Anne (Light)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Official Profile

Age 17
Height 156 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Playing the piano
Likes Grea, hot milk
Dislikes When her friends get hurt
Character Release
優れた魔法の才能を持つアンは、 過去の偉大な人物や精霊が昇華した「英霊」を召喚して戦います。
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 17歳
Height 156cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies ピアノの演奏
Likes グレア、ホットミルク
Dislikes 仲間達が傷つくこと
Character Release
優れた魔法の才能を持つアンは、 過去の偉大な人物や精霊が昇華した「英霊」を召喚して戦います。
Character Release
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy New Year Cutscenes
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Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text
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White Day Cutscenes
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Trick or Treat Cutscenes
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Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Magic Games

The prestige of both Mysteria Academy and Leonard Academy are at stake at the annual Magic Games. Anne, Grea, and Owen have been selected to be this year’s representatives, but Grea feels uncertain about joining. After some encouragement from Anne, Grea decides to participate. The day of the competition arrives and Anne is determined to win against Leonard Academy.

One day, after classes have ended at Mysteria Academy, a voice calls out to stop Anne and her group from leaving.
Ms. Miranda: Anne! Grea! Owen! May I have your attention for a moment, please?
Ms. Miranda: I'd like for you all to come with me to Mr. Bertrand's office!
Anne: Mr. Bertrand's office? Did something happen?
Ms. Miranda: Hehe, it's nothing bad, so put your worries to rest! We'll have plenty of time to talk all about it!
Ms. Miranda: But I suppose I can give you all a little hint... It's that special time of the year again!
Anne: That special time of the year again? Wait a second...
Anne: Oh, I know! Are we going to participate again?
Ms. Miranda: Clever as always, Anne! It looks like you've got it all figured out!
Ms. Miranda: Very well, shall we head to Mr. Bertrand's office?
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho, thank you for coming.
Mr. Bertrand: I've gathered everyone here for only one reason...
Mr. Bertrand: The events of this year's Magic Games have been officially finalized.
Anne: Aha, I had a feeling it was going to be about this!
Grea: The Magic Games? What is that?
Anne: Oh, didn't you watch them around this time last year? We had the event back then too.
Grea: I'm not sure... It's possible I didn't go watch.
Anne: Well, it's not like attendance is mandatory. Not a problem then—let me explain!
Anne: The Magic Games is a tournament between Mysteria Academy and our sister school, Leonard Academy.
Anne: Students compete in three events—the mock battle, the summoning trial, and the labyrinth hunt.
Anne: The team that comes out on top will be crowned the winner.
Anne: It's a hotly contested event where both schools put their pride on the line!
Ms. Miranda: Hehe, a perfect explanation from our experienced participant!
Mr. Bertrand: Like Anne said, this is an event where both schools truly put their pride on the line.
Mr. Bertrand: Hence, it takes an entire year of careful deliberation to decide who will represent our academy.
Mr. Bertrand: And with that being said, I would like to propose that the representatives this year be Anne, Grea, and Owen.
Mr. Bertrand: In addition, I'd like to ask Anne to be the team leader since she participated last year as well.
Anne: Grea, we're competing together this year! Isn't that amazing!
Grea: Huh? I understand why Anne and Owen were selected, but why me?
Grea: I'm honored to be chosen, but I'm not so sure...
Anne: Whaaa! Grea, you don't want to participate?
Anne: But you were picked! Let's do this together! Please?
Grea: B-but, I don't know anything about the Magic Games...
Grea: And since I don't want to draw any attention to myself, my dragon powers are off the table... I'm not sure if I'm the right person for this.
Ms. Miranda: Oh, Grea, you've always been so modest.
Ms. Miranda: But this decision wasn't made lightly—all the teachers know how hard you've been working on your magic studies!
Ms. Miranda: And when it comes to the rules, you've got Anne to explain everything to you.
Ms. Miranda: I've also talked to Hanna and William who participated in last year's Games. They'll be your advisors.
Ms. Miranda: So don't you worry! You have lots of people to support you!
Mr. Bertrand: Of course, I'm not saying you have to, but it would be a good chance to test your skills too.
Mr. Bertrand: Think of this as an opportunity to demonstrate what you've learned at Mysteria.
Anne: Exactly! Please consider it, Grea!
Anne: Plus, I'll be able to work ten times harder as a leader with you by my side.
Grea: Nngh...
Grea hesitates for a moment, but relents to Anne's pleading.
Grea: Okay... I'm also happy to be on your team, Anne.
Anne: Thank you, Grea!
Anne: What about you, Owen?
Anne: I remember you weren't able to participate last year because your father called you at the last moment.
Anne: Do you think everything will be okay this year?
Owen: Yes. The knight captain has also informed me to give the princess my fullest support if I am to be chosen.
Owen: So please, allow me the honor of fighting by your side.
Anne: All right, then it sounds like everything's set!
Excitedly, Anne grabs Grea and Owen's hands and turns to Mr. Bertrand.
Anne: Mr. Bertrand, you can count on us! We're going to give it our all!
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho, that's what I wanted to hear. We expect great things from you three.
Ms. Miranda: Believe in yourselves! If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me!
The day of the Magic Games arrives. Students from Leonard Academy start streaming into Mysteria Academy.
Anne: Look, here they come! I see some participants from last year, but something's changed... There's more confidence about them.
Grea: I also expected a lot more students to come and watch the event too.
Grea: I wonder if they couldn't fit everyone on the airship so they only allowed a limited number of spectators.
William: Nope, that's actually the entire student body. Leonard Academy accepts very few students.
Hanna: It's not easy to enter, but once you do, they guarantee that you'll become an elite mage.
Hanna: At least, that's what they say.
Hanna: But from what I can tell, it's true—every year they send very powerful opponents to us.
William: What Hanna said. Don't let your guard down.
Anne: You got it! We're counting on your support today!
William: We've got your back!
William: Though I'm not sure what I can do... Last year, Anne and Hanna practically won the entire event by themselves.
Hanna: We've done as much research as we could on the Leonard's team.
Hanna: I'm sure we'll be able to provide some useful information.
Owen: Everyone, please come this way. Mr. Bertrand is calling for us.
Leonard Teacher: Once again, we look forward to another good fight, Mysteria.
Leonard Teacher: Of course, we have no intention of losing. Our students have been thoroughly prepared.
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho, the same goes for us. We've taken the liberty of selecting our finest students to compete this year.
Mr. Bertrand: May the best academy win.
Leonard Teacher: Indeed.
Mr. Bertrand: Now everyone, please welcome the Leonard Academy team!
All Three: We look forward to a good match today!
Leonard Teacher: Please greet the Mysteria Academy students!
Leonard Student 1: ...
We look forward to a good match as well.
Leonard Students: ...
Obeying their teacher's orders, the Leonardian students politely bow to Anne and her team.
However, their eyes remain fixated on Anne as if searching for something.
Owen: How rude of them to look upon the princess with such expressions.
Owen: It doesn't matter if we're from different schools—manners must be upheld at all times.
Anne: It's okay, Owen. Sure, they may be our rivals, but they're still guests nonetheless.
Anne: And that look in their eyes shows their determination to win.
Anne: We mustn't lose to them. Isn't that right, Grea?
Grea: Absolutely. Let's give it our all, Anne.
Anne: That's been my plan from the start!
Anne: (After all, I'm the team leader this year... There's no way I can afford to lose!)
Exchanging firm looks with Grea, Anne readies herself.
Her eyes are full of confidence and strength as the Magic Games begin.

Victory Will Be Ours

The tournament between the two schools begins, with Grea and Owen winning the first event, the mock battle. Anne participates in the second event, the summoning trial, but the Leonard student somehow reads all of the her moves, putting her in a tight spot. In an unexpected turn of events, Anne is defeated, leaving her stunned.

Finally, the highly anticipated Magic Games kick off between Mysteria Academy and Leonard Academy.
The first event begins with Grea and Owen participating as a duo in the mock battle.
Leonard Student 2: Whoever strikes first sets the tempo of the match... And since the princess isn't here, we'll be able to take them by storm!
Leonard Student 3: Roger that! As soon as they step close, they'll turn into Swiss cheese!
Owen: Their magic output is certainly something to contend with. No surprise there since we're battling against the cream of the crop.
Owen: Grea. Just to confirm once more, you won't be using your dragon powers, correct?
Grea: That's right. I honed my support magic spells instead with Anne and the student council president.
Grea: Leave the defense to me. I won't let a single attack hit you.
Owen: Heh... That's reassuring to hear. Then there's no need for me to hold back either.
Owen: Ready yourself.
Owen: Hrragh!
Leonard Student 2: They're charging straight at us without even using magic!
Leonard Student 3: Wait, is that a magic sword? We need to intercept him before he gets any closer!
Grea: Not on my watch!
Owen deftly evades a flurry of attacks and closes in on the enemy.
Leonard Student 2: The covering fire should subside soon and we'll be able to strike back, but our opponent's closed the gap already!
Leonard Student 3: Watch out—we're about to be in the magic sword's range!
Leonard Student 2: It's okay, I'll cast a barrier that's immune to slashing damage!
Owen: Heh, you underestimate me. My sword can easily slice through such a weak defense.
Owen: I'm already knocking on your doorstep!
Owen: Mirage Blade!
Leonard Students: Ahhh!
Mr. Bertrand: It looks like we have a winner.
Leonard Teacher: Indeed... The first match goes to Mysteria Academy!
The Leonardian students crumple to the ground under the weight of Owen's powerful attack.
And with that, Mysteria Academy is the winner of the mock battle.
Anne: Grea! Owen! You two were so amazing out there! Great work!
Owen: Thank you for your kind words, Princess.
Grea: Thanks, Anne. I'm really glad I was able to show the results of my training.
William: Well, we've already taken the lead. Next up is Anne, so I bet this'll be an easy win for us.
Hanna: Victory isn't guaranteed though. I heard that Anne is going up against Leonard Academy's top summoner.
Hanna: Not only that, but participants are limited to summoning only nature spirits. Anne won't be able to call on her paragon spirits.
Hanna: I'm not too worried since she did win last year, but it doesn't mean we can let our guard down.
Anne: It'll be okay! As one of Mysteria's representatives, I'll win this fair and square!
With her head held high, Anne steps into the arena.
The excitement is practically electric in the arena as the second event begins.
Grea: If I remember correctly, whoever first destroys the opponent's crystal behind them wins.
William: That's right. Attacks are limited to whatever spirits they summon.
William: Last year, Anne fought in this event too. She took a point back for us after I lost in the mock battle.
Owen: Since this is a solo event, the participant has to be someone of great skill.
Owen: Hence, I have no doubt in my mind that the princess will attain a decisive victory again.
Anne: Here I come!
Anne: Spirits! Heed my call and destroy that crystal!
Leonard Student 1: Just as I expected—her summoning speed is truly something else.
Leonard Student 1: But I did my homework on you!
Leonard Student 1: Spirits! Heed my call and destroy that crystal!
Anne: Oh dear, it's an earth spirit... Not exactly the best elemental matchup for me.
Anne: For now, I'll leave my spirit to try and defend as much as possible while I summon another one...
Leonard Student 1: I know all about your ability to resummon in the midst of combat. Impressive, but it leaves you vulnerable for a split second.
Leonard Student 1: I'm not going to let this chance slip away from me!
Anne: Ahh!
Grea: One of the opponent's attacks got through!
Hanna: What a great usage of the gap created during the resummoning process...
Hanna: Considering Anne's speed, that's the only time anyone can strike.
William: She's already summoned her next spirit but it doesn't look like any of her attacks are landing.
William: It's as if the opponent's reading her moves...
Anne: Spirits! Manifest your powers!
Wind Spirit: ...!
Leonard Student 1: I know all about that attack. It won't work on me.
Anne: Ugh!
Anne: (Something's strange... I haven't been able to land any of my attacks.)
Anne: (As soon as I make a move, my opponent blocks me. I feel like my mind's being read...)
Anne: (That last hit greatly damaged my crystal too. It won't be able to hold up much longer at this rate!)
Leonard Student 1: Your attacks are becoming duller and duller by the minute. Oh, how the princess has fallen. I almost feel a bit bad.
Leonard Student 1: But I didn't come here to show any mercy!
Anne: Ahh!
A bolt of magic flies past Anne and shatters the crystal behind her.
Leonard Teacher: The match is over! The winner is Leonard Academy!
Anne: ...
While cheers erupt from the Leonardian spectators, Anne finds herself standing stock-still.
Owen: How could the princess have lost... This is unbelievable.
Grea: Sure the opponent may have been strong, but Anne is far more superior when it comes to magic and summoning...
William: What do you think, Hanna? Did they do their research on Anne beforehand?
Hanna: I'm almost certain of it.
Hanna: As soon as they learned that Anne would be competing, they must've meticulously planned for every step.
Hanna: Considering that she also participated last year, it gives them plenty of reason to analyze her fighting style.
William: They really came here determined to get back at us for last year, huh?
Grea: ...
Standing next to Hanna and William is Grea, shaken by the unexpected turn of events.
Soon, Anne returns to the group, her gait unsteady.
Owen: Princess! Are you hurt anywhere?
Anne: N-no, I'm okay... The fight ended so fast that there wasn't even time for me to get hurt...
Grea: Anne, don't let it get you down. The score is still tied.
Anne: Grea...
Anne: Sorry... I'm supposed to lead our team but I lost...
Grea: Anne...
The defeat weighs heavily on Anne's shoulders.
Even her friends are at a loss for words at her dejected state.

Victory Will Be Ours: Scene 2

The third event, the labyrinth hunt, takes place in a cave. Anne is committed to winning this round, but her opponents once again predict her moves, landing her in a predicament. Downcast, Anne is at an impasse, but with Grea conveying her trust to her best friend and Owen assuring he'll have the princess's back, Anne manages to return to her usual self.

With the conclusion of both the mock battle and summoning trial, the score is now tied between the academies.
The last event, the labyrinth hunt, is about to begin. Both teams are following the teachers to a cave.
Ms. Miranda: All righty everyone! Watch your step as we enter the cave!
Anne: ...
Owen: Princess, the teachers have asked for us to enter.
Anne: R-right! Sorry, I was spacing out a bit...
Grea: Stay focused, Anne. We've still got a ways to go.
Grea: We can make a comeback here, so we need to try our best.
Owen: Grea is right. And we'll be with you every step of the way, so please put your worries to rest.
Anne: True... You two are right. I need to stay sharp!
Anne: Sorry for causing any concerns! You can count on me to lead us to victory!
Anne regains her smile and the pep in her step again.
Grea: (Anne... I'm worried about you... Are you trying to take on everything by yourself again?)
Owen: (I can only hope that she doesn't push herself too much...)
Trailing behind Anne, Grea and Owen cast anxious looks in her direction.
Ms. Miranda: May I have your attention please! I'm going to explain the rules of the labyrinth hunt now.
Ms. Miranda: With the power of both academies' teachers, we've transformed the inside of this cave into a complex labyrinth.
Ms. Miranda: You'll encounter "gem gremlins," monsters that walk around carrying crystals.
Ms. Miranda: All you have to do is defeat the monsters and collect as many crystals as you can!
Ms. Miranda: Lastly, the guardian of the labyrinth rests in the deepest part of the labyrinth. It has the biggest crystal of them all!
Ms. Miranda: The match ends when one of the teams defeats the guardian and obtains its crystal!
Ms. Miranda: Whoever has the most amount of crystals at the end wins!
Ms. Miranda: Oh, and one other thing—teams can try to steal crystals from each other, so watch out.
Ms. Miranda: And with that being said, let the labyrinth hunt begin!
Anne: Are you two ready? We're going to take down every single monster we see!
Grea: Right. The more we take down, the more crystals we can gather.
Owen: Princess, there won't be much light inside, so walk carefully.
Anne: Don't worry about it! Come on, let's go!
Anne takes the lead and charges into the labyrinth.
With her overwhelming power, monsters around her fall one after another, earning them many crystals.
Monster: ...!
Anne: And that's that! Looks like we cleaned up all the monsters in this area.
Owen: Well done, Princess. We've amassed quite a haul of crystals.
Grea: We don't know how many monsters remain in the labyrinth, but one thing's for sure...
Grea: The other team can't possibly be taking them down as fast as we are.
Grea: You must be tired though, Anne. You were using a lot of power just now. Do you want to switch with me?
Anne: I've got plenty of fuel left in the tank! Plus, I need you two to conserve your energy for the guardian!
Grea: Okay. I'm counting on you then.
Anne: You got it!
Oh, it looks like that passage over there takes us further in. Let's go that way!
Anne and her team begin heading toward the narrow passage.
Grea, who's guarding the rear, is the last to enter. However, before she can take another step, something catches her by surprise.
Grea: Eek!
Leonard Student 1: Now's our chance!
Grea: Where'd these monsters come from!
Panicking, Grea quickly moves into a defensive stance.
Meanwhile, a shadow darts across the scene in the distance.
Anne: What are you doing to Grea!
Anne: Hraagh!
Summoned Beasts: ...!
Leonard Student 1: ...
Anne: Grea! Are you okay?
Grea: Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me, Anne.
Grea: Just now, I think I saw a Leonardian student hiding in the shadows. I wonder if that person's behind the ambush.
Owen: Judging by the nature of this trap, I wager it calls upon a swarm of monsters.
Owen: It's designed to throw an obstacle in our way or to weaken us. Regardless, it's certainly crude. Princess, shall I go after them?
Anne: There's no need. Grea's safe now and it's best if we keep go—
Anne: Wha!
Grea: What is it, Anne! Is it another trap?
Anne: N-no... But... The crystals...
Hands unsteady, Anne shows her bag that held all the crystals to Owen and Grea.
Anne: Everything we gathered... is gone...
Grea: What! But how!
Owen: I see now... It was all just a ploy to steal the contents of the princess's bag...
Owen: They attacked Grea in order to distract the princess.
Owen: Those cowards! How dare they take advantage of the kindness that the princess has for Grea!
Anne: But I don't understand... Why would they come and attack us now?
Anne: This sort of trap only works once and relies on the fact that we've defeated more monsters than them...
Anne: ...!
Anne: I get it now... I was going around loudly taking down monster after monster without considering that they could've been watching us...
Anne: That's how they knew when to set this trap...
Grea: Anne!
As the color drains from Anne's face, Grea hurries to her side and grabs her hand.
Anne: Grea... I...
Grea: Anne, it's not entirely your fault. Owen and I were equally careless.
Grea: Let's all put our heads together and think of a plan to turn this around. The match isn't over yet.
Anne: But... I keep messing things up... I don't think any of my plans will work...
Grea: Even so, I still believe in you, Anne.
Anne: Grea... But why?
Grea: Isn't it obvious? You're my precious friend. Of course I believe in you.
Grea: So put your faith in us too. Don't try to shoulder everything by yourself.
Anne: ...
Owen: I wholeheartedly agree with Grea. Princess, allow us the honor of supporting you.
Anne: Grea... Owen...
Anne: ...
Anne: Okay. You're right. Let me think for a bit.
With renewed determination, Anne straightens herself and faces Grea and Owen.
Anne: First of all, our opponents know exactly what actions I'll take.
Anne: Like Hanna said earlier, it's highly likely that they researched everything they could about me.
Anne: But you two are a mystery, given how the mock battle went.
Anne: Which is why I'd like to leave the monsters to you, Grea. They'll have a harder time detecting your magic than mine.
Grea: Of course. Every monster we take down is a crystal for us.
Anne: In addition, we can assume that they'll come back to try and steal from us again.
Anne: Owen, can I count on you to intercept them? Try to draw all of their attention onto you.
Anne: Meanwhile, I'll be scouting the area and focusing on getting back our crystals. They'll all be too busy with Owen to notice me.
Owen: Consider it done, Princess. I won't let any of them touch you or Grea.
Anne: Thank you. Now that that's been settled, let's keep going.
Anne: The round's just started for us! Mysteria Academy, it's time to strike back!
And with that, the trio continue deeper into the labyrinth.
As Anne scans her surroundings, no sign of the previous frustration she had can be seen on her face.

Victory Will Be Ours: Scene 3

Anne conquers the labyrinth hunt using her brilliant strategy and powers, clinching the victory for Mysteria Academy. During the after-party, students from both schools commend each other for their efforts. Anne credits Grea and Owen’s support for their victory before reflecting on the tournament with the Leonard students.

With Grea in the lead this time, the group collects crystal after crystal.
Anne's detection magic allows them to stop Leonardian students along the way.
Owen: Hraagh!
Owen: Now, Princess!
Anne: Right!
Leonard Student 2: ...!
Crap, the crystals!
Leonard Student 1: We can't do anything with that magic sword around! Everyone, retreat for now!
Anne: Crystals obtained! We've recovered half of what was stolen already!
The group makes good progress and even manage to win some crystals back from their opponents.
Anne: It doesn't seem like we can go any further. I guess we're in some sort of great hall now.
Grea: Is this the deepest part of the labyrinth? If so, then what the teachers mentioned earlier must be here...
Giant Monster: Graargh!
Anne: Wow, it's huge! This must be the guardian then!
Owen: I can see something glowing behind it. I believe it's the giant crystal.
Anne: We better get going then! Come, Grea, Owen!
Grea: Right!
Owen: As you wish, Princess!
With the discovery of the giant crystal, the trio immediately pounce into action.
Seconds later, the sound of hurried footsteps come rushing into the great hall.
Leonard Student 1: There it is! The guardian's ours!
Leonard Student 2: We won't let you take it! We've been conserving our energy for this very moment!
Leonard Student 3: Come! Fight us if you dare!
Anne: ...
With the guardian in front and her opponents behind, Anne freezes in place for a moment.
But seconds later, her hesitation melts away as she flashes a bold smile at Grea and Owen.
Anne: Grea. Owen. Can I ask you two to cover my back?
The two smile back at Anne with understanding in their eyes before facing the Leonardian students again.
Grea: This is the final battle. Don't hold back, Anne.
Owen: Please show our guests what true power looks like, Princess.
Anne: I hear you.
Anne: I'm going to go all out! Nothing's going to stop me!
Anne: O Spirits, heed my call!
Anne: Show me your power!
Spirit: ...!
Giant Monster: ...!
Leonard Student 3: Eeek!
The paragon spirit's slash sends shock waves throughout the hall and wipes out the guardian instantly.
Leonard Student 2: What insane power... Is this the princess of Mysteria's true strength!
Leonard Student 1: This wasn't in the information we had!
Anne: We did it!
Anne: The giant crystal's ours!
The Magic Games draw to a close and Mysteria Academy is declared the winner.
The after-party begins, and Anne is chatting away in the center of a group of students.
Leonard Student 1: Sigh... We genuinely thought we had gathered all of the information about you.
Leonard Student 1: We had no idea that you still had such a powerful spell under your belt during the labyrinth hunt.
Leonard Student 3: We didn't see it coming at all! And you two were tough opponents in the mock battle as well!
Leonard Student 2: To be honest, we were planning to resort to any means to win for the last event.
Leonard Student 2: But the princess of Mysteria is truly on a whole other level.
Anne: No, I wouldn't say that it's all because of my powers. I was only able to pull that off because of Grea and Owen.
Anne: Without their support and faith in me, I wouldn't have won. Isn't that right, Grea, Owen?
Grea: Hehe, you're too kind. We won the last event thanks to your plan.
Owen: Indeed, your strategy was truly brilliant. Please give yourself more credit, Princess.
Anne: Ahaha, you two are gonna make me blush!
Anne: But actually, there's something that I really want to know!
Anne grabs one of the Leonardian student's hands.
Leonard Student 1: Eep! Wh-what is it?
Anne: Will you tell me how you came up with your strategy during the summoning contest?
Anne: I've never had someone read me like a book before! How was it that you could predict all my moves?
Anne: If it's okay, please teach me!
While Anne's face lights up with excitement, the Leonardian students exchange confused looks with each other.
Leonard Student 1: Is there even anything we can teach to someone of your caliber?
Anne: Of course! Like I said earlier, none of this could've happened without Grea and Owen with me.
Anne: Whatever you all thought of worked perfectly against me! I'd love to hear how you came up with your strategy!
Anne: Please! In exchange, I'll teach you whatever you want!
Leonard Student 3: Ahaha, I can tell that your strength lies in your love for learning.
Leonard Student 3: What do you think, guys? I think it's fine if we tell her. We can show just how hard we worked.
Leonard Student 2: Sounds good to me. After we tell you, I'd love to hear how you all came up with a counterattack in the labyrinth.
Leonard Student 2: We want to take the lessons we learn here and pass them down to our underclassmen.
Anne: Absolutely! So basically...
Following Anne's lead, everyone begins exchanging information.
William: And just like that, everyone gets swept away by Anne.
Hanna: I'm not surprised at all. We can all learn a thing or two from Anne's proactivity and positivity.
Mr. Bertrand: Certainly. This is what the Magic Games is truly all about.
Ms. Miranda: Hehe, isn't it beautiful to see everyone getting along with each other?
The group smiles, watching Anne and the other students from a short distance away.
Anne's enthusiasm doesn't die down for some time as she chats away surrounded by her peers.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
英霊よ……我が呼びかけに応え、力を示せ! Spirits... Heed my call and manifest your powers!
この調子!どんどん進もう! That's it! Keep going!
グレアが一緒なら負ける気しないよ! With Grea by my side, there's no way I can lose!
いざ尋常に、勝負っ! Come and fight!
マナリアのみんなの期待に応えなきゃ Everyone at Mysteria is counting on me.
しっかり作戦立てないとね It's important to craft a sound strategy.
オーウェンの魔法剣大活躍だね! Owen's skill with his magic sword is really something else!
リーダーとして、正々堂々戦うよ! As the leader of my team, I'll fight with confidence!
来年は(主人公)さんも応援に来てよ! (Captain), come watch the Magic Games next year!
(主人公)さん、一緒に頑張ろう! (Captain), we got this!
