Scenario:Yodarha - Trouble with Teacher

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Trouble with Teacher

Yodarha hears about a strange dojo and suspects that one of his former disciples is there. When (Captain) and company go there and see students doing nothing but meditating, they decide to challenge the assistant instructor to a fight.

The crew hears about a strange new martial art at the Knickknack Shack and sets off for the island where it's catching on.
A dojo has been built in town, and scores of people impressed by the skilled instructor are now staying there to train.
Vyrn: A dojo, huh... You think it's gonna live up to the hype?
Yodarha: Hard to say, but I'm more interested in the instructor they got there.
Katalina: They say a master swordsman founded the place. Perhaps a former disciple of yours, Yodarha?
Lyria: Um... Do you think it's the one who randomly attacked that guy?
Yodarha: Well, I don't know. From what I hear, maybe, maybe not.
Yodarha: Still, if one of my disciples is over there, I'd like to pay a visit. Establishing your own dojo is no easy task!
(Captain) and company soon arrive in front of a large building that appears to be the dojo they've been looking for.
Despite the rumors of its popularity, the dojo appears to be deserted.
Vyrn: This place gives me the creeps. It's just too quiet.
Lyria: Y-yeah... It feels more like a haunted house than a dojo.
Student: May I help you?
Lyria: Eek!
Student: Pardon me. Did I startle you?
Katalina: We heard a lot of good things about your dojo. Is anyone inside? It seems awfully quiet.
Student: Yes, we're in the middle of meditating. The students rarely move during this time. Would you like to take a look around?
Yodarha: Indeed! I'd love to see what all the fuss is about for myself!
The student nods and shows the crew inside, where they find a dojo full of people meditating in silence.
Students: ...
Vyrn: Meditation, huh? I wasn't sure what to expect, but they really aren't moving at all, are they?
Vyrn: Hey, big fella, it looks like there's about a hundred people sitting in here. But are they all, like, still alive?
Student: Yes. After another half a day, they'll begin their work.
Yodarha: They're gonna keep doin' this for half a day? That's pretty impressive! Do you ever catch any of 'em noddin' off?
Student: No, no one falls asleep. That's another result of our training.
Katalina: This is amazing... I've done training like this before, but never for such a long period of time.
Yodarha: Well, just watchin' 'em makes me feel like I'm trainin'! Hyuk-hyuk!
Vyrn: But will doing this for a solid day really make you any stronger?
The moment Vyrn utters these words, the mood in the dojo changes.
Students: ...
All of the meditating students open their eyes in unison and turn to stare at (Captain) and the crew.
Vyrn: Gulp!
Lyria: Whoa! They weren't actually asleep!
Student: Yes, meditation can make us stronger. Our strength of mind is reflected in the strength of our bodies.
Strong Man: Heh-heh... Visitors, huh? This body of mine is the result of all this training. Impressive physique, right?
Yodarha: Hmm... Well, it does seem to be quite effective!
Strong Man: The more we meditate, the stronger our body and skills become. You'll find no better proof of that than in assistant instructors like me.
Strong Man: If you still have any doubts, why don't I show you? Let me demonstrate the true power of meditation.
Yodarha: Hmm... That would be most enlightening. Well then, have at you!

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 2

When (Captain) and company defeat the assistant instructor, hundreds of students surround them. Despite being completely outnumbered, Yodarha insists that they'll prevail easily.

Strong Man: Argh!
Yodarha: Done already, huh?
Student: Impossible! Our instructor... Are these people from another school?
Student: They're trying to break up our dojo! Get 'em, everyone!
Vyrn: Boy, they just keep coming! What are they trying to prove here?
Student: You won't get away with defeating our instructor! We haven't mastered our art yet, but we've trained plenty! Don't think you can leave so easily!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk... There sure are a lot of you for just one little old man like me.
Katalina: Yodarha! We're no match for all of them!
Yodarha: Oh? Are you really gonna let a bunch of meditators get the better of us?
Katalina: They may not be masters, but they've all been training! There's just too many of them!
Yodarha: No worries. I'm thinkin' you could handle 'em all by yourself if you wanted to! Hyuk-hyuk!
Student: Wha? How dare you! Get ready!
Katalina: Incoming! There's no backing out now—attack!

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 3

After being easily defeated, the students realize they've been duped by their head instructor, one of Yodarha's former disciples. Enraged that Yodarha would try to break up his dojo, the instructor draws his sword and attacks.

Student: Guh... Eep!
Katalina: Oh... Wait, was that it?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Told you so! You could've whooped 'em all on your own!
Katalina: It wasn't anything, really... It's almost as if they've never fought a day in their lives.
Yodarha: I'm startin' to think all you guys did was sit there and meditate, no?
Student: Pant... Wheeze... But the instructors said meditation is all we would need.
Katalina: Come on, now... Did you all really fall for that?
Katalina: You seriously thought you'd get stronger by just sitting there all day believing it'd happen? I hate to break it to you, but...
Student: N-no way! I drank the same holy water the instructor was drinking! And I paid a fortune for it!
Student: Ugh... How could we have wasted an entire year like this?
Yodarha: It sounds like the head instructor and the assistants are the only strong ones here.
Yodarha: With that level of strength combined with a bogus story about a so-called new training technique, someone's sure to buy into it.
Student: We were told if we were patient and did the meditation exercises, we wouldn't have to do any strenuous training... Was it all a ruse?
Yodarha: That assistant instructor was well-trained, right? But his heart was rotten, so there was no way he could have beaten us.
Student: Ha-ha... I wonder why I didn't see it before.
Yodarha: Well, once people buy into somethin', they have a hard time givin' it up.
Yodarha: You guys awake yet? I hope all that money you paid taught you a hard lesson. From now on, go to a real dojo if you wanna train!
The students leave the dojo, their shoulders slumped in disappointment, as the dumbfounded crew looks on.
Katalina: It's just so hard to believe.
Yodarha: I guess they weren't allowed out until their training was complete.
Yodarha: They were essentially stuck in an echo chamber of like-minded people... So none of 'em realized it was a lie.
Vyrn: Hey, did you know what was going on from the beginning? Is that why you came?
Lyria: So does that mean the person who started this is... um...
Yodarha: Yes, it might be one of my former disciples after all.
Vyrn: Could it be the person who randomly attacked that knight's friend? Your top disciple, right?
Yodarha: No, I don't think that's our culprit this time.
Instructor: You! Is it really you, my old master?
Instructor: I wondered who it was who came to break up my dojo, but I never thought it would be you!
Yodarha: You were a fine disciple once. How could even you have sunk to such depths?
Instructor: Grr... I don't wanna hear it! Especially right after you've gone and put me out of business!
Yodarha: It looks like you've been affected too... That's a real shame.
Yodarha: If it isn't too much trouble, could you give me a hand here, (Captain)? It appears he needs some sense knocked into him.

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 4

Yodarha scolds his former disciple and thanks (Captain) and the others for helping to show him the correct path. He then requests that they do the same when they finally find his foremost disciple.

Yodarha: Worthless excuse for a disciple!
Instructor: Ugh...
Yodarha: Open your eyes already! How dare you dupe these people out of their hard-earned money!
Instructor: I... I just...
Yodarha: Were you worried you wouldn't get any stronger? Or was training just too much for you? How'd you end up like this?
Yodarha: Is this really what you wanted?
Instructor: Y-yeah! It's what I wanted!
Yodarha: Then look everyone here in the eye and tell 'em that to their faces!
Katalina: What?
Vyrn: You mean us?
Lyria: I don't understand...
Instructor: ...!
Yodarha: When you crossed swords with (Captain), you felt it, didn't you? Honesty and sincerity.
Yodarha: You know, seeing these guys changed even Rhens's heart. That's right, the king of stupid himself.
Instructor: Really?
Yodarha: So you know what you have to do now, right?
Instructor: Yes... I have to pay back the people I deceived and then get back to my training.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Now that's more like it! Your training is far from over!
Vyrn: Talk about a sudden change of heart. What just happened to him?
Yodarha: Oh? Why, that's all thanks to you guys!
Lyria: Um... What did we do though?
Yodarha: We see into the heart of people through our swords—their true feelings and the paths they've walked to get where they are. He could see it all.
The crew is puzzled as Yodarha laughs and goes on.
Yodarha: There aren't many people who could keep up their evil ways with you around.
Yodarha: (Captain). Lyria. It's because of the mysterious power you two have.
Lyria: Really? You mean my connection to primal crystals?
Yodarha: No, miss. I'm talkin' about somethin' else. It's somethin' on the inside.
Yodarha: Lots of people either turn their lives around or manage to avoid going bad in the first place when they meet you, right?
Katalina: Now that you mention it, there are quite a few characters in our crew that fit that description.
Yodarha: As suspected. And if you'll pardon me for sayin' so, Katalina, but you were once like that yourself, am I right?
Katalina: I was?
Yodarha: Yep. The first time we met, I thought you were in danger of takin' a dark path. My fears proved unfounded.
Yodarha: But at the time, I could tell by your sword that you were lost. There were many things troublin' you, yes?
Katalina: Yes, I suppose so... That was shortly after I deserted the imperial army.
Yodarha: But then you took the right path. And that's all thanks to the strength of (Captain) and Lyria.
Yodarha: And now you have that power as well. That's the power of this crew.
Yodarha: With your power on my side, I'm sure I can open the eyes of all the students who were corrupted by my foremost disciple.
Yodarha: Though I don't blame them for being swayed. To stand against such a powerful manipulator of temptation and deception would take people special like you.
Vyrn: Hmm... But why would your strongest disciple do a thing like that in the first place?
Yodarha: Who knows? Perhaps resentment?
Yodarha: Be that as it may, I need your help to guide my distorted disciples back to the light, just like with the instructor earlier.
Yodarha: Because it's not something I can do on my own, if my past experience is anything to go by. I couldn't see the darkness in that heart...
Yodarha: (Captain), I may be a selfish old codger for askin', but maybe you could lend me a bit more of that power, huh?
Yodarha bows solemnly, and (Captain) and the crew feel pained to see such sincerity coming from him.
Katalina: Well, I say we help. Yodarha has taught us so much. We have to repay him.
Vyrn: Yeah, and we can hardly refuse with him asking like this.
Lyria: Besides, something bad could happen if we don't. We have to help in any way we can.
The crew hears Yodarha's request and promises to continue helping him. He bows his head in gratitude.
Yodarha: Well then, I wonder when the proverbial master and disciple will at last conclude their business...
Thus Yodarha finds a new goal for his journey: to reeducate the disciples corrupted by the person who was once his most promising student.
But such a task is easier said than done. Though Yodarha is confident that they'll be able to deal with his other students, stopping the one at the root of the evil will surely prove to be a different ordeal.