Scenario:Hero's Return - Chapter 1: Silent Homecoming - Episode 2

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Hero's Return - Chapter 1: Silent Homecoming - Episode 2

The merchant explains that military patrols stopped once the kingdom fell, making travel extremely dangerous. Finding help is difficult, leading to reliance on unreliable ruffians.

(Captain) and the others arrive in the nearby stopover town with the merchant.
Merchant: Just name your price. I mean it. You all deserve a reward for this.
Naoise: Traveling without security is certainly dangerous, but hiring a man like that is just as dangerous.
Merchant: Yeah, you said it. But that's just how things are now after the kingdom fell.
Merchant: There weren't as many monsters in the past, and the roads were well patrolled. It was a lot safer back then.
Lyria: Oh, that's right... There are still rampaging monsters around...
Merchant: Various towns and villages have made great strides in their reconstruction efforts, but getting to them is a different matter.
Vyrn: Yep, it can't be easy getting to the next town when you got monsters runnin' around.
Merchant: When help is in short supply, you're forced to rely on louts like that man.
Naoise: I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to criticize you without knowing anything about your situation.
Merchant: Not at all! The truth is I made a terrible hiring decision.
Merchant: I'm very fortunate to have met people as kind as yourselves.
Naoise: I truly am sorry.
Naoise: (Captain), there's still time before it gets dark. Let's rest a short while before setting off for the castle town.
Merchant: You must be weary. Why not rest at that tea house? I'll pick up the bill of course!
Lyria: Wow, thank you very much! Come on, (Captain)!
The party enjoys a brief rest before getting back on the road.

Hero's Return - Chapter 1: Silent Homecoming - Episode 2: Scene 2

According to the merchant, the two pillars of the Irestill royal family, Seruel and Heles, have taken command of restoration efforts.

Lyria: So many monsters... Now I see what you mean.
Merchant: Well, it's still a lot better than it used to be, now that the royal children have returned to lead the restoration.
Naoise: Seruel and Heles have returned?
Naoise: Yes, I remember now. They had left the kingdom to aid a neighboring country at the time.
Seruel is a crew member

Vyrn: Seruel... Seruel... Oh! He's the prince of Irestill, yeah?
Merchant: That's right. The reconstruction efforts were going well, so he left for a while. Seems he came back only recently.
Lyria: That rings a bell. He did say he was heading back to his homeland because he was worried about something.
Lyria: Do you think we'll meet him at the castle town?
Naoise: Those two have been known as the pillars of the royal family ever since their father, King Conner, reigned over the land.
Naoise: That they could restore the kingdom in such a short amount of time is a testament to their ability and popularity.
Merchant: You've hit the nail on the head there!
Merchant: At this rate it won't be long before we won't have to rely on ill-bred ruffians.