: Heh heh... I knew I couldn't fool you, (Captain)!
Jin: Watch out, (Captain)!
Jin: Vyrn! What is the meaning behind your actions toward (Captain)?
Vyrn?: It's what I always do to finish someone off.
Vyrn?: Once I get rid of all you clowns, I'll be unchallenged as the strongest warrior in the skies.
Vyrn?: And then I'll be the king of the world!
Jin: What's gotten into you, Vyrn? Was it something you ate?
Jin: Aha! Could it be that Katalina's cooking had an adverse effect on you?
Katalina: What's that supposed to mean?
Ferry: Um... Wow, I wouldn't say it like that...
Rosamia: Beating around the bush will only increase the number of her victims. We have to tell it like it is.
Lyria: Well... I think Katalina's food tastes good... Right?
Jin: ...
Vania: I think everyone has their own tastes if you ask me.
Katalina: Huh?
Ferry: A-anyway, can we talk about this later? Right now we have to get Vyrn back to normal.
Ferry: We might not be able to do much later on if the situation gets any worse.
Jin: Duly noted!
Vyrn?: Hah! I'd like to see you try! Catch me if you can!
Jin: Urgh! When did he get so strong?
Vyrn?: Bwahahaha! Bow before my might you puny weaklings!
Vyrn: Ngh...
Lyria: Huh? Isn't that...
Katalina: T-two Vyrns?
Vyrn: Watch it! That Vyrn's an imposter! He attacked me outta nowhere!
Ferry: So it's a doppelvyrn...
Rosamia: No, we can't rule out other possibilities. They both could be fakes.
Ferry: I guess it's possible. Then how can we tell them apart?
  1. That's the real Vyrn!
  2. I don't know!

Choose: That's the real Vyrn!

Vyrn: I knew I could count on you, old buddy! You know me like the back of your own hand!
Ferry: Are you absolutely sure about that, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods with complete confidence.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I don't know!

Vyrn: Gasp! How can you say that after all we've been through?
Vyrn: You're lying, aren't you? Tell me you're lying!
Yaia: Oh, I know! That one is the real Vyrn!
Lyria: Why do you say that, Yaia?
Yaia: Because he said my fried rice was delicious!
Vania: Oh yeah, he totally did!

Continue 1

Rosamia: I see. Which means that Vyrn over there is the only imposter.
Jin: Tch. How dare you disguise yourself as Vyrn to ambush us! I shall make you regret your cowardly schemes!
Vyrn?: Yawn. Too slow.
Jin: H-how did you dodge my sword with such ease?
Vyrn?: Oh, is it my turn now? Can you handle... this!
Jin: Yurgh! There's so much force behind his strikes!
Ferry: Jin's getting pushed back! We have to help him!
Everyone nods, and they all leap into action.
Jin: I am in your debt, everyone!
Vyrn?: Come on, come on! This all you got?
Jin: Gwaah!
Ferry: Aaah!
Katalina: Stop it at once, you fake! Why are you doing this?
Vyrn?: I've grown tired of you too, Katalina. Time to kick it up a notch!
Vyrn?: Haaah!
Vyrn?: ...
Rosamia: Gross...
Rosamia: (His form has changed! Be extra careful, everyone!)
Yaia: Sniff... That Vyrn's too scary...
Vyrn?: Heh. Shall we dance?
Katalina: Ngh, this pressure is overpowering... We have to stop him—right here, right now!
Ferry: Got it!
Vania: I'm ready to go too!
Vyrn?: Hah... Did you think that would stop me?
Ferry: Even if we stopped you for a single second, that would be enough! Now, everyone!
Katalina: I'll make you pay! Blades of Frost!
Jin: This slash I bestow shall be my last gift to you. Blades of the Unseen!
Vania: I'm fighting for real! Purification by Blood!
Ferry: Are you ready for this? Aetheryte Procession!
Rosamia: This ends here. Spell release! Talismaster!
Katalina: Did we get him?
Vyrn?: Seriously? You call that going all out? That was pathetic.
Vyrn: That's impossible! He took that huge attack without a single scratch!
Vyrn?: Here comes the pain train.
Jin: Augh!
Katalina: Ungh!
Vania: Ngh...
Ferry: Gwah!
Rosamia: Oof!
Vyrn: H-hey... This... This can't be happening... Everyone downed in a single instant...
(Captain): ...!
Vyrn?: Well, well, well. You managed to block that attack, (Captain). Serves me right for going easy on you all.
Vyrn?: But now I'm going to finish you off.
Lyria: Nooo!
Vyrn: Wait! What's that?
Katalina?: Vyrrrn!
Vyrn?: ...!
Jin?: Hm... This world doesn't seem all that different from ours.
Ferry?: Yes, but for now our main concern is capturing Vyrn.
Lyria: Um... Um... That's Katalina, and that's Ferry, and that's Jin... But how can that be when they're lying over there...
Katalina?: Huff... Huff... Vyrn... Vyrn...
Lyria: No. On second thought that isn't Katalina.
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria!
Katalina?: Gasp! Vyrrrn!
The Katalina that seemed to have appeared from out of thin air grabs Vyrn in the blink of an eye and hugs him with all her might.
Vyrn: Bleegh! I'm getting crushed! Cruuushed!
Jin?: Restrain yourself, Katalina! That Vyrn isn't as sturdy as ours!
Katalina?: Vyrn! Vyrrrn!
Katalina?: Hm, something doesn't feel quite right about this hug...
Katalina?: This is all wrong! You're not my Vyrn! You're... an imposter!
Vyrn: Erk...
Jin?: Indeed. The Vyrn you're holding belongs to this world. Therefore it would be nice if you released him.
Katalina?: Yes, of course. But the likeness is incredible... I was almost about to be completely taken in...
Katalina releases Vyrn from her iron grip.
Vyrn: Bleagh... Huff... Gasp...
Yaia: A-are you okay, Vyrn?
Vyrn: I... I ain't no... fake... Guh.
Lyria: No! Please hang in there, Vyrn!
Yaia: Vyrn! Wake up, Vyrn!
Katalina?: Now where is the real—I mean, where is my Vyrn?
Vyrn?: ...
Katalina?: There he is! Come here you!
Vyrn?: Geez, this sucks. I can't believe she chased me all the way here.
Katalina?: You're miiine!
Jin?: Wait, Katalina!
The man who looks an awful lot like Jin turns to (Captain) with a stern look on his face.
Jin?: My deepest apologies to you and your party, but could you possibly lend us a hand?
Jin?: That Vyrn must be stopped at all costs!
  1. Understood.
  2. That was... Vyrn?

Choose: Understood.

Jin?: Thank you. His power is off the charts. Whatever you do, you must not take him lightly!
Jin?: What's more, even I do not know the extent of his transformation abilities!
Lyria: Are you saying he can still turn into... other forms?
Jin?: Isn't that obvious? This is Vyrn we're talking about.
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: That was... Vyrn?

Jin?: Well, yes. What are you so shocked about?
Lyria: Huh? J-just look at him! How did he turn into that?
Jin?: Isn't it obvious? This is Vyrn we're talking about.

Continue 2

Lyria: ...
Jin?: Ah... Could it be that your Vyrn is unable to take on different forms?
Lyria: Yes...
Jin?: Good heavens! To think there could be such a difference in how one exists...
Jin?: No, on second thought that makes perfect sense. And that means that Lyria also...
Lyria: What's this about me?
Jin?: Ahem, it is nothing. Returning to the matter at hand, restraining Vyrn is of the utmost importance!
Vyrn?: Heh. Looks like you lowbies are gettin' fired up.
Vyrn?: All right, then step right up! Those of you with a death wish please form a line!