Scenario:Together in Song - Chapter 6: Reversing the Distortion - Episode 2

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Together in Song - Chapter 6: Reversing the Distortion - Episode 2

Shocked to realize that the paintings and sculptures turning into monsters are all Caro's creations, the islanders begin to distrust Caro and decide to banish him from the island. The crew finds Caro as he is starting to lose control of his power, and he hands Elta the mended painting for safekeeping. The islanders catch up just as monsters attack.

Monsters: ...!
Vyrn: We managed to get rid of 'em somehow...
Lyria: But the paintings and sculptures were all destroyed in the process. It was the only way we could stop those monsters, but still...
Instrument Crafter: So it was true when you said the paintings looked like monsters...
Artist: Guess you finally decided to open your eyes.
After making sure all the artwork has been destroyed, the man calms down and looks around the room at the islanders.
Artist: We should take care of anything else that might attack while we have the chance. There are some others in town still, right?
Artist's Son: M-my mosaic's fine though.
Artist: You can keep that one. The works that turned into monsters were all Caro's.
Musician: You know, you're right...
Ceramic Artist: Listen, the skyfarers mentioned something about Caro using magic to create his paintings.
Ceramic Artist: Wouldn't it be reasonable to think that those paintings turned into monsters because of his magic?
Lyria: Let's not jump to conclusions! He just uses his magic to make paint. It's not a scary power or anything.
Musician: Actually, he calls himself a traveler, but apparently he hasn't been staying in any of the inns.
Musician: I hear he goes into the forest when night falls. Isn't that a bit strange, considering no one else dares to venture there because of all the monsters?
Musician: Maybe he pretends to be friendly, but he's actually some sort of monster. Why else would he go into the woods like that?
Elta: No! Caro wouldn't hurt a fly!
Musician: Then how come he's able to just leisurely stroll into a forest filled with monsters? I bet he's controlling them!
Artist: It all adds up. Maybe the giant monster that appeared the other day was his doing too.
Musician: Maybe he painted those paintings so fast and handed them out all over town so they'd attack us.
Ceramic Artist: I bet he was just biding his time, waiting until he had finished distributing all those monstrous creations of his.
Anxiousness gives rise to doubt, and hostility spreads among the islanders like a defense mechanism.
Artist: I'm going to drive him away...
Artist: Anyone else who wants to come along, follow me! The rest of you finish destroying his creations!
Selfira: How did it come to this? He wants to drive Caro away?
Artist's Son: Stop it! Caro would never attack us!
Artist's Son: Caro's a nice person. He always smiled when you talked about Mother.
Artist: I don't want to believe it, but that smile of his could have very well been fake.
Artist: We have to nip this in the bud. We can't allow there to be any lives lost!
Instrument Crafter: Yeah, let's comb the island and capture that bastard!
The islanders raise their voices in agreement and dash out of the shelter one after another.
Lyria: Wait! Please! There's a reason Caro went into the forest.
Elta: This doesn't look good. They're not in any state to listen to reason right now!
Selfira: Lyria, can you sense Caro's location? If we find him first, we might be able to protect him!
Lyria: I-I'll do my best!
Lyria: ...!
Vyrn: How's it looking?
Lyria: He's coming this way... But something's wrong. I have a bad feeling about this!
Elta: Let's find him! Quick! There's no time to talk.
Caro: Huff.. Huff...
Caro staggers along the road toward the shelter, clutching the mended painting.
Lyria: There he is! Caro!
Caro: Oh... (Captain)... Everyone...
Elta: This is bad! He's covered in sweat and shaking all over!
Caro: My chest has been throbbing with pain...
Face twisted in anguish, Caro hands the painting to Elta.
Caro: Take this painting. I didn't use my magic paint on it, so it won't turn into a monster...
Elta: Turn into a monster? So your magic really was behind all this?
Caro: Seems that way... My studio's in a right state because of it...
Lyria: When I was searching for your presence earlier, it felt like you were about to lose control...
Lyria: I think the reason those things are turning into monsters might be because you can't control your power anymore.
Caro: Losing control, huh... Sounds like something I'd rather avoid...
Having succeeded in entrusting the painting to Elta, Caro crumples to the ground, exhausted.
Caro: Huff... Huff...
Caro: Okay, leave me be. I don't want to get you all caught up in this mess...
Elta: We can't just leave you! Let's find a safe place for you to rest!
Artist: There he is! Over there!
Selfira: Oh no, they spotted him!
Monsters: ...!
Vyrn: We don't have time to deal with you blasted monsters! Let's take 'em out quick, (Captain)!