Scenario:Zehek - Ill Fighter, Small Hero

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Ill Fighter, Small Hero

Due to his out-of-control magic, Zehek normally tries to avoid other people, but the crew is on the way to a nearby village. They suddenly run into someone being attacked by monsters.

The crew is on its way to a nearby village for some rest.
But Zehek, whose magic is a little out of control as usual, is reluctant to interact with anyone other than the crew.
Zehek: Hey, (Captain). Can we head back to the airship for some rest?
Vyrn: You know... I understand how you feel, but going all the way back to the airship from here would be a pain...
Lyria: Sorry, Zehek. Do you think you can put up with a nearby village just for today?
Zehek: It seems like I don't have a choice. I'll be hiding behind you guys, so lead the way, (Captain).
Vyrn: I wish Zehek wouldn't worry so much about what other people think.
Lyria: I know what you mean, but you really shouldn't say things like that given how Zehek feels.
Vyrn: I know that, but still...
The crew suddenly hears a monster's roar and someone screaming.
Zehek: It sounds like someone's in trouble, (Captain)! Let's go help out!

Ill Fighter, Small Hero: Scene 2

The boy who was attacked has been ostracized by his peers due to his illness. Zehek sympathizes with him and decides to help him find a dragon scale as proof of the boy's strength. They find the scale but end up fighting the dragon.

The crew saves the boy from the monsters attacking him.
Zehek hides behind (Captain) so the boy won't see him.
Boy: Hey you! Cough... Cough... Thanks for helping me!
Zehek: Hey, (Captain)... He seems to be thanking you.
Boy: Nope... I'm actually talking to you, the one hiding back there with your bandages!
Zehek: Huh? Do you seriously mean me?
Boy: That's right! I can hardly believe how you blew those monsters away! You were way too cool!
Zehek: Ha-ha... You thought I was cool, huh?
Unexpectedly praised, Zehek asks the boy why he was walking around the woods alone.
Boy: Um... To be honest... Cough... I was born with a pretty weak body.
Zehek: I see... So you're sick too?
Boy: Yeah... And the other kids in the village say they don't want to play with a weakling like me.
Lyria: Wow... That's really terrible.
Boy: So I asked them what I have to do to get them to play with me, and they told me to get a scale from the cave dragon deep in the woods...
Vyrn: I hear you... That's why you came into the woods on your own, right?
Boy: Yeah... I'm hoping that if I bring that scale back to the village, everyone will realize I'm worth something.
Zehek, who has been silently listening to the boy's story, finally opens his mouth.
Zehek: Would you mind if I help you look for that scale?
Boy: Of course not! If you're with me, not even a swarm of dragons could stop us!
Zehek: Maybe... But let's not start celebrating just yet. Now go ahead and lead the way to that dragon.
Thanks to the boy, the crew soon finds the cave and heads inside.
Deep within the dimly lit cavern, they find a dragon scale.
Boy: Yes! If I have this, no one will dare to call me weak ever again!
Lyria: Wow! It sure has a beautiful sheen to it.
Zehek: Quiet down, you guys! Do you really want you-know-what to notice us?
Boy: A d-dragon... And it's coming this way!
Lyria: I'm so sorry, Zehek.
Zehek: Just stand back! (Captain), give me a hand with this!
Vyrn: Yeah! Let's help him out, (Captain)!

Ill Fighter, Small Hero: Scene 3

Upon returning to the village, the crew finds a crowd awaiting the boy's safe return. He makes up with the other kids and introduces Zehek as a brave hero. The crew later departs, and Zehek once again realizes how important friends are as he reflects on his lonely past.

Once the boy and crew escape the dragon's cave, he leads them to his village.
A crowd of villagers worried about the missing boy is gathered at the village entrance.
Boy: Hey! What are all of you doing here?
The boy's lighthearted greeting is met with the tearful embraces and joy of his parents and the other villagers.
The gravity of what he has done gradually dawns on him, and he soon breaks down in tears.
Boy: I'm... I'm so sorry!
Mother: You guys... Thank you so much for bringing our little boy home to us. There are no words...
Zehek: Um... I really didn't do anything... um... worthy of such praise...
Zehek: Hey, (Captain)! Say something already!
Zehek tries to hide behind the captain.
Vyrn: Huh? But we really didn't do anything at all. Right, Lyria?
Lyria: That's right! It was all Zehek this time! I'm sure (Captain) agrees too.
Zehek: Oh... you guys...
A boy who has been quietly watching the proceedings suddenly makes his appearance.
Boy's Friend: I'm sorry... I should never have called you a weakling. This is all my fault... But I can't believe you brought a dragon scale back!
Boy: Thank you... But the bravest person here is this bandaged guy next to me!
Zehek: Huh? You mean me?
Boy: Of course! You should have seen this guy's magic! It was explosively awesome!
Thanks to this glorious introduction, Zehek soon becomes the subject of envy of every child there.
Naturally every child in the village wants to play with him after that.
The next day, after enjoying the warm hospitality of the villagers, the crew reluctantly bids farewell to them and departs.
Lyria: Hee-hee... You sure were popular with those kids, Zehek!
Vyrn: Yep! I bet it's because you function on their terms!
Zehek: Excuse me? What exactly are you implying?
Lyria: I think Vyrn just means that you treat kids as equals instead of as inferiors. It's all in the way you talk.
Vyrn: That's right! Kids apparently like it when you treat them the same way that you do us!
Zehek: Heh... Heh-heh...
Zehek can't help but laugh at their words.
Vyrn: What? Did I say something funny?
Zehek: No... It's just that I sometimes forget how sick I am when I'm with you guys.
Lyria: Really? That's something we should be happy about, right?
Zehek: Yeah...
Zehek: (I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that I'll find friends one day weird enough to make even me laugh.)
Vyrn: Huh? Did you just say something?
Zehek: Nope... nothing at all. We should hurry back to the airship.
Due to the strange illness that afflicts him, Zehek has a bad habit of walling himself off from others.
But even Zehek can't help but begin to change as he journeys with his new friends.