Scenario:Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer - Chapter 3: Jungle Tour! - Episode 3

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Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer - Chapter 3: Jungle Tour! - Episode 3

The crew takes delight in a boat cruise through the jungle, catching glimpses of such wonders as a gorilla paradise and a basilisk's habitat.

Lyria: Wow! This boat is so cute!
Heles: It's lovely.
???: How y'all doing? I'll be taking Tony's place...
Ronny: As your tour guide for today's cruise! My name's Ronny, and I know everything there is to know about this jungle!
Lyria: Hello!
Vyrn: Nice to meetcha, pal!
Ronny: Right back at you, buddy! Please watch your step as you come on the boat!
Naoise: Heles, I'll help you up.
Heles: Thank you.
Naoise: Scathacha, do you think your legs will reach far enough? Would you prefer I lifted you up?
Scathacha: Oh, this isn't too bad. Here I go...
Ronny: This boat can get pretty bumpy. For your own safety, please remain in your seats once we cast off.
Ronny: Everybody on? Good.
Ronny: Into the jungle we go!
Their chests thump with excitement as the vessel lurches forward.
Ronny: Coming up is Gorilla Paradise.
Ronny: It's said that a gorilla's musculature is so great that no person can ever surpass it no matter the amount of training!
Ronny: Look at the muscle tone on that one! He might as well be made of steel! Ripped and cut everywhere you look!
Gorilla: ...
Elsam: Dude, they got machos in the jungle too? Stuff just got real.
Tomoi: Oh snap, we need a macho hunter on the prowl, like, yesterday.
Lowain: No way, fam. This is macho territory we're talkin'. A macho hunter only hunts strays.
Lowain: 'Sides, those ain't your everyday machos. I get close to one and I'd be flatlinin' in zero seconds tops.
The Three: Word.
Basilisk: ...
Ronny: Oh, here it comes!
Ronny: Mr. Basilisk is here to collect his toll as usual.
Ronny: All he asks for is one plump, juicy lizard!
Lyria: Eep! Please tell me you don't mean Vyrn!
The Three: Vyrn!
Vyrn: Hey, cut that out! I ain't plump, I ain't juicy, and I definitely ain't no lizard!
Ronny: Ooh, what now?
Cobra: Hiss...
Basilisk: ...
Ronny: He didn't even take a gander at us today. I suppose he was preoccupied with his dear love, Ms. Cobra.
Ronny: I guess love comes before appetite for Mr. Basilisk. What a guy.
Scathacha: Heh. Wouldn't it be funny if the basilisk suddenly swallowed the cobra whole?
Elsam: Dude, I didn't know monsters could be normies. Can't believe a basilisk is beating me in the romance department...
Tomoi: Yeah, wasn't expecting a jungle normie to rub it in our faces.
Lowain: Ah, Kat, I so wish you were here right now...