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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 37
Height 180 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Keeping a diary, saving money, sauna
Likes Pickled vegetables
Dislikes Today's youth, dreamers
Character Release
Character Release
果たしてデリフォードは、今の団員としての生活よりもかつて憧れたような軍を選ぶのか? 気になる詳細はフェイトエピソードでお確かめください!
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 37歳
Height 180cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 日記、貯金、サウナ
Likes 漬け物
Dislikes 最近の若者、夢想家
Character Release
Character Release
果たしてデリフォードは、今の団員としての生活よりもかつて憧れたような軍を選ぶのか? 気になる詳細はフェイトエピソードでお確かめください!
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, (Captain). Is there anything you want to wish for?
I just want to know if there's anything I can do to help make those wishes come true.
When I think about it, there are some things that I could be of help with, with my vast experience.
But there are other things in this world that you can only do right now while you're still young.
Move forward in life with no regrets.
Enjoy your special day.


Happy birthday, (Captain). Is there anything you want to wish for on this day?
Slowly but surely, I've been saving up. Ask me for anything--well, almost anything.
Well, let's hear it then. Don't hold back!
What? You only wish for... me to continue my travels with you?
For you to tell me something like that, (Captain)... I'm speechless.
O-of course. I would also like that more than anything--to continue traveling with you.
Surely there are fierce battles that await us on the horizon. But for today, let us celebrate!


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Being on hand to witness a young sapling's maturation is overwhelming. Heh, chalk it up to the fact that I'm getting older as well.
I take it you're getting the most out of your daily affairs?
I'm actually watching how you do things to incorporate into my own day-to-day activities.
If you get hung up on age, you'll never get anything done!


You grow more resolute with the passing years—aye, and more dependable too.
Of course, age isn't what makes a leader. You've got a strong will, broad mind, and sense of humor. They're all essential traits in a captain.
Hah-hah-hah! No, I am not trying to flatter you because it's your birthday.
I've always thought so. Today was just a good day to put these thoughts into words.
Happy birthday, (Captain). May our combined strengths deliver us to the shores of Estalucia!


Hahaha! Your smile shines as bright as ever, (Captain)!
Just seeing it is incredibly uplifting even for me... It gives me strength.
You are the lifeblood of our crew in more ways than one, (Captain). We're blessed to have you as our captain.
I must keep improving myself so that I do not lag behind and continue to be of use to the crew.
Here's to many, many more years journeying together, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain).
Did you sleep well? There's nothing better than waking up refreshed to a bright morning.
Huh? You were having a good dream?
Well, that's not a bad thing. But when you open your eyes, what you'll find is reality.
Don't get lost in dreams. You must acknowledge what's in front of you as you walk the path forward.


Happy New Year, (Captain).
I was just thinking about all of the travels we had together this last year.
Heh... Looking back now, it seems that nearly every day we were off on a new adventure taking care of one mission after another.
It's been quite a year, (Captain). I do hope next year is just as exciting.
Here's to another year of adventures, and another year of success!


Uh-huh... Mmhmmm...
So you'd like me to use this mallet to pound the mochi in that mortar?
Heh, you don't have a thing to worry about. I'm not about to let any young kids get the better of me.
Here goes! First to draw it back...
And a one... two...
M-my back... Nnngh!
I-I'm sorry, (Captain)... It doesn't look like I can take a single step...


The first sunrise of the new year... What a grand, majestic sight.
It's enough to make these worries about the future seem small and insignificant.
Oh? Why am I worried, you ask? Well, if I were to ever again find myself without a post...
No, no more. This is not a topic to be spoken of so early in the year, and especially not to one as young as yourself.
Besides, do I not belong to this crew now? That's more than enough for me, (Captain). Hah-hah-hah-hah!


A new year! A chance to become a new person!
I swear I won't complain, or rush recklessly into trouble anymore! I shall change for the better!
Huh? Oh, it's just you, (Captain).
Haha... I apologize for making a fool of myself in front of you.
Since you're already here... I should make my vows again for my captain.
I promise to become a man capable of facing any challenge!
You see, watching over you and the crew reminds me that anything is possible so long as we stick together and protect one another.
Besides, age is just a number. You never stop learning if you keep at it.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Thank you! You're sharp to pinpoint my weakness for sweets.
Though you're still young, your consideration for your older peers is proof that you're maturing wonderfully!
What? Why do you look so down? W-was it something I said?
I'm sorry, (Captain), but I'm at a loss as to why you suddenly became so sad... Um, in any case, do try to cheer up, okay?


Is something the matter, (Captain)?
Huh... This is for me?
Oh, chocolate! You have my thanks.
Hmm? What's inside this little jar here?
P-pickles! You knew they were my favorite...
To think that I'd be receiving pickles together with chocolate... Now that's a first!
I swear... What will you youngsters think of next?
S-sorry! I didn't mean to imply... I meant that you think of truly unique ideas!
Good grief... I almost said something stupid again this year, didn't I?
Chocolates and pickles are my favorite. I'll treasure this gift.
I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart, truly.


Hehehe, Valentine's chocolates are a treat at any age. Thank you, (Captain).
Still, I'm truly impressed by the real kindness you show everyone on the crew.
If only I'd had that sort of superior way back when, why, there's no telling where I...
No, no! This is no time to be looking back at the old days.
You're my superior now, (Captain)!
(Captain), I look forward to working under you in the days ahead.


Oh, yet another gift of chocolates? You have my thanks, (Captain).
Hold... Why are there two boxes?
What! One is from you and one is from my wife?
To think you made the time to visit my home, then conveyed this chocolate from my wife to me... It warms the very cockles of my heart.
Sniff, sob... I cannot believe you would go so far for a single member of your crew. I am overcome with emotion!


Nhrrgh... (Captain)! What is this mintiness mixed in with the chocolate's rich, mellow scent?
Did you use any special ingredients?
Herbal medicine that helps with joint pain, you say!
I appreciate your kind consideration, (Captain). Though I prefer to take my sweets and herbs separately...
(Aw, I hate to see that sad face... This is my fault.)
((Captain) went the extra mile to mix the herbs into the chocolate for my sake, and here I am grumbling about it!)
(Captain), I am grateful as always to receive your Valentine's chocolates! Allow me to try one!
Nom, nom... This is great... I love chocolate, haha.... Hahahah!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Excuse me, (Captain), but have you got a moment?
Thanks. First of all I wanted to apologize for the... unfortunate misunderstanding that happened last month.
I ran my mouth without taking your feelings into full consideration.
I've never had much interaction with youngsters before, which is why I failed last time. But your gift really did lift my spirits.
It's my fondest wish that you forgive me. Please take this as well.
Heh. That's more like it. A smile suits you better than a frown any day.


Please take these, (Captain)!
I've brought you some bitter dark chocolate for grown-ups, and a tactical military book.
I thought it'd be perfect for someone as mature and grown as you, (Captain).
Hmm? That's quite an odd face you're making.
Somehow this still feels like I'm treating you like a child?
Oh, I never meant to... Such a thing... Hmm.
Sorry about that, (Captain). Allow me to apologize once again.
I may be thickheaded at times, but I'd earnestly like for you to have these.
You'll accept them? Oh, thank you.
Thank goodness... I was hoping I could see that smile again.


This bunch of flowers is for you, (Captain).
Heh heh, you know this isn't my usual style. But I figured a change of pace wouldn't hurt.
I... I feel so at peace whenever I look at flowers. It's like all the bad stuff slips away...
Aah, there I go again! Today's supposed to be a fun White Day. No time to be complaining...
I also have some chocolates for you. There's nothing like sweets when you're having a break. Go ahead and eat them while you gaze at the flowers.


(Captain), there is much I must express gratitude for. Your actions this past Valentine's, your unswerving loyalty to the crew...
I begin by insisting that you accept this gift.
I would also like to take this occasion to convey emotions that cannot be represented by any object.
And I believe there is but one way to do so. For your sake, I must offer up this body!
I am willing to carry out any task! Bestow upon me anything; be not shy! Come now! Come, come!
Gah! Urk, gah... Perhaps it is because I grew too excited and failed to exhibit the discretion expected of my years... But my back gave out... Guh...


(Captain)! I have a gift of baked confections for you!
Heheh, there's no need to be surprised. You might be suspicious of snacks made by a clumsy m—ahem, by a man like me.
But rest assured, I got the recipe from my wife.
Though I am no baker by trade, I am confident of their taste.
If you don't mind, (Captain), please try one and let me know what you think!
Go on!
(Captain)... It's fine... There's no need to think of the right words to say.
Haha... Your troubled expression tells me all I need to know.

Chocolate Biscuits
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

T-treats! Treats, anyone? What about you, Sir (Captain)?
I-I can't take much more trickery, I fear!
Do you see how much I'm sweating? There can be no rational explanation for how feisty the children aboard this ship are!
Huff... Huff... Anyway. Treats, everyone? I've got all this candy over here.
Wheeze... Just let me take a small breather...


Did something nice happen, (Captain)? You look quite pleased with yourself.
My spear... has been replaced with a giant spear-shaped biscuit!
My shield... is a cookie? My gauntlets... pumpkin pie! Who is responsible for this?
How did...
Aha! I see. Today is Halloween! Yes, of course.
Regardless, this is quite detailed work for a prank. Whose meticulous handiwork could this be?
Was everyone in on this? Children, the lot of you—surely your talents can be put to better use.
Heh... But to think I would have comrades who would spend such time and effort just to play a trick on me.
In a way, one could say that I truly am blessed. My thanks, (Captain).
So, ahem... May I have my actual armaments back?
H-hey, why are you laughing? Oh, it can't be... another prank!


My word, (Captain) strikes again! My equipment has once more been replaced with treats!
Is it already time for another round of Halloween tricks? Or should I be calling this art?
This cookie, for instance, is not only baked with firm consistency, but the chocolate pattern is applied perfectly.
And my stately spear has been lovingly recreated using candy!
Considering the amount of time and effort invested in these creations, I can't fathom where you draw your impetus from.
You just want me to be happy? That's your only motivation?
(Captain)... You are incredible...


Deliford's Voice: Ah-ahhhh!
Deliford: (Captain)! A-actually, just now in my room... I saw a ghost!
No, it couldn't have been a prank. I was utterly alone. Then, from out a shadowy corner slunk a most fearsome apparition, wearing the head of a pumpkin...
What! That creature was none other than Lost Jack, you say!
Oh, how I've blundered! Why, if I knew I was face to face with the king of Halloween, I wouldn't have fled, but welcomed him instead!
No, this won't do. I must find Lost Jack, and offer him these treats I've prepared.
(Captain), are you willing to help me with the search?


That is one impressive costume! You've outdone yourself again, (Captain)!
Wait, then that means... It couldn't have been you who passed by earlier.
I was inside and heard a bell ringing from outside the window. Thought I'd come out to take a look.
Someone dressed as Santa Claus was hiding in the shadows.
I thought it might have been you trying to play a trick on me.
After all, I can't think of anyone other than you or Vyrn who'd even consider such a thing.
Huh? You're wondering if it's the real Santa Claus?
Hahaha! In that case, he ought to get his seasons straight! You're about two months too early, Santa!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

There's something I'd like to discuss with you, (Captain). You've noticed that we have quite a few children on board the ship, haven't you?
I was thinking about dressing up as Santa and handing out gifts to the kids.
What'd you just say? We've got the real Santa, so we don't need some old man imposter?
How dare you! There are two things wrong with that!
First of all I'm still in the prime of life, and you'd do well not to forget that!
And secondly, Santa isn't real—
Gwah! Oof! Ugh!
Pwaaah! What was that for, (Captain)... Huff... I thought I was going to die...


Rrrgh... (Captain)... Season's... Ngh... Greetings... Urk!
Ah... As you can likely tell, my body's in quite a lot of pain.
An embarrassing story, really... It happened yesterday when I helped hunt for tonight's supper.
I must've strained myself too hard, because I can barely move today!
I was just so excited to see the children happy... But it appears I must have gone a bit overboard.
Bah, don't mind me though, (Captain). As long as you're having a good time, that's all that matters.
Did you enjoy the meal? If so, I'd say it was all worth... it... Yeowch!


Hah hah hah! This is quite the tree, don't you think?
I wanted to see the surprise on the faces of you and the kids in the crew, so I decorated it last night.
What do you mean? It was for the boys and girls. A little task like this isn't a burden at all, but...
Maybe I used some muscles I normally don't... Because in a single instant, my body started crying out...
And I couldn't move at all, so I spent the night here.
(Captain), I do apologize, but would you mind carrying me back to my quarters?


(Captain)! Can I have a moment of your time? I must tell you of a great miracle that has happened!
When I woke in the morn, I found by my pillow... A gift from Santa!
Oh, my apologies! I've been carrying on in the most undignified manner. I was very eager to share my joy with someone, see.
But I get ahead of myself. I haven't even glanced at the contents. Let me open it now.
! Why, this is... A ticket for a shoulder massage? Oh? It appears there's also a letter. Let's see here...
"Hey, pops! Man, you always look like somethin' the cat dragged in! Well now, you can just say the word, and I'll give you a shoulder rub, 'kay?"
Hm? I say, (Captain), was Santa Claus always one to speak with such frivolity?


(Captain), could I speak to you for a moment?
Last year, Vyrn left tickets for shoulder massages on my pillow. I was thinking of returning the favor somehow.
But I'm not sure what gift would please him, and I haven't been able to come up with anything good.
It would be great if you could, as Vyrn's partner, share any ideas you have.
Hmm... Apples... Of course. I was afraid a gift of fruit might not be elegant enough, but if he loves apples that much...
What's that? I could try traveling to different islands and gathering products made from apples...
What a wonderful idea! Thank you for the advice.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Arrival of the Spearman

Deliford, a master of the spear, saves Lyria from some hooligans. When he hears of the crew's reckless plan to travel to Estalucia, he is taken aback at first. However, struck by the crew's earnestness, he decides to join them in pursuing this dream again.

The crew lands in a certain town, and (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn go out to run some errands at Katalina's request.
Lyria: Wow! Look, (Captain)! Vyrn! That over there looks delicious too!
Vyrn: Hey! You're gonna hurt yourself running like that! We better follow her, (Captain)!
Lyria: Whoa! Look at that candy! Say, (Captain)...
Lyria: Huh? Where did (Captain) and Vyrn go?
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria! Over here!
Lyria: Vyrn! I'm glad I found you—
Lyria: Aahh!
Hooligan: Hey! Watch where you're goin'!
Lyria: Sorry...
Hooligan: Heh... Well, if you're wantin' to apologize, how about a little money to show me you mean it?
Vyrn: Oh boy... Looks like she's surrounded by some troublemakers. We'd better go help her!
???: That won't be necessary. Stand back, children.
Vyrn: What?
???: You there! Get away from that girl!
???: She already apologized, and that should be the end of it.
Hooligan: What? Who the hell are you!
Hooligan: I think this girl might be more trouble than she's worth. Let's scram.
Vyrn: Lyria! Are you okay?
???: You're not hurt, are you?
Lyria: No, I'm fine! Thank you for saving me.
???: I only did what was right. Still, you all should be a little more careful.
???: This town is hardly what I'd call safe and secure. These streets are no place for two children and a lizard to be wandering around...
???: But wait. A girl with blue hair and a flying lizard... Could it be that you're—
Vyrn: Whoa! Are you with the empire, old man?
???: Careful there. I'm still a young man, if only barely. Take that back.
???: And I'm not with the empire anymore... So I have no reason to capture you.
Vyrn: What's that supposed to mean, old man?
Deliford: Stop calling me an old man! I have a name, and it's Deliford.
Deliford: I might not look it, but I was once revered as a master of the spear.
Deliford: Unfortunately, I couldn't see eye-to-eye with my commanding officer, and I was relieved of my military duties a few weeks ago.
Lyria: That's terrible... And you seem like such a good person.
Deliford: Good guys don't necessarily get to live a good life...
Deliford: As a matter of fact, I've been looking for a position in which I can put my talents to active use, but there's not much out there...
Deliford: Though there's not much use in talking to you children about this.
Deliford: By the way, I heard you're looking for Estalucia, the Island of the Astrals. Is that true?
Vyrn: Sure is! We got a letter saying (Captain)'s dad is waiting there!
Deliford: On the Island of the Astrals?
You know, you look wise beyond your years...
Deliford: So it's about time for you to distinguish between dreams and reality.
Vyrn: Huh? What on earth do you mean by that?
Deliford: I mean exactly what I say. Your goal of reaching the Island of the Astrals is a dream, and a far-fetched one at that.
Deliford: I, too, aspired to reach that place when I was young. But it was just a dream in the end... A silly fairy tale.
Vyrn: What? Are you trying to say there's no Island of the Astrals, old man?
Deliford: I am. There's not a single example of someone going to and returning from the Island of the Astrals.
Vyrn: Why you little... Say something, (Captain)!
  1. Come with us and we'll see.
  2. How about we take you there?

Choose: Come with us and we'll see.
Deliford: With you? Are you telling me to join you in your travels?

Choose: How about we take you there?
Deliford: Say what now? Do you mean you want me to come with you on your journey?
Continue 1
Deliford: Well, you've got confidence, I'll give you that. But where on earth does it come from?
Deliford: Such recklessness... It seems both nostalgic and dazzling to me now.
Vyrn: What are you saying, (Captain)? This old man would never—
Deliford: Wait. I would like to apologize for my rudeness earlier.
Deliford: And if you're up for it... I would also like to join you in your travels.
Vyrn: What? What kind of change of heart is this, old man?
Deliford: As I said before, I also longed for Estalucia once.
Deliford: But before I knew it, I had forgotten that dream and focused on living a life of stability instead.
Deliford: However, seeing that look in your eyes, (Captain), has rekindled something in me... and I'd like to follow that dream once more.
Lyria: Heehee... But it's not just a dream. I'm sure we'll make it there!
Vyrn: Still, chasing this dream might end up being as reckless as you implied!
Thus Deliford joins (Captain) and company as their new companion.
His eyes begin to sparkle with a new light that wasn't quite there before.

The Trick to Staying Young

Feeling sore, Deliford envies the lively skyfarers and asks Eugen for some advice. Eugen tells him to keep his body moving. Monsters suddenly appear, just in time to give Deliford some exercise.

Deliford: Ugh... Ouch!
Vyrn: What's wrong? You're moving pretty stiffly there.
Deliford: It's... nothing. Ouch!
Lyria: Are you all right? Did you get hurt during the battle yesterday?
Deliford: No... It's nothing like that. It's just...
Deliford: My muscles are so sore it's hard to move.
Vyrn: I see... but we can't do much about that. You're an old man after all!
Deliford: I'm not old! I'm in my 30s, which is still borderline young, and—Ouch!
Vyrn: Listen, old man... You shouldn't push yourself too hard.
Deliford: Ugh... How pathetic. This didn't happen when I was younger... Well, I'm still young, but still...
Deliford: How is it that skyfarers always seem so energetic? I mean, this is a rough lifestyle!
Deliford: If they know some health secret, I'd sure like to hear it.
Lyria: Well... Why don't we go and ask?
Eugen: Hahahaha! The secret to youthfulness?
Eugen: Forget it! What good would asking an old man like me do?
Deliford: No! Your age makes you the perfect person to ask! Please, tell me!
Eugen: Well... You know, you won't get sore if you just keep moving around!
Deliford: Really? Is that all there is to it?
Eugen: Look! Some monsters are approaching the airship. This is a good chance for some exercise. Go take care of 'em!
Deliford: Got it! Just watch. There's nothing my spear can't pierce!

The Trick to Staying Young: Scene 2

The crew tells the sore Deliford to take it easy, but he insists that he must protect them as the adult of the group. Just then, a group of monsters approaches the ship. Deliford grits through his muscle pain and heads out to battle.

Deliford: Ugh... Oof... Ouch...
Lyria: He looks like he's in pain...
Vyrn: Yeah... It's obviously getting worse...
Deliford: I should trust what Eugen says, since he's much more experienced than myself....
Deliford: But matter how you look at it, it's getting worse.
Lyria: Um... Maybe you could try taking it easy?
Vyrn: She's right! Besides, there's nothing to worry about. We've got (Captain)!
Deliford: I agree that (Captain) is very skilled... But still, it's no good.
Vyrn: Hey, whaddya mean by no good!
Deliford: I mean that I'm no good. The captain's strong, but just a kid nevertheless. I'm the adult here.
Deliford: Children depend on adults, and the adults protect the children. That's our responsibility.
Deliford: Being such a weakling... I fail as an adult!
Katalina: Everyone! More monsters are coming! A group of them are approaching the airship from behind.
Deliford: Leave it to me! I'll... Oof! Ouch! T-this is nothing!
Katalina: Um... What's wrong with Deliford?
Lyria: Ha-ha... Well, you see—
Vyrn: Hey! There's no time to stand around! We need to join the fight!

The Trick to Staying Young: Scene 3

After defeating the monsters, Deliford is so sore he can hardly take another step. Although Deliford recovers only by resting for several days, his bravery in the ordeal earns him the respect of his friends.

Deliford: Ugh... I can't take another step...
Vyrn: Look at ya... You went way too far there!
Lyria: Heehee... But you were quite dashing when you were fighting, Deliford!
Deliford: Heh... Hearing you say that makes it all worth it. Ouch...
Vyrn: But now I'm curious... What is the secret to Eugen's youthfulness?
Lyria: I was wondering the same thing... Deliford did exactly what he was told, but it only got worse.
Deliford: Perhaps the secret to Eugen's vigor is simply that he's Eugen.
Lyria: Ha-ha... You might be right.
Vyrn: Oh boy... I guess you chose the wrong person to ask after all.
In the end, Deliford recovers from his soreness only by resting for several days.
It is from this ordeal, however, that Deliford earns the respect of his friends, who no longer call him an old man so often.

Jolts, Sores, and Groans

The crew finds Deliford sore from head to toe and calls Albert in to try some relieving electrotherapy. Midsession, Vyrn says something that upsets Albert, who then gives Deliford a real shock.

The crew gathers to depart on a new mission one day but finds that Deliford is nowhere in sight.
Concerned, they head to his room, where they find him in pain from head to toe.
Deliford: My muscles ache... Ouch, ouch!
Lyria: Are you okay, Deliford? You're pale, and you're sweating all over...
Deliford: Ack... Ah. Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry to make you worry, Lyria.
Vyrn: What's your plan here, gramps? It's time to head out on our mission.
Deliford: Hmm. Is that so... Well then, I guess I'll just have to get up and—Ow!
Rackam: Oy, Deliford! Don't strain yourself.
Deliford: But I could never forgive myself if you had to turn down that mission because of me...
Rackam: Well, I did hear about this electrotherapy that's supposed to relieve muscle pain.
Vyrn: Huh. How 'bout that. I'll bet we could try that out right now!
Albert: Hmm? What's going on here, (Captain)? It's just about time to go, isn't it?
Rackam: Hey, nice timing, Albert! Help us out here, would ya?
Albert: Ugh... What is it this time? You better tell me what's goin' on!
Rackam explains the situation with Deliford and how electrotherapy might be able to help.
Albert: Gimme a break. How did he strain himself that bad? Unbelievable...
Rackam: Come on, don't talk like that! All we can do now is help him!
Albert: Jeez. And what do you want me to do, exactly?
Rackam: Well, from what I've heard, you should be able to stimulate his muscles by sending a small current through his body.
Albert: Humph. Fine.
Deliford: Hey, wait a second! You can't just make this up as you go along! We'd better look into it more first.
Rackam: Oy, quit your blabberin'. I thought you were sore.
Deliford: Well, I am, but...
Albert: Don't worry. It won't hurt a bit. Just relax.
Deliford: ...!
Aaah! The juice is loosening my muscles!
Deliford: Ah, ack! It does... feel like... it's working!
Deliford: Ack! Hey, Albert. Could you maybe turn it up a little?
Albert: Humph. Just tell me if it hurts.
Deliford: Ah! Ah, ack! That's... That's...
Albert: Humph. Too much for ya?
Deliford: No, that's just right. Ack! Oh...
Vyrn: Wow! It looks like it's really working! Hard to believe Albert's fixing up that geezer with electricity...
Vyrn: Haha! You'd never have imagined you'd grow up to be Old Man Sparks!
Albert: Don't call me an old man!
Deliford: ...?
Rackam: Albert! What are you doin'!
Albert: Huh? Oh, sorry. I guess when I got mad I increased the power... Are you all right, Deliford?
Deliford: ...
Rackam: Hey, he's not dead, is he?
Albert: The voltage wasn't that high... At least I think not.
Rackam: Oy, oy, are you okay?
Albert: Ugh. You know, Vyrn is as much to blame as I am!
Vyrn: What! I didn't even do anything!
Albert: Yeah, right! If you wouldn't have called me an old man, then this never would have happened!
Deliford: ...!
I... I feel...
Rackam: Hey, Deliford, are you feelin' all right?
Deliford: Hmm. I feel kinda numb, but other than that I'm fine.
Albert: I'm really sorry, Deliford.
Deliford: It's fine, Albert. It was just because of what Vyrn said.
Deliford: I don't blame you.
Albert: I appreciate that, Deliford...
Lyria: Umm, well, I guess everything's okay now.
Rackam: Ah... Yeah, I guess so.
Deliford: About that... Why do people call you an old man?
Deliford: What could be the reason? You don't look the part...
Albert: Hmm. You don't think so either huh. To be honest I'm not sure why anyone does!
Vyrn: Your conversations are always too serious! That's why they call you an old man!
Albert: Hey! I said cut it out!
Deliford: Aaah!
Albert: Ah! Sorry. Looks like I did it again...
Deliford: Ack. That lightning worked like a charm, Albert.
Albert: But, Deliford, I...
Deliford: ...
Albert: Hey! Wake up, Deliford!
Lyria: Oh no! We have to help him!
Rackam: Crud... Deliford's completely fried now.
Vyrn: Oops... My bad, gramps.
Rackam: Great... Looks like we're gonna have to turn down that mission.
The next day Deliford wakes up and his soreness has completely gone away. He now feels better than ever.
Albert's electrotherapy becomes popular among the crew. They all start to think maybe they'd like to give it a try someday.

Just Beyond Reach

Chivalrous knight Deliford and former bandit Garma take on a job to protect some children. Garma's rough demeanor toward their charges does nothing to dispel Deliford's prejudices against bandits. In the end, Garma reveals that his behavior was not without reason, forcing Deliford to reexamine his assessment of Garma's character. The unlikely pair grow a little closer.

Deliford: What!
Very well. Garma and I shall undertake this task.
Garma: We will?
Several hours earlier, (Captain) tells Deliford and the rest of the crew about a job.
The job is to protect a group of wealthy children who are being chased by monsters as they evacuate to somewhere safe.
Deliford and Garma, now separated from the rest of the crew, make their way through a dense forest with the children.
Garma: This way. Hurry up.
Child 1: ...
Child 2: ...
Deliford: Garma, is there no way you could speak more gently? You're scaring them.
Garma: No. I'm here to protect the kids. No one said anything about talking nice.
The two skyfarers can't seem to stop bickering as they carry out their escort mission.
Deliford: (What could have possessed (Captain) to allow such an uncouth person into the crew?)
The serious and chivalrous Deliford does not think highly of the former bandit, Garma.
Deliford: (How many bandits did I encounter during my time in the army? And not a decent man among them...)
"Children depend on adults, so it is the duty of adults to be dependable."
Deliford, who believes wholeheartedly in this creed, finds it difficult to trust Garma.
Deliford: (But I suppose if (Captain) trusts him, then I should give him the benefit of the doubt...)
A child trips in the mud and falls over.
Child 1: Ugh, I don't wanna walk anymore!
Garma: Stop being such a crybaby. Get up—we need to keep moving.
Garma carries on in his irascible way.
Child 2: What! How dare you! I've had quite enough of your insolence! You've been paid to do a job, now do it!
Garma: We've been paid to protect you, so we are. Coddling costs extra.
Deliford: Inconceivable... To talk in such a way to such small children...
Deliford gently helps the child to his feet.
Child 1: Th-thanks...
Deliford: Not necessary. After all, if children are to depend on adults, it is the duty of adults to be dependable.
Deliford: Now, let us venture forth! I shall take responsibility for your safety from here on!
Garma: ...
As soon as Deliford leads the children out of sight of Garma, something leaps out from the bushes.
Monster: Graaaarrr!
In the blink of an eye, Garma dashes over and shields the children.
Garma: Ugh!
Deliford: Huh? Garma!
Garma: Rgh! Don't fuss over me! Get that monster!
Deliford: Haaaahh!
Garma and Deliford successfully fend off the monster.
Deliford: Apologies... If I hadn't gone off with the children, this never would have happened...
Deliford: I'm sorry, Garma... In the end, it was you who saved the children.
Garma: I said I was here to do a job, didn't I?
Deliford: Heh. I was wrong about you, Garma.
Deliford turns to face the weakened monster and is about to put it out of its misery.
Garma: Deliford, wait.
Garma stops Deliford, then pushes the children toward the monster.
Child 1: Eek!
Child 2: Agh! What are you doing?
Monster: Grrrr!
Deliford: What! What is the meaning of this?
Garma: Come on, now. Hand it over.
The children open their bag and pull something out.
It is a monster egg. The monster retrieves the egg and runs away.
Deliford: So that is why the monster has been pursuing these children.
Child 1: Sob... Sniff... W-we're sorry...
Child 2: Waaaah! We won't do it again, we promise! Just don't tell our parents!
Garma: I will tell them. Brats need to be taught a lesson while they're young.
Garma may be harsh, but he did ferret out the real reason why the children were being harassed by the monster.
As they head back to make their report to the client, Deliford asks Garma a question.
Deliford: How did you know that the children had stolen that egg?
Garma: Heh, it was obvious. You can tell by looking in someone's eyes if they're hiding something.
Deliford looks at him admiringly.
Deliford: Impressive... You were keeping a closer eye on the children than I was the entire time.
Deliford is embarrassed by the fact that he let his preoccupation with Garma get in the way of his duty to protect the children.
Deliford: It seems there is still a lot I need to learn...
Deliford has gained a newfound respect for Garma.
Several days later, Deliford spots Garma on the deck of the Grandcypher.
Deliford: Well, well! If it isn't Garma! So this is where you've been hiding!
Garma: What's up? Another job?
Deliford: No, no new job...
Garma: Then what? I can't think of any other reason you'd come and talk to me.
Deliford: Heh. Do I need a special reason to talk to a fellow crewmate?
Garma: Tch... I sense an incoming pain in the horns...
Deliford: Hahahaha! Don't be difficult. A little small talk won't kill you!
Ignoring Garma's unwelcoming demeanor, Deliford makes himself right at home.
From then on, Garma can often be seen on deck, suffering through Deliford's obliviously merry conversation.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
この槍に貫けないものなどないのだ! There's nothing my spear can't penetrate!
決して無理はしていない! Nothing I can't handle!
私はギリギリお兄さんだ! Hey, I'm still young, you know?
む……鎧が蒸れてきたのだ Phew, it's getting hot in this armor...
現役を貫くのだ! I shall fulfill my role!
ぐ……筋肉が悲鳴を! Ugh... my muscles are not happy.
負けんのだ……筋肉痛などには! I won't lose... to sore muscles!
オイゲン殿は若々しいのだ Eugen is so youthful.
(主人公)殿、湿布はないだろうか Do we have a poultice, (Captain)?
(主人公)殿、若さは一瞬なのだ (Captain), youth is not everlasting.


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 07.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, キャラクター紹介!「ドランク」「カリオストロ」「デリフォード」
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, グランデフェス開催&新キャラクター「オリヴィエ」「デリフォード」紹介のお知らせ