Scenario:Lonesome Dragoness - Chapter 3: Dragoness in Shambles - Episode 2

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Lonesome Dragoness - Chapter 3: Dragoness in Shambles - Episode 2

Lyria encourages Grea by revealing the story behind her own powers. Lyria's determination reminds Grea of a precious friend, and Grea's confidence returns.

Grea: So I'll have to use my power. But even if do use my power, then—
Soldier 1: You monster!
Soldier 2: It hurts! It hurts! Please stop it!
Soldier 3: Eeeek! Stay away! Stay away, you monster!
Woman 1: I always knew she wasn't a human.
Woman 2: Did you hear? She went crazy and half killed a bunch of soldiers.
Woman 3: I heard that. I did. She's so frightening!
Woman 2: It has to be that dragon blood of hers. That violence is just a part of who they are.
Woman 4: I'm sorry, but it's too scary to be around you. Don't bother me anymore.
Woman 5: No, I don't want to be your friend. I mean, you're not even human.
Grea: I've had enough. Enough of people talking to me like that. Enough of people looking at me like that.
Grea: But if I use this power, then I can—
Grea: What should I do, Anne?
Lyria: Huff, huff... I found Grea!
Grea: Huh? Lyria? How come you're here?
Lyria: I was looking for you.
Lyria: I wanted to talk with you about something for a bit.
Grea: With me?
Lyria: Yeah. I thought that maybe I could give you some sort of advice.
Grea: Why? Why are you so worried about me?
Lyria: I can't just ignore you.
Lyria: You remind me of how I used to be.
Grea: Huh? What are you trying to say?
Lyria: Grea, would you tell me about yourself? If you don't mind, that is.
Lyria: I want to help you.
Lyria: In the same way that (Captain) helped me.
Grea: ...
Lyria looks directly into Grea's eyes.
Grea: You have honest eyes like Anne.
Lyria: Grea?
Grea: It's nothing. But I really don't think it's going to be fun for you.
Grea: Is that okay?
Lyria: Yes!
Grea: All right. I'll tell you just a little then.
Lyria: Thank you!
Grea: Lyria, what did you think when I showed you my dragon power?
Lyria: Well, um... It just seemed super strong.
Lyria: You broke the core monolith with just one hit. And those misty enemies too.
Grea: What would you think if I told you that I was still holding back then?
Lyria: What?
Grea: My dragon power is really strong. A lot stronger than anyone else knows.
Grea: But it's not just strong. It also has special properties.
Lyria: Special properties?
Grea: Yeah. It can cancel magic and destroy it.
Grea: If I use that power, I can damage almost anything. Not even strong metal or defensive magic can stop it.
Grea: A long time ago, I couldn't control my dragon power, and I went wild.
Lyria: ...
Grea: I broke lots of things, and I hurt lots of people.
Grea: I managed to regain control of myself after that.
Grea: But the way that everyone looked at me had already changed.
Grea: They looked at me like I was some kind of monster. No, they straight up called me one.
Lyria: Grea...
Grea: That's why I hate this power. And these claws and these wings and this tail.
Lyria: ...
Grea: I never want anyone to look at me like that again. I want to live a normal life. But that's not going to happen, because I'm not a human.
Grea: That's why I try to stay away from people as much as I can.
Grea: That way I won't get hurt, and no one will hate me.
Grea: I really shouldn't even be in Mysteria to begin with.
Lyria: You said that there's someone you care about, didn't you?
Grea: ...
Lyria: Teehee! You're really a nice person, Grea!
Grea: Huh?
Lyria: You don't want to use your power because it could hurt someone.
Lyria: You don't want to hurt people, so you stay away from them, and you put up with the loneliness.
Lyria: That means that you're a sweet girl, doesn't it, Grea?
???: I knew it. You don't have a cold heart after all.
???: You don't want to hurt anyone. And the loneliness hurt you so much, but you still stayed away from other people. You're such a sweet girl.
Grea: ...
Lyria: I kind of know how you feel.
Grea: Lyria?
Lyria: I have a power that's different from other people too.
Lyria unleashes her power and summons a primal beast.
Grea: ...!
Lyria: This is my power. I can control primal beasts.
Grea: ...
Lyria: The empire captured me because of that.
Lyria: People there always looked at me like those kids looked at you.
Lyria: A lot happened after that, and I got away from the empire.
Lyria: But there was an accident during my escape, and I hurt someone who really mattered to me—(Captain).
Lyria: So I kind of know how you feel, Grea.
Grea: Oh, I see.
Grea: Can I ask you something, Lyria?
Lyria: What is it?
Grea: Aren't you scared to use that power, Lyria?
Grea: Even though people might look at you weird. And people you care about might get scared of you.
Lyria: I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a bit scary.
Lyria: But I'd like it even less to see people I care about get hurt.
Grea: ...!
Lyria: That's why I use this power. So that I don't have to regret. And to protect the people I care about.
Grea: So it's because you don't want to see them get hurt.
Grea: Yeah. That makes sense. I want to protect someone I care about too.
Grea: Haha. It's weird. When I'm talking with you, it feels like I'm talking with Anne.
Lyria: Anne? Is she the one you want to protect?
Grea: Yeah. She's a friend I really care about. She's such a good person, and she's nice to everyone.
Grea: She can't ignore someone in need. She'll totally put herself in harm's way to help other people.
Grea: That's Anne.
Lyria: Uh, am I really like that?
Grea: Yeah, your personality's totally different, but you're the same where it counts.
Io: Gee, we were looking all over for you!
Vyrn: You really worried (Captain), running ahead like that.
Lyria: (Captain)? And Vyrn and Io?
Lyria: Ah, I'm sorry! I found Grea, and I didn't even—
Grea: Io, were you guys—
Lyria: Yeah, we were all searching for you.
Grea: Oh... I'm really sorry for worrying you.
Vyrn: No biggie. So is everything okay now?
Grea: Yeah. Lyria gave me a nice push.
Io: Teehee! Everything looks okay then. That's good to hear!
Vyrn: Ah, that's a relief.
(Captain) similarly nods in a show of relief.
Io: Let's get back to the classroom. I think the class president was calling us.
Grea: Hanna?
Vyrn: Yeah. She really wants to talk about what happens after this.
Grea: Anne. I don't want to see you get hurt.
Grea: That's why...
Feeling a new sense of determination, Grea heads back toward Hanna.