Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 1: Meet the Wind - Episode 3

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 1: Meet the Wind - Episode 3

(Captain) and the others find an airship in the highlands as well as a group of imperial soldiers about to threaten the town.

Vyrn: So is this the airship the townspeople were talking about?
Katalina: It seems that way, but...
Lyria: It looks like it crashed here a while ago.
Katalina: Could this really be Rackam's airship? What happened to it?
Katalina: Ah! We've got trouble... You see them too, right, (Captain)? They're soldiers of the Erste Empire.
Vyrn: They haven't spotted us yet. We need to hide! Now!
???: Oooh, this is so aggravating! Do I really have to be here for this?
Imperial Soldier 1: General Furias, Port Breeze has a history of resisting the empire, you see...
Furias: I know that! Are you some sort of wise guy? Tch... Now you've ruined my mood. Somebody take him to the torture chamber!
Imperial Soldier 1: Eek! General Furias! I apologize for my earlier insolence!
Furias: Cease your yapping... Or maybe you could do without a head! You don't seem to use it much, now do you?
Imperial Soldier 1: But... I...
Furias: So? How fares the plan to deal with those idiot conspirators?
Imperial Soldier 2: Sir! The troops are in place. Everything's ready to go.
Imperial Soldier 2: Simply give the word, sir, and you'll be audience to the town's magnificent destruction.
Katalina: Not if I have a say!
Furias: Oh? And who are you?
Lyria: Katalina! We're supposed to be hiding!
Katalina: I've been listening to what you plan to do. And it's heinous!
Katalina: How dare you destroy a town for simply resisting the empire! I won't stand for it!
Imperial Soldier 2: Unbelievable. It's the girl we held captive and the guard who helped her escape...
Vyrn: Oh, gimme a break! We get your point, Knightalina, but you couldn't wait till later to make it?
Vyrn: Time to run, guys! No way we're getting caught here!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 1: Meet the Wind - Episode 3: Scene 2

(Captain) and the others must find a way to warn the townspeople of the impending danger.

Katalina: I sincerely apologize...
Lyria: It's okay, Katalina. You're not the only one who's upset!
Lyria: Besides, it was neat how you stuck it to them like that! Right, (Captain)?
Katalina: Seeing such injustice just... riles me up, I guess.
Katalina: I know a knight must always keep a level head, but in this case...
Vyrn: It's tough to keep it together when you hear something like that, huh?
Lyria: You said it. And we've got to find a way to warn the townspeople too!
Vyrn: Yeah! But first we gotta do something about these imperial soldiers on our tails!