Scenario:Platinum Sky II - Chapter 5: Teamwork - Episode 3

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Platinum Sky II - Chapter 5: Teamwork - Episode 3

(Captain) and company find Catherine with the archaeologist in a grotto. He explains that a shield came online when he tried to deactivate Ishkur, knocking him away. And it turns out Catherine was after Ishkur all along.

Lyria: Eep!
Vyrn: Lyria! Hold on tight! And more importantly, hold onto me too!
Lyria: O-okay! I have you, Vyrn!
Lyria: The storm's getting worse the further we go.
Meteon: That too, but the bigger problem is our ships getting lighter as we go.
Meteon: We lose weight as we burn fuel, making us more susceptible to the strong winds.
Vyrn: So that's what's happening... Speedships can be such delicate things.
Meteon: Isn't that what makes them so much fun? Well, at least when things aren't so frantic.
Fehr: Huff... Huff...
Meteon: Fehr, are you okay? Hang in there!
Fehr: I'm fine! And I'm done lagging behind!
Meteon: Trying lowering the nose of your ship a bit.
Meteon: Urgh!
Fehr: Meteon!
Lyria: He collided with...
Meteon: I'll be fine! Thankfully, it wasn't too big of a rock.
Lyria: But your ship's damaged...
Meteon: It's only the plating! I can pull outta this!
Vyrn: Whoo! Nice maneuvering there, Race Champ!
Fehr: ...
Meteon: Sorry if I made you guys worry. Still doesn't change the fix we're in though.
Meteon: The ruins should be coming up soon. Right, Fehr?
Fehr: Yes. Less than ten kilometers away now. Roughly eight to go.
Meteon: The winds are as fast as ever, but at least their direction has stabilized. Use this chance to kick up your speed.
Lyria: There was talk of so many tornadoes around the ruins, but we're not seeing that here.
Meteon: Must mean the situation's changing.
Vyrn: What the... Look, over there!
Lyria: That's Catherine's speedship!
Meteon: We didn't see her at the finish line earlier. What's she doing here?
Vyrn: No clue, but we'd better check it out.
Meteon: Okay, but approach with caution!
Cathy: (Captain)!
Lyria: Cather... Er, I mean Cathy? I'm so sorry!
Catherine: Haha... It's fine to call me Catherine here. Not like there's much of a crowd around anyway.
Catherine: And especially since Cathy seems so hard for you to remember, Lyria.
Lyria: Ehehe... Sorry.
Catherine: No sorries. I don't let just anyone use my real name, but you're an exception.
Lyria: Hehe, thanks! I'm happy to see you're safe!
Vyrn: You sure had us worried! What were you doing out here anyway?
Vyrn: And who's the old fella?
Archaeologist: ...
Meteon: You must be...
Catherine: I found this one wandering around all beat up. Apparently he's an archaeologist.
Lyria: So it was you who dug up the weather-control machine?
Archaeologist: Indeed, it was me.
Meteon: We came to stop it... From the looks of things, I'd say the device is still going bonkers?
Archaeologist: As shameful as it is to admit...
Meteon: We heard you'd stayed behind to shut it down... I guess that didn't work out so well, huh.
Archaeologist: I couldn't get close enough to Ishkur.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean? You sure got close enough to start it up.
Archaeologist: Yes, things worked fine when we inserted the plate-shaped key that was excavated elsewhere.
Lyria: So things should return to normal if we remove that key?
Archaeologist: Yes, but it locked itself immediately thereafter.
Archaeologist: After having my helpers evacuate, I did everything I could to undo that lock.
Archaeologist: That's when Ishkur activated what I surmise is its self-defense sequence.
Vyrn: What's that all about?
Archaeologist: A shield deployed around the device itself, the shockwave of which sent me flying backwards.
Archaeologist: I can no longer get near it.
Catherine: Seems he went to look for help, since he wasn't getting anywhere on his own—that's when I ran into him.
Catherine: But then the storm hit, and...
Meteon: So that's what went down. Thankfully, you're both safe.
Vyrn: Why'd you decide to come all the way out here anyway, Catherine?
Vyrn: We got pretty worried when you vanished off the racetrack.
Catherine: ...
Lyria: Was it for a job?
Catherine: That's for me to know.
Catherine: But luckily for you, now isn't the time to be keeping secrets.
Catherine: As you guessed, I'm here on a job. My mission was to retrieve the ancient artifact found in the ruins of Nimmus Island.
Lyria: Which, I'm guessing, was Ishkur?
Catherine: Seems like it. They didn't exactly give me much info to go on.
Catherine: The client described it as a simple antique.
Catherine: I wasn't told much more than that.
Vyrn: No matter how you slice it, it's definitely no simple antique we're dealing with...
Catherine: The mission seemed fishy from the get-go, which actually was all the more reason for me to take it on.
Meteon: You use a false name and accept an assignment steeped in mystery... There's a ton I'd love to ask you.
Meteon: But I'll refrain from nosing around. That'd only complicate matters.
Catherine: Haha, I like a man who knows how to respect a woman's privacy.
Meteon: Appreciate the compliment. I have to say though: you did a fantastic job flying all the way here.
Catherine: To be fair, I arrived before the storm got really bad.
Catherine: Sure, there were a few tornados, but they were nothing I couldn't zoom past.
Lyria: So the weather really is still changing, isn't it.
Catherine: That's for sure. It's definitely gotten worse since I got here.
Meteon: And there's no telling what'll happen from here on out...
Lyria: The faster we can take care of the device, the better.