Scenario:What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 - Chapter 2: Sacrifice - Episode 4

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What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 - Chapter 2: Sacrifice - Episode 4

Without Raphael, the alliance struggles until the Grandcypher arrives. Sandalphon comes to Michael's aid against the cherub and manifests the six wings which are proof of his position as supreme primarch.

The battle rages on in the red skies.
When Raphael goes down, the fallen angels press home their advantage, aiming to punch holes in the skydweller fleet's formation.
Lancelot: Take this! Weissfluegel!
Watcher: Higgyee!
Lancelot: Huff... huff...
It feels like they're only picking up momentum...
Lancelot: They must have seen their opportunity when the wind calmed...
I'm worried about Raphael, but...
Lancelot: If we give ground now, there'll be no second chance.
Lancelot: Hang on! We have to weather this challenge... Our chance will come!
Watchers: Kyahahahaha!
Lancelot: Haaah!
Charlotta: Bad news, Siero! The enemy is about to break through our lines!
Charlotta: We can't keep up with treatment of the injured... And communication between ships is lagging behind!
Sierokarte: Understood! In that case, belay my previous order...
Sierokarte: Send out a skyskimmer to strengthen our supply lines—that has to be our first priority!
Charlotta: Yes, ma'am! I'll head out to help where the formation is in danger of breaking!
Sierokarte: Thank you! But please, don't do anything too rash—
Charlotta: ...!
Siero, get down!
Sierokarte: Hm?
Watcher: Unggyaaahhh!
Sierokarte: ...!
Watcher: ...
Charlotta: Wh-what a performance... (Captain) plummeted from the heavens, twisted around mid-fall, and sliced that watcher in half with one stroke!
Sierokarte: (Captain)!
(Captain) lands beside Sierokarte, threat dispatched.
The Grandcypher parts the clouds above. One after the next, crew members slide down rope ladders to join their captain.
Vyrn: Sorry we're late! The cavalry is here!
Lyria: Siero! Everybody! What can we do?
Katalina: One step at a time, Lyria. That horde of fallen angels is certainly intimidating, but...
Rosetta: Right. I can't believe the battle is already so far advanced. Can you bring us up to speed, Siero?
Sierokarte: You got it! Let me give you a quick rundown—
Sandalphon: Hm? That aura... Is that Michael?
Sandalphon: ...
Io: Can you tell what's happening with Michael, Sandalphon?
Sandalphon: Yes. She's engaged with a huge fallen angel. And it isn't going well.
Sandalphon: Hmph...
Sandalphon: I'm going to leave the ship for a while. You lot join the other skydwellers and take care of the watchers.
Rackam: Sure, we can do that. Are you gonna help Michael?
Sandalphon: Help her? I'm going to send that cherub straight to hell.
Eugen: Hey, it's great that you're feelin' confident, but even one of the four primarchs has her hands full with that thing.
Sandalphon: Yes. A primarch.
Michael: Hnh!
Cherub: Vmmm!
Michael: Didn't strike deep enough... At least it seems like its healing faculties are flagging.
Michael: Easy, Michael... Your goal is the fallen angels at the summit of Pandemonium. Tiring yourself out with this cherub is precisely what they want you to—
Sandalphon: Haaah!
Cherub: Vmmm?
Michael: Oh. If it isn't Sandalphon.
Sandalphon: (Captain) and the crew are here too. It's time to break the stalemate.
Michael: I'm well aware of what needs to be done. You return to the others and help shore up the fleet's defensive formation.
Sandalphon: I'll destroy the cherub. You go back and take command of the skydweller alliance.
Michael: Excuse me? You expect to arrive out of nowhere and hand out orders?
Sandalphon: It's simply the wisest division of labor. I have a promise to keep and I intend to do so.
Michael: ...
Cherub: Vrrrmmm!
Sandalphon: One of Avatar's ilk... So that nightmare is still plaguing this world...
Sandalphon: But this is the perfect opportunity for me to test my strength!
Sandalphon: It's back... The strength filling me feels even more potent than before...
Sandalphon: Lucifer...
Michael: Hmph...
Very well. Let's see whether you're worthy to follow in the supreme primarch's footsteps.
Cherub: Vvvmmm!
Sandalphon: I hope you're ready to taste the full extent of the supreme primarch's powers!

What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 - Chapter 2: Sacrifice - Episode 4: Scene 2

As Sandalphon battles the cherub, Gabriel and Cagliostro find Raphael on a nearby island and bring him back to the alliance fleet at Pandemonium.

Gabriel: From the looks of that light, I'd say Sandalphon's joined the battle.
Cagliostro: H-hey, stupid! Drop your jaw if you want, but don't drop me!
Gabriel: Oh dear, I'm sorry! It's been so long since I saw that power used... It caught me off guard.
Gabriel: But what a huge host of fallen angels... Thank goodness we have the skydwellers to back us up.
Cagliostro: The feeling is mutual. I certainly don't want the world to be returned to nothingness.
Cagliostro: Those two have weapons that can kill immortals, and they've chosen a battleground at a low enough altitude to put you primarchs at a disadvantage. Can't fault their strategy.
Gabriel: Belial was once the supreme primarch's adjutant. He's intimately familiar with all our weak points.
Gabriel: But we don't know him the same way. It's impossible to tell when he's lying or when he's telling the truth.
Cagliostro: That pervy archangel probably doesn't give a fig about anything but Lucilius, right?
Cagliostro: Wait. So then, that man in the black hood—
Gabriel: Hold that thought...
It's faint, but I sense Raphael on that little island!
Cagliostro: Raphael? What the hell would he be doing there?
Raphael: Ngh...
Sorry... I failed...
Gabriel: Don't say that. What happened was perfectly understandable under the circumstances. What worries me is that your wounds aren't regenerating...
Raphael: Not exactly... This is only conjecture, but I believe Sariel's scythe lacks power... It's going slowly, but I am regenerating.
Raphael: I have to return... Can you get me back to the alliance flagship?
Cagliostro: Hold your hurricanes there, Windy. You're in no condition for active duty.
Cagliostro: The four primarchs are a package deal with the tetra-elements. If you don't get back on your feet, the Sky Realm can kiss its buoyancy goodbye.
Raphael: You needn't worry about that. I've already ceded my role to nature. The wind and I are no longer one.
Gabriel: That's what Lucifer wanted. Who knows what might happen to us in this battle. This way we're insured against the worst.
Cagliostro: You're all-in, huh?
Cagliostro: Fine. I'll carry Raphael. Let's hurry and join the alliance then!
Wielding chaos as their weapon, the fallen angels have once again turned the tide of battle.
Will the arrival of the Grandcypher, and the skydwellers' gradually increasing grasp of Lucilius's plan, be enough for them to regain the upper hand?