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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 34
Height 220 cm
Race Draph
Hobbies Working as a mercenary
Likes His beloved daughter Ardora
Dislikes Self control, patience
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 34歳
Height 220cm
Race ドラフ
Hobbies 傭兵稼業
Likes 愛娘のアルドラたん
Dislikes 我慢、忍耐
Source [1]




  • The voice actor of Agielba, Unshō Ishizuka, passed away from esophageal cancer on August 13th, 2018.

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. What matters most is that you've safely ushered in another year.
You have a tendency to worry too much about others at the expense of yourself, after all... So it goes.
But you've got a first-class agent like myself to help you make it to the next one!
Is there any better birthday present?


Happy birthday! I'm pleased as punch to be celebrating your special day with you again, (Captain)!
Say. I thought I saw Ardora hand you a letter earlier.
Mind if I, ah, take a look at it too?
You... you won't let me?


Happy birthday! Looks like it's as festive as ever!
I suppose my beloved Aldora will depart from her nest one day just the same.
It's no doubt something to be proud of as a parent, but I can't imagine how lonely I'll be when it happens.
I will have no regret if she can find a worthy purpose in life and continue to strive toward that goal.


Happy birthday! I heard Ardora gave you a present.
Mm, a hand-drawn picture of the three of us, eh? She captured your likeness well, (Captain). Sniff...
(Captain)... I don't ever want to see Ardora sad, so take good care of yourself.
You're in good hands! With us two around, you won't even get a scratch!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! You're gonna love your present this year... It's a trip with me and Ardora!
Hahaha, don'tcha love it? Ardora came up with the idea.
Don't hesitate to let us know where you wanna go, (Captain)!
'Cause I'll gladly take you anywhere you want! Might as well take advantage of the opportunity!
Think of it as a chance to rest up and be better prepared for the challenges tomorrow. Well? Have a destination in mind yet?
Haha! I guess you wouldn't know being asked out of the blue! How 'bout you think on it while the three of us get something to eat?

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year! We're gonna reach the end of the skies come hell or high water this year!
You don't need to worry about a thing. You've got a first-rate agent on your side!


I want to check out the fireworks, but the crowds!
Ardora, sweetie! Hold on to Daddy's hand now!
Wait, what? Ardora, why are you holding onto (Captain)'s hand?


Happy, happy New Year!
Yeah, yeah, here's your New Year's money!
Don't let it go to waste!
Huh? You want me to stop treating you like a kid?
You're always overworking yourself. No problem with taking it easy like a kid on New Year's Day.


Hey, (Captain)! Did you come to stuff your face with mochi?
Right now Ardora's whipping up a storm in the kitchen.
Oh, my darling Ardora! No one makes mochi as good as you!
I just know you're gonna love her mochi, (Captain). All her hard work gives it an extra flavor boost!


Well, if it ain't (Captain)! Sorry, but I'm in a rush!
Ardora was saying she wanted to play battledore, so I got the equipment out of storage!
We're playing with the rule that the winner gets to draw all over the loser's face! So don't be surprised if you see my face covered in ink later!
Think you can go a round with her later, (Captain)? Just so you know, she's really good at battledore... Oh, gotta run!
Ardoraaa! Papa's coming!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's!
Ardora gave me some chocolates! My little girl's a-growin' up!
Then I start thinking about her giving chocolates to some bum she met somewhere... Sob...


Happy Valentine's! Oh, are these chocolates for me?
Sorry to make you waste your time on an old dad like me! I hope you've got something real special for the guy you're actually interested in!
Huh? Hey, quit making fun of me!


Ah, right. Today's Valentine's.
So you got me chocolate this year too, huh?
I'll be sure to enjoy them with Ardora.
Thanks a bunch!


Hey, (Captain)! You brought me chocolates again! Many thanks as always!
Hm, wait a minute here... These look like chocolates meant for kids. There are rabbit-shaped ones, cats, and a bunch of others.
Oh, I see. You picked out cute ones that Ardora and I could eat together.
You really thought of everything this year, (Captain)...
What's that, Ardora? You want to eat the chocolates with (Captain) too?
Well then. I guess you'll be joining us too, eh?


(Captain), what adorable chocolates you've given me this year! I can't wait to share these with Ardora—
Huh? You made these with her? You mean Ardora can make chocolate now?
Sniff... I wish you'd told me the good news sooner...
Then again, maybe these sorts of surprises are what make Valentine's interesting.
Ardora, my baby, you're growing up... I can't thank you enough, (Captain)!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day! This right here is an expression of my gratitude. It's yours!
You've taken such good care of Ardora and the others after all.
I'm probably the bigger pain to look after though. Right? I expect great things from you, (Captain)!


This is payback for Valentine's.
I put it together with a little help from Ardora! It's straight from me... to you!


Ah! There you are, (Captain)!
Here, this is in return for Valentine's.
Well? What do you think?
So you like 'em! Hah, glad to hear it!
If it's got your seal of approval, then Aldora's bound to like it too!
Oh hey, don't get the wrong idea now! I made sure to choose something you'd enjoy first and foremost!


And here we are! One present in return for the one you gave me on Valentine's Day!
I went all-in picking these sweets out, so you'd better enjoy them!
Hm? What do you mean these are more grown-up than the ones I give to Ardora?
Don't be ridiculous. I obviously chose ones that you'd like best.
Ardora is Ardora, and you are you.


(Captain)! You can bet I'm ready to show my appreciation for last month!
You know how you and Ardora made chocolates together for me?
Well, this time, Ardora and I teamed up to pick out chocolates that'd suit your tastes.
At the shop, she was like, "I nyow bwetter! Leeb it choo me, Papi!"
I think you'll find yourself very satisfied with the package we picked out, (Captain)!

Chocolate Biscuits
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween! Hmm? You're going to go get candy too?
Oh, okay! I'll bring Ardora and be the responsible parent for everyone!


Oh, (Captain)! Nice costume! I can see you really put a lot of work into that!
Looks good on you!
Can't beat my cute little sweetie-pie Ardora though!


Oh my, what an adorable little ghost!
(Psst, try to act scared when she jumps at us!)
(Ardora spent hours making this costume!)
Eep! Please don't play any tricks on me or my captain, dear ghost!
(C'mon, (Captain)! Stop laughing and hand her some candy already!)


Hold it right there, (Captain). That costume you've got in your hands looks just like Ardora's!
You mean she asked you to dress up to match her costume?
No, no... That doesn't add up. I didn't hear anything about this...
Oh, so that's how it is. She's keeping it a secret in order to surprise me.
I see, I see. Guess I'll have to show off my acting chops!


You gotta hear this, (Captain)—it's about my daughter. She... She's gonna make a costume for me!
She's got this papier-mache mask made in my likeness! You wouldn't believe how well-crafted it is! It's really something else!
You'll help out by giving her a piggyback ride and wearing full-body papier-mache? Sounds neat!
She'll get to be the same height as me! Love the idea. With a piggyback ride though...
It might be a bit of a challenge to pull off, but I trust you to pull it off, (Captain). Especially since it's for Ardora!
It'll be our Agielba Legion that fills the streets with treats this year, (Captain)!
Ardora! Papi'll be wight wit yoo!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
I can't hold all these presents I got for Ardora!
Sorry to bug you, but could you help me carry them?


Enjoying the festivities, (Captain)?
What's this? You got a present for Ardora too?
Thanks! Let's take a look here...
Wait. Wait, wait, wait! This does not suit my daughter!
Seriously, (Captain). A pink dress? This does not bring out her eyes!


Yo, (Captain)! Here's my holiday gift to you. Take it already.
I picked it out with Ardora. Pretty neat, huh?
Isn't she just the greatest kid you've ever seen! If only you knew how much she dotes on you...
Grr... I must admit I'm a bit jealous...


I'll pass on dinner and drinks, (Captain). It's straight to bed tonight.
Do you know what Ardora said to me? She said she's going to be my Santa Claus!
She's such a good girl. What kind of dad would I be if I stayed up late after hearing that?
So I need you to bring her to my room before she ends up drifting off to sleep!
I'll be waiting under the covers!


Did you hear, (Captain)?
Ardora wants to hand out presents with me this year!
I get to be Santa, while she'll play the reindeer!
She says everyone else is always working real hard, so she wants to do her part too! Sure moved me to tears!
Problem is she wants to go as a stuffed animal, and I can't help but worry if she can sew on her own...
Any chance you can help her out with the costume, (Captain)?
Yeah? Thanks a ton! With you around, I'm sure everything'll pan out just fine!
Hahaha! Hope you're looking forward to tonight's present from Santa!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Child In Tow

The crew meets Agielba, a master agent, and his daughter, Ardora. They accept a request in place of Agielba, who is busy, and end up in an unexpectedly difficult struggle. Luckily Agielba and Ardora show up and bail them out. The two of them are so impressed by the kindness of the crew that they decide to join.

The crew visits a town as still as death.
A townsperson is engaged in a heated discussion with a giant Draph.
Giant Draph: You know I'd love to help you with your little problem...
Giant Draph: But I'm already under contract! What do you expect me to do?
Townsperson: We know we're asking for a lot, but there's nobody else strong enough to defeat a monster like that!
Giant Draph: That's too bad. I already have a contract with a rich fellow from Auguste.
Giant Draph: So I don't have time to be wasting here!
Giant Draph: Besides, do you even have enough money to hire me?
Townsperson: I... Well...
Vyrn: What's happening? They arguing or something?
Katalina: It would appear so. Such a loud pair...
Vyrn: Hey! Whatcha guys fighting for?
Lyria: Fighting is bad!
Katalina: Lyria! Where are you going? We should stay out of their business!
Katalina: What luck... We've only just arrived and already trouble has found us. We should follow them, (Captain)!
A powerful monster has appeared in this once-flourishing and vibrant town.
The townsperson reveals to the crew that he and the other townsfolk now live life in fear.
Lyria: That's terrible... What if someone gets hurt?
Katalina: Hmm... It seems as though they weren't quarreling after all, but this sounds like a real problem.
Townsperson: Yeah... We have to take care of that monster somehow, before this all gets out of hand!
Townsperson: I'm begging you, Agielba! Fate brought you to this island, so please help us!
Agielba: How many times do I have to tell you? I can't keep the client I already have waiting.
Agielba: But if you absolutely insist, you're going to have to pay me for my trouble. I might be able to pull some strings if I get paid.
Townsperson: B-but...
Katalina: That must be Agielba, the Great Blade of Daybreak. Looks like the rumors about the man are true.
Lyria: Do you know him, Katalina?
Katalina: This is the first time I've come across him. He's a master agent, who's made quite a name for himself.
Draph Girl: Papi! Da ship's hea! Wetts go!
Agielba: So it is! I'll be right there, my little Ardora!
Katalina: Surprising... In spite of all the dangerous jobs he must do, he has a child by his side.
Ardora: Stare...
Katalina: Ha-ha! What a cutie! How old are you?
Ardora: Um... Wan, twos... fowa yeas od!
Katalina: "Fowa yeas od"? Aww! What's your name?
Ardora: Ardora! I'm hepping Papi 'cawz he's so bezi.
Agielba: That's right. Sadly, someone else is going to have to take care of the monster hunting.
Vyrn: Hey! How can you be so cold when you're so sweet with your daughter? You're seriously going to refuse when they're this desperate?
Vyrn: Then I guess we'll have to take out that monster ourselves! Right, (Captain)?
Lyria: Exactly! They're in trouble! We can't just ignore that!
Agielba: What! No one even asked for your help! Are you out of your minds?
Townsperson: You know, I'm glad to hear you want to help, but I'm not sure this is the sort of monster you can handle...
  1. I want to save the people of this town!
  2. Someone has to do it.

Choose: I want to save the people of this town!
Choose: Someone has to do it.
Katalina: That's right. If Agielba won't do it, we have no choice.
Vyrn: Monster hunting? (Captain) knows how to handle a sword! Just leave it to us! Let's go, (Captain)!
In high spirits, the crew head out in search of the monster.
But the monster turns out to be more powerful than expected, and they end up in a difficult struggle.
Vyrn: This one's way stronger than I thought! Maybe we should regroup and try again...
Ardora: Hey! I foun' dwem! Oba hea, Papi! Oba hea!
Agielba: Don't run in caves, my girl! You might get hurt...
Monster: Grrr!
Vyrn: Uh-oh! The monster is going after that little girl!
Agielba: Haaaa!
Agielba: And that's one monster down. Like I'd ever let a beast like that touch my precious Ardora!
Katalina: What! We struggled so much with that monster, but you dropped it with just one blow!
Agielba: Ha-ha! Against me, I'm surprised that wimp even lasted that long!
Ardora: Papi neba loesses!
Agielba: Still, what a pain you guys are. What would you have done if I hadn't come?
Vyrn: Um... We usually do a bit better than that. Right, (Captain)?
Agielba: Something must be wrong with all of you. I mean, getting into trouble like this without so much as a contract? What if something happens?
Agielba: Aren't you guys part of a crew? How would your friends feel if something happened to you? Think about them!
Ardora: Yeah! Tink!
Vyrn: I think I get it! The reason you're so worried about contract fees is your daughter, right?
Vyrn: You just want to make sure your daughter is taken care of if something happens to you. It's almost enough to make a grown dragon cry!
Agielba: What are you talking about? I'm more worried about the content of my contracts than the fees.
Agielba: What matters is how highly regarded I am! That's what matters to any first-class agent!
Ardora: Yeah! Papi's firs' cass!
Agielba: Ha-ha! Yep. As long as I'm on the mission, you can bet nothing will go wrong.
Vyrn: You know what? I take back what I said earlier...
Agielba: Still, I'm surprised that you guys managed to chase the monster this far. You're stronger than you look!
Vyrn: Yeah, but it was pretty dangerous for us to come rushing into this without being prepared.
Vyrn: Good thing you showed up when you did!
Lyria: And Ardora looked for us too. Thanks, both of you!
Ardora: Heh heh... It waz nuhchin!
Katalina: But don't you have an important contract, Agielba? If so, you'd better hurry back...
Agielba: Right... That doesn't concern you, so don't worry about it.
Ardora: Conchact beach, waight, Papi?
Agielba: Ugh...
Katalina: What? A "conchact bweach"? Do you mean a "breach of contract"?
Vyrn: You sure you're okay with that? I thought you were a stickler for contracts!
Agielba: Can't do much about it now.
Agielba: I couldn't just abandon you guys in front of my daughter!
Lyria: Ha-ha. Your dad's a great guy, Ardora.
Ardora: He chur iz!
Agielba: Anyway... Are you guys always like this? I'm not sure whether you're softies or just plain ol' clueless.
  1. I hear that a lot.
  2. Softy? Stop it. You're embarrassing me.

Choose: Softy? Stop it. You're embarrassing me.
Agielba: That's not a good thing, you know? I wasn't giving you a compliment...
Choose: I hear that a lot.
Agielba: Still, it seems like you're letting a good thing go to waste. I mean, you're obviously skilled, so you could be famous with the right approach.
Katalina: You've got it all wrong. The task of helping others is its own reward.
Vyrn: That's right! And how can you enjoy sailing the skies if you're bound by pesky contracts?
Agielba: A crew, huh? Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I've already reached my peak in the agent profession after all.
Agielba: I've got a great idea, Captain! How about I sign up with your crew?
Vyrn: Awesome! We'd welcome someone as strong as you anytime! Right, (Captain)?
Agielba: I'll make this crew famous throughout the skies! Sounds good, right?
  1. That's not really our goal...
  2. Sure does! I want to be the best!

Choose: That's not really our goal...
Agielba: Never mind the details!

Choose: Sure does! I want to be the best!
Agielba: That's my captain! Just leave it to big bad me!
Continue 1
Ardora: Weave it to Papi!
Agielba: Okay! Then it's decided! And the first order of business is to earn the money to pay my breach-of-contract fine!
Ardora: Ebibody hewp wit conchact bweach! Come wit me!
Vyrn: Hey! Who said we'd help with that! (Captain) makes the decisions around here!
With the two additional members on board, (Captain) and company set sail.
But it will be a while yet before they're famous throughout the skies.

Ardora's Quest

Ardora has been saving up the allowance she earns for doing chores on the airship to buy Agielba a birthday present. As Agielba secretly watches her, he hears that pirates have boarded the ship and rushes out to defeat them.

Ardora: Skwabby skwabby, squeaky kween! Kween da ship!
Lyria: Wow! What a good girl you are, Ardora! Helping out around the ship, huh?
Ardora: Yeah! If I kween, I get an awowantch!
Lyria: An allowance? Is there something you want to buy, Ardora?
Ardora: Hehehe. Dats a secwet!
Ardora: I can't twell anyone I'm baiwing Papi a birfday puwsent!
Vyrn: Ha-ha! But you just told us!
Ardora: Uh-oh...
Lyria: It's okay! I won't tell anyone, so don't worry!
Ardora: Puamiss? You bettah not tell nobwody, okays?
As Ardora merrily does her chores, a looming figure watches her from the shadows...
Agielba: Aw... Did you hear that, (Captain)? Makes me want to cry...
Gran is the Main Character

Agielba: That's my little Ardora! What a good girl she is! You think so too, right, (Captain)?
  1. She's going to grow up to be awesome!
  2. Can I adopt her?

Choose: She's going to grow up to be awesome!
Agielba: Huh? Well, duh... Of course that's the case.

Choose: Can I adopt her?
Agielba: No way! I won't give little Ardora to anyone! Not even you, (Captain)!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Agielba: That's my little Ardora! What a good girl she is! You think so too, right, (Captain)?
  1. I want to give her a hug!
  2. She must really care about you!

Choose: I want to give her a hug!
Agielba: I bet you do! You should tell her what a good girl she is too!

Choose: She must really care about you!
Agielba: You've got that right, (Captain)! You should tell her what a good girl she is too!
Continue 1
Agielba: Wait... What was that? I hear some commotion from the stern of the ship.
Katalina: (Captain)! Agielba! There you are!
Katalina: Pirates are boarding the ship! Come quick!
Agielba: No way! I can't have pirates making a mess while Ardora is cleaning!
Agielba: I'll beat 'em to a pulp! Move it, (Captain)!

Ardora's Quest: Scene 2

Ardora continues doing chores without even noticing the commotion on the airship. Agielba smiles as he secretly watches her, but he finds out that there are still pirates on the ship and rushes out to battle once again.

While Agielba and the others knock the pirates around, Ardora peacefully continues doing chores on the deck.
Ardora: Wook, Wywia! Da ship is squeaky kwean!
Lyria: Wow! Good work, Ardora! I'm impressed!
Vyrn: Hey! Doesn't the allowance you got earlier give you enough to buy your dad's present?
Ardora: Um... I juss got dis much, so...
Ardora: Wan... two... thwee... Oh! I hab a wot!
Ardora: I can bwai Papi's puwsent now!
Lyria: Wow, Ardora! You can add too?
Ardora: Hehe! Papi twaught me! He's supaa smawt!
Agielba: Did you hear that, (Captain)? She might be some sort of genius!
Agielba: Hey! Are you even listening, (Captain)?
Katalina: Agielba... I've been looking all over for you, and you're here loafing about?
Agielba: Oh, sorry! I was worried about little Ardora. Just thought I'd check in...
Katalina: That explains it... In any case, the rest of the crew is out, and we need all the help we can get right now.
Katalina: There are still pirates on the ship! If you're worried about little Ardora, we need to get them out of here!
Agielba: All right, leave it to me! They'll be gone in no time!

Ardora's Quest: Scene 3

Ardora goes to town to buy a present for Agielba. Agielba secretly follows and supports his daughter from the shadows, ready to stop anyone who stands in her way.

With the pirates defeated, Agielba starts watching his beloved daughter again.
Ardora: I'm gonna go buy Papi's puwsent now!
Ardora: Um... Vwarn, Wywia, can you come witt me?
Lyria: Of course! Let's go, Ardora!
Vyrn: Yeah! We can't let a little one like you go shopping alone!
Ardora: Hey! I'm not wittle! I can go by myseff!
Lyria: Ha-ha. Then I have a favor to ask you, Ardora!
Lyria: Can you take me and Vyrn to the store with you?
Ardora: Yep! Fowwow me!
Agielba: Hey, (Captain)! Come on! We need to go after my baby!
Agielba: I can't believe she's already grown up enough to go shopping...
Agielba: Ardora... I'm just so proud of her!
Agielba: Listen here, (Captain)! You better not let your guard down until she finishes shopping!
Agielba: We're gonna take out anyone who stands in her path!

Ardora's Quest: Scene 4

Ardora makes it to the store, but the gift she's looking for is sold out. She begins to cry upon learning this, but the crew cheers her up by suggesting that she make a voucher for a shoulder massage. Her homemade gift deepens her bond with her father.

With Agielba's help from behind the scenes, Ardora avoids danger multiple times and reaches the store.
Ardora: Huh? Whea is it? Oba hea?
Ardora: Not hea edaa...
Lyria: What's wrong, Ardora?
Vyrn: Hey, kiddo! Which one's the present for your dad?
Ardora: It's gwon.
Lyria: What? You mean someone else bought it?
Ardora: Sob...
Ardora: Bhut... I kweened fwor Papi...
Agielba: Aw... It's okay, my girl... I don't need a present!
Agielba: I'm just happy to know you care...
Agielba: I wish I could hug you right now!
Agielba: It breaks my heart to stand here watching you like this from afar!
Ardora: Whimper...
Vyrn: Hey, don't cry! It's too bad it was sold out, but cheer up...
Lyria: We couldn't get the present, but all your dad really wants is to see you happy!
Ardora: Buht... Buht...
Vyrn: I know! What about a voucher for a shoulder massage?
Ardora: A swoudder mamage?
Vyrn: A shoulder massage! I heard that dads all over the world get super happy when their kids give them vouchers for shoulder massages!
Ardora: Reawwy? Den I'll make dat!
Lyria: Yeah! And we'll help you!
She couldn't buy her present, but Ardora pours her heart into making a massage voucher.
Ardora: Fwor my supaa cwool papi! Hea you go!
Agielba: Little Ardora! What a wonderful present... Daddy is so happy!
Ardora: I'll gwive you a showder maswage wheneber you want!
Agielba: I love you so much!
Thus, the bond between father and daughter deepens.
It will be some time before Agielba has to suffer through his daughter's inevitable rebellious teenage phase.

Growing Pains

During pickup at the nursery, Agielba catches Ardora gazing wistfully at other families. He thinks back on his late wife and regrets not doing more for Ardora as a father.

Agielba: Pleasure doing business with you. Anything else comes up, you get in touch, hear?
Mission complete, Agielba shakes hands with his patron at the mouth of a village. Behind him, a vast field shivers in the wind.
Agielba: Monster or thug—one swing and I'll knock their lights out!
Boots padding on the grass, Agielba turns and waves at the villagers who have gathered to see him off. With his free hand, he tucks a pouch of rupies into his belt.
Agielba: Well, that's another job down.
Agielba: Time for Daddy to pick up his sweet Ardora!
An spiritual sun lights up the crags of Agielba's face. Not a second later, he breaks into a headlong dash.
Ardora: Gween light... Red light!
Scamp: ...
Ardora: Gween light... Red light!
Scamp: Whoah!
Ardora: Hehe. Saw you mwove!
A group of nursery school children play cheerfully under the watchful eye of their teacher.
Teacher: Hehe.
Agielba's Voice: Sniff... Sniffle...
Teacher: Hm?
Agielba: Aagh... Ardoraaa...
Teacher: Oh! Um, Mr. Agielba! Here for your daughter?
Agielba: They grow up so fast, don't they?
Teacher: They sure do. How long have you been watching?
Teacher: Ardora's learned to strategize. Earlier, she was modulating her rhythm like "Green liiight... Red light!"
Teacher: Their games get more sophisticated by the day. I can't stress how amazing these kids are. You blink, and suddenly it's like there's a whole new person in front of you...
Teacher: Oh! Mr. Agielba?
Agielba: Ardoraaa! Daddy's come searching for his little treasure!
Ardora: Papi! Papi! You're back!
Agielba gathers his daughter in his arms, nuzzling their cheeks together.
Agielba: Were you a good girl at school today, Ardora?
Ardora: Hehe. Were you a good boy at work today, Papi?
Scamp: Look, look! Ardora and her dad are being big babies!
Ardora: ...
Ardora: ...
Agielba: Hm? Somefink wrong, sweetheart?
Ardora: Put me down.
Agielba: Ardora?
Back on the ground, Ardora stamps her small foot.
Ardora: I'm nawta baby!
Scamp: Yeah-huh you are! Only babies get carried!
Ardora: Nuh-uh, I'm nawt!
Agielba: Ardora. Settle down, now...
Teacher: All right, you two. That's enough.
Both: ...
Teacher: Pack your bags, class! I've got a line forming to take you all home.
Scamp's Mom: Sweetie... You're caked in dirt. Must've had your fair share of fun for the day.
Scamp: Yup!
Scamp: Wait... No way! Dad's here?
Scamp's Dad: Work let me off early today. Thought we could go out for a family meal.
Scamp: Yay! Table for three, please!
Agielba: All righty, Ardora. What say you and me also hit the—
Ardora: ...
Ardora watches the family of three leave with wistful eyes.
Agielba: ...
Agielba: (I never wanted Ardora to feel the absence of a mother. I've always tried to love her enough for two...)
Agielba: (But I get swept away by work, and... now I wonder if I even loved her enough for one.)
Ardora: Papi? Papi, did you say somefink?
Agielba: ...
Agielba: (This isn't like me. World's greatest mercenary, crying over spilled milk...)
Ardora: Papi.
Agielba: ...
Ardora: Papi!
Agielba: Hm?
Agielba: Oh. Sorry, sweetheart. You know Daddy spaces out when he gets hungry.
Ardora: Oh no!
Ardora: Papi has to eat woads and woads! Your body is your gweatest asset!
Agielba: Asset? Where'd you learn that word? I always knew you were a genius!
Ardora: Stop it, Papi! You're awways egzadder-rating. People are gonna call you a doting dummy!
Agielba: Hahaha! Nothing gets past you, does it?
Agielba ponders his daughter's growth. So young she still speaks with a lisp, but already looking out for her father.
The thought wrings at his heart. I have to do something big for her, Agielba tells himself. The only question is, what?

Growing Pains: Scene 2

The pair runs into the nursery school teacher later and Agielba, hoping to introduce a mother figure into Ardora's life, invites her to lunch with them. That night, he reminisces about his first encounter with his late wife.

On the way back to the Grandcypher, Ardora stops by the show window of a toy store.
Ardora: ...
Agielba: Well! Isn't that a fine looking teddy?
Agielba: Tell you what, Ardora. You've recently learned to look after yourself. As a reward, why don't I—
Ardora: No.
Agielba: No? Did you want the sheepie instead? Or maybe—
Ardora: No, no, no. No wasting money.
Ardora: All I need is a "dank you."
Agielba: Huh?
Ardora: Don't spend on toys. Save for the few-chur.
Agielba: The future?
Agielba: Sigh... Ardora... Papi's starting to think you're a better adult than he is.
Ardora: That's wight! I'm gwowing up!
A proud smile lights up Agielba's face.
And through the misty plains of his mind, the voice of his late wife echoes from the past.
Mardora: Sigh... As soon as you get hold of a coin, you send it on its way again...
Mardora: But a mercenary's life is full of twists and turns. You need to save for the future, okay?
Agielba: (Heh. A regular chip off the old block.)
At that moment, a tantalizing smell winds its way down the street and makes Agielba's head perk up.
Agielba: Huh? My sniffer's picking up something delicious. And it's coming right from that diner!
Ardora: Hmm...
Agielba: Oh no... Don't tell me that eating out's a waste of money too!
Ardora: Food is Papi's source of power... So westewaunts aren't a waste...
Ardora: They're a must!
Agielba: Hah! That's the spirit, kiddo! Now, how about we go eat our fill?
Ardora: Sounds good ta me!
???: I thought I heard an energetic voice coming from over here. Headed for the diner, Ardora?
Ardora: We sure are, Miss Teach!
Teacher: Glad to see you're a regular little sunbeam even outside of school.
Agielba: That's a given!
Agielba: My Ardora's one in a million. She'll shine no matter where she is!
Ardora: Papi! I told you, no more egzadder-rating! You're embawassing me...
Agielba: What? But Papi was just telling the truth!
Teacher: Heh. I don't know about exaggerating...
Teacher: But what I do know, Ardora, is that your father loves you very, very much.
Teacher: You're lucky to have each other.
Ardora: Agweed!
Scamp: Ardora!
Ardora: Oh! Hewwo!
Agielba: Well, if it isn't your friend from school!
Scamp: Wait, Ardora. Is that your mom?
Ardora: Oh. Um...
Teacher: Hehe. Look again. Or have you forgotten your teacher's face already?
Scamp: What! You were Ardora's mom this whole time?
Teacher: No, silly! I was out shopping. I bumped into Ardora and her father by chance.
Scamp: Oh. Well, my mom and dad are here. We're gonna eat out!
Scamp's Dad: Hey, kiddo! Let's get a move on!
Scamp: Coming!
Scamp: See you tomorrow, then! Bye!
Ardora: ...
Both: ...
Agielba lays a hand on Ardora's drooping head.
Agielba: Hey, Ardora. Papi's tank has hit zero. Let's go fill it up, okay?
Ardora: Okay...
Teacher: ...
Teacher: Oh no, Ardora! Your father's in big trouble!
Both: Huh?
Teacher: He's got a bad case of the belly rumbles. If this goes on, he's gonna go as flat as a pancake!
Ardora: He's gonna what?
Agielba: ...!
Agielba: Aagh! Please! Ardora, help! I'm too young to be a pancake!
Ardora: Oh no! We've godda feed you, Papi!
Ardora dashes to the door of the diner, then swivels around, beckoning at her father.
Ardora: Hurwee!
Agielba: I'm coming!
Agielba: Hey, Teach.
Teacher: Yes?
Agielba: If you aren't busy, care to join us? No pressure, of course.
Agielba: And uh... To be clear, I'm not trying to start anything. It's just... Well, you saw the look on Ardora's face...
Agielba: And I thought... The more the merrier, you know?
Teacher: Yes... Yes, of course. If you're sure I won't be intruding.
Agielba: No, you really saved the day. Off the battlefield, I'm no more than a lumbering oaf...
Teacher: Don't be so hard on yourself.
Teacher: It's obvious how much you care. If anyone can make Ardora happy, it's you.
Agielba: Heh... It's almost like you're tryin' to make me cry.
The two follow Ardora into the warm smells and lively chatter of the diner, where they while away a pleasant afternoon.
That night...
Ardora: Zzz...
Agielba: (Argh... She's so cute, I could eat her right up!)
Agielba wanders away from Ardora's sleeping figure. By the window, he pours himself a glass of hard liquor and stares at the stars winking mysteriously at him.
Agielba: ...
Scamp: Haha!
Ardora: ...
Agielba: (If anyone can make Ardora happy, it's me...)
Agielba: (That was the promise, but I keep seeing the sad little girl from this afternoon.)
Agielba: Sigh...
Ardora: Mmph...
Ardora rolls over, flinging her covers to the foot of the bed. Agielba returns to her side and gently tucks her in again.
Agielba: (Ardora might be mature for her age, but she's still a kid. She needs love and attention.)
Agielba: (But what more can I do?)
Agielba: (If Mardora were here... what would she do?)
And before he knows it, Agielba is like a drowning man, writhing within an ocean of memories.
Agielba and a young roughneck guzzle from tankards of booze, egged on by the tribal chant of "drink, drink, drink!"
Agielba: Gulp... Gulp...
Roughneck: Glug... Glug...
Agielba: Ahhh!
Roughneck: Urp...
Agielba: Hah! Kid can't hold his liquor. Better luck in ten years!
A woman behind the counter side-eyes Agielba, who lets loose a guttural roar of victory.
Mardora: How many pints was that? Does he always drink enough to irrigate a small village?
Barkeep: Man's an alchemist of sorts. Needs to turn every coin he has into golden liquor.
Mardora: Every coin? He's a mercenary, isn't he? Shouldn't he be saving for a rainy day?
Barkeep: Spend enough time sharpening your sword, and you dull your wits. There isn't a thought in that mind for anything beyond today.
Agielba: That's a pretty song... You two little birds tweeting about me?
Mardora: ...!
Agielba: Now, now. Don't be scared. I don't eat pretty little songbirds. Hah!
Barkeep: Listen, you big lush. Lay a single paw on my niece, and you'll be out of here on your ass!
Agielba: Whaa? Who said I wanted anything to do with your...
Mardora: ...
Agielba: Niece! Uh...
Mardora: Um... Something wrong?
Agielba: No! No, everything's... perfect...
Mardora: But it looks like you're burning up.
Agielba: Oh! No! It's just the alcohol. Works on me like oil on a fire!
Agielba: I... I think... I think I'll go take a head. I mean, a walk! Take a walk! To cool my head!
Mardora: ...
Barkeep: Well, that's a rare sight. One good look at you, and suddenly Agielba can't tell up from down.
Agielba: Barkeep! You keep your mouth shut! I mean it!
Barkeep: Gahaha! Go cool your head, you lovestruck lug!
Mardora: Hehe.
Agielba: ...
Agielba: (Damn... No liquor intoxicates me like the thought of you...)

Growing Pains: Scene 3

After a night of missing his wife, Agielba asks Ardora if she'd like a new mom. Ardora thinks Agielba has fallen for her teacher and is heartbroken.

Agielba: Mardora! Would you... Uh... You know?
Mardora: I know what?
Agielba: The... The obvious thing! Argh, you're killing me!
Agielba reaches into a pocket, wrestles out a small box, then drops to one knee.
He cracks the lid to reveal a ring topped with a gemstone, which seems to flare rainbow in the sun.
Mardora: ...!
Agielba: I don't have a thing going for me, other than a talent for knocking heads around...
Agielba: But Mardora! You've gotta marry me!
Mardora: Try again.
Agielba: Huh?
Mardora: I said, "Try again."
Agielba: What! How could all this not float your boat?
Agielba: A passionate proposal on a beautiful beach... It's what you've always wanted, isn't it!
Mardora: All right, big guy. Settle down.
Agielba: Yes ma'am...
Mardora: First of all, a patch of dirt by the local lake isn't a "beautiful beach." You find beaches by the sea. In Auguste.
Mardora: Second of all, I wouldn't call your proposal "passionate" so much as aggressive. You might've seduced a bear, but not a woman.
Agielba: Aagh... It's all water, ain't it? And you know I'm a fighter, not a lover!
Agielba: ...
Mardora: Still...
Agielba: Hm?
Mardora: If I'm being really, really generous... that was pretty romantic for a lug like you.
Agielba: Which means?
Mardora: Try again in a few days.
Agielba: All... All right! All right, I got this! Auguste, here we come!
Agielba: Hraaagh! Just you wait, Mardora!
Agielba: It's... It's just not fair... Are babies even allowed to be this cute?
Mardora: Agielba, you sweet knucklehead. What are you even crying over?
Agielba: A miracle, that's what I'm crying over! Not only did I marry the most wonderful woman in the world... she gave me the most amazing daughter in the world!
Agielba: If I'm not allowed to shed tears of joy, then no man who ever lived knew true happiness.
Mardora: So... about her name. I've been thinking...
Mardora: How about Ardora?
Agielba: Ardora? Ardora... Ardora...
Agielba: ...
Mardora: Well?
Agielba: Ah... Ah...
Agielba: Ardoraaa! It's beautiful!
Agielba: She's going to grow into a fine woman just like her mother, or my name isn't Agielba!
Agielba: Hewwo, wittle Ardora. It's your Papi.
Mardora: Haha! You sound ridiculous!
Agielba: There wasn't a cloud on the horizon that day... I was sure we were going to live happily ever after.
Agielba: ...
Doctor: I'm so sorry...
Agielba: Is it gold? If I bring you enough gold, can you save her?
Doctor: I need you to stay calm, sir. My colleagues and I have done everything we can. But your wife's illness—
Agielba: There has to be a way! Mardora can't die... She just can't...
Agielba: Why... Why!
Mardora: ...
Agielba: Why is it so dark in here? Let me get the lights...
Mardora: Leave it. Ardora just fell asleep.
Agielba: All right...
Mardora: Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?
Agielba: Sure is.
Agielba: It's funny... Before we met, I was so busy putting things in the dirt, I never thought to look up at the moon...
Mardora: Agielba...
Agielba: Yeah?
Mardora: How long do I have?
Agielba: To do what?
Mardora: To live.
Agielba: Well... First, we've got to raise our little girl together. We've got to flounder together when she hits puberty, struggle together through her rebellions...
Agielba: And one day, when she brings a stranger in through the front door and says she's going to marry them, I'm going to breathe fire.
Agielba: Then you'll calm me down like you always do, and force me to see what a great person Ardora found...
Mardora: Don't cry.
Agielba: I'm not crying.
Mardora: Please... Take care of our daughter.
Agielba: Mardora...
Agielba looks down at his withered wife, made more skeletal by the bone-white light of the moon, and is struck by the burning intensity of her eyes.
Mardora: If anything were to happen to her, I'd never be able to rest in peace. You have to promise me.
Agielba: I promise. Come wind or rain, flood or fire, I will make Ardora happy.
Agielba: So you just worry about yourself, okay?
Mardora: The mind wanders where the heart is... And my heart... is with the two of you.
Agielba: You damn fool.
Agielba clasps Mardora to his chest, stifling his sobs so as not to disturb the sleeping Ardora.
Ardora: Zzz...
Agielba: ...
Agielba: You were right. The mind wanders where the heart is...
Agielba stares unsteadily up at the moon. The stains on its surface seem to swim, twisting into the silhouettes of his wife and daughter.
Eventually, dawn breaks and washes away all illusions.
Around noon, Agielba takes Ardora to the local lake, where a well-kept tombstone stands.
Ardora: Mama. I picked these fwowers just fwo you.
Agielba: ...
Agielba: Mardora, look at how big she's grown. Our precious baby girl...
Agielba: She's more than we ever dreamed of.
Ardora: Yep!
With a wide smile, Agielba ruffles his daughter's hair.
Agielba: Ardora, do you remember Mama?
Agielba: What am I saying? You were just a baby.
Ardora: I don't wemember Mama...
Ardora: But I wemember the smell of miwk.
Ardora: It smelled so good and sweet...
Agielba: That so? I think Mama would be very happy to hear that.
There is a moment of silence as Agielba turns his warm gaze back onto Mardora's grave.
Ardora: Papi? What was Mama wike?
Agielba: Well, let's see. Your Mama had a heart of gold, and she loved you more than anything.
Agielba: Her love was like the sun, and you and me were like two flowers growing in her light...
Ardora: Oh...
Agielba: ...
Agielba: Ardora?
Ardora: Mm-hm?
Agielba: Do you... Um... Have you ever thought about wanting a new mama?
Ardora: A new mama?
Agielba: Yeah. A new mama.
Ardora takes a few seconds to give serious thought to Agielba's question, before answering with a bright smile.
Ardora: All Ardora needs is Papi!
Agielba: Ardora...
Agielba: (Can't tell if she's being honest...)
Agielba: (Damn! If only I didn't have the insight of a bottle cap...)
Ardora: ...
Ardora: (A new Mama?)
And with those words, Ardora is reliving a scene from the previous afternoon.
Teacher: Hehe.
Agielba: Hahaha!
Scamp: Wait, Ardora. Is that your mom?
Ardora: Oh. Um...
Teacher: Hehe. Look again. Or have you forgotten your teacher's face already?
Scamp: What! You were Ardora's mom this whole time?
Ardora: (Papi eats wunch wif Miss Teach... Papi asks if I want a new mama...)
Ardora: (Papi... wike-wikes Miss Teach?)
The thought turns into a little burr and affixes itself to Ardora's heart—painful and impossible to dislodge.

Good Intentions

During a conversation with Nene, Agielba realizes his devotion to his late wife blinded him to a hard fact—finding Ardora a new mother would necessitate his remarriage. Meanwhile, Ardora and Yae seek out potential chemistry between Agielba and their teacher.

Agielba: I've been racking my brain, but I just don't know what to do.
Nene: Sigh... Stupid me for wondering why you're down in the dumps. Of course it's daddy-daughter issues.
Agielba: Ardora's just so thoughtful. Never wants to unload her problems on others. That's what has me so worried.
Agielba: You should've seen her that afternoon. The sadness in her eyes... Tears me apart just thinking about it.
Nene: Yeesh. Shut the floodgates. Even a beefy merc like you can't keep it together where your daughter's concerned, huh?
Agielba: You got any advice?
Nene: Advice? Listen, one look at Ardora, and it's obvious she's been raised with TLC.
Nene: Relax, okay? You're doing everything you should be.
Agielba: You sure?
Nene: Yeah, I'm sure! Have some faith! You don't need two parents to make a family!
Nene slams both hands down on the table, red-faced, before snapping back to her senses.
Nene: Oof, got kinda heated there, didn't I? My bad. It's just, you know... Conversation took a personal turn.
Agielba: No, I get it. You're also raising Yae on your own.
Agielba: I, uh... was being insensitive. Sorry.
Nene: You're fine. Not like our situations are perfect mirror images anyways.
Nene: But hey, real talk?
Nene: If—and I mean if—you've fallen for someone, just go for it.
Agielba: Fallen for someone?
Agielba: What, you mean other than Mardora? That's insane! There is and always will be only one woman for me.
Nene: Okay, okay. Sheesh. Will you at least let me explain myself?
Nene: You were the one that out of nowhere was like, "How do you think Ardora would feel about a new mom?" So I thought you'd found someone special.
Agielba: Oh... Yeah... I guess that'd make sense, wouldn't it?
It occurs to Agielba that, in all his mental wanderings, he had never come across the idea that Ardora's new mother would also be his new wife.
Agielba: I can be so thick sometimes...
Nene: Yeah, well, if you're not interested in a new partner, there's no need to force yourself.
Nene: Like I said, you're a good dad. Just keep loving Ardora the way you always have, and she'll be fine.
Agielba: Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Nene.
Nene: Now that's settled, let's move. Got a mission waiting with our names on it.
While the two parents are earning their daily bread...
Over at the nursery, Ardora engages in a little reconnaissance mission of her own.
Ardora: Hmm...
Yae: Whatcha doin'?
Ardora: Eep! Yae!
Yae: What's got you all jumpy?
Ardora: Wh-wh-why are you here?
Yae: Momma got picked for a special mission.
Yae: Said I should hang with you at the nursery 'til she got back.
Yae: What's up with you, anyways? You've got your eyes superglued to Teach.
Ardora: Nuh... Nuh-uh!
Yae: Spill the tea, Ardora. I might be able to help, you know.
Ardora: ...
Yae: No. Way!
Yae: You think it's gonna be smooth sailing with your Papi 'til the end of your days... And bam! Here comes another woman to sink your boat!
Yae: But... I get it, girl.
Yae: You, like, don't want your jealousy to get in the way of Agielba's future.
Ardora: I just want Papi tah be happy!
Yae: Sigh... You beautiful little angel.
Yae: So... is Teach even in Agielba's league?
Ardora: Miss Teach is super nice! I appwoove!
Ardora: (I appwoove, but..)
Yae: All right then. So now I guess we help them tie the knot.
Yae: Wait, no. First, we've gotta figure out how Teach feels.
Ardora: Yae?
Yae: Teach! Hey, Teach!
Teacher: Yes, Yae? What's got you so worked up?
Yae: You crushing on anyone right now?
Teacher: What?
The teacher goes beet red.
Teacher: Oh, sweet, precocious Yae...
Yae: (My love sensor's going insane. Teach is crushing, all right... But on who?)
Ardora: ...
Yae: What type do you go for, Teach? Slender and sensitive? Or rough and rugged?
Teacher: Both, maybe? I like a strong, sensitive man... Oh, what am I even saying?
Ardora: Like... Papi?
Teacher: Hm?
Ardora: Nuffink!
Yae: Am I crazy, or is there some serious chemistry brewing?
Ardora: There's chemichwee!
Prodded by a wink from Yae, Ardora begins interrogating their teacher about her romantic predilections.

Good Intentions: Scene 2

Hoping to play matchmaker for Agielba, Ardora invites her teacher to dine with them and sneaks off during the meal. Meanwhile, Yae learns from Nene that Agielba has no intention to remarry.

Agielba: Ardoraaa! Where's Daddy's little treasure?
Nene: Yae! You hungry? Let's grab lunch!
Hearing their parents, Ardora and Yae run out into the nursery's yard, tugging their teacher along by the hand.
Ardora: Papi! Yae's Momma! Hope you hadda wonderful day at work!
Yae: We're in the middle of something with Teach. If we're eating out, like, can we bring her?
Ardora: Wike, can we?
Agielba and Nene exchange a bemused look and shrug.
Nene: Well, you heard the kids, Teach. Care to grab a quick bite with us?
Yae: Just say yes, Teach. It'll be fun!
Teacher: Oh... All right then. I can't turn down such a heartfelt invitation.
Ardora: Yay!
Seeing an artificial smile light up Ardora's face, Yae feels her heart break a little.
Yae: (Seriously, Ardora's too perfect for this world. I just want to see her happy.)
Nene: Teach, we'll be killing time over yonder. Let us know when you're done with work, okay?
Teacher: All right then. If you'll please excuse me...
After their teacher has disappeared into the school office, Yae and Ardora pump their fists in surreptitious victory.
A while later...
Teacher: All wrapped up!
Agielba: Great! Now, who's in the mood for a juicy stea—
Yae: I don't think so. Teach is all about mushrooms and healthy eating. We should go somewhere with class.
Agielba: Class? Do I even know anywhere classy?
Nene: Hah! I seriously doubt it, you barbarian. You're lucky I'm here.
The group has just followed Nene to the doorway of an atmospheric restaurant when...
Yae: Ow, ow, ow...
Nene: What's up with you?
Yae: Ow... It's my stomach... I think I'm gonna pass out.
Teacher: That sounds serious! I've got some medication on me that might—
Yae: No! I don't want medicine!
Teacher: But...
Yae: I'll be fine, okay? I just need to lie down. Like, right now.
Yae: Momma, we're going home!
Nene: Talk about bossy...
Nene: Teach, sorry to bail on you, but the great Yae has spoken.
Nene: And, Agielba? Try to show her a good time.
With Yae clamped on in a piggyback ride, Nene begins to wend her way back to the Grandcypher.
Ardora: (Thank you, Yae...)
Teacher: I'm worried about Yae.
Ardora: Oh, yeah! Me too...
Ardora: Um... Papi? Miss Teach? My tummy has da rumbles...
Agielba: Well, we better get seated stat!
Agielba: Sorry you're stuck with me again, Teach.
Teacher: Not at all. It's my pleasure.
Agielba: I appreciate it. Truly.
Ardora: ...
Agielba: Ardora, what should we send down the hatch today?
Agielba: Huh?
Agielba peers down at the menu and is instantly lost in a labyrinth of unfamiliar dish names and course selections.
Agielba: Well... All this class is going way over my head.
Teacher: Shall I order for the table?
Agielba: Would you? Afraid I'm out of my element here.
Teacher: Let's see... Ardora, do you like your vegetables?
Ardora: Yep! I wike everyfink!
Agielba: She sure does. My Ardora isn't a picky eater, is she?
Teacher: Then why don't we start with a salad of wild greens and some prismaprawn fritters? As for entrees...
Agielba: What are fritters?
Teacher: Well, simply put, it's a dish that's been deep-fried.
Agielba: What? Then why not call it deep-fried whatever and be done with it?
Teacher: You have a point. But fritters specifically...
Agielba: Hah! Guess that is classier than just slapping food down in grease!
Ardora: ...
As Agielba laughs, a wistful expression drifts over Ardora's face.
Agielba: Hm? Ardora, somefink wrong?
Ardora: No, everyfink's fine... Ardora just needs to go, um... pahwder her nose.
Agielba: Powder her nose?
Teacher: It means to use the restroom.
Agielba: Sigh... Where'd she pick up a phrase like that?
Ardora: Miss Teach... Take care of him.
With teary eyes and a tight smile, Ardora ducks out of the restaurant.
Meanwhile, Nene has stopped at a park to let Yae take in some fresh air. She looks down at her daughter and chuckles.
Nene: All right, come clean... You're just faking that stomachache, aren't you?
Yae: What! No way! I'm, like, in major pain over here.
Nene: I'm your mom, Yae. I can smell a lie on you from a mile away.
Yae: ...
Nene: So? Spill it. What's with the act?
Yae: Okay, fine! Nothing gets past you, does it?
Yae tells her mother about the plan to get Agielba and Teach affianced.
Nene: You're kidding me!
Yae: I know it's extreme, okay? But Ardora would, like, give anything to see Agielba happy...
Nene: Sigh... Of course she would.
Nene: But you're going about it all wrong.
Yae: What! Why? If Agielba gets remarried, Ardora gets a new mom. It's a total win-win!
Nene: Okay, first off, Yae, you need to chill.
Nene: And secondly, you and Ardora are caught up in a huge misunderstanding.
Yae: A misunderstanding?
Nene: Yeah. Agielba doesn't even want to get remarried, okay? As for Teach, she's already got a sweet beefcake boyfriend.
Yae: What! I can't believe it! Why didn't you tell us earlier?
Nene: Don't be stupid, Yae. How was I supposed to know what you girls were planning?
As Yae peers red-faced at her toes, Nene reaches over and ruffles her hair.
Nene: Still, you were only trying to look out for your friend. I'm proud of you, kiddo.
Yae: Hehe.
Nene: Word to the wise though? Stay out of other people's love affairs. You usually end up causing more problems than you fix.
Yae: Yeah... I'm starting to see that...
Nene: So... I guess Agielba really was worrying over nothing. He just wants his daughter to be happy, and Ardora just wants her dad to be happy.
Nene: If that doesn't spell family, I don't know what does.
Yae: Yeah, I hear you.

Good Intentions: Scene 3

Yae and Nene find a miserable Ardora and assure her that Agielba isn't seeking a new wife. After a desperate search, Algieba reunites with Ardora, and both father and daughter determine to grow.

While Nene and Yae rest in the park, rocked by the force of Ardora and Agielba's love...
One of the subjects of their conversation trudges onto the scene.
Ardora: ...
Yae: Oh, Ardora!
Ardora: Yae? Sniff... Sniffle...
Yae: No! No, don't cry... You and your Papi are gonna be just fine.
Ardora: Waaah!
Nene: ...
Nene cradles Ardora's wet face against her shoulder.
Nene: You really love Agielba, don't you?
Nene: You love him so much, you couldn't bear the thought of Teach swooping in and snatching him away.
Nene: But you don't have to worry anymore. Agielba's not marrying anyone.
Ardora: Huh?
Nene: So, Agielba actually came to me for advice.
Nene: He was wondering if he should find you a mom.
Ardora: He was?
Nene: Yeah. He was worried that you needed, like, a mother's love.
Nene: But I told him that he's absolutely killing it as a parent and that the two of you would be fine on your own.
Nene: Earlier on in that conversation, though, I thought he did have someone special and told him to go for it...
Nene: And he totally lost it.
Agielba: Fallen for someone?
Agielba: What, you mean other than Mardora? That's insane! There is and always will be only one woman for me.
Nene: Straight from the barbarian's mouth.
Ardora: Papi...
Nene: So you can stop trying to act so strong, okay? Just be daddy's little girl!
Yae: Ardora, wanna head back to Agielba?
Ardora: Yes, pwease!
Ardora wipes the tears away and her small shoulders relax. Hand in hand with Yae, she returns to the town streets.
Meanwhile, Agielba and a number of wait staff are desperately turning the restaurant upside down.
Agielba: Ardoraaa! Where are you?
Teacher: She's not in the restroom!
Agielba: Damn! The hell is wrong with me? How could I have lost her?
Agielba: She didn't wander outside, did she?
Agielba bursts out the door, pale as a ghost.
Teacher: I'm coming too!
Teacher: Oof!
Nene: Ow... Watch where you're going...
Nene: Wait, Teach? What's got you so freaked out?
Teacher: ...!
The teacher spies Ardora peeping out from behind Nene's legs and breathes a sigh of relief.
Teacher: Ardora? Thank the skies...
Ardora: ...?
Yae: Hold on... Where's Agielba?
Teacher: Oh! You just missed him...
Agielba: Ardoraaa!
Agielba: Ardoraaa!
Agielba: Ardoooraaa!
Agielba: Damn! I can't find her anywhere! How far could she have gotten on those tiny legs?
Agielba: Unless... she wasn't on her legs...
Agielba: Because... she was kidnapped...
Agielba: Graaagh! Where are you! You'll pay in blood for this!
Agielba's roar of anger seems to electrify the air around him and run in currents through the sky and earth.
At that moment...
Ardora: Papiii!
Agielba: Was that Ardora?
Agielba: ...
Agielba: Am I hearing things?
Ardora: Paaapiii!
Agielba: No... I'm not hearing things... It's Ardora—I'm sure of it!
Agielba casts his gaze wildly about him. There, at the edge of the park, he spies Ardora in a mad dash, waving her small hands.
Agielba: A-Ardora!
Ardora: Pant... Wheeze... Eep!
Agielba: Ardora! You okay? You're not hurt, are you? Where in the skies have you been!
Ardora shakes her head at her father's proffered hand. Teary-eyed, she struggles to her feet.
Ardora: I'm fine... Pain, pain, go away... A magic chant to mwake it all okay!
Agielba: Ardora! Do you have any idea how worried I've been?
Ardora: Heh...
Agielba: Hah... I... I think I need to sit down.
The tension rushes from Agielba's body, taking all his strength with it. He falls heavily on his backside.
Nene: What'd I tell you? Can't keep it together when Ardora's involved.
Agielba: Nene! Yae! Teach! When did all of you get here?
Nene: Uh, the same time Ardora did?
Agielba: Huh?
Yae: Wow. Only has eyes for his baby girl, huh?
Agielba: Well, yeah, but... Just a minute ago, I had no idea where she was...
Nene: Well, we had every idea where you were. Oh my gosh, you're loud.
Nene: "You'll pay in blood for this!" Pretty sure the whole Sky Realm heard that.
Agielba: Yeah... Think we could pretend that didn't happen?
Ardora: Don't be embawassed, Papi! You needed to be loud so I could find you!
Agielba flashes his daughter a crooked smile.
Agielba: Ardora, where under the blinking sun were you? Daddy was so worried.
Ardora: I... Um... I'm sowwy...
Nene: Let's just say she had her reasons, okay? Even if they weren't super well thought out.
Agielba: ...?
While Ardora scuffs a foot around in the dirt, tongue-tied, Nene recounts the whole story...
How the girls believed Agielba was pining for a new wife... How they tried to play matchmaker with him and their teacher...
And how Ardora meant to disappear so her father could lead a new, happier life.
Agielba: ...!
Agielba: What the hell were you—
Ardora: Eep!
Nene: Agielba, chill! She was just trying her best, okay? You both were.
Agielba: Yeah... Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, Ardora... You were only looking out for me...
Agielba: But you had me all wrong. I don't want a new wife, and I certainly don't want to force a lifetime of me onto your teacher...
Agielba: All I need to be happy is you, Ardora...
Agielba: You're my little sunbeam. Without you, I... I'm lost.
Ardora: Papi...
Ardora: I'm sowwy, Papi...
Agielba: No, Ardora... I'm the one who should be sorry...
Nene: Like I said, you both were just trying your best.
Nene: It's super sweet you look out for each other, but the next time a crazy idea pops into your head, maybe try talking it out first.
Agielba: You're right. We need to be more open...
Ardora: Yeah...
Yae: Sooo... Can we write this off as a happy ending?
Nene: Not so fast, kiddo. You and Ardora owe Teach an apology.
Yae: Eep! Yeah... Okay...
Shaking with barely suppressed emotion, Agielba clasps his daughter to his chest.
As she returns the embrace, Ardora suddenly recalls a taunting voice.
Scamp: Look, look! Ardora and her dad are being big babies!
Ardora: ...
Agielba: Hm?
Ardora: I wanna be more mature, so Papi won't need ta worry anymore.
Ardora: And dat means no more acting wike a baby!
Agielba: What!
Agielba: Um... Ardora... As far as Daddy's concerned, you're actually a wittle too mature...
Agielba: There are times I wish you'd let me baby you more...
Nene: Please, Agielba! This is Parenting 101!
Nene: When your kid's trying to fly the nest, you don't clip their wings.
Agielba: Urk...
Teacher: Children grow up fast. You said it yourself.
Agielba: ...
Agielba: All right, Ardora. You have my support. On one condition.
Agielba: The second you run into trouble, you come to me. With zero reservations.
Agielba: Sharing our burdens, helping each other... That's what families do.
Ardora: I pwomise!
Agielba: That's that then!
Agielba: Actually... one last thing. If you ever find yourself wanting a cuddle, Papi's arms are always open for business.
And so Ardora takes another step on the path to adulthood.
Agielba watches his daughter begin to make her own way with mixed feelings, but swears in his heart he won't hold her back.
The best he can do as a parent is grow and adapt, and like Ardora, keep forging toward the future.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
この程度の相手、俺様の敵じゃねーぜ! You don't stand a chance against me!
ふんっ…一丁上がりっと! Heh, another one into the dustbin.
よっく覚えとけ契約ってのは大切だぜ Never undermine the importance of a contract.
こんなもんじゃ話になんねーなぁ! You guys are pushovers.
アルドラたんにゃ近づけさせねーぜ! You'll never lay a finger on Ardora!
アルドラたんは誰にもやらんぞ! No one touches my daughter!
あんな良い娘を持って俺様は幸せモンだ… My daughter is the best!
アルドラたん!おとたん頑張るぞ! Ardora, sweetie! Daddy's doing his best!
(主人公)はホントお人好しだよな (Captain), you're too kind.
(主人公)!てっぺん目指そうぜ! (Captain), we're headed to the top!


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.