Scenario:Zooey - Ch-Ch-Changes

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While celebrating a job well done after the Joya incident, Zooey notices how her experiences with the crew have made her behave more like a skydweller. She smiles at the thought of more fun experiences to come, but the crew feels something off behind her smile.

Zooey (Promo) not in crew, Zooey (Grand) not in crew

One day (Captain) and company meet a mysterious girl.
She explains her mission: the expulsion and erasure of that which would alter the world's equilibrium.
The girl asks to fight alongside the crew, to which the crew members oblige, but they realize they don't even know the girl's name yet.
???: Name? Name... Right, I need a name. Hm, what should I do?
Vyrn: Huh? You mean you don't have a name?
???: Well, I do. But... how should I say it? Zee... No, Zoh... ee? Hmm...
Lyria: Umm, did you say Zooey? I'm sorry, can you say that again?
Zooey: Zooey. Zooey... Yes, that will work.
And that's how the enigmatic, yet charismatic, Zooey came to be a part of the crew.
The Joya gathers the roots of negative afflictions throughout the sky realm, maintaining the equilibrium of people's desires.
A few days after the Joya debacle, the crew dines at a tavern to thank Zooey for her endeavors.
Lyria: Good work, Zooey!
Zooey: Thank you, but I couldn't have done it all by myself.
Zooey: If everyone hadn't been there, I couldn't have defeated the Joya.
Vyrn: Hehe, don't be so modest. Weren't you the one who blasted it away with that awesome gun?
Zooey: Um, yes, that's true, but... it was awesome?
Vyrn: Yep! Just lookin' at it gives me goosebumps. There's just something irresistible about it!
Zooey: Oh. Yes, I see it now.
Zooey: I wasn't particularly aware of it, but when you put it that way, I do get a slight sense of wonderment coming from it.
Lyria: I like your cutesy, new clothes too. Heehee, they make me want to try them on.
Zooey: You think they're cute? Hehehe. Thank you, Lyria.
Zooey: You can wear them afterward if you'd like. I think they'd look very nice on you.
Lyria: Yaay! I can't wait!
Zooey: Mm-hm. Me neither.
Zooey: You know, I never really enjoyed taking this form...
Zooey: But when you compliment me like that, I feel at peace. I've come to like it.
Lyria: How come you didn't like taking that form before?
Zooey: It's simple. I'm not good with guns.
Vyrn: You kiddin' me? That's totally not how I see it!
Zooey: It's not that they're hard to handle. Actually all weapons are easy for me to use. It has to do with my personal views.
Zooey: When I use a gun, it represents a one-sided offense.
Zooey: There's no exchange; you just keep pulling the trigger from far away until the threat goes away.
Zooey: I didn't like doing things that way.
Vyrn: You're a fussy one...
Zooey: Fussy... Yes. Yes, that's right. I can be quite fussy.
Zooey: But, like I was saying, you guys—my dear friends—complimented me as I am. Now I like this version of me.
Lyria: Haha. In that case we'll heap more and more praise on you!
Zooey: Hehehe... Thank you.
Zooey: Well, let's keep eating, or else the pie will get cold.
Zooey: But isn't this odd... What's this fizzy liquid on the side?
Zooey: Hmm... The bubbles go bloop-bloop-bloop...
Zooey: Hehe. And the sweet aroma bursts in my mouth. I could just about break into a jig.
Zooey: Can you tell me where I can harvest more of this?
Vyrn: Uh... That's called juice. You drink it, y'know.
Zooey: Oh. Is that so? I made another mistake again.
Vyrn: Remember when we first met? You asked us where you could harvest pies from too.
Lyria: Hahaha, that's part of her charm! I think it's really cute.
Zooey: Oh, this is embarrassing. Please don't tease me like that.
Vyrn: Hahaha! You've got crazy skills, but you're still the same Zooey!
Zooey: ...
Zooey: No, I've changed.
Zooey: Traveling with you all has given me the chance to experience things that make my heart leap, and I've learned wonderful things.
Zooey: I, the guardian of this world, understand now the desires that people have.
Zooey: I want to splash around in the sea with everyone. I want to go clothes shopping with Lyria. I want to discuss philosophy with Vyrn...
Zooey: I wasn't aware of it at the time, but at some point I probably possessed desires of my own.
Zooey: And when all's said and done, I gained the heart of a skydweller.
Vyrn: Sure, when you put it that way... Feels real natural talking to you recently, just like with everyone else.
Zooey: Ah, so that's how it is...
Vyrn: Huh? What's wrong?
Zooey: Truthfully I only started noticing my hesitation to handle guns not too long ago.
Zooey: The old me wouldn't have given it a second thought. The end justifies the means.
Zooey: But now I've changed. Now I'm...
Zooey: Heehee. You've really shown me so much.
Zooey: The name Zooey belongs to me and with it all the fun, unforgettable memories...
Dyrn: Grururu...
Lyrn: Ruru!
Zooey: That's right. The crew gave you two your names too.
Zooey: I think taking a skydweller form was truly the right thing to do.
Zooey: I can't thank you enough. I will cherish our friendship forever.
Vyrn: Wh-whoa, we don't need that much flattery! You've been acting weird all of a sudden. Everything okay?
Lyria: It's almost like... you're trying to say goodbye...
Zooey: ...
Lyria: Z-Zooey! Let's keep making lots of great memories!
Zooey: Hehehe. Yes. Let's fill our minds with wonderful memories, everyone.
Zooey: Don't worry. I'm not going to leave.
Vyrn: Whew... Don't freak us out like that!
Lyria: I'm so glad to hear that. We'd really hate to see you leave, okay?
Zooey: Mm-hm. I'd hate that too. I want to be with you all, forever and ever...
Vyrn and Lyria are satisfied with Zooey's response for the time being.
But Zooey's fleeting smile leaves (Captain) with a feeling of indescribable apprehension.