Scenario:Fif - Bearer of Hope
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Bearer of Hope
The dragon fully heals in the following days and grows attached to Fif during that time. Though happy at the dragon's affection, Fif worries about the effect her tremendous power has on the world around her. The crew assure her that they'll be there to help her through any problem, and the assurance grants Fif the determination to take responsibility for her decisions and move forward. Together with the crew, she begins to think of ways to make the world a better place.
No matter what may happen to the dragon, Fif has chosen to save its life.
The days after are spent nursing the dragon back to health, and now it frolics freely around Fif.
Dragon: Groar!
Fif: Awww, who's a cutie? You are!
Lyria: Hehe, you guys are getting along so well.
Fif: That's true, but...
Vyrn: Hey, what's with the frown?
Fif: Watch this... Hey, buddy, is there anywhere you wanna go?
Dragon: Grawr?
Fif: Like where you used to live before, or...
Dragon: Groar!
The dragon lowers its head and nuzzles against Fif's forehead.
Lyria: Looks like our dragon friend doesn't want to leave you.
Fif: I guess so...
Vyrn: Do you want it to go away or somethin'?
Fif: No! I'm happy for the company!
Fif: But...
Rosetta: I understand. That is what healing magic boils down to, but in this little one's case... It'll never be able to restore what's missing on its own anymore.
Rosetta: If you choose to save it with your magic, then... Its life will be tied to your magic. Can you really call that living?
Fif: I just wonder if maybe this isn't what it really wants.
Dragon: Grawr?
Fif: Like my magic did something to confuse it... or change how it thinks.
Rosetta: Perhaps, though we have no way of knowing for sure.
Rosetta: Regardless of the reason, it doesn't change the fact that the little one likes you.
Rosetta: It won't do either of you any good to deny its feelings. Don't you think so too?
Fif: Yeah...
Dragon: Groar...
Fif: I've been thinking about a lot of things actually.
Rubbing the dragon on its snout, Fif slowly begins to speak.
Fif: I know I've got more power than most other people.
Fif: But I never realized how much that power... affects other people.
Fif: Just like with my buddy here...
Dragon: Grawr?
Lyria: Hmmm, but it's okay, isn't it?
Lyria: We know you would never use your magic for evil!
Fif: Well yeah! Of course I'd only want to do good things!
Fif: But what if I end up mistaking someone for a thief and attacking them like I did with (Captain) before?
Vyrn: Haha, I almost forgot that happened. Been a while since then, huh?
Fif: I feel kinda bad about it. I've gone whammo and kablammo without thinking a whole bunch of times.
Fif: Didn't realize that maybe it wasn't a good thing... Not until after everything Rosetta and the Five-Soul Staff said.
Fif: But now that I know, what should I...
Choose: You're a good kid, Fif.
Fif: A good kid...
Rosetta: That's right. Not many would confront the weight of their power so honestly, especially at your age.
Rosetta: But I wouldn't worry so much. You don't have to face it alone.
Lyria: Yeah, we're here to help however we can!
(Captain) adds that the crew will give Fif a stern talking-to and set her right if she is ever out of line.
Fif: Believe...
Lyria: Just do whatever you think is right!
Vyrn: Hehe, and if you ever step outta line, we'll be there to stop you!
Rosetta: We've got you. So have confidence in yourself and your decisions.
Continue 1
Fif: Ehehe... In that case... Thanks, everyone.
Lyria: And if you ever are in the wrong, I'm sure you'll apologize properly.
Lyria: As long as you do that, everything will be fine!
Fif: Lyria... Hehe, yeah, I'm starting to think so too!
Fif: I'll take responsibility for the stuff I've done.
Fif: Especially the stuff that I might regret... Because that's what it means to stick with a decision!
Dragon: Groar!
Five-Soul Staff: Haha...
Fif: Wh-whoa!
Vyrn: Don't just laugh outta nowhere! I swear I just lost ten years off my life... What'd you need anyway?
Five-Soul Staff: Please excuse me. I couldn't contain my good cheer.
Five-Soul Staff: It struck me that you lot may fare well, come what may...
Five-Soul Staff: Adhering to the choices you've made and facing the world without being deterred by regret.
Fif: I'm not really sure what you just said, but I can tell it was a compliment!
Fif: But... I'm kinda curious. What do you regret so much that you can't let go?
Five-Soul Staff: ...
Five-Soul Staff: I had to choose who lived in a world filled with death... and the choice I made haunts me to this day.
Five-Soul Staff: Such grave decisions should never have been made by a being so insignificant such as myself.
Rosetta: Back then... and even now, I don't believe anyone would blame you for what happened.
Five-Soul Staff: Perhaps. But it is I myself that... Never mind. Forgive me for being overly sentimental.
Fif: ...
Fif: (Choosing who lives... If I ever got stuck in a situation where people were dying in two different places...)
Fif: (There's only one me, so I could only save one side. At least... with how I am now.)
Dragon: Grawr?
Noticing her dragon friend's worried gaze, Fif shakes herself out of her thoughts and gives her companion a smile.
Fif: Sure would be nice if the whole world was a place without danger and scary stuff.
Fif: Even if it wasn't a perfect world, it'd be nicer than the way the skies are now, right?
Rosetta: Hm... I would agree.
Fif: But since the world's not already like that, getting to that point must be pretty tough.
Fif: Mmm... I wonder if there's anything I can do besides heal the good guys and beat up the baddies...
(Captain) offers to help think of things they can do together.
Lyria: I like that! A whole crew is better than flying solo, don't you think?
Vyrn: Heck yeah!
Fif: Ehehe, guess so! Thanks, (Captain)! I gotta remember I'm not alone.
Fif: All right, time to give everyone all I've got!
Despite the difficulties that come with possessing a formidable power, Fif keeps hope in her heart for a better world.
She knows she travels with dependable companions who will stay by her side, no matter the trials that await.