Scenario:Vira - A Strange Secret

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A Strange Secret

At Vira's request, the crew decides to go to a bakery deep in a certain forest. Vira wants to surprise Katalina, who apparently has a sweet tooth. The crew's also excited to reward Katalina for her hard work.

Lyria: Um... What Katalina likes?
Vira: That's right. Do you know?
Lyria: Hm... I don't know what Katalina likes to eat, but I do love eating her cooking!
Vira: Hehe... Oh, Lyria, your mind is as unique as your palate.
Lyria: Huh? Um... Thank you so much!
Vyrn: That wasn't a compliment...
At Vira's request, (Captain) and company stop by a forest in an archipelago.
Well out of Katalina's earshot, Vira begins to whisper to the others.
Vira: In a village deep in this forest, there's a bakery that sells the absolute best baked sweets.
Vira: Katalina would never admit it, but she has a big sweet tooth.
Vira: So I'd like to surprise her with some of that bakery's finest offerings.
Vyrn: Seriously? You come to a forest infested with who-knows-what for some cake?
Vira: ...
Vira: Well, if you'd prefer, I considered fried talking lizard for her as well...
Vyrn: Okay, I get it! Let's go get those baked sweets! C'mon, (Captain)!
Lyria: This is a great chance to give a little something back to Katalina!
Vira: It's all decided then. Let's make sure Katalina doesn't figure out what we're up to.

A Strange Secret: Scene 2

On the way to the bakery, Vira states that she knows everything about Katalina. Vira passionately describes how she delights in basically stalking Katalina, secretly observing her from the shadows.

Lyria: I had no idea Katalina likes sweets.
Vira: I should think not. She's big on her image and keeps it secret.
Vyrn: Then how do you know about it, Vira?
Vira: Silly lizard. There's nothing I don't know about my dear Katalina.
Vira: When I was in Albion, come rain or shine, day or night...
Vira: I always watched her no matter where she was or what she was doing.
Vyrn: Uh... Was Katalina aware of that?
Vira: Of course not! How else could I have seen the real Katalina?
Vira: Seeing her as she was in private... For me, there could be no greater joy.
Vyrn: I'm starting to get worried for Katalina...
Vira: Let's hurry back to the village. I'm eager to see Katalina's smiling face!
Vira: I wonder whether it will be as adorable as the one she makes when she thinks she's alone.

A Strange Secret: Scene 3

When asked why she's so fixated on Katalina, Vira says it's a secret. While Vira daydreams about Katalina, monsters suddenly attack, but (Captain) saves her just in time.

Vira: I see the village ahead. We're almost there.
Vyrn: Say, Vira. Why are you so fixated on Katalina anyway?
Vira: Because she's beautiful. Is that so wrong?
Vyrn: No, but...
Vira: Of course there are other reasons as well. So many reasons. Secret reasons...
Vira: The moment I swore I would become Katalina's forever, we—
Vyrn: Hey! Snap out of it! We've got company!
Vira: ...!
Monster: Graaaagh...
Vira: Oh...
Vyrn: Nice one, (Captain)! But don't forget the rest of 'em!

A Strange Secret: Scene 4

The crew fulfills its objective. Vira thanks (Captain) for saving her and talks about when she first met Katalina. Vira's obsession with Katalina weakens somewhat, but she now seems to target (Captain) as well.

Katalina: Thank you, everyone. So this is why you were acting so sneaky.
Katalina: But I don't think I've ever told anyone how much I like sweets...
Vyrn: Don't worry about it!
Lyria: That's right! We're just glad to see you so happy.
Vira sneaks away from the excited Lyria and the others to have a word with (Captain).
Vira: (Captain), thank you so much for saving me earlier.
Vira: I hope you can forgive me for not saying anything sooner. I'm not sure where my head was...
Vira: When you saved me, I saw you as Katalina for just a moment.
Vira: You see, when I first arrived in Albion, Katalina saved me from a wandering monster...
Gran is the Main Character

Vira: Ha-ha. I used to think all men were the same.
Vira: But if there are men like you out there, I guess I have a bit of soul-searching to do.
Vira: Or perhaps you're the only one who's truly special?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Vira: Ha-ha. By the way, (Captain). Do you have any sisters?
Vira: Katalina's the closest thing I have to a sister, but she's older than me. I've always wanted a younger sister too.
Vira: For example... An adorable sister like you, (Captain).
Vira punctuates her words with a big smile at (Captain).
With a new distraction making itself known, Vira's obsession with Katalina weakens just a little.