Topic on User talk:Hobonisuru

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mahira availability

Spartyn (talkcontribs)

Something I noticed when going through this. 2017/10/31(12:00) ~ 2017/11/2(18:59) is stated as the the last draw period for Mahira before she was removed. 2017/11/30(12:00) ~ 2017/12/2(18:59) is the actual last one, you can check the GBF website page linked and it shows Mahira available in the gacha.

Hobonisuru (talkcontribs)

Yeah, you're right. I changed it.

The list has really been just for my own record keeping so I haven't been too precise or consistent with it much, but better accuracy is good, so thanks.

Bevr (talkcontribs)

I know this isn't in the right place, but I don't have permissions to post on the Character Age page. I wanted to ask where you got info on Niyon's Age/Height?

Hobonisuru (talkcontribs)