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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 11
Height 154 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Birding
Likes Running
Dislikes Keeping things tidy and in order
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 11歳
Height 154cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 野鳥の観察
Likes 走ること
Dislikes 整理整頓
Source [1]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday! It's your birthday today, right? I had no idea until someone told me just now.
What? You want to know why I have this present for you if I didn't know?
I-I was... just gonna give it to you for being you. Honest!


Come on, let's do it already!
What? Don't ask me what! We're having a party, aren't we?
With a giant cake, and juice, and a big feast! All the decorations are up already!
I wanna get to the celebrating! Also I'm still kinda tired from yesterday.
Heh heh heh... I guess I must sound pretty impatient, huh?


Hey, (Captain), you know what day it is, right?
No need to play dumb! It's obvious that it's your birthday!
And well... I've got a present for you.
And mine is something real special.
I practiced long and hard to give you a special performance of wind and thunder!
Ready or not, here I go!
Woo-hoo-hoo! You see all those pretty sparks, (Captain)?
Huff, huff, huff, how about it now? Was that awesome, or was it awesome?
Hehe, glad you agree.
I always hated this power of mine, but I've gotta admit the benefits of being able to pull neat stunts like this.
I wanted you to really enjoy yourself today, so I hope you liked it.
Hehe... Here's to a lot more fun and games together, (Captain)!


Happy birthday! Congratulations, (Captain)!
Do you remember that thing from last year?
You know! The performance I did! With fire and thunder!
When I did that I thought to myself, "it really is nice having someone who wants to see me in action."
I'm glad I'm a part of this crew!
Haha... Saying that to you is kinda embarrassing...
I can't wait to celebrate my birthday! We'll have fun, (Captain)!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
You know, a year passes by so fast. I bet I'll be all grown-up before I know it.
The thought alone kind of scares me.
When I become a grown man, my powers will probably get a boost too. I wonder what'll happen to me then?
I guess there's no point worrying about it right now.
But there is something I've made up my mind about ever since meeting you, (Captain).
That I'm going to use my powers to help people!
I know how it is to feel like you're all alone in the world... So if I come across anyone like that, I'm gonna be their friend!
Just like you were for me when I needed it most!
Heheh, I hope you'll continue to watch over me, (Captain)!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

New Year's sure is great! Doesn't it get you excited?
It feels like no matter how bad anything was before, something great is definitely coming!
That's why I like it so much. So let's get crazy! Happy New Year!


Heya, (Captain)! I just can't wait to eat!
Eat what? That! That thing! That snack that's white and... squishy.
You know, the one everyone was eating last year!
Right, Mochi! Yeah! Those were so good. And they were fun to make together.
Well, what are we waiting for? I'll go get everyone in here.
You prep the cooking stuff!


(Captain), play with me!
We're gonna use rackets to swing this feathered ball.
I saw everyone else doin' it—figured I'd give it a shot too! I've got everything ready right here. C'mon, it'll be fun, (Captain)!
Hm? What am I doing wrong? Everyone else made it seem so easy...
Aw crud, you got me good! This is harder than it looks!
Sure was fun though, right? Hey, what's with that smirk, (Captain)?
Loser gets crayons all over their face? Hey, you're supposed to say that beforehand!
Ack, stop it! It tickles...
Humph, I bet you're doodling weird stuff all over my face!


(Captain)! Play with me again! Like last year!
But this time, nothing weird happens to the loser! Got it?
This year we battle with spinning tops! Here we go!
Gotcha! I win this one!
Haha! I win again!
Dang... There shoulda been a penalty for losing...


Whew, worked up a good sweat.
Ah, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
Heheh, I just finished up here. Nothing like a morning jog to get you going.
Especially on a New Year's morning. I'm always out of breath after a jog, but it feels so much better afterwards.
Wanna run with me, (Captain)? Then you'll know exactly what I mean!
But just going through the paces can get dull. What say we make it a race?
I'll show you that I can come out on top even in a race!
Okay then... Ready... Go!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

What? These are for me? Are ya sure?
No one's ever given me something like this before. I don't even know what to do now...
Don't be a dummy! I can't just up and eat them like that! But I'll take 'em anyway!


Come on, (Captain). Give me some chocolate already!
Huh? Don't all the good kids get chocolate today?
But everyone's been tellin' me that and givin' me chocolate!
Wait, what? That's not what's going on?
Whaaat? Girls? Giving chocolate to boys? Boys they like? Nooo!
Stop right there! I-I don't...
I don't want chocolate from you anymore!


Phew, check out all this chocolate I got!
Hey, (Captain), you mentioned that chocolates are something you give to someone you like, right?
So does that mean... everyone likes me?
No? So giving 'em to friends is a common thing nowadays, huh...
You call it buddy chocolate? Well, you learn something new every day...
But if I got chocolates, I could also be that person's special someone?
Pfft. How do I even find that out?
Huh? I'd have to ask the person directly?
As if I'd ever do that! Stop teasing me, (Captain)!


Hey, (Captain)... Lend me an ear...
In some of the chocolate I got... was a heart-shaped one!
L-look! Remember I asked you how to tell if someone likes you!
I dunno who gave this to me, but I can't stop thinking about it...
Why are you grinning like that! Do you know who sent this to me? Hey!
Gasp! It was you! You just wanted to see how I would react!
Grr... Say something! Don't just stand there grinning!


There you are, (Captain)! I know exactly what you were thinking!
I'm talking about last year's chocolate, of course! You gave me heart-shaped chocolates just to see how I'd react, didn't you!
Hah! I bet you've got regular chocolates for me this year though. I won't be fooled agai—
Huh? These are heart-shaped too...
Two years in a row... That means you really...
Y-you big dummy! I bet deep down, you're laughing at me! You have to be!
But I'm not gonna fall for it!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

This is thanks for last time. I picked out some chocolates I've been dyin' to try.
But I don't mean it like that!
You're crazy. Anyway, here ya go. Eat the whole thing. Happy White Day.


(Captain), here.
I gave you some last year. So I figured I better do it again.
And that's the only reason! Don't try and make something out of it! It's hard enough to give you this already!
You made me realize something strange during Valentine's, so...
Huh? I'm not being shy! Quit teasin' me, you big dummy!


(Captain), gimme some advice on what to give back for White Day.
I'm new to this sorta thing, so I could use a few pointers.
Of course I worry about this stuff! I want them to be happy with whatever I give 'em!
That's what counts? What do you mean?
You're saying my thoughtfulness is the real present and any ol' chocolate'll do?
So that's how it is, huh? The heart is where it counts, you say... Meh, it's all lost to me.
I've heard enough. Give it to me straight, (Captain)—what do you want?
Huh? You don't need anything? But why?
Me being your friend is enough? You're not making any sense! That's not what I'm askin!
Gah, look what you've done! Now I'm even more confused! You blockhead of a captain!


Here! Take these cookies, (Captain)! For what you gave me on Valentine's Day!
Haha. Cute, right? They're heart-shaped! I made 'em myself!
I asked you last year what you wanted, remember?
And then I thought... what's important is not the thing but the thought.
These might not be as good as something you could get in the store, but...
If they taste okay, let me know, would ya? I'll make 'em next year too!


Hey, (Captain)... This is thanks for Valentine's...
Y-you'll take it?
I mean, I was so rude on Valentine's that I was afraid you might be angry...
But seeing your reaction now is such a relief. I almost forgot how kind you are.
I'm not used to people being so nice, so I'm sorry if I said anything hurtful. Because I was actually really happy.
Huh? It's not like me to say such a thing? Ehehe...

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat! Give me treats or you're getting a trick!
What! You mean you want me to play a prank on you? Come on, just give me the candy!


You're wide open, (Captain)!
Trick or treat. Don't you cheat!
Ahaha! Gimme your candy or get ready for a reckoning!
Whoa, (Captain). Hold it! Stop!
Hahahaha, that tickles!
Hey, I'm the one playing tricks here, not you!


Trick or treat!
Heheh! Surprised you, huh?
Good, I got you back for last year!
Oh shoot, I've gone and done it! Fact that I went with the trick means I won't be getting a treat...
Huh? You'll still give me one? You sure about that, (Captain)?
All right! No holding back then...
Give it here! Mm, chomp, chomp...
Cough, cough... Wh-what the? It burst into a puddle!
No fair, (Captain)! What kind of a trick is this?


Happy Halloween! Boo!
Haha! How you like dem apples? Scared ya, didn't I?
Huh... You're gonna give me candy? Even though I just played a trick on you?
I-I... I don't want it!
I know you're up to something! You won't get me this time!

To prove that the candy is okay, (Captain) takes a bite of one.

Really? This time the candy is safe to eat?
Huh? Wait... Is this another trap?
Rrg... Now it feels like it's missing something!


Whoo! Happy Halloween, (Captain)!
Heheh, you see all those jack-o'-lanterns hanging?
I made them with everyone in the crew. Pretty neat, don't you think?
I was so excited when it came to lighting the candles in them that I set a few on fire...
But hey, something good did come out of it.
I gathered the edible parts and made candy out of them! And they turned out really good!
You ought to try some of it, (Captain)! Come on, follow me!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

To be honest, all of my memories of this season involve being cold and lonely.
I don't know how to handle being so warm and welcome like this.
Thank you, Captain. Happy holidays.


You've got presents for me, don't ya? Hand 'em over!
What do I want?
Huh? Hmm... Now that you mention it, what do I want?
Ah, well...
I guess I already have everything I want.
Heh heh heh... If I bug you about it any more, you might hit me on the head or something.
But that's not fair! You're supposed to give me a present today!
If you got mad at me for askin', then I'd... I'd... Shut up! I'm not gonna cry!


(Captain), you'd better have a present for me this year too!
Just kidding! I've pretty much outgrown presents!
I'm not a kid anymore, you know?
I'd be the laughing stock of the crew if I didn't stop pestering you for presents.
Hm? You thought the same? Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
What! You didn't prepare anything for today?
Aw, c'mon now... I mean, it's not like I was expecting anything, but would it have hurt to have something on hand?
Aha, you do have a present! Grr, sure had me fooled, (Captain)!
Rgh... I guess the joke's on me this year too!


Yay! Happy holidays!
Hey, hey, (Captain)! Gimme presents!
Huh? You're just giving them to me this time? No strings?
Haha! Whad'ya get me! What will this year bring...
What the! Something came flying out!
Why'd you scare me! It ain't Halloween you know!
Sigh... What kinda crap is this... I shouldn't have got my hopes up...
Huh? There's something else in the box?
Oh! This is the real present!
Dang it! You always get me real good!


Heheh! Happy holidays, (Captain)!
Everyone was calling me over to warm them up with a fireball or two. It wasn't easy getting to them all.
But I guess it wasn't too bad.
Though I wonder if they asked me specifically because they know what I can do. Can't say for sure, but it's nice to be needed.
Aw, this is so embarrassing. My body's getting all hot...
Hey, keep this a secret from everyone, 'kay?
This is between you and me only! Promise me, won't ya?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Fated Child

When (Captain) and company hear a commotion in an alley and run in to investigate, they find a boy with hands wreathed in red flames and blue lightning. He's sick of being used by adults, and the crew's kindness draws him to them.

(Captain) and company hear a scream as they pass an alley in a certain town.
Ruffian 1: Argh!
Ruffian 2: Oof!
Both Ruffians: Yikes! He's some kinda monster! Run for it!
Katalina: What? Did they say monster?
Vyrn: No way! I've got a bad feeling about this. Let's go, (Captain)!
???: Huff... Huff...
Katalina: Are you okay? Huh? Y-you're—
Vyrn: Whoa! What's up with you, kid? Your hands... They're on fire and... uh ... lightning?
Strange Boy: Damn... More of you, huh? You just don't know when to quit!
Strange Boy: I'm tired of following your stupid orders! Eat this!
Katalina: Wait! Calm down! We're here to help!
Strange Boy: Shut up! How stupid do you think I am? I'll never—
Katalina: Huh? So you're injured, huh? Quit being silly and come here.
Strange Boy: What? Aren't you guys scared of me?
Katalina: Hee-hee... Well, we are a little surprised, but you don't seem so scary.
Strange Boy: Sorry about that. I shouldn't have tried to attack you.
Vyrn: So what's the deal with your power? If you wanna talk, we'll listen.
Alec: I'm Alec. This power... I dunno. I've had it since I was a baby.
Alec's innate powers are supremely powerful and don't require the use of spells or incantations.
Despite their fear, the adults in Alec's life tried to use him for their own purposes, so he chose a life of solitude.
Alec says that, though his power is no small burden, using it is his reason for existence.
Alec: My power is why I live, and I refuse to let anyone control or use me.
Alec: I live as I wish. And if my fight to continue doing so ends up killing me, so be it!
Lyria: Wait just a minute! Are you really okay with that?
Alec: What did you say?
Alec: Wait. Where'd you come from anyway?
Lyria: Huh? Well, from (Captain) of course.
Alec: ...!
What's going on here?
Vyrn: Heh-heh! If that's all it takes to scare you, you've got a ways to go, kid.
Alec: Excuse me?
Lyria: Vyrn's right. It's a big world. There's probably a lot of stuff out there you have no idea about.
Lyria: Don't you think it'd be a waste to die here before you see any of it?
Alec: ...!
  1. Wanna see just how big the world is?
  2. We could use that fire.

Choose: Wanna see just how big the world is?
Alec: The world, huh?
Alec: Heh. This town's too small to hold me anyway.

Choose: We could use that fire.
Alec: You mean my power? You think it'll be useful?
Katalina: Why wouldn't it? You'll probably stop hurting yourself once you learn how to control it better.
Alec: Heh... There's no one left for me here anyway.
Continue 1
Alec: All right. I'll go with you guys.
Lyria: That's great! That power of yours sure is strong, but it also seems honest and warm.
Lyria: Hee-hee... I'm so happy you're coming with us!
Alec: Huh?
Katalina: It sure is great, isn't it, Lyria. And Alec? You promise you'll be more careful?
Alec: ...
Vyrn: What's with you? Hey, are you blushing, kid?
Alec: Sh-shut up! I'm not blushing! And keep your eyes off of me!
Katalina: Hey! That's not the way to our airship!
Thus Alec, a boy of fire and lightning, joins (Captain) and company.
Nothing melts loneliness better than a power strong, honest, and warm, and now it will surely aid Alec's new friends.

Flames of Friendship

As (Captain) and company head back to the airship, they notice a man following them. They try to confront him, but monsters stand in their way.

(Captain) and company finish resting up in a quiet corner of a town and then start heading back to their airship, but they sense an ominous presence.
Alec: Hey, (Captain). Did you notice? Someone's been following us for a while now.
Alec: My power's tingling... I've got a bad feeling about this.
Rackam: Yeah, I don't like people snooping around either. Let's ask this guy what he's up to.
Rackam: Hey! What do you want? What are you snooping around for?
Suspicious Man: Eek!
Rackam: Wait! Get back here!
Alec: ...!
Rackam: Whoa!
Rackam: Hey, what are monsters doing around here?
Katalina: Let's go! We can figure out what's up later! We need to deal with this first!

Flames of Friendship: Scene 2

The suspicious man is a researcher of magic who has long wanted to research Alec's powers. The man has learned to control monsters, which he sends at (Captain) and company.

Rackam: Hmm... So you think that guy released the monsters, huh? He didn't seem all that strong.
Alec: He's a researcher of magic.
Katalina: You know him, Alec?
Alec: Yes. He came to me long ago wanting to research my powers.
Alec: I've chased him away so many times. But now he's back to haunt me once again.
Katalina: Humph... So he controls monsters with magic, huh? What a pain. We'd be better off getting out of here as soon as we—
Suspicious Man: Heh-heh... I'm not about to let my test subject escape that easily!
Suspicious Man: Especially now that I've finally learned to control monsters! All to obtain your powers!
Vyrn: Geez... He's a persistent one.
Alec: How many times do I have to tell you? I'll never do as you say!

Flames of Friendship: Scene 3

The suspicious man taunts Alec to try to get him to unleash his power and even takes (Captain) and Lyria hostage. Infuriated, Alec joins forces with the crew to teach the man a lesson.

Alec: Was that clear enough for you? Just give it up!
Suspicious Man: Geez... What happened? When did you lose all your fighting ability?
Alec: Excuse me?
Suspicious Man: You used to unleash such power, but now I hardly see any strength in you at all.
Suspicious Man: You've apparently lost your edge while playing with your little friends. How sad.
Alec: What did you just say?
Katalina: Alec, don't! Don't let him get to you!
Suspicious Man: It really is unfortunate... Just kidding!
Lyria: Aahh!
Vyrn: Lyria! (Captain)!
Suspicious Man: Heh-heh... Come any closer and I'll feed these two to my monsters.
Suspicious Man: Hmm... You are very interesting, but these two might be worth exploring.
Alec: You! Get your dirty hands off of Lyria and (Captain)! Or else!
Katalina: Stop it, Alec! Calm down!
Suspicious Man: Ha-ha! That's the spirit! More anger! Show me your power! The power that shortens your life!
  1. Snap out of it, Alec!
  2. Don't worry!

Choose: Snap out of it, Alec!
Choose: Don't worry!
Alec: ...!
Katalina: That's right. It's just as (Captain) said.
Rackam: Yeah, don't overdo it. You're not the only one mad about having your friends made fun of!
Suspicious Man: Wha? W-wait! I have hostages!
Suspicious Man: Damn it... Even hurting the girl won't... Huh? Where's the girl?
Lyria: (Hee-hee... Right in front of you. )
Suspicious Man: Whoa! What's going on here?
Katalina: Humph... I sure can't say much for your hostage-picking ability.
Rackam: Come on, Alec! You don't need to shorten your life for this idiot.
Alec: Fine! Then I'll go easy on him and make sure he's only half dead!
Suspicious Man: Eek! W-wait... No...
Alec: Shut up! Let's go, (Captain)!

Flames of Friendship: Scene 4

Alec unleashes his power, which endangers his life, to protect his friends. He forces the suspicious man to promise never to come near him or his friends again.

Suspicious Man: Eek! I'm sorry! S-spare me!
Alec: Don't you ever follow us again! You got that?
Suspicious Man: Eek! I won't! I swear!
Lyria: Thank you, Alec!
Alec: Huh?
Lyria: Hee-hee. You got so mad when me and (Captain) were caught. I just knew you were kind.
Alec: I only did what was right.
  1. You saved us. Thank you.
  2. You looked really cool back there.

Choose: You saved us. Thank you.
Choose: You looked really cool back there.
Alec: ...!
Vyrn: Ha-ha! Hey, bro! I see you blushing again!
Alec: Shut up, you stupid lizard! Stop looking at me!
Vyrn: What'd you say? I ain't no lizard!
Katalina: Wait, you two! The airship is this way!
The kindhearted boy with a special power, Alec, unleashes his power to protect his friends.
And then he once again sets out into the vast sky with the crew, bound for destinations unknown.

A Child's Determination

Alec spars with Katalina in an effort to learn the sword because his life span is shortened each time he uses his own powers. Katalina accuses him of being too reckless with his training, which angers him enough to leave the ship. He soon hears a girl screaming in the forest and goes to help her.

The Grandcypher is docked at an island. On the deck, the sound of swords clashing is accompanied by cries of rebuke.
Wielding a sword, a weapon he's unfamiliar with, Alec faces off against Katalina.
Katalina: What's wrong, Alec? I expect better from you!
Katalina: Terrible! Your approach lacks conviction. Come at me again!
Alec: Hyaaah!
Alec: Ugh...
Katalina: All right, that'll do for today.
Sprawled on the deck in defeat, Alec stares bitterly up at the sword tip pointed at his throat and mutters to himself.
Alec: Why? Why can't I land even one blow on her?
Katalina: Well... That would be because there's something you're lacking.
Alec: Something I lack?
Katalina: Yes. Courage.
Alec: Ridiculous. Are you calling me a coward?
Katalina: It's not that. But I can sense a fear of death in the motions of your blade. And a timid blade will never reach the opponent.
Katalina: You know what I mean, don't you?
Alec responds with a haughty retort.
Alec: Of course you'd understand. I'd expect nothing less of you, Katalina.
Alec: You're right of course. And it's all because of this power I'm cursed with.
Alec: Every time I use my power to take down an enemy, it eats away at my very life force.
Alec: I've recently become afraid of even using my power, so... so I...
Katalina: I see. So that's why you want me to teach you to wield a sword.
Alec: ...
Alec says nothing. Instead he silently stands and raises his weapon.
Katalina: What is it? I believe I said training was over for today.
Alec: I don't have the time to wait... Not while this is sucking away at my life every single day. I need to learn the sword now.
Katalina: No. If you overexert yourself, you'll only sustain a pointless injury.
Alec: What are a few scratches compared to all the life I've lost up until now?
Katalina: Oh dear... That's precisely your problem, Alec.
Katalina: You yourself are not cowardly. You're exactly the opposite in fact. You're far too reckless.
Katalina: And I can't very well teach you any more about the sword now that I can plainly see that.
Alec: Why... Why don't you get it?
Alec: All I want is to become strong so I can protect everyone.
Katalina: No, you're the one who doesn't get it. How can you possibly protect the lives of others if you treat your own so wantonly?
Alec: Fine... So you're useless to me then. I'll just have to grow stronger by myself!
Alec: What's Katalina's problem? She doesn't understand me at all.
Alec: I told her I just want to get stronger.
Alec: I just want to get stronger and continue the journey with everyone.
Alec: Why doesn't she get it?
A scream from within the forest suddenly pierces the air.
???: Eek! Someone help me!
Alec: What? What's someone doing all the way out here?
Katalina: Huff... Pant... Wait up, Alec!
Alec: Katalina.
Katalina: I'm sorry. I fear I overstepped the mark when I scolded you. Let's return to the ship. This area is rife with monsters.
Alec: Watch me now, Katalina. I'll prove to you I'm not a coward!
Katalina: Wait, Alec! Where are you going?

A Child's Determination: Scene 2

After Alec saves the girl from the monsters, she asks him to show her his powers again, and he responds by vanishing deeper into the forest. She's upset when Eugen tells her that Alec's power reduces his life span, and then they hear the sound of his fire and thunder from within the woods.

Girl: Oh! Thank you so much for saving me!
Girl: Hey! You were really amazing! Was that magic? It was so pretty!
Alec: Um... Well, kind of...
Girl: Wow! Real magic! That's incredible, um...
Alec: Alec.
Girl: Hee-hee, Alec!
Girl: Hey, could you show me that magic just one more time?
In contrast to the girl, whose face is beaming like the sun, Alec's expression rapidly clouds over.
Alec: Sorry, I'm really tired. Maybe another time.
Girl: Oh, Alec! Please wait!
Girl: Sigh... He left.
Girl: Hmm... I wonder if it was something I said.
Eugen: Sorry, Miss, but do you think you could let him be?
Girl: Huh? Why's that?
Eugen: Well, that power you were just talkin' about... It's not somethin' he ever really wanted.
Girl: Huh? What do you mean?
Eugen: How do I put this... He's possessed it since birth, you see.
Eugen: It's a mighty power indeed, but he can't keep it in check with that small body of his.
Eugen: So he actually has it pretty rough. Even his life span's been affected...
Girl: What? What about his life span?
Eugen: Uh-oh... I think that was a word too far.
Girl: Hey! You just gotta tell me!
Eugen: All right, I'll spill the beans. Just calm down.
Eugen: Thing about Alec's power is... The more he uses it, the shorter his life becomes. I guess you could call it a cursed power.
Girl: Huh? A cursed power?
Girl: How awful... I had no idea.
Girl: Sigh... I asked him to show it to me without a second thought. I've been so inconsiderate.
Girl: I'm so sorry. Sniff... What should I do?
Eugen: Don't worry. I'm sure Alec knows you didn't mean any harm.
Girl: But still, I—
Katalina: Huh? That sound... Could that be Alec?
Eugen: Let's go, Katalina!

A Child's Determination: Scene 3

Alec overuses his power in a fight with monsters, falls unconscious, and is carried to a bed in a nearby village. When he wakes up, he learns that the girl has gone missing while picking medicinal herbs for him, so he convinces the crew to help him find her.

As Alec comes to, he becomes aware of (Captain) and the others watching over him.
Alec: Why... Why am I in a bed?
Eugen: Well, about that... You sort of overused your powers and collapsed.
Katalina: Yes. It's unfortunate, but it'd be best not to use your power for the time being.
Alec: What? So I've gone and caused trouble for everyone again?
Eugen: Can't be helped. No need to get so gloomy about it. You'll be able to use your power again after a little rest anyway, okay?
Katalina: ...
Eugen: Hey now, don't just clam up like that.
Villager: Skyfarers! I live in a village around here. I have something to ask of you!
Katalina: What's wrong? You're pale as a ghost.
Villager: Well, it's about my daughter... Have any of you seen her? It's dark, and she hasn't come back yet!
Eugen: That sure came out of the blue. You think you could give us a little more to go on?
Villager: Oh! My humble apologies!
Villager: The thing is, she told me she met the skyfarers here around noon, so I thought you'd remember her!
Katalina: Around noon? You must be talking about the girl who was with Alec.
Villager: Yes, that's her. That's definitely my daughter! Do you know where she went?
Katalina: Hmm... I'm sorry, but I haven't any idea where she might have gone.
Eugen: Say, can I ask you one thing?
Villager: Yes, what is it?
Eugen: Well... Is there any place around here where you might find medicinal herbs or the like?
Villager: Yes, they grow in the forest. They're effective on wounds and can heal all kinds of sickness.
Villager: They're actually so potent that people once believed that they could even extend one's life.
Eugen: This ain't good... I should never have told her.
Villager: But, well, that area is full of monsters, so no one from the village goes near.
Villager: Wait! Don't tell me my daughter went there!
Everyone starts at a sudden sound from behind and quickly turns to look.
But the bed is empty.
Katalina: Alec! Wait!
Monster: Groar!
Girl: Aahh!
Alec: Ugh! Didn't she learn her lesson the first time? Hold on! I'm coming!
Katalina: Wait, Alec! Where do you think you're going?
Alec: Let me go, Katalina!
Katalina: I think not. Do you have any idea what you're about to do?
Alec: ...
Katalina: Exactly. Leave this to us or you really will die this time.
Alec: What of it?
Katalina: You're still saying things like that? Did you hear nothing I said be—
Alec: That's not it, Katalina.
Katalina: Huh?
Alec: If I'm too afraid of dying to protect what I care about, then what's the point of living?
Katalina: You mean...
Alec: You said it yourself. That I should have courage.
Alec: Take another look. Do you still see fear in the motion of my blade?
Katalina stares fixedly at Alec's eyes, searching for that glittering light within.
Katalina: Hee-hee...
Katalina: Oh, there it is. That fine courageous blade, deep within your heart.
Katalina: Impressive, Alec! All right, feel free to back me up!
Alec: Heh! Leave it to me!

A Child's Determination: Scene 4

After the crew saves the girl, Alec tries to chide her, but he goes red when she hands him the herbs. Their interaction causes him to mature, giving him the ability to use his powers without shortening his life span.

(Captain) and company locate the girl and rescue her from the monsters.
Most of the crew breathe a sigh of relief, but Alec seems angry.
Alec: How could you do something so rash! Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?
Girl: I'm sorry.
Eugen: Hey, you're not exactly one to be preachin' about rashness now, are you?
Katalina: Indeed. You're as reckless as she is, Alec.
Alec: Th-that's beside the point right now!
Girl: Hee-hee...
Alec: You just make sure to never do anything like that again.
Girl: Yeah. I really am sorry.
Girl: But you need to do something for me too.
Alec: Huh? What do you mean?
Girl: Well... I want you to promise me something.
Girl: That you'll stop hating yourself.
Alec: ...
Girl: Sorry, but I heard everything from Eugen. He said your power causes you pain.
Girl: But it's thanks to that power that you can help so many people.
Girl: People like me and everyone from the Grandcypher. We've all been helped by you, Alec.
Alec: All right. I promise. I won't call it a cursed power or anything anymore.
Alec: Guys, I'm sorry.
Katalina: Hee-hee... As long as you understand, it's fine.
Eugen: Yeah.
Girl: Um... I also found these for you.
The girl offers him a bunch of green leaves, all of which glitter with dew.
Alec: What are these?
Girl: Well, these are the medicinal herbs.
Girl: It's my fault your life span was shortened, Alec. So I thought that this was the least I could do.
Alec: Oh, thanks. I guess I might as well hold on to them then...
Eugen: Hey, whatcha goin' all red for now?
Alec: Sh-shut up! You're just seeing things!
With a flustered look, Alec gives Eugen a hard jab.
Eugen: Give it a rest! You can't hide your embarrassment from this wily old-timer.
Alec: I'm not hiding anything!
Katalina: Hold on a minute, Alec. How come you're moving so easily all of a sudden?
Alec: Eh? Huh? It's true! My body doesn't hurt at all right now.
Alec: The usual pain is gone, and I don't feel like my life span's been reduced either.
Eugen: Oho... Looks like you're becomin' an adult!
Alec: Huh? An adult? But I don't feel much like an adult...
Eugen: Haven't you heard? Leave a boy for three days and he'll come back a grown-up. That's what they say anyway.
Eugen: It means your natural capacity increases as you grow. That's why you can finally contain that overflowin' power of yours.
Katalina: How does that follow? Eugen, don't go filling his head with nonsense like that, or who knows what he'll do?
Alec: You mean... I can use my powers all I want, and my life won't be shortened anymore?
Eugen: Yep, no worries, lad. Of course it's best not to get carried away at first. Let's see how it goes, and then—
Alec: Yahoo! Freedom!
Eugen: Hey, watch it now, Alec! Hold on! You wanna destroy this house or somethin'?
Alec: Ha-ha!
Katalina: Sigh... That's why I tried to warn you.
Sounds of merriment are not uncommon in the village, but the peals of laughter ringing out this day are more joyous than most.

Goodbyes Aren't Allowed

Katalina enrolls Alec in a school where most of his classmates are interested in him, but one student makes fun of him, which is enough to drive him out of the school. When one of the kids from the school tries to bring something Alec forgot back to the airship, the kid is attacked by monsters.

Due to an unexpected fault with the Grandcypher, (Captain) and company make an emergency landing on a nearby island.
Rackam: Sorry about this, everyone. Looks like it's gonna take some time to fix.
Katalina: Don't worry, Rackam. It can't be helped.
Katalina: Well then, while Rackam works on the repairs, why don't we have Eugen go with (Captain) to gather some supplies?
Eugen: Sure, no problem.
Katalina: And... Let's see... Lyria, Vyrn, and Io... Could you three do some shopping for us?
Io: Roger! Leave it to us.
Katalina: I'll head to town to take care of a few things then.
Eugen: Hold on, that'd leave Alec by himself. Why don't you have him join the shoppin' group or somethin'?
Katalina: No, there's no need for that. I've already made arrangements.
Eugen: Huh? Arrangements? For what?
Katalina: Hee-hee... For school.
Eugen: Uh? School? But why would you bother?
Katalina: Well, you see... I saw a poster at the town hall and had the idea: why don't we enroll him in one? Just for a little while.
Katalina: What do you think? I'm hoping it'll teach him what it means to work as a team.
Eugen: Ha-ha, it's your lucky day, Alec! I did think you were gettin' a touch too mischievous lately. You could use some discipline.
Alec: Th-this isn't funny, you two! There's no way I'm going to school! No way!
Teacher: Well, class, I'd like you all to welcome our new student, Alec, who will be joining us for a short time. Make him feel at home.
Kids: Okay!
Alec: Geez, what'd I ever do to deserve this?
Boy: Hey, Alec, is it true that you're a skyfarer?
Alec: I guess so...
Girl: Um... Are you maybe one of the people from that ship on the coast? What was it called again?
Alec: Yeah, I am. It's called the Grandcypher.
Girl: Wow, cool! Can you show me sometime?
Alec: Huh? Well, I guess I could ask them to let you on the deck at least.
Boy: Awesome! Really?
Cynical Youth: Ha! Who does he think he is, callin' himself a skyfarer? I'll show everyone what a poser he is soon enough.
But lessons in the town's school have a steep learning curve, and Alec soon falls behind in class.
Cynical Youth: Heh, so much for the big bad skyfarer! Look at him! He can't do anything!
Alec: Shut up. What's your problem?
Cynical Youth: Hey, wimp. All that stuff about being a skyfarer was just a big lie. Admit it!
Cynical Youth: Right? As if a kid who can't even eat his veggies can fight monsters and stuff.
Boy: Huh? Alec, you were making it all up?
Girl: Why'd you lie to us? I'm so disappointed. And I thought you were so cool...
Alec: ...
Teacher: Wait! Alec, where are you going? Stop this instant!
Alec: ...
Rackam: Oh! Back already, Alec? That was fast.
Rackam: So how was it? You make lots of friends?
Alec: ...
Alec: Forget school. I'm not going there again.
Rackam: Hey. What's wrong, Alec? Did something happen? Tell me.
Monster: Groar!
Boy: Aahh! Someone... Help!
The scream comes from below the ship: one of the kids, who's coming to return something Alec forgot, is about to be attacked by monsters.
Alec: Huh? What's he doing here?
Rackam: Hey! What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Goodbyes Aren't Allowed: Scene 2

When Alec goes back to school the next day, he's again the center of attention, and even the youth who made fun of him wants Alec to teach him magic. Alec refuses due to the risks, causing the youth to run into a cave, and the crew goes after him.

When Alec tries going to school again the next day, his classmates are excitedly waiting for him due to what they've heard.
Girl: Hey, Alec. I heard you defeated a monster! That's so cool!
Boy: Yeah, that's right. He was awesome.
Girl: Wow... I guess you really are a skyfarer!
Alec: I-it was no big deal.
From a little ways away, someone closely watches the proceedings.
He then approaches discreetly from the side and whispers something over Alec's shoulder.
Cynical Youth: Hey, Alec. Hang with me on the way back, okay?
Alec: ...
The youth leads Alec to a deserted cave in the outskirts of the forest.
Alec, expecting some kind of fight, is caught off guard by the youth's next words.
Cynical Youth: Well, you see... This place is my secret base. I only tell friends I think are cool about it.
Cynical Youth: Okay, I told you one of my secrets. Now you tell me the secret to your magic.
Alec: Huh? Why would you want to know that?
Cynical Youth: To get stronger.
Cynical Youth: Just tell me. Help a guy out!
Alec: ...
Alec: I can't.
Cynical Youth: Ugh! But why?
Alec: Well, fair's fair. I guess I will tell you one of my secrets.
Alec: My powers aren't as amazing as you think.
Alec: They've actually caused some serious trouble for me.
Alec: If I use them thoughtlessly, they'll even shorten my life span.
Alec: You sure you want to know about such dangerous powers?
Cynical Youth: Argh! Don't underestimate me. I'm not scared of your threats!
Alec: I'm not trying to threaten you. I'm just trying to be honest.
Cynical Youth: Just hurry up and teach me already! I'm gonna destroy some monsters!
Alec: Sorry, but there's no way I'm teaching you.
Cynical Youth: You... Don't be so full of yourself! You think you're so hot?
Alec: I would never teach these powers to someone who called me a friend!
Cynical Youth: Wha?
Cynical Youth: Unbelievable... Alec, you...
Cynical Youth: Dang. Whatever. Forget it, traitor!
With these parting words, the youth runs off into the cave.
And another set of footsteps suddenly draws near, as if having awaited this opportunity.
Katalina: Well, well. I saw you come here with your friend in the middle of my shopping. I was concerned, so I came to check on you.
Katalina: What's wrong, Alec? Did you quarrel with your friend or something?
Alec: It's nothing. I'm fine.
Katalina: But... Alec?
Monster's voice: Groar!
Katalina: That sounded like it came from inside the cave!
Alec: Oh no... That's where he went!
Katalina: Wait, Alec!

Goodbyes Aren't Allowed: Scene 3

The youth apparently wants to learn magic to defeat some monsters that have resulted in a school camping trip getting canceled, so Alec sets out to take care of the monsters himself.

The youth is attacked by monsters, but Alec and the crew manage to save him just in time.
Witnessing the ferocity of the battle, the youth reconsiders his desires.
Cynical Youth: Monsters are meaner than I thought.
Cynical Youth: Um... Alec, sorry I was so persistent. I won't go thinking about defeating monsters and stuff again.
Alec: Yeah... I think that's a good idea too.
Cynical Youth: But, wow, you really are something. Those terrifying monsters couldn't even make you flinch.
Alec: Yeah, but even I get scared sometimes.
Alec: The only reason I could relax at all this time was because my friends from the Grandcypher were here.
Cynical Youth: Wow... You skyfarers really are amazing. You're strong 'cause you look out for each other, huh?
Alec: Heh-heh, I guess you could say that.
Cynical Youth: Hey, Alec, I've been thinking... There's this favor I'd like to ask of you skyfarers.
Alec: You... You're not after my powers again, are you? I told you to quit that!
Cynical Youth: Don't worry. I've given up on that. This is a different request.
Alec: Okay, spit it out then.
Cynical Youth: Well... There are actually some monsters I'd like you guys to take down.
Alec: Huh? Monsters?
Cynical Youth: Yeah, there's this school camping trip every year...
Cynical Youth: But because some monsters started showing up in the area, they've decided to cancel it.
Cynical Youth: And that just sucks, 'cause everyone's really been looking forward to it. I can't stand to see it get scrapped like that.
Alec: Sigh... So that's all you wanted my powers for, huh?
Cynical Youth: Hey! What do you mean that's all? We've been looking forward to our camping trip practically forever!
Alec: All I meant is that it'd be easy for us to help with something like that.
Cynical Youth: Really? You'd do that for me?
Alec: Well, you're a friend after all.
Cynical Youth: Alec... You...
Alec: Okay, guys. I'm counting on you to help out with this.
Eugen: Oho... Alec's finally startin' to seem like a kid.
Eugen: I'm glad... I feel like he's startin' to express who he really is.
Eugen: Just a minute... Katalina! Was this your plan from the beginnin'?
Katalina: Yes. It looks like sending him to school was the right choice after all.
Alec: Katalina! Eugen! What're you guys doing? C'mon! We have monsters to defeat!

Goodbyes Aren't Allowed: Scene 4

Alec is late on the day of the camping trip, which worries the youth, but then Alec shows up with sandwiches made by Katalina. Just tasting one is almost enough to knock out the youth, and Alec at last learns to laugh with friends his own age.

Teacher: Okay, everyone. Lunchtime!
Boy: Sigh... Alec's late today.
Girl: Yeah... What's taking him? I wonder if something happened.
Cynical Youth: (Ugh! Could it be that he's just gonna take off without saying goodbye?)
Cynical Youth: (He can't do that. I still haven't had a chance to really say anything to him.)
???: Hey!
Boy: Huh? Did you hear a voice just now?
Girl: Oh? Could it be?
Alec: Hey, you guys!
Kids: Oh! It's Alec!
Everyone runs up to Alec.
But the first one to get to him is his new friend, the youth.
Pleased to see Alec, he playfully pins his arms behind his back.
Cynical Youth: Took your sweet time, didn't you? What are you doing oversleeping, huh?
Alec: Ouch! Cut it out! That hurts! And I didn't oversleep!
Alec: When I said we were going camping today, Katalina decided to make sandwiches for everyone, and I couldn't stop her.
Cynical Youth: Sandwiches? I love sandwiches!
Alec: Yeah, sorry. I'll give you one if you let me go.
Cynical Youth: Oh! Well, I guess I'll let you off the hook this time.
The youth plucks a sandwich from the basket Alec is carrying, takes a bite, and talks around a mouthful of food.
Cynical Youth: Heh-heh... Camp woulda sucked without you, but I... I...
Cynical Youth: Ugh? Arrrgh!
Cynical Youth: What? What kinda messed up sandwich is this?
Cynical Youth: Gross! Do you skyfarers seriously eat this stuff every day?
Alec: Huh? Now that's odd. Just who was it that said people who don't eat their food are wimps?
Cynical Youth: What are you trying to say? I never said I wasn't gonna eat it. Heh, just watch!
Cynical Youth: Ugh... I'm no wimp... Bleh!
Cynical Youth: So... nasty... Huh? Somethin' squirming? Ugh... Gulp.
Cynical Youth: I ate it! Check it out. It's gone!
Alec: Ha-ha.
Kids: Ha-ha.
Cynical Youth: Heh-heh... Cough! Cough! Ha-ha.
Alec is surrounded by happy laughter.
He joins in himself, laughing with all the joy of one who's recovered something he lost long ago.

Table Manners

When Jessica scolds Alec for not eating his vegetables, Alec blows up and storms off. To make it up to him, Jessica learns how to cook vegetables so delicious that even Alec will eat them. Touched by how much she cares about him, Alec apologizes and thanks her.

Lyria: Nom nom...
Shopkeep: My apologies for the wait. I believe this is everything you ordered. Will that be all?
Vyrn: It's finally here! Time to chow down!
Alec: Whoa, hold up! That's mine!
Vyrn: Heh heh! First come, first served!
Alec: What? No way! Just hand it over!
Jessica: Haha... There's no fighting at the table. Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) and the crew are stopping over on an island.
They are gathered around a table at a local inn, enjoying a leisurely meal.
Lyria: That was so good! I could go for seconds! Tenths, even!
Shopkeep: Hehe... Thank you. It's a real treat to hear praise like that.
Jessica: Hmm? Alec, do you see something wrong with your plate?
Alec: Uh... Well, I...
Jessica: You, uh, what? I'm seeing a looot of vegetables on there...
Jessica: Being a picky eater isn't good for you, you know.
Alec: ...
Jessica: I wasn't too fond of veggies when I was your age either.
Jessica: But I'd eat them right up regardless. How do you think I got so big?
Jessica: If you don't eat a balanced diet, you'll never grow up big and—
Alec: Shut up! Just get the heck off my back!
Alec: What good is it worrying about when I grow up? My power's probably gonna kill me before I do! You ever think of that?
Alec: So leave me alone! I don't need your stupid advice!
Jessica: Oh!
Jessica: ...
Lyria: Oh, no... I know Alec was angry, but don't you think he looked a little sad too?
Vyrn: But c'mon! He took it a little far, didn't he?
Shopkeep: Well... You know how children are at that age...
Jessica: ...
Jessica: Excuse me... There's a favor I'd like to ask, if you can spare the time...
Shopkeep: Who, me?
Vyrn: Huh? Is Jessica still not back?
Lyria: Hm... I'm getting worried. It's so dark out...
Lyria: Why don't we go look for her? You too, Alec!
Alec: What? Why the heck d'you need me?
Lyria: Because, that's why! Come on, Alec, we're leaving!
Alec: Tsk... Fine. Let's go, (Captain).
Lyria: Hmm... The only place I can think of that she might be is the restaurant where we ate lunch...
Alec: Hmph... She's probably just spacing out somewhere...
Alec: Huh?
Shopkeep: Hehe... My, that's tasty! You've got a knack for this, Jessica.
Jessica: I'm glad to hear you say that! This ought to get Alec to eat his veggies...
Shopkeep: It ought to. You do seem quite fired up.
Jessica: Haha... Well. I know what it's like to hate eating your vegetables.
Jessica: But when I finally started eating them, I couldn't believe what I'd been missing out on...
Jessica: I... I really shouldn't have spoken to him like that earlier...
Shopkeep: Hehe. So you decided to say it with pots and pans?
Jessica: Haha... I just don't want him to miss out. There are all sorts of things he could be experiencing. The... The sooner he starts, the better...
Alec: Jessica...
Lyria: Ah! I knew you would be here!
Alec: ...
Lyria: Alec, wait! Where are you going?
Alec returns that evening, but doesn't seem to be in a very talkative mood.
The next day, Jessica treats the Grandcypher crew to a mouth-watering vegetable dish.
Jessica: What do you think? I learned a lot about cooking with vegetables from that restaurant owner!
Lyria: Wow! You're amazing, Jessica! This is delicious!
Vyrn: Munch...
Wow. I bet anyone would love this, even if they hated vegetables!
Jessica: Hehe... So what's the verdict, Alec?
Alec: It's, uh... It's good...
Jessica: Oho! I guess that takes care of your veggie problem!
Vyrn: Haha! You're pretty lucky to have a friend like Jessica who'll go that far outta her way just to keep you fed!
Alec: Can it, lizard lips!
Alec: Uh... Jessica? About what happened... Y'know, before?
Alec: I'm sorry. I should've just kept my big mouth shut...
Jessica: Hehe... I've already forgotten about it. Besides, there's something else I'd rather hear from you.
Alec: ...
Alec: Th-thanks... I can probably choke down a few vegetables if they taste as good as this.
Lyria: Hehe... I didn't know you could turn so red, Alec.
Alec: Sh-shut it! I'm coming down with something, that's why!
Jessica: Oh really? We'll have to watch your nutrition extra carefully then!
And so under the watchful eyes of Jessica and the rest of the crew, Alec begins his journey toward a healthy mind and body.
With Alec's hatred of vegetables conquered, Jessica sets her sights on his table manners.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
あ、あの野鳥!なんて名前だろ? Ah, the bird over there! What's it called?
なぁなぁ、あそこまで競争しようぜ! Hey, I'll race you there!
お前はオレが守ってやるぜ! I'll protect you!
世界って、すげぇ広いんだな! The world is so vast!
オレの力…役にたったか? Is my power... helping everyone?
べつに褒められても嬉しくねぇし… Hey, enough with the patronizing...
こっち見んな!バ、バーカバーカ! Stop looking at me! Y-you jerk!
…なんだかウズウズしてきた! This is getting kind of exciting!
(主人公)!あっち行ってみようぜ Let's go that way, (Captain)!
(主人公)にならオレの魔力預けても… I'd gladly lend you my power, (Captain)...


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.