Scenario:THE FREEZE - Chapter 6: Clear Skies in the Far North - Episode 3

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THE FREEZE - Chapter 6: Clear Skies in the Far North - Episode 3

Everybody on the boat sits down to a pleasant dinner that Vane and Ippatsu have prepared, but previous lending and borrowing of pieces of eight is mentioned and triggers a brawl between Soriz and the fishermen. (Captain) and the crew are astonished, and begin to clear up after the meal.

Joel: …That should do it.
Vane: If we reinforce the nets like this, no matter how massive the trollkrabbe is, it wont be able to escape.
Lancelot: We tried to pull up the other nets, but apart from the one filled with shells in, they were all ripped to shreds.
Ippatsu: This crab must be outrageously huge…
Ippatsu: If we want to catch something like that, we should rest once the net is submerged so we can get our strength back!
Agielba: Argh! That Sanza, he stored away a big stockpile of food and grog… Tight-fisted old dog…
Eugen: I'm not in the least bit sorry we kicked him off the boat now.
Agielba: Aye… the grog-snarfing blowfish.
Vane: Everybody! Dinner's ready! Heehee, having unlimited fish and shellfish is such a luxury…
Lancelot: Certainly! Our hometown had neither river nor sea, you see.
Vane: Ippatsu helped me season the food, so dinner is super tasty tonight!
Ippatsu: No, no, I was just sticking my oar in.
Ippatsu: (Sigh) If only my master were here…
Ippatsu: He could make such delicious ramen with this seafood…
Soriz: Well, that ramen's not here, Vane's dinner is. Now let's hurry and eat!
(Captain) and the crew spread the food out on the deck of the ship and begin to eat.
Vyrn: Ooooo, the soup… It really warms my cold body through.
Lyria: Teehee, a nice warm dinner makes me really happy.
Jin: Lots has happened… but now we have all joined together to hunt down a single crab. …I'll remember this journey forever.
Eugen: Hey, Jin! Remember we haven't caught the crab yet! You're speaking like this is over!
Lyria: …Oh! You've just reminded me. You gave me some pieces before, but I never returned the favour.
Friendly Fisherman: Huh? What ye sayin', lassie? Don't ye be worryin' 'bout it.
Lyria: But, you were so kind to give it to me, I was really happy. So, I want to thank you…
Friendly Fisherman: Arr, well if ye be insistin', me sholders feel as tight as riggin' in a storm…
Lyria: Of course! Leave it to me!
Agielba: Hmm… talking of repayment…
Agielba: Hey! Soriz, Ippatsu… you two borrowed some pieces from me and never paid me back!
Soriz: Whaaat! We don't even use that stuff anymore, forget about it!
Agielba: That's not the point! This is a matter of fisherman's honor!
At Agielba's words, a squabble breaks out between the fishermen about who borrowed what and when.
However, as is the norm with hot-blooded fishermen, it didn't take long for the peacful quarrel to turn into a fist fight.
Lyria: EEK! Stop! Stop it!
Eugen: Don't panic… We're just play fighting, a nice friendly brawl!
Joel: It looks like they're going easy on each other… It looks quite fun actually…
Lancelot: (Sigh) Men are the same where ever you go…
Vane: But Lancey, when you were in the Order of Black Dragons, you got must have got mixed up in that sorta stuff all the time!
Lancelot: V-Vane!
Joel: Well…for the time being let's just clear up the plates and cooking pots.
Vyrn: Agreed! If we hang around here, we are gonna get dragged into a brawl.
Soriz: AHHHHHAHA! I'm not done yet! Who else wants some of ol' Soriz!
Ippatsu: If that's the case, I'll take you on.
Soriz: Oho! Ippatsu, you've got a good punch on ya!
Ippatsu: Not bad yourself, Soriz!
As the boat ploughs through the water, the men talk with their fists, and the bond between them grows stronger.