Scenario:What Makes the Sky Blue - Chapter 5: Wings - Episode 3

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What Makes the Sky Blue - Chapter 5: Wings - Episode 3

Juri draws out every last ounce of power to defeat an archangel, after which Eugen, Farrah, and imperials join to turn the tide. Sandalphon considers using Vyrn's wings in place of Gabriel's, but kidnaps Lyria instead when she gets in the way.

More powerful archangels have arrived, their destructive power pushing Juri's insufficient units to the brink.
Even so, he valiantly attempts to rally the agents.
Juri: Huff... Huff...
Dominion Core: ...!
Juri: Unit two, take flank! Three and four provide cover!
Agent 2: Gwaaah!
Agent 3: It's useless, Juri! We can't put a dent in this thing!
Juri: Settle down! Its line of sight can shift at will! I'll divert its attention while you hit it from the side!
Dominion Core: ...!
Agent 4: It's aiming for you, Juri! Get out of there!
Juri: ...!
Juri: Am I... going to die?
Juri: Yeah, guess so. I stare down the barrel of death. There's no way I can escape this.
Juri: It's all right though. I did what I could. Isn't that the best way to go out?
Juri: Father... Farrah...
Eugen... Lieutenant Galston...
Farrah: Juri...
Eugen: What's wrong?
Lieutenant Galston: Is that all you've got?
Juri: ...
Juri: I did what I could? Did I really mean that?
Juri: That's a lie. Wallowing in pretty words is absolutely worthless!
Juri: I can't die here, not when I can still get on my feet!
Juri: Screw you!
Dominion Core: ...!
Agent 3: That crazy idiot just charged right in!
Agent 4: Hahaha! I thought he dodged it, but that thing's line of sight changed. Look, it's all screwy!
Juri: You're not gonna get me, you laughable halo!
Juri: You think I'm going to perish in this obscure place? What kind of way to go out is that?
Juri: Graaah!
Dominion Core: ...
Juri: Huff... Puff... Did I get it?
Virtue Cores: ...
Juri: Geez, they're tough... Give me a break...
Eugen: Hah hah hah! That's a nice face ya got there, Juri!
Eugen: Listen up, men! Unleash a barrage and stop them in their tracks!
Juri: Eugen? Why are you here?
Agent 1: Hahaha! I tried to stop him by shoving him onto a hospital transport.
Agent 1: You see how well that worked out, and now he's back. There was no way he was gonna sit out on this one while we did the heavy lifting!
Juri: I see. Still, this enemy is no pushover—
Farrah: Hiyaaah!
Virtue Cores: ...
Imperial Soldier: All units push forward! We won't be outclassed by agents!
Juri: Farrah! You rallied the imperial forces?
Farrah: Sorry to keep you waiting, Juri! This imperial garrison is reporting for duty! We'll force the enemy back in a single push!
Juri: Affirmative! Thanks, Farrah!
Farrah and Juri: Grrraaah!
Gabriel's face is stained with intense pain from destroying her own wings.
Sandalphon: ...
Gabriel: Hahaha... I'm not going to lie—that stung a bit.
Michael: That was absurd, but thanks to you, his plans can no longer come to fruition.
Michael: Humph. What's the matter? Did all your bravado dissipate? You will be forever stuck in the supreme primarch's shadow.
Sandalphon: That was quite a dirty trick.
Sandalphon: I won't allow it to stop my plans though. I'll think of something later.
Sandalphon: Yes, I believe it's time for judgment to continue. Let me show you to the research lab. I'm sure I can find a way to make you regret your actions.
Gabriel: By all means. It's my first time.
Michael: Go ahead and try it. This isn't over.
Sandalphon: ...
Vyrn: Michael! Gabriel! What was that huge explosion? You two all right?
Sierokarte: Gasp! I-it's you! You're the one responsible for the cataclysms!
Sandalphon: Huh, you're still alive? Ah, of course. You've been helping the primarchs. No wonder Michael and Gabriel...
Sandalphon lets out a sigh and fixates on Vyrn, deep in thought.
Sandalphon: Hahaha! And you've brought me the red dragon! You're like the gift that keeps on giving!
Sandalphon: Let's see what's in those wings of yours. Is it good luck or bad luck?
Vyrn: Eep! What are you talking about? You can't take my wings!
Michael: Ridiculous. The fool's gone mad. How far will he go to usurp the supreme primarch?
Gabriel: An ulterior motive... Could it be that the heavenly realm isn't his target after all?
Sandalphon: This won't hurt a bit. As long as you stay still, it'll all be over in a flash.
Sandalphon: Now give them to me!
Sandalphon moves toward Vyrn with unnatural speed.
By the time (Captain) reacts, Vyrn's wings are already in Sandalphon's grasp.
But then a blue streak comes flying in.
Lyria: Vyrn!
Vyrn: Lyriaaa!
Sierokarte: Lyria!
Lyria appears out of nowhere, knocking Vyrn out of Sandalphon's hands. Sandalphon instantly grabs Lyria instead and pulls her up into the sky with him.
Lyria: Ngh... Let me go!
Sandalphon: Well, well, well... I was angling for a red dragon, but the girl in blue snagged my line instead.
Sandalphon: Nothing's gone right today. Which archangel oversees luck, I wonder?
Vyrn: Hey, let her go! It's my wings you're after, not her!
Sandalphon: I'll meet you at the island of earth. We'll do a trade; the girl for the dragon.
Sandalphon: I believe that's a fair deal. I'll even make you citizens of my new world.
Sandalphon: Either watch your world burn with the dragon, or live on in mine with the girl. I await your wise decision.
Lyria: (Captain)! I did a good job, didn't I? I protected Vyrn!
Lyria: I'm glad I was able to help in the end...
Vyrn: Lyriaaa!
Lyria smiles with all her might as she disappears with Sandalphon in a flash of light.
(Captain) stands with clenched fists, never once glancing away from where Lyria once was.