Scenario:Defender's Oath - Chapter 4: Capital Defense Line - Episode 3

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Defender's Oath - Chapter 4: Capital Defense Line - Episode 3

King Carl congratulates everyone on the safe return of Sylph, but Siegfried's reemergence dampens the celebratory mood. A flood of monsters sweeping into the capital erases the brief moment of peace; (Captain) and the others push the monsters back, but Lyria gets caught in a dire situation.

Fafnir has been defeated, and Sylph has been rescued.
On their way back to the capital, they encountered the former hero Siegfried, now known as a madman and kingslayer.
All parties are treated to a hero's welcome at the capital, but the mood during the thank you banquet is subdued.
King Carl: Thanks to your efforts, everyone, Sylph has returned to us! Eat! Drink to your heart's content!
Vane: Wahoo! It's been forever since I've had a feast like this! Time to dig in!
Vyrn: Hahaha! Vane, you look like a squirrel with all that food stuffed into your mouth!
Lyria: Vane wouldn't stop talking about food on the way back after all.
Sophia: Sigh...
Lyria: What's wrong, Sophia? Why the big sigh?
Sophia: Well, I'm glad the issue with Fafnir has been resolved.
Sophia: But Siegfried's sudden appearance is bothering me.
Isabella: You don't look too happy either, Lancelot.
Lancelot: It's nothing. Thank you for your concern.
Isabella: Is it about Siegfried?
Lancelot: Yes.
Isabella: Siegfried's ambush was certainly frightening, but he's just one man. He has no allies within this country.
Isabella: He won't escape again. You will finish the job the next time you see him. Understand?
Lancelot: As you wish.
Sylph: The monsters are making a fuss.
Knight 1: Your Highness! We've received reports of monsters swarming the capital!
King Carl: What? Are they after Sylph? And what of the citizens?
Knight 1: We're investigating the cause now! Most citizens have been evacuated, but we don't have enough knights!
Knight 2: We're terribly sorry to interrupt the banquet, but we humbly request your assistance in this crisis!
Lancelot: Let's go, Vane.
Vane: Aw, c'mon, Lancey! Let me at least finish this steak first!
Lyria: We should go with them too, (Captain)!
Isabella: I'm counting on you. I'll stay here with Sylph until things have settled down.
Sylph: ...
King Carl: I'm sorry, everyone. Please lend us your strength once more!
Monsters: Groaaar!
Knight 3: There's too many of them. How many more do I have to defeat?
Knight 4: Don't give up! Reinforcements are coming!
Monster: Grrr!
Knight 4: Look out! Behind you!
Lancelot: Are you hurt?
Knight 3: Captain! It's just a scratch! I'm sorry for being careless!
Lancelot: It's fine, but don't overdo it!
Lancelot: What's the current situation?
Knight 4: The monsters are spread out all over the city. Our forces are too scattered to get any reliable information.
Lancelot: Understood. (Captain)! Vane! Let's move forward and clear out each area!
Vyrn: You got it! Let's go, (Captain)!
Vane: I'm with you, Lancey! Nothing like a workout after a good meal!
The monsters pose no challenge to (Captain) and the others.
But it seems like when one monster is defeated, two more appear.
Vane: Ngh... No matter how many I take out, more take their place!
Lancelot: I've got a rough grasp of the situation. Let's pull back and regroup!
Lancelot: Vane! (Captain)! I'm counting on you to help evacuate the injured!
Vane: You got it! Here, grab my shoulder.
Injured Knight: Sorry for slowing you down...
Vyrn: (Captain)! We've gotta help too!
Lyria: This way! Bring the injured into the castle!
Sophia: I'll heal everyone, but those with severe wounds take priority!
Vane: I think we're safe now.
Injured Knight: Ngh...
Sophia: Don't move, okay? Here I go...
Injured Knight: The pain is fading... Thank you...
Lyria: Wow! The wound is closing.
Knight: Captain Lancelot! The remaining swarm is attempting to breach the castle walls!
Lancelot: (Captain)! Vane! We need to knock the monsters off the castle walls!
(Captain) and company take to the walls to stop the monsters from climbing over.
Monster: Groaaar!
Townsperson: Aaah!
Vane: Take that!
Townsperson: You saved me!
Vane: Listen, mister! I know you want to protect the city, but leave it to us, all right?
(Captain) and company finally clear out the monsters, earning themselves a moment to catch their breath.
Vyrn: Whew... I think we got most of them.
Vane: Wahahaha! That's (Captain) for you! I took out all the monsters in my area too.
Lancelot: Good. Let's check the castle walls for any damage.
Lyria: Aaah!
Vyrn: That was Lyria's voice! Come on!