Scenario:Spinnah - High-Speed Spinnah

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High-Speed Spinnah

(Captain) and company happen upon an island where the spin blade culture is still very much alive. They learn from a boy that the island's megacorporation is using evil spin blades to take over the world. Not intent on letting this happen, the crew decides to follow him to a megacorp-sponsored party.

The spin blade.
A toy that once took the world by storm but is now nothing more than a forgotten relic of the past.
A young man who swears by the beauty and artistic merit of spin blades travels with the crew, hoping to bring the toys into the limelight once more.
His name is Spinnah. This is his story.
Spinnah: This is incredible!
While the crew is docked on an island for a pit stop, Spinnah watches in wonder at the townspeople.
Vyrn: Wow, who woulda thought a place like this exists!
Lyria: Yeah, what an amazing coincidence!
Rackam: Heheh... This sure brings back memories.
Shortly after making landfall, they notice the town's residents casually fidgeting away with their spin blades.
It turns out a megacorporation operating on this island was one of the world's largest manufacturers of spin blades back in the day.
Rackam: I guess when you have the maker's HQ right around the corner, the culture's that much more likely to survive.
Spinnah: This may as well be paradise. I can feel their passion for the spin blade...
Vyrn: You think so? I dunno if I'd call that "passionate"... Looks to me like they're just keeping their hands busy.
Spinnah: What a breathtaking sight... I'm reminded of the days when spin blades were all the craze.
Vyrn: You're not hearin' me, are ya, Fidget Fingers...
Lyria: Ahaha... It's like he's in his own world.
Rackam: This does remind me of when spin blades first came out... Actually, I'd say they were even more popular back then.
Lyria: Oh, really? I had no idea.
Spinnah: Hahah! It's a good thing I decided to travel the world. You have my thanks, (Captain).
As the captain smiles back in response, a strident voice can be heard.
???: Shut your damn trap, you dumb kid!
Boy: Let go of me! I know everything! I know what you guys are planning for the island!
The boorish man has the child by the neck as they trade quips.
Lyria: Oh no! We need to break up the fight, (Captain)!
Spinnah: Hey, relax. It might be more convincing if we use this island's conventions to solve the problem.
Boy: Darn it! I'm not losing to a big oaf like you!
Big Guy: Wahaha! You talk big for a little runt. I'll teach you not to mess with grown-ups!
As he holds up the boy, what seems like a faint shadow grazes his thick arms.
Big Guy: Rgh! The heck was that?
Boy: Ah! A spin blade...
Freed from the man's grasp, the boy continues chasing the shadow of the flying object with his eyes.
With a grand sweeping motion, it settles in Spinnah's hand.
Spinnah: You might wanna cut that out, big guy. It's not a pretty sight.
Though spin blades are simple toys to most, real pros like Spinnah are able to use them as weapons.
Big Guy: Tch... Haven't seen you before. You a new spin blader?
Spinnah: Oho... You sound like a spinner yourself.
Big Guy: Hah! You got that right! There's not a person on the island who doesn't love spinning these things!
The man whips out one of his own and flicks it with his fingers.
Big Guy: Hyahaa! You've gotta do it too! I'm callin' for a spin blade battle!
Spinnah: You don't get to tell me when to spin. Every rotation is an expression of freedom and must come from within.
Big Guy: Cocky son of a gun... Guess I get to go first then! Hraaah!
The man readies his throwing arm.
Big Guy: Urgh!
The powerful rotations of the spin blade thrown by Spinnah do great damage to the man, hitting him multiple times.
Spinnah: I wasn't going to wait all day, so I went ahead and threw mine. Quite the slowpoke, aren't you?
Big Guy: Tch... I'll get you back for this!
Boy: That was amazing, mister! I've never seen a spin blade go that fast!
Spinnah: Heheh. He was just too slow.
Vyrn: What were you two fightin' about anyway? You mentioned something about plans for the island?
Rackam: I was wondering the same thing. We're new here. Care to fill us in?
Boy: Uh, sure... To start with, that guy just now was a small fry. He's one of the spin blade hunters hired by the megacorp.
Spinnah: Hunters? When you say megacorp, are you referring to the one that made those spin blades?
Boy: Mm-hm. They get their goons to mug us kids for our spin blades.
Rackam: Wow, that's pretty messed up. What do they want with the things anyway?
Boy: It's the megacorp's way of creating demand for the new generation of spin blades that's currently in production.
Boy: I heard with my own two ears that they'll be handing out evil spin blades at the holiday party!
Lyria: Um... What's an evil spin blade?
It began when the boy won a spin blade tournament sponsored by the megacorp.
CEO: Hehe... Is the evil spin blade complete yet?
Scientist: Yes, you'll be able to control anyone who uses it.
CEO: Splendid! Now I just have to hold a holiday party and hand one out to everybody who comes.
Scientist: Yes, that would be perfect. It'll be our first step to world domination.
CEO: Mwahaha! Indeed, it would! I'll have an infinite spin blade army under my control!
Boy: (Oh no!)
Rackam: World domination? Using those evil spin blade thingies?
Spinnah: This is a serious matter if true. How exactly is their plan going to work?
Boy: Well, according to what I heard...
The pattern that arises from the evil spin blade's rotation combined with its sound has a hypnotic effect on the user.
Those hypnotized become no different from marionettes, and fall under the full control of the megacorp.
The corporation will then dispatch them as members of the spin blade army to all corners of the world.
Spinnah: Okay, I get the gist of it.
Spinnah: The megacorp distributes evil spin blades, and the populace gets hypnotized. The process is repeated ad infinitum.
Spinnah: By giving out evil spin blades at every stop they make across the skies, they continue bolstering the size of their army.
Rackam: So the hypnotized populace help spread the hypnosis, eh... Now I get the infinite army part...
Boy: I went ahead and told all my friends as soon as I overheard that! But none of them would believe me...
Rackam: Not much of a surprise there. Almost sounds like something out of a fairy tale.
Boy: Rgh... Everyone'll be attending the party tomorrow to get their hands on a new spin blade...
Boy: I tried explaining that those particular handouts are illegal, but...
(Captain) and company shiver at the scenario painted by the distressed boy.
Vyrn: Seems like they could apply their hypnosis gimmick with anything though. Why even bother with toys—
Spinnah: I propose we join the party. What do you say, (Captain)?
Rackam: Agreed. You cool with this, (Captain)?
Not intent on letting anyone control the world, the captain nods affirmatively.
Lyria: Let's go! We have to stop their evil plan!
Boy: Thanks, guys! I really want to save everyone!
Vyrn: (Hm? Maybe I spoke up at a bad time?)
Vyrn: So like I was saying, why do they need to use toys for world domina—
Rackam: So what's our next move after getting to the venue? Expose the megacorp's plans in front of everyone?
  1. That could be risky.

Choose: That could be risky.

Spinnah: Agreed. The enemy may gain the upper hand if we're not cautious.
Rackam: True... We don't even know how big their operation is. It's best we play it safe at first.
Vyrn: Er... So what do toys have to do with—
Boy: All righty! Let's meet up again here tomorrow! I'll lead you to the party grounds!
Rackam: Sounds good to me! We'll be countin' on ya, kiddo!
Spinnah: To defile the beauty of a spin blade is unforgivable. They'll get what's coming to them.
Vyrn: Right... (Am I the only one going cuckoo over how wacky this situation is?)
And so the crew goes on to thwart the evil megacorp's plans for world domination.
At the site of the party, (Captain) and company will fall into the megacorp's trap and find themselves locked in cages!
Spinnah will be the only one to elude capture and must confront the enemy alone!
But their numbers are too great, their spin blade attacks too merciless!
You can do it, Spinnah! Defeat the menace that threatens world peace and save your friends!
This journey across the skies ends here if you lose!
Coming up next: The End of Spinnah!
See you next spin!