Scenario:Zeta - Chasing Leads

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Chasing Leads

The crew finish shopping and are about to call out to Vaseraga in the crowd when they're suddenly stopped by Zeta. She's tailing Vaseraga to uncover a secret, and the curious crew decides to join the hunt.

Lyria: Phew! That's everything on the shopping list.
Vyrn: Nice! Siero said she's gonna deliver the big stuff to the Grandcypher for us.
Lyria: Thank goodness we won't have to carry it back. I guess we can head home now.
Vyrn: I'm kinda hungry though. Can we grab a bite to eat first?
Lyria: Sounds good!
Vyrn: Where should we—Huh?
Vyrn: Isn't that Spiky over there?
Lyria: I don't see... Oh, there he is!
Vyrn: Guy's like a mountain. How could you miss him?
Vyrn: Hey, Spi—mmf!
Lyria: Vyrn!
Zeta: Quickly! Over here, Lyria! You too, (Captain)!
Lyria: Huh?
Zeta seems to appear out of nowhere, and she drags (Captain) and the others into her hiding spot.
Zeta: Yikes, that was a close one.
Lyria: What's going on, Zeta?
Vyrn: Yeah! You scared the heck outta me, popping out and grabbing me like that!
Zeta: Sorry, sorry. But just be quiet for a sec.
Zeta slowly pokes her head out from the shadows and surveys the area.
Zeta: Good. He didn't notice us.
Lyria: You mean Vaseraga?
Zeta: Yeah. I'll fill you in later.
Vyrn: Why not now? Is there something wrong with Spiky?
Zeta: He... hasn't been himself lately.
Vyrn: Like, he's acting all strange and stuff?
Lyria: Oh no! What happened to him?
Zeta: Calm down, Lyria. It's not that serious. You don't have to get so worked up about it.
Lyria: Then why...
Zeta: Shoot, he's on the move! I've got to stay on him!
Lyria: Zeta!
Vyrn: I'm worried. Let's go after both of them!
Zeta: Hold it, Vyrn! You're way too conspicuous flying out in the open like that!
Vyrn: But I can't see anything if I don't...
Zeta: As long as I can see him it's fine. Now why did you follow me?
Vyrn: Because we wanna know what's up with Spiky too!
Lyria: That's right. You said Vaseraga hasn't been acting like himself.
Zeta: Well... It's kind of hard to explain.
Zeta: Honestly it's nothing, but something about his attitude rubs me the wrong way.
Zeta: So I guess strange is the only way I can describe it.
Vyrn: Really? He looks like the same ol' guy to me.
Vaseraga: ...
Lyria: Yes, I think so too. I don't feel anything strange about him.
Zeta: Obviously you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at him.
Zeta: I often find him lost in thought, and he keeps sneaking off somewhere.
Vyrn: Hmm, I see...
Lyria: You sure are watching him closely, Zeta.
Zeta: Huh? It's not like that at all!
Zeta: Look, we've run lots of missions together, okay? In some cases we're together for days on end.
Zeta: You pick up on these things. That's how I know when something's different.
Vyrn: That makes sense.
Lyria: So what do you think is different about him this time?
Zeta: My intuition says...
Zeta: A woman.
Lyria: Huh? But Vaseraga's a man...
Vyrn: Yeah, what do you mean a woman?
Zeta: Swing and a miss.
Zeta: Think about this: what if Vaseraga's found a lover?
Vyrn: Say what?
Lyria: Vaseraga is in love?
Zeta: Shhh! You'll give us away!
Lyria: Whoops! Sorry!
Zeta: So now you know. And I'm going to keep tailing him until I find out more.
Vyrn: Okay! We're coming too!
  1. Let's go!
  2. No...

Choose: Let's go!

Lyria: I want to know too! My heart's pounding with excitement...
Zeta: We can be snoops together.
Vyrn: I don't know 'bout this love business, but I'm curious about what he's up to.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: No...

Vyrn: Why not? Aren't you curious?
Lyria: Maybe we shouldn't pry into someone else's privacy...
Zeta: Come on, don't overthink this!
Zeta: You're such a serious bunch, you know that? If you want to come with me, just come.
Vyrn: I'm in!
Lyria: Uh-oh, we can't let Vyrn go off on his own! I guess we'll just have to go with him, (Captain).

Continue 1

Zeta: I don't mind having you guys tag along, but a big group sticks out like a sore thumb.
Vyrn: Look who's talking. We're not the ones wearing bright red armor that makes us look like tomatoes.
Zeta: You got me there. In that case...
Zeta glances around quickly before flashing a smile at the others.
Zeta: I'll be right back. Keep an eye on Vaseraga, got it?
Lyria: Where are—She's gone...
Vyrn: Eh, let her go. In the meantime let's try not to lose track of Spiky.
Zeta goes off somewhere but isn't gone for long.
Zeta: Sorry to keep you waiting! Did anything happen while I was gone?
Vyrn: Nope, everything's A-OK. We never took our eyes off him for a second!
Lyria: Ooh, you changed outfits, Zeta! It looks fantastic!
Zeta: Really? Thanks, Lyria.
Zeta: Anyway, the stalking should go more smoothly now! Let's move!
Lyria: Yeah!
Vyrn: Hey, Spiky's moving again!
Vaseraga: ...
Vyrn: Uh, is it just me, or does he look nervous?
Lyria: It looks like he's searching for something...
Vaseraga: ...
Townsman: ...
Lyria: I think he just said something to that person.
Vyrn: Hmm... We're too far away to hear anything, but I bet you're right.
Zeta: See? I told you something was up.
Vyrn: Yep, no doubt about it. We can't stop now!
Zeta and the others continue to track Vaseraga, hoping to stay undetected as they gather clues.
But what they will find remains yet a mystery.