Scenario:Dancing Avengers: Flames of the Heart - Chapter 6: The Brazen Blooms - Episode 3

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Dancing Avengers: Flames of the Heart - Chapter 6: The Brazen Blooms - Episode 3

Under the influence of Tahar's power, Attiyah is almost consumed by his hatred, but Tabina reminds him again of their love for each other. Attiyah decides to embrace the father of his beloved, and together the couple persuades Wahid to let go of his vengeance. Just then, the raging primal beast makes its appearance.

(Captain) and the others arrive at the temple to find Aliza and Wahid fighting.
Stan: Aliza!
Tabina: Daddy, stop!
Wahid: Urgh...
At the sound of Tabina's voice, Wahid lowers his axe to glare at the crew.
Aliza's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of Stan.
Aliza: S-Stan? What are you doing here!
Stan: Aliza... I promise I'll fill you in later, 'kay? In the meantime...
Tabina: Daddy!
Attiyah: Wahid...
Wahid: Tabina... move away from that man.
Wahid: That scoundrel brings nothing but misfortune to our family!
Attiyah: I didn't come to this island for revenge!
Wahid: ...
Attiyah: I do regret not knowin' the history between our families this whole time... I was ignorant.
Attiyah: But y'know... It's because my parents wanted me to be happy.
Attiyah: Even after my dad passed away, my mom never told me about the past.
Attiyah: I'm sure it's because my mom wanted that tragic cycle to end with their generation.
Attiyah: My mom... She was the kindest person I ever knew.
Wahid: You don't know when to be ashamed, do you...
Wahid: Your grandfather is the one who started all of this, not me!
Wahid: And now you want to end it... You sure know what's convenient for you, don't you!
Attiyah: You may be right. Still...
Wahid: Still? Still, you say?
Wahid: Bwahaha! Don't make me laugh, son of Qawi, grandson of Jalil!
Wahid: How can I extinguish Jalil's family once and for all? How can I appease this never-ending hatred? This despair from the brutal murder of my parents!
Wahid: Tell me, Tahar!
The winds howl in response to Wahid's cry, blowing more violently than ever. The sandstorm blinds (Captain) and the others.
Attiyah: A-argh... Feels like my head's about to split...
Jalil: ...
Wahid: Now, wake up, Jalil! Your enemy is upon you!
Jalil: Ergh! W-Wahid?
Wahid: Are you happy? Huh?
And now you will fall into the depths of despair! Suffer, like my parents did!
Wahid: Hraaaah!
Qawi: Augh! W-what are you doing, Wahid!
Qawi: Wahid... I won't forget this. I will never forget what you did!
Qawi: Just you wait. I'm going to get my revenge. And it won't be just you...
Qawi: I'll take revenge on you, your family, and everyone here!
A memory belonging to someone else plays in Attiyah's mind and disappears.
Confused, Attiyah finds a boiling rage rising inside himself, biting at him.
Attiyah: Arrrgh!
Wahid: Attiyah, my dear boy. Can you really forget it all? This rage, this hatred! I killed them, you know!
Wahid: Now, pick up that axe and come at me!
Wahid: Answer to your thirst for revenge! Let us atone for our sins with our lives! Bring an end to this tragic cycle... once and for all!
Attiyah: ...
Attiyah looks murderously at Wahid and raises the axe over his head.
Tabina: Attiyah! No, don't!
Wahid: Bwahahaha! You see, Tabina? This is his true nature, as one who carries the blood of Jalil! We will never be able to reconcile!
Attiyah: Huff... Huff...
Just as Attiyah is about to bring down his axe on Wahid, Tabina runs to Attiyah and puts her arms around him.
Tabina: Attiyah...
Attiyah: Agh... T-Tabina...
Tabina: We made a vow under the sun, didn't we? That we'll spend our futures together...
Attiyah: O-our future... together...
Attiyah: Arrrgh!
Attiyah: Huff, huff...
Wahid: What?
Attiyah: That's right... I'm gonna spend my future together with Tabina!
The hatred that had been eating away at Attiyah's heart is dispelled by the love he feels for Tabina.
Attiyah: Wahid, it may be what's convenient for me... But the tragic cycle ends here!
Wahid: Hahaha... Don't joke with me! I've lived my days tortured by this tragedy... You think you can escape it just like this?
Wahid: I won't let you. If you want to end it... then chop off that head of yours and serve it to me on a platter!
Exposed to the full force of Wahid's hatred, Attiyah quietly kneels in front of him.
Attiyah: ...
Wahid: So you've chosen to be a good boy and to offer up your own head, huh? It finally ends here.
Attiyah: Before that, please listen to what I have to say.
Attiyah: At first, I was the same. I thought that someone had to die in order for this tragedy to end.
Attiyah: My dad died, and then my mom. Even my home was taken away from me! What did I ever do to get this kinda life?
Attiyah: Sure, there was a time when we lived happily... But I'd always think about the man who attacked my dad. I'd see him even in my dreams...
Wahid: ...
Attiyah: But y'know, Wahid... Your precious daughter, Tabina, saved me from those depths of despair.
Attiyah: Our first encounter was so short, but sweet. How I longed to see her again... I was thinkin' about her all the time.
Attiyah: It was the first time since my dad died that I stopped thinkin' about the past. Tabina was like the sun, shinin' her light on me...
Tabina: Attiyah...
Wahid: Stop thinking about it? Hah, the sins of your grandfather will never disappear! Nor will mine!
Attiyah: You're right. My grandpa committed murder, then was murdered in retribution. And the tragedy that happened to my dad... These won't ever disappear.
Wahid: That's right... violence begets violence! If I don't finish you off, you'll have me killed sooner or later!
Attiyah: No... I won't take my revenge on you. True, I still carry the shadow of my dad with me... But I've made my decision.
Attiyah: I've decided to love—and that includes you, Wahid!
Wahid: W-what? What is this nonsense you're blabbering about!
Attiyah: You're the father of the one I love! You and I, we love the same person! Together, we can build a new future...
Wahid: A new future? Are you telling me to forget about the past? Impossible! Surely you will think of Qawi every time you see my face...
Attiyah: Yes, no doubt it'll be tough. For both you and me.
Attiyah: I know erasin' the past is easier said than done. If only we could, then no one would have to suffer.
Wahid: ...!
Attiyah: But I hope that someday... Someday! We'll be able to see eye to eye. I will wait for that day, no matter how long it takes.
Attiyah: I want to look for a future where we can laugh together, Wahid.
Wahid: Someday? Laugh? That's absolutely absurd!
Wahid: That'll only happen when the blood of your family no longer runs!
Tabina: Daddy, wait! Please, listen to what Attiyah is saying!
Wahid: ...
Tabina: Daddy... You've worked so hard for Mommy and me, and you showered us with love.
Wahid: So that you wouldn't have to go through what I did!
Tabina: I know... It's all thanks to you that I'm happy now.
Tabina: But, Daddy, have you ever laughed from the bottom of your heart? You were always anxious about something...
Wahid: ...!
Tabina: This sandstorm showed me what it was that you were afraid of.
Tabina: Attiyah said that the only way to get out of this dark, suffocating place is for him to love and embrace you.
Tabina: Attiyah is the type of person who speaks only the truth and keeps his word. Please, Daddy. Let's put an end to this.
Large tears roll down Tabina's cheeks as she desperately pleads for her father's love.
Attiyah walks over to Tabina and reaches out to brush away her tears.
Attiyah: Wahid... please. Trust me.
Tabina: Please, Daddy...
In their pleas, Attiyah and Tabina lower their heads in a deep bow.
Seeing this, Wahid quietly falls to his knees with a look of resignation on his face.
Wahid: ...
Wahid: Attiyah... I do not regret devoting myself to my revenge.
Wahid: But perhaps I was wrong in the way I carried out my revenge.
Wahid: Qawi had slipped through my fingers. Every day, I was afraid that he or his family would come to exact vengeance...
Wahid: I was afraid that they would take revenge by killing me, or by killing my precious daughter and wife.
Wahid: Hahaha! And now look at what I've become... A pathetic excuse for a father.
As Wahid laments on this, Attiyah walks up to him and gently extends his hand.
Attiyah: No. You are a great man who raised his daughter to be my shining sun.
Wahid: ...
Seeing his beloved's father lost for words, Attiyah pulls Wahid into a strong embrace.
Attiyah: I want to believe that, someday, we'll be able to embrace each other like this freely.
Wahid: Yes...
Attiyah and Wahid come to a compromise, concluding the tragic cycle between the two families.
The crew, who had been watching from a distance, feel a gentle air envelop them.
Attiyah: If Tabina and I had never met... And if my dad had told me about his past...
Attiyah: I might have devoted myself to revenge, just like Wahid...
Tabina: But that didn't happen. Perhaps it was destiny for us to meet, so that we could put an end to the tragedy.
Attiyah: Maybe it was. Ahahaha!
Stan: I'm so glad...
Fazal the Sage: Sniff, sniff... Hiccup...
Aliza: Fazal, you're crying too much...
Fazal the Sage: What are you saying? How can you not cry at a time like this! Snuffle, snuffle...
Vyrn: Hey, I keep hearing Ghost Gramps's voice—what's the deal with that?
Aliza: Oh, um... You see, he's kind of inside me...
Fazal the Sage: Hoohoohoo! I'm borrowing her body just for a teeny little while!
Vyrn: What!
Lyria: Eep!
Vyrn: Lyria?
Lyria: The primal beast... It's above us, (Captain)!
Lyria points up to the sky. The primal beast slowly reveals itself, rising up from the sandstorm.
Primal Beast: Groaaaar!
Wahid: I'm sorry... I'm afraid I can no longer control it...
Attiyah: Heh, no big deal. That means all we have to do is defeat it...
Attiyah: Can I count on everyone here?
  1. You betcha!

Choose: You betcha!

Stan: Time to show off the results of my training!
Fazal the Sage: Hoohoohoo... I'm itching to unleash some snazzy moves.
Aliza: ...
(Captain) and company ready themselves to face the primal beast that has finally revealed itself.