Scenario:Meg - Ideal Vacation

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Ideal Vacation

Meg: Have you ever thought of the perfect vacation you'd like to have someday, (Captain)? I have.
Meg: I'm a happy girl as long as I get to swim, eat, and sleep aplenty.
Meg: No stress, and just enough to do. I couldn't ask for a better vacation!
Meg: How about you, (Captain)?
  1. Spacing out all day.
  2. Hanging out with friends.
  3. I've got nothing.

Choose: Spacing out all day.

Meg: Yeah, I know the feeling!
Meg: Sometimes forgetting all your worries and just spacing out is what you need to get recharged.
Meg: It's something you can do anywhere.
Meg: Yet spacing out at a resort somehow feels so much more relaxing. Strange, isn't it.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!

Choose: Hanging out with friends.

Meg: Haha, makes sense. You run a crew after all.
Meg: I was thinking of a solo vacation, but you immediately thought of your friends.
Meg: It makes me jealous. Maybe I can be a part of your perfect vacation someday.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!

Choose: I've got nothing.

Meg: Oh? I see...
Meg: Vacations are fun, you know. You get to swim and eat all you want...
Meg: Buuut I guess not everyone has an idea of a perfect vacation.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!