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Satyr's Journal Entry isn't translated correctly.

Summary by Hakazumi

Satyr's NPC journal entry will not be edited on her page because of reasons stated in this thread.

I mean, everything else is just fine, it's just that there is a piece of information that isn't even added as if it's unimportant. This piece of information you see is part of a reason as to why people even get the wrong idea about Satyr in Granblue, in the first place.

This is what I mean for example:

"Rumors say she possesses certain characteristics incomprehensible to skydwellers, but to what these stories refer is anyone's guess."

This sentence here is vague, but that isn't the issue here. Yeah it's supposed to be vague, but this here made people think all kinds of nonsense as if it pertained to her gender or some "transition" or stuff along those lines. Making people think it was vague for some weird gender reveal reasons.

In the JP version, it makes it clear that the "certain characteristics incomprehensible to skydwellers" are Primal Characteristics. As the machine translation says:

"It seems that there is a 'characteristic as a star crystal beast that is out of the framework of human common sense', but the details are not given." Other Human Translations I had people translate for me also point to this.

Now I can probably understand not throwing in "out of the framework of human common sense" because people will probably not even know what that even is. So "Incomprehensible to skydwellers" is fine because that's exactly what that means. Because it gives the feel that Satyr is otherworldly like other Primals, despite being abit more specific.

But for the main point i'm trying to make here is that for some ungodly reason, "Star Crystal Beast" which means Primal Beast, isn't even there to guide the reader as to what is vague about Satyr and what one should be thinking about in terms of what it is that's vague about the character. Like it's so easy to add in to the English Journal Dialogue: Rumors say she possesses certain characteristics as a Primal Beast incomprehensible to skydwellers, but to what these stories refer is anyone's guess.

Yet it's not even there.. why?

What's vague about the character anyhow is that she has some kind of power or ability unrevealed to the reader because it was cut off at the last second by Medusa and even that conversation was misunderstood. But at any rate, that Journal Entry, due to missing a single, important phrase caused the community's line of thought to go off tangent because there's no real focus.

Hakazumi (talkcontribs)

If you're unhappy about the translation and the official translation team's word choice, you can ask the support team to reconsider the translation. Scroll down the page while on the main screen until you reach "Technical Issues", scroll down again until you see "Contact", and scroll down again until you see "お問い合わせ". From there on out you'll need someone to help you translate the inquiry, because if the support team doesn't understand what you want, the chances of it being sent to the right department are next to none.

For all NPC profiles, the GBF Wiki is using information as it is provided in game and leaves little room for speculations.
Notes about possible mistranslations (not limited to NPC profiles, to make things clear) are only placed if the difference is huge and meaningful, such as calling ルシファー (Lucilius/Faa-san) Lucifer (which is ルシフェル).

I see. I'm not exactly in contact with the people who help translate things for me any longer. At least for the time being. But i'll do it.

Hakazumi (talkcontribs)

If I'm right in my assumptions as to what you're referring to, I can't say I agree with you. Primal Beasts are ideas given form or already-existing creatures changed so that they can be used to do whatever their Astral masters want. We know that if the Primal's body is destroyed, they'll go into sleep-mode as a simple core while they're regenerating their powers. I can't think of a Primal who can either alter their body freely however they want (so transformations like Phoebe to Oneiros don't count) or created themselves a new body after waking up. There might be one like that and we just haven't seen it yet. If Satyr posses that ability, then that'd be something rare even for Primal Beast and it would be something humans can't comprehend. It can obviously mean a lot of different things as well. It could be that she can create food out of thin air. It could be that she suffers no ill-effects when eating rocks. Whatever it is, "community's line of thought" is free to go wherever it pleases, because speculations can be fun.

Her ability being something only a Primal can do doesn't really delete any possibilities as of what it could be.

>"Primal Beasts are ideas given form or already-existing creatures changed so that they can be used to do whatever their Astral masters want. We know that if the Primal's body is destroyed, they'll go into sleep-mode as a simple core while they're regenerating their powers."

Yes I am very aware of that and i've also done alot of research on it here ( complete with mythological references and 22 different things backing up what i'm about to tell you. You are thinking so far along the lines of how i'm thinking. But the thing is, there actually aren't any existing creatures that were turned into Primal Beasts. The only one that ever happens to according to GBVS is Bahamut upon turning into Proto-Bahamut. It was reduced to being a Primal as the Astrals had done to it. Primals are generally manufactured beings used for war purposes. Be it as a sentient device or as a sentient weapon.

In the conversation that Nezha and Medusa was having with the crew in Primal Resonance, the things in which Nezha was saying in terms of how Primals being looks contradictory to what they actually are is in reference to the Primals simply being Cores. These Cores are created by the Power of Origination(Astral Power) and Sky Essence. In the making of their Core, the Astral creates their body the way the Astral wants like you've said. But beforehand, they come up with the idea for their design, just as Lucilius did when creating the 4 Primarchs. Ontop of that like you've said again, when beaten (or rather killed perhaps.), they go into a sleep mode to recover for who knows how long until they are able to manifest their body through their Cores again. When their Core is destroyed, the energy used to create them being Astral Power(Origination) and Sky Essence releases them from the Core and they die permanently or Chaos Matter use skips the rule of them going back to their Primal Cores and then just straight up die from a lethal blow from it.

It also shows that due to Cores simply being objects, they are genderless. As due common sense, objects don't have sex or gender. But of course gender is a label so, when they manifest they get one. They are what they look to be.

>"I can't think of a Primal who can either alter their body freely however they want (so transformations like Phoebe to Oneiros don't count) or created themselves a new body after waking up. There might be one like that and we just haven't seen it yet."

There isn't a Primal that can alter their body freely as it is impossible. They cannot go against their master's designs because that is how they were created to be. They were given specific functions to do specific things. That's really all there is to it. Only people like Sahar and Shalem can alter their designs, but they aren't even Primals. Now if they were given the ability to do something like that, then that makes sense, but it doesn't make sense for Satyr to do that because that was never even the context it was being put under and with that, it also contradicts everything Nezha was saying beforehand. Because it'd be like every Primal is the opposite gender and a complete controversial false gender-fest. Cygames would never do that.

>"Satyr posses that ability, then that'd be something rare even for Primal Beast and it would be something humans can't comprehend. It can obviously mean a lot of different things as well. It could be that she can create food out of thin air. It could be that she suffers no ill-effects when eating rocks."

I already made that clear though, because it is a Primal ability. With that said, it wouldn't even be something THAT simple as that yet again doesn't make sense. Considering that it held enough importance to be cut-off, these possibilities are quite obviously limited to the fact that they're godlike weapons. They are not only Cores, but weapons of war, another thing Nezha was referring to in his conversation with the crew and Medusa. The characteristics of a Primal in the first place by the way, are just power or ability in which would hold high importance due to being cut off.

Edit: I never read that properly when you mentioned "If Satyr possesses that ability." While what I do mean to say what I said here, to say that Satyr having the power to alter her body going is beyond the understanding of humans is completely false. Theories and even attempts was done to be able to do something like that in the first place, meaning it is already an understood concept by Skydwellers. Also, you may as well be running the company into the ground hiding that like it deserves a WHOLE event behind it or something.

>"Whatever it is, "community's line of thought" is free to go wherever it pleases, because speculations can be fun."

Speculations may be fun, but when it hits certain territory, it stops being fun and causes problems. Ontop of that, the things thought of, which are most often along the lines of Satyr being a mixture of sex or gender is not only annoying but makes zero sense given the narrative. To say it has anything to do with altering your body's sex or gender is probably the most boring, unimportant thing ever that would easily cause backlash because it wasn't even said in the first place. But i'm just speaking hypothetically here because what was being conveyed has nothing to do with that.

>"Her ability being something only a Primal can do doesn't really delete any possibilities as of what it could be."

It deletes a good number of possibilities because of the narrative. To say this quote here, is to ignore the narrative and what happened during that time. Especially when the things that're being said write off all that gender nonsense. It is due to these speculations that people jump the gun and call something completely ridiculous "canon" when it isn't.

One thing that goes over the head of many people in this community is what Primals are made for.

So to add onto what it says on the characteristics part: I want you to think about the characteristics of a weapon.

Take a Gun for instance. The characteristics of a gun is the trigger which is used to shoot and kill as well as the barrel the bullet travels through. Much like how Primal Beasts are designed to be (as a weapon) when it comes to the Astrals that create them.

In WMTSB III, Hal & Mal illustrate an example of a Primal having free will as an individual to do whatever they please and that times had changed since the time of the War when they were utilized as Weapons or Devices. The reason why they even have sentience though is due to an algorithm that triggers during the creation of their Primal Core upon mixing Astral Power and Sky Essence.

When they go into their Core state, they do not cease being a Primal, as the Core is still them. It is what a Primal is in the end. It all starts and ends with them as Primal Cores(until its destroyed of course). It's their heart as well as their entire being.

To say Satyr's journal entry doesn't contain errors is inaccurate (And I say this in response to your message upon closing the topic..)

One says "Characteristics" in the English version, the JP version is more specific and says "Primal Beast Characteristics". Don't assume I know less than you in terms of the lore. Considering nothing more has to be said here that you can even say towards what I got down here, i'll take my leave.