Catherine (Wind)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 22
Height 167 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Brewing tea and coffee, listening to detective Rick's idle complaints
Likes Warm cocoa, her name, detective Rick's idle complaints
Dislikes Getting her name known, phantom thief Chat Noir
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 22歳
Height 167cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies 紅茶や珈琲を淹れること、刑事リックの愚痴を聞く事
Likes 温かいココア、自分の名前、刑事リックの愚痴
Dislikes 自分の名前が知られること、怪盗シャノワール
Source [1]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
Was there something you wanted? I'll go steal it for you.
He he he. Don't worry! I'm joking. But seriously, if there's something you want...
You can tell me later. For now how about we have a party to celebrate?
Hot chocolate, tea, coffee... name anything you want. I'll get my hands on it. He he.


Hehe. I've never been able to celebrate the birthday of someone close so many times.
I want to celebrate your birthday even more this year.
So today I might just listen to anything you say.
Oh, you're getting excited now? Hehe. I was just kidding, you know. I-I said I was kidding!
If there's something I can do for you, I wouldn't mind doing it. As long as it's something small.


(Captain), we're going to go with Lyria and the others to Kitten Cafe.
They have delicious cake, coffee, and cocoa.
Hehe. And just maybe Rick will come snooping around. Hopefully that other detective will too...
Oh, it's going to be a blast. I can't wait to get over there!


Happy birthday to you, (Captain)!
I was busy thinking up a birthday menu for you.
But I couldn't decide what you'd want to drink. Coffee? Tea? Cocoa?
It has to complement the food and cake that I plan to make.
Huh? You want to drink them all?
You're just a regular greedy pants, aren't you? Well, it's your birthday, so why not?


Welcome, (Captain). I've been waiting for you.
Haha, I figured you'd be surprised by this luxurious spread. I made it all for you.
I also got you a present. Well, two presents actually. The first is a party invitation.
And the second is... myself.
Catherine saunters over to the entrance of the cafe and shuts the door. Soon (Captain) hears a click.
Just you and me, (Captain). Heehee, you can't run away.
Um, a-and neither can I.
So let's enjoy our private time together.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year.
So, are you going to help me again this year? Not like I'm going to let you out of my sight anyway.
I mean, you know my real name. I can't just let you run away.
So let's stick together. Hehe. We'll be together again this year, and that's a promise. If you break it, I'll turn you to smoke.


You promised... to watch out for me. And I've been so happy ever since.
Which is good, because I'd hate to have to turn you into smoke.
I hope we can be together again this year. That's not a threat... That's my desire.


We've been through yet another year together.
The promise we made two years ago... Are you keeping it? Good.
You know, being together with you is starting to feel as natural as keeping my treasured pendant close.
I guess that means I treasure you too, right? Hehe...
I never let go of treasure once it's in my hands. You understand what I mean, right?
Hehe. Here's to another exciting year, (Captain).


Happy New Year, (Captain).
I don't shake you down or force you to make promises anymore.
But here you are right by my side to ring in another new year.
Your sense of duty is something else.
Haha, no, I understand. You didn't come to see me today out of obligation.
I don't mind being your treasure though... Is that too on the nose?


Open wide. Here comes the airship, (Captain). Mm, wasn't that tasty?
Haha, I knew that'd leave you speechless. It's cute.
It's a New Year's mashed sweet potato treat featuring the sweetness of chestnuts.
I'm not sure how it works, but it's supposed to bring financial fortune. To me that sounds better than getting a lump sum in the form of a New Year's gift.
Not like you need an allowance anyway. I'll swipe whatever treasure's out there if it's for you, (Captain).
No matter who I have to make enemies of, or if it clashes with my own convictions. Kind of like now.
That was a joke. Okay, half joke.
Heehee, happy New Year (Captain). Let's have a good one.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's.
Look. I made this. They're special chocolates—handmade just for you.
So then... Do you want them?
Hehe. Well then, I suppose you can have them. But I'm sure they're going to make someone jealous. Hehe...


I made those special chocolates again. You know, the ones just for you.
Why would I lie about that? I didn't exactly make them for myself, you know.
Just accept them, already. And with them, my feelings. Hehehe...


Did you hear that chocolate is much, much sweeter than kisses?
Wonder if it's true? What do you think, (Captain)?
Should we maybe try to compare the two?
Hehe. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Whoa now... Don't look so down... Seriously...
I blew a kiss to you. That'll do for now, right? Feel better?


These special chocolates are so much sweeter than others.
Can you taste the difference in mine compared to everyone else's?
Oops, what a tease of a question. I'm just playing with you.
Excuse me? It'd taste sweeter if I fed it to you?
How dare you! I won't forget this if you make me go through with it.
But you say that's what you want? Fine, whatever... Close your eyes.
And don't even think about opening them!
Heavy breathing.
Okay, open wide.


I tried my hand at baking a chocolate cake this year. Doesn't it smell good?
I used my go-to cocoa powder and sprinkled in a pinch of coffee grounds to bring out the aroma. It turned out well.
Hm? You want me to feed it to you? Haha, sorry, no can do.
Oh, don't make that pouty face at me. C'mon, take a bite. You're going to love it.
Thick chocolate sauce oozes out of the cake slice as soon as (Captain) takes the first bite.
Catherine, a bewitching smile on her face, wipes the chocolate from (Captain)'s mouth with her finger.
Hm, I can tell you think it's delicious. And now your face is all red. Embarrassed much? How cute.
Now, when you're getting me a return gift, instead of being a tease, would you mind making it a bit more... tantalizing?
Oh, this is too awkward. I can't keep this up any longer.
Forget what I said. Here, have another piece of cake.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

For me? Hehe, thanks! Aah!
Uh... You don't have to... grab my hand like that...
Urg. Shouldn't have let my guard down. You're an ornery one, you know that?


(Captain)... You got this for me?
That makes me so... happy... But...
Do you... have to keep squeezing my hand like that? You can let go, you know...
A-are you listening? Come on, already...
You're gonna make me... mad...


Handing out White Day gifts now, right? Thank you.
What? I'm satisfied, I promise. It's not like I feel neglected or anything...
Wait... You're not actually upset are you?
Oh, I've been so bad...
Okay. Do whatever you have to with me. But be nice, okay?


Heehee, you're looking at a new Catherine. A little thing like holding hands isn't going to faze me.
I've thoroughly prepared my heart. Give me your best shot.
Haha, see? Perfectly fine.
I won't give you an excuse to bully me this year.
Huh? If holding hands is okay, then let's go a step further?
Th-that's... I'll take a rain check. Until next year, okay?


Ooh, that cake looks scrumptious. Where did you get it from?
Wait, what? You baked it yourself, (Captain)?
You did a great job. It looks stunning.
And this taste... Mm... Not overpowering or anything.
It's quite a nice blend of chocolate and coffee. I could see it selling well at the Kitten Cafe.
But I wouldn't put it up for sale. This is a special gift between us and only us.
Teehee, thank you, (Captain). You're the best.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween.
I have some candy right here.
But are you sure you want it? Take it, and you forfeit your chance to play a trick on me.
Haha, just kidding! Agh! Hey, no tickling!
Shame on you, getting away with both a trick and a treat!


You want to play a trick on me?
Hehe... If that's what you want, I'm happy to play along.
Just one little rule. No touching. Okay?
S-so calm down okay? For now? No?
Goodness. You're a very naughty child, (Captain).


Oh, you're in the mood to trick me this year? Hehe, well too bad.
You see, this year I've come prepared with such sweet treats.
Besides, it's my turn to play a trick on you.
Let's leave the candy aside for now so I can show you what I mean.


Trick or treat! What's it going to be this year, candy or deception?
H-hold it! Why are you so gangbusters about starting this Halloween off with pranks?
This wouldn't have anything to do with some silly little grudge from all the tricks I played on you last year, would it?
I-I get it! If you're going to get me back, just give me a moment to collect myself...
Geez... Naughty kiddos don't get candy, you know!


Heya, (Captain). Trick or treat!
Haha. Wondering where your candy went?
Of course you are. Well, I stole it, and I've got it right here. My prank went off just as planned.
Heh, you think I'd just let you off the hook after that trick you pulled on me last year?
Think again, my naughty captain. Because for this year's batch of Halloween tricks, I'm going to fill up on you.
(Honestly this is all so embarrassing for me as well, but...)
A-are you ready, (Captain)?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Tis the season, (Captain).
And what a great season too. Everyone looks so happy, and they're having so much fun.
Have you decided who you want to spend the day with? Wait, me?
Don't be silly. You'll have to wait at least ten more years for that! But I'm glad you're thinking of me.
Well, maybe just for today, you can call me by my real name.


Hey. (Captain). Is there anything you want? I can steal it for you, you know.
As for compensation, I'd say... if you spent the whole day with me, that would suffice. Hehe.
Just kidding, of course. Hehe...
Though I might have been a teensy-bit serious about that compensation.


Here, I just made some hot cocoa.
How is it? The latte art isn't too bad, right? Lyria poured this one.
It's kind of peculiar. You know, that it's become normal to spend this festive night with someone special.
Maybe it's natural. After all, can you imagine spending this day alone?
(Captain), this is your fault. How naughty... Next year make sure you spend this time with me. Or else I'll turn you into smoke... Hehe...


You've been waiting all year, just like you promised.
Spending this holiday night with you is my idea of fun... I've been tapping my foot for the past couple of days.
Oh, lovely... Did you brew this cup of cocoa just for me?
Hehe, that's so thoughtful. I love a good cocoa, but the ones who make it for others are just as sweet.
Mm, nice and hot... And to thank you, I'll whip up my own special blend of cocoa.
What do you say to snuggling up while we sip our drinks?


Sorry to keep you waiting. I got held up a bit while I was getting ready.
Choose: It's okay. I just got here myself.
Oh, really? Heehee, are you sure about that?
It'd be crazy to think of this as a date. I mean, we're just out shopping for party supplies.
Unless I stood you up. Then you could call it a date, or at least an unsuccessful one.
Haha, I'm just playing with you—gasp.
Um, y-you don't have to hold my hand so tightly... Geez, you little trickster.
S-so how about we finish shopping quickly, and then...
Maybe spend a little time together, just the two of us?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Disappearing Act

Catherine is busy working the tables as "Cathy" for Kitten Cafe's anniversary event. One of Cathy's regulars, Detective Rick, mentions being involved in a messy burglary case before changing the topic back to the cafe's anniversary. Rick proposes celebrating with Cathy again at a later date, to which she gladly accepts. However, he's nowhere to be seen on the day they promised to meet. One of Rick's colleagues shows up and explains that Rick has gone missing. Catherine rides away on her speedship to try and find him.

The Smokin' Cathy speeds through the night.
Catherine grips the handle and accelerates, her face grim.
Catherine: That dumb detective... I swear, this isn't funny anymore.
Catherine: Didn't you always say you were going to come and catch me? What do you think you're doing?
Catherine: Please, don't die on me...
The roar of the engine drowns out her concern-laden voice.
The story begins several days ago.
The real identity of the phantom thief Nightsmoke is none other than Catherine.
She spends her days living as Cathy, the owner of a humble place called the Kitten Cafe.
Although the cafe is merely a front for her other activities, business is thriving.
Detective Rick: Hm-hmm... Isn't it great to help out with the cafe's anniversary event?
Detective Rick: I'm so happy I was asked to be here... Aren't you feeling excited too, my lizard buddy?
Vyrn: I already told ya, I ain't no lizard. How about ya calm down and pay attention to what you're doin' before...
Detective Rick: Whoa!
Cathy: Hey now... Did you break another cup? How many times has it been?
Detective Rick: I'm sorryyy...
Detective Rick is a member of the SBI, an organization that tracks down criminals to keep the skies safe.
While investigating Nightsmoke, he encounters (Captain) and the crew and becomes friendly with them.
Lyria: Um, are you okay, Detective?
Detective Rick: I'm okay, but the customer's cocoa got everywhere... And I broke the cup too...
Vyrn: Man... That's the fourth time today, y'know?
The crew has been asked to help out with the Kitten Cafe's anniversary event.
Unfortunately, Rick's excitement seems to be exacerbating his usual clumsiness.
Regular: My cocoa! Rick, how'd you spill it again? When am I ever gonna get my order?
Detective Rick: I'm so sorry... I'll go make another one right away!
Detective Rick: Where'd the cocoa powder go? Maybe it's in this can... Nope, these are coffee beans... How about this one? Oh, this is just tea...
Detective Rick: Oh crap! The cans are falling!
Both: So clumsy...
Detective Rick: I'm outta luck as usual today...
Cathy: Oh, Rick... Why don't you just sit tight instead? (Captain) and the others are more than enough help.
Cathy: You're kinda making us even busier.
Detective Rick: You're right... I'm sorry...
Cathy: It's okay. I know you're trying your best and that makes me happy.
Cathy: Really.
Cathy: So for now, stay right here. If you really want to celebrate, I'll make some time for you later, okay?
Detective Rick: C-Cathy! You'd do that for me? Okay, I promise I won't move an inch!
Cathy: But please cover the costs of all the cocoa and cups you wasted.
Detective Rick: Haha, o-of course...
Cathy: All right everyone, let's get back to it! The customers are waiting for us!
Lyria: Roger that! I'm ready!
Sundown finally approaches, marking the end to a busy day at Kitten Cafe.
After Cathy finishes sending off her regulars, she flips the store sign around to "closed."
Cathy: Thank you for waiting. I hope you weren't misbehaving.
Detective Rick: Even I can handle just sitting here and not doing anything.
Cathy: I would've given you a perfect score if you were quieter though.
Detective Rick: Wait, was I being loud? I don't remember saying anything though...
Cathy: I heard you playing with that thing the whole time. Were you feeling that lonely?
Cathy gives a sly smile as she points at the cigar case in Rick's hands.
Detective Rick: Huh? Aha, this thing right here? I didn't even notice...
Cathy: I'm glad you're taking good care of it, even though it's already a few years old.
Detective Rick: Of course! You gave me this present. I'll treasure it for the rest of my life.
Cathy: Hehe, I'm glad to hear that. Anyway, do you want the usual?
Detective Rick: Nah, today's a celebration. I'd like to order your finest bottle.
Cathy: Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself. You know you don't have extra rupies lying around.
Detective Rick: Geez, so straightforward. But y'know, technically I am earning more now... even though it's just a little bit...
Cathy: Hehe, well if you insist... I've got a small bottle here, if you don't mind treating me to a drink.
Detective Rick: Please, allow me! I'll pour a glass for you.
Cathy: These are very expensive glasses.
Detective Rick: Ah... Haha... Well, I'll just make myself comfy instead.
Cathy: Hehe... You always amuse me.
As Cathy pours wine with a steady hand, a mellow fragrance begins to spread throughout the room.
The pair pick up their glasses.
Both: Cheers.
Detective Rick: Even though we're supposed to be celebrating, it feels like you're trying to cheer me up instead.
Cathy: Isn't that what you wanted?
Detective Rick: Was I being that obvious? Dang, I'm really no match for you.
Detective Rick: The top brass has been giving me a hard time. They're pressing me about how I haven't caught Nightsmoke yet.
Cathy: But no one else even comes close to how much effort you've put in.
Detective Rick: They wanna see results. But, to be honest, I don't really care what they say.
Detective Rick: I'm going to catch Nightsmoke no matter how long it takes.
Cathy: That's a wonderful goal. I'm sure you'll find him. I bet Nightsmoke will be happy to finally be caught by you.
Detective Rick: Haha, destiny'll bring us together. I just gotta search harder...
Detective Rick: He's out there somewhere...
Cathy: But there's something else that's also bothering you, isn't there? It's not just the issue with Nightsmoke.
Detective Rick: Haha... Yeah, there is... You know me so well.
Rick gives a weak chuckle as he takes a sip of wine.
Detective Rick: Well... I've been wrapped up in a bit of an ugly case. A big robbery happened.
Cathy: Oh no...
Detective Rick: There's even been some casualties... But for some reason, the evidence is...
Cathy: ...?
Detective Rick: Nah, never mind. It's not something you need to hear about anyway. Plus, I'm gonna wrap things up soon.
Detective Rick: By the way, we should go out for drinks later.
Detective Rick: I wanna properly celebrate the cafe's anniversary again with you.
Cathy: What, does today not count?
Detective Rick: Oh no, sure it counts! It's just, I want to celebrate when I'm not having my own pity party.
Cathy: Hehe, alright then. I'll make time for you again. How about next weekend?
Detective Rick: Thank you! I'm really looking forward to it!
Detective Rick: Well then, I better take off. I'll leave the money on the counter.
Cathy: Why so soon?
Detective Rick: Ahaha, sorry. I just remembered I have some unfinished business that I need to take care of pronto...
Cathy: Okay, I'll see you next time. Take care.
Detective Rick: Yup, see you real soon!
Feeling good from the wine and spending time with Cathy, Rick grins and leaves the cafe.
Cathy: How long are you guys going to keep hiding for?
Hearing Cathy's voice, (Captain) and the crew shuffle out of the staff room.
Lyria: W-when did you notice us? We weren't trying to eavesdrop or anything, we promise...
Lyria: We wanted to come out and surprise you, but we couldn't find the right timing...
Cathy: Is that so? You could've come out at anytime. It wouldn't have bothered me at all.
Vyrn: It wouldn't have bothered you exactly, but Detective Bungler would've been super disappointed.
Cathy: Hehe, you're right. It would've been cute to see him being upset though.
Vyrn: Hey now, don'tcha think that's kinda mean?
Cathy: I'm just kidding. But it's not bad seeing that puppy-like face of his.
Cathy: Anyway, let's get the festivities started. Would you all like to order the most expensive tea or coffee?
Vyrn: Do we have to? Well, I guess since it's a party, why not.
Cathy: Don't worry, I'm joking again. It's my treat.
Cathy: Thank you for helping me with the cafe today... And for always being there for me.
Lyria: We should be thanking you as well! You've supported us in many different ways.
Cathy: It's all about give-and-take. And besides, of course I would help out my friends.
Cathy: Lyria, would you like some milk tea and cake? Some cocoa or coffee for the captain? And apple juice for Vyrn, of course.
Lyria: Yes! Oh, could I get it with extra cream too?
Cathy: Hehe, of course you can, cutie. You can ask for anything you want.
Vyrn: Then can I get a slice of apple cake?
Cathy: Coming right up! How about you, (Captain)?
  1. I'll take the most expensive thing on the menu!
  2. Water—on the rocks.

Choose: I'll take the most expensive thing on the menu!
Cathy: Oh my, you're going all out tonight, aren't you? I don't mind. I can bring out the goods.
Cathy: I can offer you some elephant coffee or gold tea. Hehe, which do you prefer?

Choose: Water—on the rocks.
Cathy: Wow, you're trying to sound so tough... except all you're ordering is water. Hehe, so cute.
Cathy: Hahaha, I can't—you're too funny! Hahaha, oh dear...
Continue 1
Vyrn: Haha, well aren'tcha in a good mood! You must be really lookin' forward to hangin' out with Cigar Guy next time.
Cathy: Huh? You think so?
Cathy: I suppose you're right. I wonder what kind of interesting sides he'll show me.
Lyria: I hope you two have a great time together, Catherine.
Cathy: Hehe... Me too.
Cathy's heart swells with excitement as she thinks about spending time with Rick.
Cathy: ...?
Cathy: Hmph.
Rick doesn't show up for their meeting and is nowhere to be seen the day after either.
Cathy: Sigh... This sucks.
Cathy: He's never broken a promise before...
Vyrn: Aww, cheer up. I'm sure he's just busy.
Cathy: He's the type to skip work and come see me.
Lyria: I wonder if something happened...
Cathy: Hmph, whatever. I don't care anymore...
Lyria: Catherine...
Cathy: ...!
Rick's Colleague: Rick!
Cathy: If you're looking for him, that makes the two of us. I haven't seen him in days.
Rick's Colleague: He hasn't shown up here either? You're kidding me... Dammit.
Cathy: What happened?
Rick's Colleague: Well... I don't know if I should be telling this to you, but...
Rick's Colleague: Rick's... disappeared.
Vyrn: Disappeared? What do you mean?
Rick's Colleague: I don't know what's going on either. I know the guy likes to skip work from time to time, but he's never gone MIA like this before.
Cathy: Are you sure you don't know anything? Try to remember something... anything.
Rick's Colleague: Hmm... He did mention chasing after a different case besides Nightsmoke.
Rick's Colleague: But since he wouldn't talk about the details, I've no idea who he's going after.
Cathy: I see... Sorry, (Captain), but could you look after the cafe for a bit?
Lyria: Wait, Cather—Cathy?
Cathy: I'll leave the key on the table.
Vyrn: Hey, wait up! Where are ya goin'?
Catherine: He mentioned a burglary case with casualties... Did things get messy?
Catherine: Why wouldn't he tell me about it?
Catherine: To think that I'd end up having to chase him!
As the clock counts down, Catherine changes into Nightsmoke and speeds away at full throttle to find Rick.

Chasing Purple Smoke

Catherine finds the mafia snooping around Rick's house trying to gather and destroy evidence. While observing them, she discovers that one of the SBI's detectives has turned traitor. Catherine uses the corrupt detective's lover against him to find Rick's location. After knocking both of them unconscious, she recovers Rick's cigar case and finds something hidden at the bottom of it.

Catherine stops by Rick's house in order to gather clues about his disappearance.
Catherine: I'm glad he told me where he lived, even though I never asked. Saves me the trouble of looking...
Catherine: And it's so easy to break into. Geez, get better locks next time...
Catherine: That said, he keeps this place tidier than I expected. He must be working so much that he doesn't spend much time here.
As Catherine scans the room, her eyes fixate on a certain spot.
Catherine: Well, would you look at that cigar case... I'm surprised he still smokes these expensive things. Is it just because I complimented him on them that one time?
Catherine: Hm...
Catherine: These cigars... Hehe, I knew it—they're the same ones I said had a nice, sweet aroma...
Catherine: And these notes... Everything here is about Nightsmoke.
Catherine: I wonder what's written here... He won't mind if I just take a little peek.
Catherine: ...!
As soon as she hears a noise, Catherine instinctively leaps out of the nearest window.
She carefully conceals herself as she peeks into the room.
Man 1: Make it quick.
Man 2: We're grabbing everything, huh? Glad it's all organized.
Man 1: Don't leave anything behind.
Catherine: (Those guys... They're taking all the evidence Rick collected of me.)
Catherine: (They must be behind Rick's disappearance.)
Catherine: (Their movements are so smooth... Are they pros like me? If so, there's no use in torturing answers out of them.)
Catherine: (I'll keep a close eye on them instead...)
Silently, Catherine tails the men as they leave Rick's place.
A while later, they arrive at a luxurious inn in town.
After the men enter a room, Catherine quickly sneaks into an empty, adjacent room.
Catherine: Guess I'll take care of the repair costs later.
Without making a sound, Catherine swiftly cuts a hole into the ceiling and climbs up.
She crawls toward the other room and positions herself right above the men. With a knife, she creates a small slit to watch through.
Mafia 1: Here are the goods you requested, Detective.
Corrupt Detective: Cut the jokes. We're part of the same organization now.
Mafia 2: Whatever you say. Anyway, we brought you everything we found in his room.
Corrupt Detective: Hmm...
Corrupt Detective: Rick's a hard worker, I see. For a guy who can't catch Nightsmoke, he sure has a lot of notes on him.
Corrupt Detective: Well, his efforts are going to land him a nice posthumous promotion.
Mafia 1: Well isn't that dandy? Sounds like he'll be getting a great big retirement check for us to cash in.
Corrupt Detective: Only after the evidence gets destroyed. We don't know how much he's gathered. How did he even figure out that I was helping you guys out anyway...
Catherine: ...
Detective Rick: Well... I've been wrapped up in a bit of an ugly case. A big robbery happened.
Rick's Colleague: Hmm... He did mention chasing after a different case besides Nightsmoke.
Rick's Colleague: But since he wouldn't talk about the details, I've no idea who he's going after.
Catherine: (Rick must've realized that there was a rat among the detectives...)
Catherine: (Is that why he decided to act alone? But it's so risky...)
Catherine: (I'm sure if I keep following these guys, they'll lead me to Rick.)
Catherine: (Wait, that smell... What is he smoking?)
Catherine narrows her eyes as she watches the corrupt detective take a long drag from a cigar.
Catherine: (It smells sweet... Is it just a coincidence? No, it can't be... The cigar case next to him is Rick's.)
Mafia 1: Did you find the evidence?
Corrupt Detective: Not yet. Like I said earlier, all I see here are odes to Nightsmoke.
Mafia 2: It'll be faster to get an answer directly from him. Ugh, what a hassle...
Corrupt Detective: Tell me about it... By the way, have you seen my woman anywhere? She's been in the bathroom for a while...
Mafia 1: She's probably run out on you then. You're better off not spending time with a cold-blooded murderer like her.
Corrupt Detective: Idiot. There's nothing I love more than a woman with no conscience.
Mafia 2: Oh right, you took care of all that evidence for her. I guess she can't just betray you then.
Catherine: ...
Woman: Sorry for taking so long... The alcohol didn't sit well with me.
Corrupt Detective: Oh, really? Sorry about that—I didn't know what kind of stuff you liked. You can pick next time.
Woman: Thank you... But, umm...
Corrupt Detective: Hey, you two over there. Read the room a bit. Don't you have your own date to get to?
Mafia 1: Yeah, yeah.
Corrupt Detective: Good. Now we can enjoy our time together.
Woman: Hehe... I'm surprised they have someone to keep them company at night.
Corrupt Detective: Heh, you could put it that way. Their "company" tonight is a dumb man, not a beaut like you.
Woman: Oh? What did he do?
Corrupt Detective: He's a stupid colleague of mine. Stuck his nose in places where he shouldn't have.
Corrupt Detective: That guy's got nothing to show for except his taste in cigars. This case isn't half bad either.
Corrupt Detective: Looks good, doesn't it? It's a designer piece—fits me a hell of a lot more than him.
Woman: You could've let him have one last smoke. I'm sure he's full of regret now.
Corrupt Detective: Heh-heh... Wish I could sip a drink while looking at his pathetic face.
Woman: That's a good idea. Why don't we go and do that? He's close by, right?
Corrupt Detective: I locked him down in the warehouse. Nobody goes near it.
Woman: I see... Well, if that's all then...
Woman: Will you let me go free?
Corrupt Detective: What?
Corrupt Detective: Wh-what's going on?
Woman: Please! I asked about Rick! You heard everything, didn't you?
Corrupt Detective: You! Are you betraying me? Who the hell put you up to this?
Woman: I don't know! When I came out of the bathroom, I found a letter...
Woman: It said that if I don't wanna die, then I need to find out where Rick is!
Corrupt Detective: You damn woman... Do you know how much you owe me?
Woman: But I don't wanna die though! Hey, you're somewhere here, right?
Woman: Please spare me, just like we promised—
Woman: Guh...
Corrupt Detective: H-hey! What happened?
Corrupt Detective: Wh... Damn... it...
Catherine: Disgusting. As if I'd let criminals like you run scot-free.
Catherine: I'll be taking this back now.
Catherine plucks the cigar case out of the unconscious detective's hands.
Catherine: You told me you'd always take care of this...
With a flick, Catherine opens the case and inspects its contents.
Catherine: They smoked everything. I guess I'll buy some more for him later...
Catherine: ...?
Wait a second, is this...
Something in her gut tells her to pick at the bottom of the case.
The cover pops off, revealing a hidden area.
Catherine: So...
Catherine: Is this the real reason why he went after those criminals by himself?
Catherine: I'm speechless... How dumb can you possibly be...

Chasing Purple Smoke: Scene 2

Despite the mafia's ruthless tactics, Rick refuses to tell them where he hid the evidence. Right when they're about to kill him, another mobster runs in, screaming that someone has stolen all of their loot. As the mafia chase after a speedship carrying their loot, they end up running right into the hands of the crew and Rick's colleague.

Detective Rick: Ugh...
Mafia 1: Come on, Detective. That's enough now, isn't it? My hands are tired already.
Mafia 2: Just tell us where you hid the rest of the evidence. It'll be easier for all of us.
Detective Rick: Ahaha... What're you talking about? I'm not following at all.
Detective Rick: If you're tired, then let's take a break—getting beat up is hard work, y'know? It'll be easier for all of us.
Mafia 1: Sigh... Let's just put an end to this.
Mafia 2: Are you sure? What if another detective finds the evidence?
Mafia 1: Don't worry. That womanizer'll clean up everything, like he always does.
Detective Rick: Ah... Haha, so you guys were in cahoots with that person, huh? My detective skills are sharp as ever.
Mafia 2: And it's because of your skills that you're about to earn a nice fat promotion.
Detective Rick: Oh, I am? Great, I could use a raise. Expenses have been going up these days.
Mafia 1: It's not so much a raise as a retirement check. One that we'll be helping ourselves to.
Detective Rick: I thought my family was supposed to receive it.
Detective Rick: Or did we become so close that we're practically family now? I must've not realized it! Then, as family, why don't you let me off the hook?
Mafia 2: The hell's wrong with you? Most guys would be bawlin' their eyes out right about now.
Detective Rick: You're outta luck, pal. I'm not the type of guy to shed tears in front of criminals.
Detective Rick: Sorry 'bout that.
Mafia 1: You think you're smart, huh? Spit out where you hid the last bit of evidence, and I'll make your death painless.
Detective Rick: Are you offering to listen to my last words? How kind of you. In that case...
Detective Rick: Go screw yourselves.
Mafia 2: You asked for it. Get ready for a long, painful death.
Knives drawn, the mafia members approach Rick.
As Rick stares at the sharp tips, a sense of regret wells up in his chest.
Detective Rick: (So this is the end, huh... I'm sorry, Cathy, for breaking our promise...)
Detective Rick: (And to Nightsmoke... I won't be able to chase after you anymore. I really wanted to be the one to find you.)
Mafia 2: Good night.
Mafia 3: Guys, we don't have time to futz around with this loser!
Mafia 1: Huh?
Mafia 3: Everything in the safe's gone!
All Mafia: What!
Mafia 3: It all vanished like smoke... All of the goods that we stole!
Detective Rick: Vanished... like smoke?
Mafia 1: What the hell are you saying? There's no way all that stuff could've disappeared!
Detective Rick: Wasn't it stolen?
Mafia 2: What!
Detective Rick: Only one person can make things vanish like smoke at night.
Mafia 1: The hell is with this speedship—wait, look! That's all our stuff!
Mafia 2: Go! Get 'em!
Detective Rick: Whew... Am I saved? I was just bluffing though.
Detective Rick: But it couldn't be... the real Nightsmoke...
Detective Rick: ...
Mafia 1: Get back here, dammit!
Smokin' Cathy: ...
Mafia 2: What the? Why'd it stop all of a sudden?
Mafia 1: Sheesh, scared the hell outta me. All the goods are here, yeah? Now we gotta pull out the idiot pilot and...
Rick's Colleague: Stop right there. Care to explain where you got all of this stuff from?
Mafia 1: Huh? What's a detective doin' here?
Vyrn: Don't move. You're already surrounded!
Mafia 3: N-no way... What gives?
Mafia 2: Crap, did the speedship lure us into a trap?
Mafia 1: What? Seriously? Dammit, where'd that ship go? Stop messin' with us!
Mafia 2: It all disappeared like smoke... First the goods, now the speedship...
Rick's Colleague: Now, now, behave yourselves. Rick's got plenty of evidence about your activities, so there's no point in trying to weasel your way out.
Rick's Colleague: You're all under arrest. These skyfarers are tough, so don't even think about resisting.
Vyrn: You better believe it!
Mafia 3: Dammit... Dammit!
Lyria: Did we get everyone?
Rick's Colleague: Probably—and even if there are others hiding somewhere, I'll get answers outta these three sooner or later.
Rick's Colleague: But I wonder who tipped us off. It's weird how they offered us the mafia and goods in exchange for letting the speedship go...
Rick's Colleague: And then right after we got the tip, the other idiot and his murder suspect of a girlfriend turned up at the station...
Rick's Colleague: And then to top it all off, you three show up and say you want to help... Do you guys know what's going on?
Lyria: Um, well...
Vyrn: Well actually, err... Detective Bungler asked us for help.
Rick's Colleague: Oh... Is that so? I guess you guys were pretty close after all.
Rick's Colleague: But I still can't believe Rick ran off to handle this case by himself... He should've told me, not people outside the bureau.
Rick's Colleague: Well, I get that he was worried about the rat among our ranks, but it'd still be nice to be in the loop...
Lyria: I'm sure Rick was just... y'know... being cautious and stuff...
Rick's Colleague: It's fine. I'll win his trust from now on. Anyway, is he doing okay?
Vyrn: Umm, yeah. Probably...
Rick's Colleague: What's with that vague answer?
Lyria: The thing is... we didn't see him directly. He sent us a letter...
(Captain) remembers the letter that the crew suddenly received from Catherine a few hours ago.
The letter included information on Rick's whereabouts, an explanation of the need to cooperate with the SBI in order to arrest the criminals...
And a request that the crew pretend the letter was sent by Rick himself.
Vyrn: I'm sure she's rescuing Rick right now... right?
Lyria: I think so... We'll ask her for all the details later!
Rick's Colleague: Whatever, this is how it usually goes. He always excels in everything, except his search for Nightsmoke and his personal life.
Rick's Colleague: There's one more thing I'd like to ask you all though—mind helping me transporting all of these stolen goods? I can't do it by myself.
Lyria: Of course! Leave it to us!
(Captain) and the crew assist Rick's colleague in rounding up the goods and criminals before heading back to the bureau.

Chasing Purple Smoke: Scene 3

Hidden inside Rick's cigar case were notes about the burglary case and his diary. According to his diary, the mafia stole the present he bought for Cathy. The case comes to a close after Catherine saves Rick. Later, when Rick visits Kitten Cafe, some of his hazy memories resurface, leading him to suspect that Cathy is Nightsmoke. However, his suspicions disappear just as quickly as they appeared, and he decides to focus on spending time with Cathy.

Catherine looks at the Smokin' Cathy as she carries an unconscious Rick on her back.
Smokin' Cathy: ...
Catherine: Smart. I'm glad I made some modifications.
She puts Rick carefully in the back seat and starts the engine of the speedship.
Detective Rick: Zzz... Hum-mum...
Catherine: I seriously thought you died, but here you are, peacefully sleeping...
Detective Rick: Mm... Caaathy...
Catherine: Gosh, where's your sense of danger? Geez...
Something in her gut tells her to pick at the bottom of the case.
The cover pops off, revealing a hidden area.
There, tucked away at the bottom, are a few handwritten notes neatly folded up.
Catherine: (This is... the mafia's location and evidence of the corrupt detective's crimes...)
Catherine: (You really put such important notes in the cigar case I gave you? Gosh...)
Catherine: (And is this... a diary?)
Rick's Diary: Found the rat. Found the hideout. But it's still too early to let down my guard.
Rick's Diary: There could be more rats that have infiltrated the bureau. I've got no choice but to go after them by myself. But more importantly...
Rick's Diary: They stole the present I was gonna give to Cathy! I gotta get it back ASAP!
Rick's Diary: I can't let anyone find out about this! If my colleagues were to tell Cathy, my pride and dignity would be destroyed!
Rick's Diary: At this rate I'll have to show up to our celebration empty-handed! I've gotta hurry!
Catherine: Sigh...
Catherine: Is this the real reason why he went after those criminals by himself?
Catherine: I'm speechless... How dumb can you possibly be...
Catherine: Doing all that just to get caught and me finding out in the end... You've always been amusing to watch, but this is getting out of hand.
Catherine: I'm starting to really get worried... Maybe the bureau should assign you a partner.
Catherine: Never mind, it would be annoying if there were someone else with you. I wouldn't want to be chased by anyone else besides you.
Detective Rick: Ugh... Huh... Where am I...
Detective Rick: Is someone taking me somewhere? I can't see a thing with this blindfold...
Catherine: ...
Detective Rick: Are you one of the mafia's friends? Do you plan on finishing me off in a different location?
Detective Rick: No, that can't be it. After what happened back there, there's no way they'd still want to take their time killing me.
Detective Rick: But the way those goods just went poof and disappeared like smoke... I wonder if it's...
Catherine: ...
Detective Rick: Nah, it's too wild of a theory. I know that guy won't do anything unless he receives a request.
Catherine puts the Smokin' Cathy on autopilot and reaches out to Rick's talkative mouth with her hand.
Detective Rick: Hm? Nnngh!
She presses a handkerchief doused in sleep medicine to his face.
Detective Rick: Nngh... Zzz... Zzz...
Catherine: If I leave him be, he'll definitely figure it out. He might be dumb, but he's got skills...
Catherine: But then again, would he really find out? It's just like him to not put the pieces together. You know, I actually did receive a request.
Catherine: It was from a girl named Cathy who wanted me to steal you back.
Catherine gently strokes Rick's face as she drives away into the night.
A few days later...
Detective Rick: Gahhh! I'm so sorry for being late, Cathy! Here, I got you a present!
Cathy: After all this time?
Detective Rick: I'm really sorry! It's just... A lot of things happened...
Cathy: I'm joking. I'll happily accept your gift. Can I open it?
Detective Rick: Go ahead. I really hope you'll like it.
Cathy: Is this... a pink opal? You even had my name engraved into it...
Detective Rick: I-is it a little too much? I thought it would fit you perfectly...
Cathy: This was expensive, wasn't it?
Detective Rick: Uhh... No, it's fine! I got a bonus from work, so don't worry about it!
Cathy: I told you before, you don't have to try so hard... Can I hang it up in the cafe?
Detective Rick: Of course!
Cathy: Hehe... Thank you. I love it.
Cathy smiles as she gently strokes Rick's cheek.
Detective Rick: Ahhh, Cathy!
Detective Rick: ...?
Cathy: What's wrong?
Detective Rick: Nope, it's nothing. Anyway, let's get the party started!
Cathy: Since today's special, shall I whip up a cocktail that matches the wonderful jewel you gave me?
Detective Rick: That sounds great. How about a prelude fizz?
Cathy: I love it. The color is just like the pink opal.
As Cathy prepares their drinks, Rick's thoughts begin racing.
Detective Rick: (Cathy's touch reminds me of someone...)
Detective Rick: (It felt like the same person who took me away before... Did Cathy save me?)
Detective Rick: (Why was I even saved in the first place? It's possible someone saw the contents of the cigar case and made a logical deduction...)
Detective Rick: (If Nightsmoke was the one who saved me, then the person who made the request would be... No, it's possible Nightsmoke acted alone...)
Detective Rick: (But what if...)
Detective Rick: (No, that can't be it. That would just be ridiculous.)
Sighing, Rick focuses his attention back on the present moment.
He decides the most important thing he can do for now is to spend this precious time celebrating with Cathy.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
夜のドライブ楽しいわよ I love going on drives at night.
キャシーの姿も悪くないわね I don't look too bad as Cathy.
依頼片付けなきゃ Better finish this request.
次はなにを煙にしようかしら What should I turn into smoke next time?
泥棒はやめないわよ私の性だから I won't stop stealing. It's just who I am.
全空捜査局も一枚岩じゃないのね Even the SBI's got its own issues.
今度はいつキトゥンをあけようかしら I wonder when I should open the Kitten Cafe next time...
(主人公)手伝いはいる? (Captain), need any help?
バーの経営も本格的に始めようかしら Maybe I should open up the bar for real this time.
(主人公)遊びにいきましょ? Wanna do something fun, (Captain)?
