Scenario:The Art of Mercy - Ending

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The Art of Mercy - Ending

Luhua explains the reasons for his actions and prepares himself for death. Instead, Leonis decides to send him and Renfa to a penal colony in the mountains far away, vowing to turn Erdeni into a place without discrimination from here on out. (Captain), Altair, and the others successfully take back the city of Zaha, finally putting an end to the long war.

Flying General: Aaaargh!
The fierce battle is brought to an end, and the Flying General separates into his two original forms.
Erdeni Soldier: We won...
Erdeni Soldier: We really won!
The soldier's shout triggers the others. The rugged terrain shakes as the troops jump for joy at their victory.
Red Hare: ...
Luhua: Very commendable indeed... I've lost.
As Luhua admits his utter defeat, Leonis slowly walks up to him.
Leonis: Pathetic, Luhua. You killed our father, ruined the country, and murdered your own master in the end.
Leonis: What is your objective? What is it that makes you commit these heinous crimes?
Luhua: I...
Luhua looks up at the sky, his eyes empty.
Luhua: I just wanted to be normal. I yearned to be someone who could spend his days as a normal person.
Luhua: My body, my abnormal strength, my low status, the blood that flows in my veins... None of these were things I wished for.
Luhua: I just want to be a normal person. I want to live normally. Is it a crime to wish for something as simple as that?
Luhua reveals his true wish in a quiet voice that quivers ever so slightly. Biting his lip in anguish, Leonis closes his eyes.
Luhua glances at Leonis before slowly sitting up.
Luhua: As I thought, my legs won't move anymore.
Luhua: How ironic. I've been scorned as a monster all my life, but in the end, I couldn't fully become one.
Leonis: You are a person. You have extraordinary strength, but you were not born to be a monster.
Luhua: No, king. I am not a person. Servants can never be people.
Luhua: Those with no power are never recognized as people. That is how the world is.
Luhua: Having experienced this from the moment I was born, I wanted to reject this idea... So very much.
Luhua: Physical strength does not equal power. True power lies with those who have authority.
Luhua: But physical strength was all I had. That is why I couldn't even protect the one thing that I wanted to protect.
Leonis: Is that why you killed Father and ran to Zilantos? For power and authority?
Luhua laughs bitterly at Leonis's question.
Luhua: No matter how much I worked and groveled, I couldn't go beyond being the servant of those with power.
Leonis: Luhua... You...
Luhua: Since my defeat, I've already lost my purpose in life.
As Luhua whispers these words, he grips a fragment of a broken blade in his hand.
Luhua: All of this will finally end... with my death.
Leonis: ...!
Wait, Luhua!
Luhua points the piece of metal toward himself, ready to plunge it into his own throat, when he suddenly hears a voice.
???: Luhua!
At the sound of Renfa's cry, Luhua stops, his eyes widening in surprise. His lips move in an inaudible whisper.
Luhua turns to see Renfa, bound with a rope.
Luhua: I thought you were dead...
Leonis: We've taken her hostage. Though her crime did not directly affect Erdeni, the fact remains that she caused the ruin of our allied nation.
Leonis: I hear that she is your weakness, and is of significant value to Zilantos as well.
At Leonis's nonchalant words, Luhua's face contorts into a furious expression.
Luhua: No! You plan to make Renfa a tool for your negotiations?
Leonis: Who knows? It's up to us how we want to use our hostages.
Leonis: Not to mention that the decision on what to do with you, murderer of our previous king and our enemy in this war, also lies with us.
Luhua: Ugh...
Leonis looks coldly down at Luhua, who can do nothing but tremble with rage on the ground.
However, Luhua eventually restrains himself and closes his eyes, his face loosening as if he has come to a decision.
Luhua: Renfa is not guilty of anything. I kidnapped Renfa from her homeland—I was the cause of Sui's downfall.
Renfa: Luhua, what are you saying... That's not true—
At Luhua's sharp gaze, Renfa stops mid-sentence. Luhua turns back to Leonis, a strong resolve reflected in his eyes.
Luhua: The fault lies entirely with me. I killed Erdeni's king and led the nation of Sui to ruin.
Luhua: Then I murdered the king of Zilantos, all for my own sake.
Luhua: I am the only true criminal. All sins were committed by me—therefore, it is only right that punishment is given to me alone.
Leonis: You're asking me to let Renfa go in exchange for taking all the crimes upon yourself?
Luhua: Yes. You can execute me as an example, or send my severed head to Zilantos if that is what you want.
Luhua: I've already given up on my life. So do as you please—
In a flash, Leonis's fist connects with Luhua's face, knocking him headfirst into the ground with incredible force.
Leonis looms above Luhua and grabs him by the collar, leaning in close to his face.
Leonis: You imbecile! Who exactly do you think you are!
Leonis: Giving up on your life? What the hell is that! You think you can atone for your sins that easily?
Luhua: ...!
Then what are you going to do about it! Are you going to let me go just like that?
Luhua: I killed your father, Leonis!
Leonis: But it was the people of our country who led you to do that!
Luhua: Wha...
Still gripping Luhua tightly by his shirt, Leonis's hand trembles.
Leonis: Father and I knew... We knew what the Erdeni bureaucrats secretly called you, and how they treated you.
Leonis: No matter how ideal our vision for Erdeni was, the fact remains that we were unable to protect you.
Leonis: We took you in without fully realizing the consequences, and that ended up hurting you. That is the burden I must bear.
Luhua: ...
As Luhua looks down at the ground, stunned, Leonis slowly releases him and heaves a sigh.
Leonis: Luhua, Renfa. For the murder of the king, and your betrayal of the country...
Leonis: I sentence you to exile. You will be exiled to the silent mountains of death between Zilantos and Erdeni... to Halos Ridge.
Luhua and Renfa widen their eyes at their sentence from the king.
Halos Ridge is a penal colony to which criminals have been banished since long ago.
With insufficient resources for food and a long, harsh winter that robs the place of both sound and color, the ridge is famous for driving even the strongest of men to madness, and finally, suicide.
Thus, the place has come to be known as the silent mountains of death. A forbidden place that belongs to neither country.
Leonis: From now on, you will no longer be associated with the country of Erdeni in any way whatsoever.
Leonis: However, if you ever choose to step foot into our country, be warned that you will be treated as a criminal and receive appropriate punishment for trespassing on our land.
His tone indifferent, Leonis pauses between his words and lets out a small sigh.
Leonis: That's all from me... Whether you live or die from here on out is none of my concern.
The message hidden behind Leonis's words is plain.
Realizing this, Luhua is rendered speechless. After a stretch of silence, his lips curve upward slightly.
Luhua: You really are Canopus's son. A soft man who cannot bring himself to be completely heartless.
Leonis: I will not give up on Father's dream.
Leonis: His unfulfilled dream of molding Erdeni into a place of equality... I will make it happen in his stead.
Luhua: Changing the way people think won't be easy. Are you saying that you're still willing to spend your life making this dream come true?
Leonis: Yes. I will definitely make it happen.
Luhua: I see...
Seeing Leonis's serious expression, a wide smile spreads across Luhua's face.
Luhua: Then work hard at it, Brother.
Leonis: That goes without saying. Goodbye, Brother.
And with that, the brothers bid farewell to each other. Somewhere inside himself, Luhua feels a heavy burden lifted.
Soon after, Luhua is bound and put in a carriage headed for Halos Ridge.
Renfa sits in a separate carriage, looking silently out at the sky.
Shura: Luhua has departed for Halos Ridge. This carriage will be making its way there soon as well.
Renfa: Sure.
As she watches her sister stare blankly at the sky, Shura bites her lip in hesitation.
Shura: I'm sorry...
Renfa: Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything.
Shura: My actions and the choices that I made brought you to this.
Renfa: Heh. Well, aren't you full of yourself.
Renfa: I've told you already. I chose this for myself.
Renfa: No matter what you did, I know I would have chosen this regardless.
Renfa: I don't regret it. Even if I am to starve and die a miserable death, if I can be with the person I love, I'm ready.
At last, Renfa calmly shifts her eyes to her sister.
Renfa: This is no longer any of your concern. I've always been alone. I never had a sister.
Renfa's eyes are stubborn, without the slightest waver.
Renfa: You must have mistaken me for someone else. I don't recall ever having a sister.
Renfa: I'm a criminal who tried to weasel her way out of being a servant. Just a girl without family or siblings.
Her tone becomes stern, an edge to her voice that hints at the resolve behind her words.
Renfa: Shura... Your sister is not me. She can't be a corrupted criminal like me.
Renfa: So please, just leave me alone. An upright person like yourself shouldn't associate with criminals.
Shura's breath catches at Renfa's stinging words.
Knowing the reason behind Renfa's attitude, Shura, too, decides to close off her emotions.
Shura: Yes... You're right. Then may I ask you one last thing before you leave?
Renfa: What is it?
Shura: Are you certain you don't regret this?
Shura's voice quivers against her will as she asks her final question. Renfa pauses for a brief moment before nodding.
Renfa: Of course. I have no regrets, because I've finally attained what I always wanted most.
Renfa's delicate lips curve up like a flower blossoming, not a hint of falsehood in her smile.
Witnessing Renfa's genuine smile, Shura purses her lips, sealing them before turning her back to the carriage.
Shura: Then I have nothing else to say to you. Goodbye, Renfa.
Renfa: Shura. I'm certain that your sister is out there somewhere, living a happy life.
Renfa: I hope you can meet her someday. Take care, Shura, strategist of Erdeni.
Hearing Renfa's final words, Shura walks quickly away from the carriage before she can change her mind.
Renfa's carriage soon departs for the mountains, the rumble of its wheels growing fainter and fainter until it disappears into the distance.
A few days have passed since Luhua's departure.
Erdeni drives out the remaining Zilantos troops from Zaha and takes back the city.
With their own country in civil conflict, Zilantos stops their invasion of Erdeni, bringing about a ceasefire.
Leonis: Once again, I commend all of you on a splendid victory!
Two days have passed since Erdeni's recapture of Zaha.
Leonis is outside in the city center, looking around cheerfully as Erdeni prepares to restore the city to its glory.
Leonis: We've lost many things in this war, but we haven't lost everything.
Leonis: (Captain). I am eternally grateful to you for coming to our country's aid.
Shura: Please allow me to convey my gratitude as well. Thank you for all the support you have given us.
Vyrn: Heheh! Glad we could help!
Lyria: I'm sure Polaris and Zawra are also happy that Erdeni's at peace again.
Leonis: Yes. I'll pay a visit to their graves and let them know after this.
Shura: The city of Zaha has taken quite a lot of damage as a result of this war... Restoring it will take time.
(Captain) follows Shura's gaze and looks around at the city.
With the wounds from the war still fresh, the city's ruins stand as a reminder of the hardships the people endured during the war.
Leonis: Will you be leaving soon?
Lyria: Oh, not yet. We'll be staying here until Altair finishes deciphering the code on some stone artifacts.
Vyrn: Boy, was he excited over 'em... Looks like it's gonna take a good while.
(Captain) and the crew chuckle and continue taking in the beautiful cityscape as they wait for their silver-haired friend.
Altair: Achoo!
While (Captain) and the others are chattering in the streets, Altair sneezes somewhere a ways from them.
The magnifying glass he was using flies out of his hand, and he frantically reaches out to catch it before it hits anything.
Altair: That was close... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I damaged something this valuable.
He turns back to the stone artifact in front of him and gazes at the various engravings on it.
After reporting their victory to Zawra and Polaris at their graves, Altair is now by himself at Zaha's historical archive.
He received permission from Leonis to inspect the rare artifacts as a token of gratitude for leading Erdeni to victory.
The strategist secludes himself in the archive. He meanders his way around the countless artifacts, eager to make the most of his time there.
Upon close examination, Altair can see that the markings engraved on the artifacts do, in fact, describe something in relation to the true meaning of the creation myth.
But Altair suspects that analyzing everything in the archive will take a considerable amount of time.
Altair: I wonder what sort of truths await beyond the deciphering of these markings... Heh heh, I simply cannot wait.
Altair: Next, let's take a look at this part starting from the third line...
Altair peers excitedly at the arcane symbols, clearly more thrilled than he had been on the battlefield.
Helel ben Shalem is a crew member

Altair: Speaker... Is that a name?
Altair: Sealed within a stone block, the Dusk Speaker... The name of the Speaker is...
Altair: Hel... Be... Sha-lem?
Altair: Shalem? Shalem... Shalem... If I recall, there should be someone with that name on our ship...
Altair: No... It must be a coincidence.
The name engraved on the stone artifact reminds Altair faintly of someone.
A mysterious girl (Captain) brought into the crew not too long ago.
Altair: No, I have yet to find any concrete proof. Perhaps there are other parts that can provide a further description of this person...
Altair: Heh heh, things are getting exciting! Once I decipher these stones, I will be one step closer to knowing the truth of our history!
Helel ben Shalem not in crew

Altair: Speaker... Is that a name?
Altair: He... Sha...
Altair: The crucial parts have been scratched off... I can't read any further.
Altair: Perhaps there are other parts that can provide a further description of this person.
Altair: Heh heh, things are getting exciting! Once I decipher these stones, I will be one step closer to knowing the truth of our history!
Altair focuses his attention back on the stone artifacts, serious yet with a quiet enthusiasm.
Altair has once again proved himself a genius strategist by turning the situation around and successfully ending a long war through various clever tactics.
Now he has taken it upon himself as his next mission to dig deep into the endless shadows of history in search of the truth behind the Creation.
Whether he can reach the truth that he yearns to know...
That is a story best left for another time.
The End