Scenario:Lonesome Dragoness - Chapter 6: For the Good Times - Episode 4

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Lonesome Dragoness - Chapter 6: For the Good Times - Episode 4

After an intense battle against the aberrations and their commander, the party manages to close the transworld gate. Just as it seems they are victorious, however, the Chaos Beast emerges from the body of the aberrations' commander.

William: Ah, Anne! Hanna was looking for you!
Anne: William! You're okay!
Owen: Everyone really seems shaken up. Where's the class president, William?
William: This way!
Anne: Hanna, what's wrong? Did something happen?
Hanna: A moment ago there was a flood of enemies from the clock tower.
Vyrn: You don't mean they sent their main force this way!
Hanna: We haven't been able to check how many there are yet, so I can't say.
Hanna: However, compared to yesterday, they're certainly pouring in. There's no doubt about that.
Io: But—
Hanna: The enemies most likely have a sense of our strategy, in which case there's no time. We have to start acting.
Anne: It's finally time.
Grea: Yeah.
Hanna: Are you ready, everyone?
  1. Time for a showdown!

Choose: Time for a showdown!

Vyrn: All right! We're gonna show 'em who's boss!
Lyria: Yes! We'll all work together, and we'll do great!
Hanna: Let's go, everyone. The final battle to take back Mysteria has begun!
Hanna's rallying cry has energized everyone present. Their eyes sparkle, and their hearts pound.
(Captain), the crew, and the students of Mysteria begin their final battle to free the school.
Hanna: Remember, everyone! No matter what, we have to lead Anne's group to the clock tower.
Monolith: ...
Ms. Miranda: Uh-ohs! Looks like we've got company. Pass the word on to Mr. Bertrand in the rear.
William: Hanna! We've got this!
William: We'll draw the enemies' attention. So as much as you can, please just stay low.
Hanna: We really owe you one!
Owen: You'll get this!
Anne: We're going to succeed no matter what. Just wait, William!
Grea: We'll see you soon. Thanks!
  1. Thanks, dude.
  2. Trying to impress Hanna?

Choose: Thanks, dude.

William: Hey, cut me some slack.
William: It would be tough for them alone, so I want you to lend a hand.
William: I know it was us who dragged you into this. But we really need your help!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Trying to impress Hanna?

William: What! Could... could you tell?
William: Well, that doesn't matter. We dragged you into this, but we really need your help!

Continue 1

William: So please! Save the future of the academy!
Vyrn: Yeah! We've got this!
Io: Now that we're here, we've got to see this through.
Lyria: I know that (Captain), Grea, and Anne are sure to close the door.
Owen: We'll reach the clock tower in just a second.
Hanna: The time's almost here, everyone.
Hanna: The rest is up to you.
Hanna: We'll guard the door so that you don't get caught in a pincer attack!
Anne: Okay!
Hanna: Please close that gate no matter what!
(Captain) and the crew have finally reached the entrance to the clock tower.
The entrance, however, is covered with the barrier deployed by the aberrational army.
Grea: ...
Anne: So this is it.
Vyrn: All right. We're counting on you, Pianista.
Grea: Okay.
Grea maintains a calm expression as her right hand begins to take on a golden flame.
Lyria: Grea, you can do this!
Grea: Mmph!
Grea deals a forceful blow to the barrier, but it amplifies and reflects her attack.
Grea: Ooh...
The barrier is frighteningly solid, and not even Grea's dragon power is able to destroy it.
Grea: I just need to unleash more power!
Anne: Grea!
Grea: It's fine. It will break before long!
Grea's right arm shimmers brilliantly, and before long her irises begin to turn a brilliant red. The full brunt of her dragon power is about to be unleashed.
As more power begins flowing from Grea's body, the air begins to vibrate.
Vyrn: Hey, hey! Is this really all right?
Io: Up close you can tell how tightly this barrier's woven together.
Io: This would normally be impossible. Are there really barriers this powerful?
Lyria: Let's believe in her. In Grea.
Grea: ...
Grea: (I made up my mind. I prepared myself.)
Grea: (I'm going to use this power to help. Help everyone from Mysteria.
Grea: Without this power, no one gets saved.)
Anne: Just a little more, Grea!
Grea: Aaaaah!
No sooner does Grea roar than the barrier breaks, shattering to pieces like broken glass.
Grea: Huff... huff...
Io: Yes!
Grea: Lyria. I believe in myself. In my power.
Grea: I didn't believe in myself before, so I couldn't believe in anyone else. And I didn't want to let other people help me. So...
Lyria: It's okay. You can ask for help. Anne believed in you, and now she's about to do a great job.
Anne: Yeah, next is my turn. But if you didn't help out, I wouldn't have been able to do anything.
Lyria: And we're going to trust in Anne and do a great job ourselves!
Vyrn: Heheh! This is like some sort of relay race!
Grea: Yeah! Thanks, everyone!
Io: Hm... I don't think the lizard did anything.
Vyrn: Huh!
Vyrn: No, I...
Having destroyed the barrier, (Captain) and the others move into the clock tower.
Aberrant Tower: Very well. We have failed to halt the inhuman one.
Aberrant Tower: But we see it all the same—your grand strategy for this land. All other party members are exhausted.
Aberrant Tower: This time and this place are, in effect, where our showdown takes place.
Anne: (Grea... (Captain)... I've already begun my spell and invocation. The rest is you!)
Aberrant Tower: There is no need for formalities or decorum. We simply hunger for the spoils of war. All that remains is for us to mete out destruction on the greatest scale.
Grea immediately leaps out at the aberration and tears through it as if it were gauze.
Grea: Haaaah!
Aberrant Tower: Gwah! What!
Grea: You said there's no need for formalities or decorum. And we don't have time for those anyway.
Monolith: ...
Grea: (Captain)! Take care of the other ones. I'll get this!
Vyrn: Whoa! This is the moment that it all goes down!
Lyria: We have to protect Grea, (Captain)!
Anne: Esta mella metiel zeina!
Owen: (How much longer will it be till the spell is complete? The enemies are all focusing on Grea. If this keeps up—)
Anne: All fell tento!
Anne: That should do it!
Anne: Come, grim disciples! Break now the ties with that distant land, and wash away that world's pollution!
Aberrations: ...!
Aberrant Tower: The transworld gate!
Io: Wow! She made a spell that complicated in such a short time all by herself...
It was immediately after Anne's invocation.
The magic circle that had functioned as a transworld gate warps and begins to contract.
All aberrations inside and outside the clock tower are affected equally.
The aberrations' bodies turn to gas, melt in the air, and pass through walls.
They're then drawn into the circle and vanish.
Aberrant Tower: I shall not accept this! I shall not accept this!
Aberrant Tower: We have not come this far to fail in such a way. This shall not stand!
Grea: You're not going back!
Grea: This is the end!
Aberrant Tower: ...!
Grea's mighty blow pierces the enemy.
Aberrant Tower: Gaa... gaha!
Aberrant Tower: Gurble gurble...
Aberrant Tower: You've only bought time... till the next attack.
Grea: ...?
Aberrant Tower: I offer my core to the emperor!
Grea: ...!
Grea instinctually senses danger and puts distance between herself and the aberration.
From the wound that the young woman inflicted, the head of a beast suddenly emerges.
Anne: What is that!
Owen: It's eaten through the aberration... from the inside. No, it's obviously a lot bigger!
Lyria: I could feel it if only for a moment. At the moment when that enemy died, it made something inside of it into a gate.
Io: What's going on here anyway? It's just one thing after another!
The black beast reveals its gigantic form.
Owen: That's more of a giant than I'd imagined. The clock tower's going to collapse. We have to get out of here.
The gigantic black beast seems as if it could be larger than the clock tower itself. Feeling a sense of danger, the party flees outdoors.
The size and weight of the black beast are such that it tears the clock tower apart and crushes it to pieces.
Vyrn: Whoa, that was a close call. That thing's way bigger than the clock tower!
Anne: This must be them throwing up one last fight. If they'd been able to open a gate, there would've been even more of these things.
Owen: I don't even want to think about it.
Grea: But Anne closed the gate. So if we were to defeat him, everything will end.
Anne: That's right.
Grea: Anne, you've probably used up all of your magic, so (Captain) and I will handle this again.
Anne: Yeah! Thanks, Grea!
Vyrn: Guard us well, okay, big guy?
Owen: Humph, I'll carry out my mission whether I'm told to or not.
Owen: Go on and fight with everything you've got!
Io: We've got a big target, so we should really be able to go wild.
Lyria: Come on, (Captain) and Grea!
Grea: Okay!