Topic on User talk:Archpsion

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Punctuation and spaces

AdlaiT (talkcontribs)

Archpsion, let me teach you something about punctuation. Commas are typically placed at the end of a word rather than the start of one. Here is what you put on Caim's page.

Spade ,Heart ,Diamond ,and Club

The space is supposed to be after the comma, not before. Here is correct way to do it.

Spade, Heart, Diamond, and Club

Additionally, you need to put spaces after periods. Please remember these grammar rules because it actually takes time to correct so many grammar mistakes. This will become problematic if it continues.

--AdlaiT (talk) - Wiki Admin 18:02, 16 March 2019 (UTC)

Archpsion (talkcontribs)

sorry,I won't make that mistake again... m( _ _ )m