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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 20
Height 162 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Admiring beautiful flowers, reciting poems
Likes Fluffy animals, sweets
Dislikes Wishy-washy answers, devoid of beliefs way of living
Character Release
リュミエール聖騎士団遊撃部の「最後の切り札」の異名を取る麗人、コーデリア・ガーネット。 遊撃部とは、戦時等有事の際には哨戒、攪乱、陽動などを専らとし、主要部隊のサポート任務に回る。普段は諜報活動、内偵捜査等、籠絡や暗殺などスパイのような秘密任務に従事することが多く、中でもコーデリアは、「聖騎士団内の仲間から裏切り者や不正者を探り、告発」する「正義審問」の任務で絶大な信頼を得ている。しかし身内を疑わざるを得ない役目の為、団内でも嫌っている者が多い。
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 20歳
Height 162cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 美しい花を愛でること、ポエムの朗読
Likes もふもふした動物、スイーツ
Dislikes 優柔不断な回答、信念無き生き方
Character Release
リュミエール聖騎士団遊撃部の「最後の切り札」の異名を取る麗人、コーデリア・ガーネット。 遊撃部とは、戦時等有事の際には哨戒、攪乱、陽動などを専らとし、主要部隊のサポート任務に回る。普段は諜報活動、内偵捜査等、籠絡や暗殺などスパイのような秘密任務に従事することが多く、中でもコーデリアは、「聖騎士団内の仲間から裏切り者や不正者を探り、告発」する「正義審問」の任務で絶大な信頼を得ている。しかし身内を疑わざるを得ない役目の為、団内でも嫌っている者が多い。
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

So today's your birthday, (Captain)?
I'm afraid I know no words for celebrating such an occasion.
I only know the words to whisper sweet nothings into unsuspecting ears while my mind is filled with thoughts of treachery and deception—all to accomplish my mission.
And yet, you still gladly trust everything I have to say.
I am proud to be your friend, (Captain).
Allow me to say that I value our companionship, and I pray for your prosperous future.
Happy birthday, (Captain).


Happy... birthday.
This is the second year we've been able to celebrate your birth, isn't it?
When I see how everyone cheers for you, I understand exactly how much you are loved.
Since I have only known treachery and deception, I did not foresee myself living with such a kind crew.
I believe this fortune has come to me because of you.
I thought my interest in you would wane, but on the contrary I find myself drawn to you more each day.
However ephemeral these moments are... I am honored to be by your side.
Let me say it again, happy birthday. I hope this day will do you the justice you deserve.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
I'm happy I get to celebrate this day with you from the bottom of my heart.
To tell the truth, I've never been so excited for another's birthday.
I mean there were birthdays to celebrate, and I'm very good at remembering when they are.
But birthdays for me are great ways to gain the information I need about a person.
After all who doesn't like a celebration that takes place in their honor, correct?
And so I usually find that a birthday is the perfect opportunity to use for making others open up to me.
But... Not while I'm on the Grandcypher with all of you.
I don't plot when I celebrate this special day. I just wish for your happiness.
As a member of this crew, that's all I want.
I hope this year is even more wonderful than the last.


(Captain), I believe it's a special day for you today. Allow me to express my congratulations.
I have prepared a special celebration for this day. Enjoy it to your heart's content.
This is quite the curious feeling, if I may say so myself.
Albeit my duty, I have lived in constant suspicion of people, in this world stained with vanity and deception.
Even so, here I am, celebrating someone's birthday from the bottom of my heart...
This is certainly thanks to you and everyone in the crew.
You have my gratitude as well as my blessings.
Haha, it makes me glad to see you so happy.
I hope I can continue celebrating your birthday with you every year, (Captain).


Happy birthday, (Captain). It's not much, but I do have a present for you this year.
It's a notebook. You can use it as a diary, a memo pad, or any other way you'd like.
You may not have the occasion to sneak around like I do, but as captain you surely have your share of worries.
Whether you want to relax or sort out things in your head, try putting your thoughts on paper.
The act of writing is profound in that even if the words you put down bear a veil of apathetic falsehood, your true self is still reflected on the page—in one way or another.
Treat the paper as a close friend and a reflection of yourself. It is a habit that will serve you well, if you choose to stick with it.
But exercise caution in where you store the notebook.
I realize you're not the type to hide things, but putting yourself entirely out in the open may not be the wisest choice.
As a good friend of yours, allow me to wish you another wonderful year, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain).
Since I'm usually on a mission this day of the year, I often forget to just relax and enjoy the festivities.
But thanks to you, I just might be able to enjoy New Year's for real this time.
Ahahaha. What a wonderful feeling it is, to be able to sit down and unwind with you like this.
But I'll be resuming my praetor duties tomorrow. Hehe, thanks again, (Captain).


Happy New Year, (Captain).
Hm? Did you just awaken?
I have just finished an assignment. I came back in haste and it seems I have caught you at the perfect time.
Hehe. You never change.
Although I keep a hawk's eye on you, you still manage to find an opening.
Perhaps I let my guard down around you...
Wait... Is that your intention? To slowly deceive me?
I am never with want of more stimulation around you.
I am the foremost praetor of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights, and as such, I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
Hehe... May this year too be a blessed one.


Happy New Year, (Captain).
Let's use this first day of the new year to refocus.
Speaking of which, have you decided on what you'd like to accomplish this year?
It's important to have a goal you can really work toward every day. I can help you come up with one if you haven't already.
But if you have, it'd be nice if you shared it with me.
Why? Because it's my duty to observe you.
Allow me to witness whether or not you can take your desired goal to completion.
So let me ask you again, (Captain): what is your New Year's resolution?


Happy New Year.
It's hard to believe a fresh start is waiting on the horizon.
Looking back, I would say I've had a satisfying year.
Perhaps such satisfaction comes from achieving my previous New Year's resolution.
What about you? Were you successful in achieving yours?
Heh. I had no doubt you would. It's safe to say you've had a satisfying year as well.
You'd be fine with this year's resolution even without my watchful eye, wouldn't you? Your bright expression convinces me as much.
Of course, I have no intention of ending my observation anytime soon.


Happy New Year.
Though this past year was once again a tumultuous one, I am glad that we were able to overcome every challenge and welcome a new dawn.
A journey is fraught with danger. That is why we continue to work hard to increase our chances of survival.
But you've faced countless foes who possess strengths that cannot be overcome through effort alone.
I suppose one reason you've survived is because you're a lucky one.
I certainly wouldn't deny it. Luck is part of every battle, and good luck is important for any warrior.
But in my opinion, luck isn't randomly given. It's cultivated through your daily good deeds and the company you keep.
That's why I'd like you to remain as you are, so that we may safely reach the next year, the year after that, and the many years to come.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, (Captain).
I tried making one of those chocolate things. I hope you like it.
I've never been good with Valentine's Day.
After all, I've lived most of my life receiving gifts rather than giving them.
But truth be told, I've always been fascinated by the act of gift-giving.
Hehe, you understand how I feel? That must be why it feels so great to give you this gift.
Thank you, kind and gracious (Captain).


Hmph... Looks like you hit the jackpot this year as well.
As always, this mountain of chocolate is astonishing.
Though it pains me to say this, adding to this pile is a bit heart-breaking.
No matter... Here is your chocolate, (Captain).
Please do not laugh at me. I saw the others making chocolate and wished to try my hand.
I knew you would be on the receiving end of much chocolate, but there is pleasure in giving.
Was that too selfish?
I found myself enthralled by the idea of giving you this.
Haha. Let me have this guilty pleasure.
Happy Valentine's Day.


Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain).
I hope this Valentine's gift will be to your liking.
Hm? What?
There's a smidge of chocolate on my cheek?
Oh. Oh dear.
Ahaha. Oops, that's too embarrassing.
I can explain. Bridgette asked me to come make chocolate together.
It featured a fun little food fight involving fudge slinging.
Eventually it didn't matter if we got hit or not. We were too busy laughing to care.
I guess you could say that's part of the fun in giving chocolates.
And once you take these, everything will come full circle.
Well then. Please enjoy.


I made chocolate for you this year too. Please, take it.
I'm confident that the shapes and flavors are done well, but...
There was something I noticed this time around.
Can you tell what I'm hinting at?
I'm speaking, of course, about making chocolate with one's feelings included.
This isn't to say that all the chocolates I've given until now didn't have any.
Only that I've made sure to include some special feelings in this batch.
Thus it would please me if you would savor the taste.


I was going to give you chocolate, but I see your room is already packed with goodies from others.
Haha, I suppose your day has been as busy as mine, (Captain).
When receiving a gift, I'd always tried to be equally thankful no matter who it might be from.
But once I started giving gifts myself, I had a different perspective on things. I hope you'll see my gift as something special, rather than just another one to add to the pile.
Haha. I didn't expect myself to start harboring feelings of jealousy.
Huh? You make a point of eating chocolates from me first?
Hehe, sorry to bring it up at all. But I appreciate the gesture. Thanks.

Mixed Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day, (Captain).
I may have said this before, but I've lived my life receiving a lot more than I've given.
To tell the truth, I've never been very fond of White Day.
But with these exquisite gifts from you, (Captain), I just might have a change of heart.
You know, I think you could handle a praetor's persuasion missions rather well.
Ahahaha, just kidding. Please consider it a bashful joke from me and laugh it off.


Thank you for the sentiment last month. This is my gift to you.
Why, hello there. This is for last month. Will you take it?
Thank you for the gift last month. Do you like Langue de Chat?
Hmph... I must practice more... Still room for improvement.
Hm? Are you on your way to give chocolate to someone as well?
I've been passing out chocolate since this morning which has made me a bit tired...
Giving back to all of those who have given to you is a duty.
Huh? Is this for me? Why...
That's right, today it's my turn to be on the receiving end...
How silly of me. I had completely forgotten...
Thank you. You have reminded me of something very important.
Haha. I appreciate the thought. I will take this with gratitude.


Hello there, (Captain). Did you come to see me?
You can probably tell from the bag I'm holding, but I'm on my way to give gifts to the ladies who kindly sent me something last month.
Whatever it is you need from me, can it wait until—
Oh, is this a White Day present for me?
Now that's just lovely. Who could've expected getting a gift so early in the day?
I like giving out gifts, but it can't compare to when I get a special something from you.
Especially considering that today is White Day and what it stands for.
Thank you. I'll keep this safe for later.


(Captain)? What's this?
Oh, a White Day gift.
Every year I always forget there's a chance I might receive one.
Actually, you just caught me at the end of a rush to give out my own White Day gifts.
Which is why I'm pleasantly surprised to be on the receiving end.
Thank you. You truly are a special presence in my life.


This package is for me? Why, thank you.
Until I met you, I always took White Day as a day to go around giving thank-you chocolates to everyone.
But ever since meeting you, I've had the experience of receiving White Day gifts myself. And it feels so refreshing every time.
My position means I get many presents in general, but what you've given me here is something special.
I'll be sure to treasure my one White Day gift, (Captain).

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Haha. Happy Halloween, (Captain).
So there'll be a costume party tonight after all? In that case, I'd like to put on a dress.
You see, I've never worn a dress.
Come to think of it, I've always had to play the Prince Charming role at such events.
Haha, I hope I look all right in a dress. Surely taking it easy for one night won't affect the mission.


Hehehe... (Captain), trick or treat.
Hmm? It's already over?
If you don't have the proper treat to appease me, I will have to punish you with a tric—
Are those... Bridgette's homemade pumpkin cookies?
If... that is what you give to me, then I have no choice but to accept.
Hehehe... I gladly accept your offering.
(Captain), go forth and have yourself a happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween, (Captain).
What? Trick or treat?
Hehe... All right. Wait there.
Oh right...
I just ran out of treats...
I'll go tell Bridgette I require more candy. So just give me a min—
Huh? Because I don't have any sweets, you want to play a trick on me?
Are you telling me this member of the Order of the Holy Knights doesn't have other options?
I jest. I am not here as a member of the order. I will forget my mission for now to enjoy this moment.
Which is to say, you can play your naughty joke on me. Bring the trickery!


The town is quite lively today even well into the evening.
With this many people and all of them in costume, it will be difficult to continue my spying...
Haha, my apologies. I promised to forget about work for today, didn't I?
The thing is, I'm not sure how one is supposed to go about relaxing for a day.
Hmm... In any case, getting separated in this crowd would not be ideal.
How about we hold hands?
If we both put on costumes too, then no one will notice.
Heh, you thought that was a joke, huh? Actually, I was being serious.


Witches, werewolves, ghosts, zombies... The costumes really come in all types, don't they.
With so many fanciful fabrications decorating the streets of Halloween, I find myself wanting to put on a dress.
Because I live in a world full of lies and deceit, I often hide my true self...
But if everyone is putting out a false version of themselves, it also means people likely won't realize it when you do reveal your true self.
Haha. Someone on the straight and narrow like you must find my musings to be rather silly.
But I speak from my heart when I say that I look forward to the day I'm able to put on a dress and properly present myself as a lady.
How nice it'd be if you could stand beside me when that times comes, looking suave in your formalwear. Haha, I jest.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain).
Do you know of the holiday folktale where a saint blesses all the children? How old were you when you stopped believing in it?
Me? I still believe it!
My job as a praetor places me in a difficult position. I have to fool not only others, but myself as well.
It's all too easy to lose myself in the midst of it all.
To retain my sense of self, I try to make the best of these festivities.
Let's enjoy the holidays together, (Captain).


(Captain), this eve is the holy night, isn't it? I have a proposition for you.
I was planning on dressing as Santa Claus and giving out presents to all the little children, but...
Something doesn't add up. There are just too many children to visit.
That is where you come in. I require your assistance...
What? You will?
Your word is worth a lot to me. Thank you. I appreciate your help.
Hehe... Rest assured. I will save your present for last.
But you must not share our secret with any other crew members.
The children would lose their minds and all would end. That is how dangerous and confidential this mission is.
The dreams of the children must not be destroyed. No information can be leaked to them...
I am glad you understand. You have made a wise choice.
Let us enjoy this night, but don't be late. Hehe...


It's such a beautiful winter night, (Captain).
A quiet snowfall, piles of delicious food, and the exchanging of exciting gifts...
The ladies especially are in a holly, jolly mood around this time of year.
I can't count the number of times a lady had tried to get my attention as I strolled through town.
But since I've already made plans to spend time with you and the crew, I had to turn them all down.
Or should I say it's you who wants to spend some special alone time with me?
Ahaha, just kidding. Come, let's hurry to the party.


Who would have thought we'd actually be able to spend this holy night alone together?
I didn't, and certainly not for this reason.
That's not to say I'm complaining about having to prepare for the party with you.
But this is a good opportunity to enjoy the time we have to ourselves.
What do you think? How would you like to spend a special evening together?
Very good attention to detail, (Captain). Yes, that's the same line I used last year, meaning it's a joke.
I suppose I can't use the same trick twice and hope it works.
Heh. The same goes for anybody who tries anything on me.


Hehe, welcome to the kitchen. Preparations for the party are going smoothly.
My main duty this year is to help make the cake. I just finished decorating it.
While I was out shopping earlier, I found some cute toppings and couldn't help myself. They've added a nice spark to the overall look, haven't they?
I realize I normally have to avoid anything that might damage my reputation as a reserved lady, but...
I'm sure there won't be an issue if this is just between us.
Hehe, you think it looks nice? I suppose it was a good decision then, if it's enough to bring a smile to your face.
I can't wait to see how everyone else reacts. Farewell for now, until we meet later at the party.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Attractive Praetor

The client Cordelia searches for those affiliated with the Order of Holy Knights, but something seems amiss. When (Captain) and company help Cordelia fight off imperial spies, she reveals her true identity and joins the crew.

Headquarters of the Order of Holy Knights...
A commanding voice echoes across the solemn assembly hall.
Praetor: Take heed: I will now recite the decree from our commander.
Praetor: Too many of our members have been leaving the order on a whim as of late. But of particular concern is the disappearance of our captain.
Praetor: Those who disregard the time-honored traditions of the Order of Holy Knights are an insult to His Eminence!
Praetor: I hereby command you to seek out these traitors and subject them to an inquisition!
???: Aye. I swear upon my sword, body, and soul to pursue all that is just.
???: (Charlotta Fenia, the greatest captain our order has ever seen...)
???: (A Harvin's miniature frame may not be fit for battle, but her incredible swordsmanship and charisma transcend such limitations.)
???: (As far back as my memory stretches, this inquisition may be my most difficult mission yet.)
And so, the Order of Holy Knights unleashes its trump card.
Having accepted an assignment from Sierokarte, (Captain) and company wait for their client at a restaurant.
Their arranged meeting time comes and goes, but the client doesn't seem to show.
Just as the crew gets ready to leave, some girls in the restaurant begin to squeal in delight.
Fair Maiden 1: Yoo-hoo! You there! Mm, you're quite the looker. Why don't you sit next to me?
Fair Maiden 2: Well I'll be! I've never seen such a fine man in all my life!
Lyria: Hm? What's happening there? Maybe one of them is the client?
Drawn by Lyria's voice, the attractive individual approaches the crew and ignores the women making passes at her.
She introduces herself as Cordelia and bows in deference.
Cordelia: Skyfarers, I apologize for my tardiness. I lost track of time trying to turn down the advances of so many fair maidens.
Vyrn: Whoa, is this guy just stuck-up or what? Or maybe that's just how cool he is!
Cordelia: Haha, I'll take that as a compliment. But I am actually a woman, my little sire.
Vyrn: Pff, no way!
She goes on to explain that the assignment is to find certain missing people. But something doesn't add up.
As it turns out, the missing people are not ordinary individuals.
Cordelia: I figured skyfarers, who travel more than anyone else, would surely have heard something...
Lyria: Um, what kind of people are you looking for?
Cordelia: Well, it's a bit complicated. Have you ever heard of the Order of Holy Knights?
Any version of Charlotta is a crew member, Baotorda is a crew member, Bridgette is a crew member

Lyria: (Hm? Didn't we have someone like that in the crew?)
Vyrn: (Lyria, wait up. Something's fishy here.)
Lyria: (Something's fishy?)
Vyrn: (Yeah. I don't know how to put it, but I think we should ask for more details first.)
Vyrn: Hey, miss! Why are you searching for people from Lumiel anyway?
Cordelia: Are you saying you know something about them?
Vyrn: Erm, no... I was just wondering. Hehe...
No version of Charlotta in crew, Baotorda not in crew, Bridgette not in crew

Vyrn: Hmm, never heard of 'em.
Lyria: Same here.
Vyrn: Hey, miss! Why are you searching for people from Lumiel anyway?
Cordelia: ...
Cordelia sends the crew a sharp glance before responding.
Cordelia: That's not public knowledge. Due to the nature of the mission, I can tell you no more.
Lyria: Huh? What mission?
Cordelia: Anyway, I just need you to help me search for people affiliated with the Holy Knights.
Cordelia: If you're not up to it, feel free to turn me down. I'll simply ask other skyfarers.
Despite Lyria's and Vyrn's reservations, (Captain) promptly accepts the request.
Any version of Charlotta is a crew member, Baotorda is a crew member, Bridgette is a crew member

Vyrn: (Oy, (Captain)! Why would you accept an assignment like this?)
Lyria: (That's right! Who knows what she has in mind for our crew members!)
Vyrn: (Huh? Wait a sec. Lyria, it's the other way around.)
Lyria: (What? The other way around?)
Vyrn: (If we agree to do this, she'll have little reason to suspect us!)
Vyrn: (So if we just pretend to look for these people and lead her in a different direction, it might just work out for us. Right, (Captain)?)
No version of Charlotta in crew, Baotorda not in crew, Bridgette not in crew

Vyrn: (Hey wait, (Captain). I really don't know about this... Don't you think she seems fishy?)
Lyria: (I was thinking that too. Especially when you consider she won't tell us anything.)
Vyrn: (Gulp... Let me guess... You accepted just to figure out why she's looking for those people?)
Lyria: Ah, that makes perfect sense, (Captain)!
Cordelia: What makes perfect sense?
Lyria: Yikes! Uh, no, it's nothing!
Cordelia: Oh? In that case, we have a deal. Good luck with the job.
The crew chases after sightings of anyone matching the description of the missing people.
Madam 1: Hi there, handsome. You must be the one who put in the request about missing people.
Madam 2: Teehee. Come closer, darlin'. I'll tell you everything you want to know and then some.
Cordelia: To receive assistance from such lovely ladies would be a blessing.
Just as Cordelia sweet talks them back and approaches with a smile...
One of the madams suddenly whips out a sharp knife.
Cordelia: ...!
Cordelia sidesteps the dagger at the last possible moment and pins the woman down.
Lyria: Yikes! What's going on?
Cordelia: Hehe, making merry with gossipy women is all part of the job.
Cordelia: My good looks usually come in handy for that.
Cordelia: But unfortunately, things like this do happen every now and then.
Cordelia: Surely you imperial spies understand my meaning.
Caught off guard, the women signal each other by matching glances.
They realize their cover is blown and draw their knives, each with a vicious grin.
Female Spy 1: Tch... Curse you, Cordelia Garnet, Temptress of Lumiel!
Female Spy 2: Hahaha, prepare yourself! We are sworn to take out any who oppose the empire!
The women attack like savage animals.
Cordelia steps up in front of (Captain) and company.
Cordelia: I think we can call an end to this assignment. Leave the rest to me. You should take your leave.
But the crew has no intention of leaving. They ready their weapons for what's to come.
Cordelia: For goodness sake... Hehe, I guess we're in this together.
Cordelia is vastly outnumbered. But with the crew's help, she gets through the situation unscathed.
After thanking the crew, Cordelia smiles awkwardly as she begins to reveal her true identity.
Cordelia: Now that I've dragged you into this, I suppose I'll have to tell you the truth.
Cordelia: I am Cordelia Garnet, the last resort of the praetors of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights.
Cordelia: We praetors support the main military units through reconnaissance, sabotage, and diversionary tactics.
Cordelia: Similar to undercover operatives, we often take on classified missions requiring persuasion and assassination.
Cordelia: I, in particular, am well-known for exposing traitors in our midst through inquisition.
Cordelia: Since I specialize in unmasking possible turncoats, many among the order despise me. I've long forgotten how to trust people.
Lyria: Hey, Cordelia. What's this inquisition you keep talking about?
Cordelia: Hehe, it might be faster for me to demonstrate.
Cordelia approaches (Captain) with a smile.
Cordelia: In the name of His Eminence, the Holy Knights shall now pass the divine judgment of inquisition upon you!
Cordelia: Swear to the azure sword that you will speak no falsehoods as you state your justice!
  1. My justice is... Erm...
  2. Do I have to spell it out for you?

Choose: My justice is... Erm...
Cordelia: Haha, it must be embarrassing for you to speak like this in front of everyone. I imagine you see everything you do for your friends as justice.

Choose: Do I have to spell it out for you?
Cordelia: Heh, I thought you'd say that.
Cordelia: Ah, the trust you place in your friends is a beautiful thing.
Continue 1
Suddenly, Cordelia comes to an epiphany and breaks into laughter.
Cordelia: Ahahaha... So that's how it is, eh?
Cordelia: You know where they are, don't you? The people I'm looking for...
Lyria: Huh?
Cordelia: Don't worry. I won't force the answer out of you. Your silence is your justice after all.
Cordelia: But now I have more reason than ever to spy on your crew.
Lyria: Umm... Does that mean you'll be joining us?
Vyrn: Hey, hey, Sneaky-delia. You can't really call it spying if we know about it.
Cordelia: Well then, I guess you have the upper hand for now.
The secretive knight Cordelia joins the crew, bringing with her a wave of uneasiness.

Holy Knight or Fair Maiden?

Cordelia reunites with Bridgette, a former comrade-in-arms, and reprimands her for leaving the order unannounced. Bridgette, on the other hand, is simply overjoyed to see Cordelia again and takes her to a bookstore.

Cordelia: I've found you at last...
Cordelia: What a twist of fate this is. To think that you'd be the first...
Cordelia Garnet of the Holy Knights' praetors finally finds one of the missing people.
To top it all off, Cordelia is well-acquainted with this one.
Bridgette: Hiya, my dearest Cordelia! It's been so long! The last time I saw you, we were still squires!
Bridgette is surprisingly casual despite Cordelia's solemn expression.
Cordelia sighs, defeated by Bridgette's lightheartedness.
Cordelia: Um, Bridgette... I'd prefer you refrain from calling me your dearest.
Cordelia: As contemporaries in the order, I'd hate to sentence you. But I will do what I must to accomplish my mission. Forgive me...
Cordelia: Former Holy Knight Bridgette, your fellow holy knights shall now pass the divine judgment of inquisition upon you!
Cordelia: Swear to the azure sword that you will speak no falsehoods as you state your justice!
Bridgette answers with complete confidence.
Bridgette: Sure! Justice to me is, without a doubt, doing ten good deeds a day!
Awestruck at such a childish answer, Cordelia sighs even deeper.
Cordelia: Haaah... Bridgette, please don't disappoint me.
Cordelia: I thought you might have matured a bit, but you haven't changed at all.
Cordelia: Are you listening, Bridgette? Hey! Where do you think you're going? This inquisition is not over yet!
For whatever reason Bridgette ignores Cordelia's questioning and saunters away.
She then goes around helping people in need, quickly building up to her quota of ten good deeds a day.
Cordelia: An old man lugging around heavy equipment... A child scared by a stray dog... A shopkeeper cowering in fear of angry customers...
Cordelia: What's next, Bridgette? Did you just bring out a ladder from one of the houses?
Cordelia: Ahahaha... You'd go so far as to prune the trees by the roadside?
Cordelia: With how pushy you're going about it, you're probably causing more harm than good. How can you possibly call these good deeds?
Just then Cordelia notices something unusual.
Cordelia: No, wait... That's not it.
Old Woman: Oh my, hah hah. It's just like Bridgette to rush into things headfirst.
Child: Ahahaha... Bridgette might be even clumsier than me!
Cordelia: Their faces tell everything... No one thinks of Bridgette as a bother. But rather...
Bridgette: Hey, what're you doing over there, Cordelia? You're up next!
Bridgette then proceeds to tug at Cordelia's sleeves.
Cordelia: Huh? What are you talking about? Don't forget your inquisition hasn't ended yet.
Bridgette: Let's go. Go, go, go!
Cordelia: Cut that out, Bridgette. I'm not going anywhere.
Village Girl: Aah! What a handsome looking man! Please, stay a moment longer!
Village Lady: Ehehe... I don't think I've seen you around here. I take it you're a traveler? How would you like a tour of the town?
Bridgette: See? You're amazing, Cordelia! The town loves you already!
Cordelia: Not really. I only use my charm because it's part of the mission. Otherwise it's just a bother.
Bridgette: Hmm, you really think so? Ooh, here we are at the store! In we go!
Cordelia: Sigh, you never listen, do you?
Cordelia: This is...
Bridgette: Teehee, this place is filled to the brim with romance books. After I found it I knew I should show you.
Cordelia: Wait! How do you know about that?
Bridgette: Hm, am I mistaken? Weren't you always taken with epic poems describing the thrilling romantic episodes of—
Cordelia: Stop talking! Just stop!
Bridgette: C'mon, we joined the order in the same year! It's only natural that I'd know at least that much about you!
Cordelia: How... How did it come to this?
Bridgette: Oh, I see. You like them all so much you have trouble choosing? No worries! I'll help you pick out a few.
Bridgette: Hehe, I know just your type, Cordelia!
Cordelia: B-Bridgette! That's going too far!
Bridgette: Aw, no need to be bashful. I'm only here to help! Ten good deeds a day, here I come!
As their banter continues, the door of the shop suddenly swings open.
Ruffian: It's you, ain't it? The one that's been makin' moves on mah girl.
Village Girl: Huh? Stop it! He didn't do anything like that! All he did was talk to me!
Ruffian: Argh, shut up already! Look at ya reading poetry like the lil' sissy ya are!
Cordelia: Heh, you see how it is, Bridgette? My good looks invite disaster too.

Holy Knight or Fair Maiden?: Scene 2

Bridgette leads Cordelia from place to place, culminating in a visit to a beautiful flower garden. Although Cordelia has never told anyone about her love of flowers, Bridgette sees right through her.

After fighting off the hot-tempered thug and clearing everything up, Bridgette goes back to dragging Cordelia around.
Cordelia: What is it now, Bridgette? Where do you plan on taking me next?
Bridgette: Everywhere! Let's go hiking next!
Cordelia: (Geez, you're as pushy as I remember...)
The two go on hiking through the woods, all while Cordelia reminisces about the past.
Cordelia: (Why, this feels awfully familiar...)
Cordelia: (Ah yes... Back in those days, when we were still squires and hadn't been anointed to the order yet...)
I was sparring with Bridgette.
She was a complete novice and didn't stand a fighting chance; yet she kept coming at me.
Cordelia: Bridgette, why don't you give up already? You'll never beat me.
Bridgette: Never say never! I'll get you one day!
Cordelia: Why do you try so hard? The height disadvantage alone is a huge handicap for you. You'd be better off polishing your other talents.
Bridgette: It doesn't matter how far behind I am now. I'll catch up to you eventually! Just you watch!
Bridgette: Because if I don't, you'll always be stuck trying to save yourself.
Bridgette: Cordelia, I want to always be a friend you view as your equal.
Cordelia: Bridgette...
Bridgette: I'll give it my all! I'll get back up everytime and keep moving forward!
Bridgette: When you're in trouble one day, I'll be there to help you. That's a promise, Cordelia.
Bridgette: Look, Cordelia! We're here!
The two come out of the woods and into a beautiful field of flowers.
Cordelia: From poems to flower gardens...
Bridgette: You liked flowers too, right, Cordelia? I promised to show you a flower garden one day...
Cordelia: Ahahaha...
Bridgette: Huh?
Cordelia: You see right through me, Bridgette. You might make a better praetor than me.
Bridgette: No, Cordelia. That's not true.
Cordelia: Hm?
Bridgette: You're the best praetor there is. I'm sure of it.
Cordelia: ...
Bridgette: I only have one request of you. Please stop pushing yourself so hard. If that's too much to ask, then at the very least...
Bridgette: I want you to be the real you when it's just the two of us!
Cordelia: The real me?
Cordelia is at first taken aback by such a forthright request but immediately understands Bridgette's intent.
Cordelia: Sigh, you're too much for me.
A gentle breeze caresses their skin.
Unfortunately, the ominous sound of violently flapping wings approaches, ruining the picturesque moment.
Monster: Groaar!
Cordelia: Fall back, Bridgette! I'll take it from here!
Bridgette: Absolutely not! I'll show you what I can do!
Cordelia: Haha, I almost forgot... Let us fight together then, my dearest Bridgette!

Holy Knight or Fair Maiden?: Scene 3

Cordelia's missions as a praetor make it very easy for her to lose herself, but Bridgette helps her remember who she is. Perhaps as thanks or as a way of covering her embarrassment, Cordelia sweeps Bridgette up like a princess and pokes fun at her.

Village Girl: Ooh, talk about a gorgeous knight in shining armor! Hey, Prince Charming, why don't you stop by for a cup of tea?
Village Lady: Praise the skies! That hunk's coming this way! Howdy, how'd you like some of these freshly-picked vegetables from my garden?
Cordelia is as popular as ever with the ladies. Curiously enough, Bridgette rolls her eyes and quips in response.
Bridgette: Humph. Prince Charming? Hunk? They really don't know you, do they?
Bridgette: Truth is, there doesn't exist a girl lovelier than you, Cordelia!
Cordelia flashes Bridgette a mischievous grin.
Cordelia: You really think so, huh?
Cordelia suddenly sweeps her up like a princess.
Bridgette: Aagh, Cordelia! What do you think you're doing?
Cordelia: Haha, just like how you know me so well, I noticed your feelings for me too.
Cordelia: Tell me if I'm wrong, Bridgette.
Cordelia gives her an intense, soul-piercing gaze.
Bridgette's face turns deep red as she flutters her hands and feet.
Bridgette: W-w-what are you talking about! T-that's not—
Cordelia: Ahahaha, I'm only kidding.
Cordelia: I wasn't about to hear you say all that without getting a little payback of my own.
Bridgette: Cordelia, you jerk!
Cordelia chuckles at an irate Bridgette. It's been too long since Cordelia's been able to be her true self and smile from the bottom of her heart.
Cordelia: (You always said you wanted to be of help to me someday, but I'd say you've already been helping me for a long time...)
Cordelia: (So this is what you call justice... Haha, how befitting of you. You're a beautiful person, Bridgette.)
Bridgette: Hm, did you say something?
Cordelia: No, it's nothing.
Two contemporaries of the Order of Holy Knights forge deep everlasting bonds transcending personality and belief.
A secret unknown to the other holy knights, it is one they will keep for the rest of their lives.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
シャルロッテ殿はどこに居られるのか… Where could Charlotta be?
ご婦人方に比べれば魔物など容易い… Monsters are a pushover compared to fair maidens.
今、バウタオーダ殿の威厳に満ちた声が… Was that Baotorda's majestic voice just now?
正義無き者は去れ!道を空けるのだ! Those devoid of justice, be gone!
ブリジールのヤツはお節介が過ぎる… Bridgette can be so nosy...
はぁぁぁ…碧き剣が道を拓く! Ah, the azure sword shines my path!
魔物にまで好かれては参ってしまうね… I hope my charm isn't rubbing off on the monsters.
ふっ、他愛もない正義に敗北はない True justice always prevails.
(主人公)殿、貴君の正義を示すべし (Captain), what is justice to you?
(主人公)殿?私の顔に何か…? Is there something on my face, (Captain)?
