Scenario:Main Quest - Setting Off on an Adventure - Episode 2

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Opening: Setting Off on an Adventure - Episode 2

Two elite soldiers are pursuing the mysterious girl named Lyria. The knight Katalina tries to protect her, while Captain Pommern attempts to do harm to the girl and young dreamer alike.

Imperial Soldier: Argh! Why you little...
Vyrn: Betcha weren't expecting that, huh? You can only dream of matching my pal's sword skills!
Imperial Soldier: Curses... This isn't over!
Vyrn: A friend of his? Stay sharp!
Knight: Lyria! Are you all right?
Mysterious Girl: Katalina! I... I...
Knight: Thank goodness she hasn't been injured. Have you two been protecting her?
Vyrn: I guess you could say that! They were after us too, so we just did what came naturally.
Mysterious Girl: You should have seen it, Katalina! This hero saved me! It was so... heroic!
Knight: Is that so? Well, I'm just glad you're safe.
Vyrn: So, um... Who are you guys exactly?
Vyrn: Doesn't seem like you're friends with those jerks from earlier.
Katalina: Ah, yes, how rude of me. My name is Katalina Aryze.
Katalina: And this is Lyria. I can't thank you enough for saving her.
Katalina: If you don't mind, could you tell me your name as well?
Vyrn: And I'm Vyrn! Where'd you two come from? Were those soldiers after you?
Lyria: W-where? Well, uh...
Katalina: That's right...
We... were being chased.
Katalina: Which is why we need to get out of here before more of them show up, and—
???: Lieutenant Katalina!
???: I do say. Did I give the order for you to stop and smell the roses out here, Lieutenant?
Katalina: C-Captain Pommern! Terribly sorry, sir. I'll return Lyria to the ship immediatel—
Pommern: Enough of these lies! You're the one who spirited her away from the ship, are you not?
Pommern: I do say! To defy the mighty Erste Empire requires profound bravery... and profound stupidity.
Katalina: ...
Pommern: You knew the classified nature of the girl's existence when we placed her in your protection.
Pommern: Which means you must surely be aware of the gravity of your actions, yes?
Pommern: We need that girl to command the primals. To assist in her escape demands a grave punishment indeed!
Katalina: Captain... I simply thought it too dangerous for us to attempt using the power of the primal beasts.
Katalina: The primals are a legacy of the Astrals... Terrifying weapons that set the skies ablaze during the War.
Katalina: There's still much we don't know about them. To wield their power is—
Pommern: Don't change the subject!
Pommern: I do say... I've had quite enough of your insipid drivel. It's time to do what we came here for.
Pommern: Bweheheh... Who will weep for this pathetic backwater burg? No one! We shall destroy it!
Vyrn: Excuse me?
Pommern: I'll rid this place of anyone who opposes us! For I do say, the power to control the primals belongs to the Empire!
Pommern: Release the Hydra!
Imperial Soldier: Sir!
Katalina: The Hydra? It can't be!
Pommern: It can, Lieutenant! And all so that you may take proper responsibility for your actions!
Imperial Soldier: Use the Hydra! Spread out in formation to keep them from running!
Hydra: Groooar!
Vyrn: Where'd this crazy monster come from! Did that beard-twirlin' doofus bring it with him?
Lyria: Katalina!
Katalina: You really intend to burn this island to the ground, don't you?
Katalina: Is that how far the Empire's willing to go to use Lyria's power as their own?
Pommern: I believe we've explained this before, Lieutenant. With her power as a foundation, the Empire will rule the skies.
Pommern: We came to this island to research its primal shrine...
Pommern: But what we found instead was betrayal most foul!
Lyria: Katalina, I'm sorry... This is all because I asked you to take me outside...
Katalina: Lyria, I promised to show you the outside world. And no matter what happens, I'll stand by that promise.
Hydra: Grrr!
(Captain): ...!
Vyrn: Hold on... You're not actually thinking about tangling with that thing!
  1. We have to save them!
  2. It's now or never!

Choose: We have to save them!
Choose: It's now or never!

Pommern: I do say! It seems none of you are willing to accept reality!
Pommern: Hydra! Dispose of this miserable little moppet!
Pommern: May the tot serve as a fitting example of what happens when you defy the Empire!
Hydra: Groooar!
(Captain): ...!
(Captain): ...
Vyrn: Whoa! (Captain)!
H-hang in there, buddy!
Pommern: Bweheheh! How utterly pitiful!
Katalina: An innocent civilian, and a child at that... Pommern! Just how far have you fallen!
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)! Stop kidding around! Say something! Anything!
Lyria: Everything's... all right...
Pommern: I do say! What is this light?
Vyrn: Look... The shrine's primal crystal is reacting... What is she doing?
Pommern: Oh ho... We heard the shrine here was special...
Pommern: B-but what in the skies is this?
Lyria: Don't worry now...
Lyria: (Captain)... I bestow my power on you!