Scenario:Slayers Omega - A Demon a' Schemin'

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Slayers Omega - A Demon a' Schemin'

Lina: Losing your footing, huh? I guess this place has more tricks up its sleeve than just lesser demons.
Vyrn: Hmm… This place is pretty dangerous. We'd be in trouble on our own.
Gourry: What do you think is going on, Lina? Show us those sharp instincts of yours.
Lina: Sorry, I don't have the materials to do a divination.
Lina: I guess whoever is behind the lesser demons must be pretty powerful. I wonder who it could be…
Naga: What a drag… There's no treasure, and I'm feeling pretty tired.
Lina: You again? Quit showing up and following us!
Naga: Oho ho ho ho! Don't you understand what an honor it is to have me around?
Lina: No, I have no idea.
Gourry: Huh?
Lyria: Is something wrong, Gourry?
Gourry: Get down, Lyria!
As he shouts, Gourry uses a pin to remove the blade from the hilt of his sword.
Vyrn: So this is the Sword of Light? Why do you have to—
???: Gahahahaha! Not bad at all!
Lina: Fireball!
???: So that's how you greet people? You should know that a little trick like that won't work on me.
Vyrn: H-hey, your magic didn't work!
Seeing the creature could take her spell without even blinking, Lina realizes something.
Lina: What are you, and why are you here?
Lazindor: You can call me Lazindor. As for why I'm here, can't you tell, little girl? To spread fear!
Lazindor: I'm going to teach a lesson to all those blinded by greed. I'll leave them trembling in terror!
Lazindor: Well, today I'm just here to say hello. See you again soon! Gahahahaha!
Naga: Oho ho ho ho! What sort of ridiculous laugh was that supposed to be?
Naga: Huh? Where did he go?
Gourry: Lina, wasn't that a…
Lina: A demon, yeah. It must be the one controlling the lesser demons.