Deliford (SSR)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 37
Height 180 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Keeping a diary, saving money, sauna
Likes Pickled vegetables
Dislikes Today's youth, dreamers
Character Release
Character Release
果たしてデリフォードは、今の団員としての生活よりもかつて憧れたような軍を選ぶのか? 気になる詳細はフェイトエピソードでお確かめください!
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 37歳
Height 180cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 日記、貯金、サウナ
Likes 漬け物
Dislikes 最近の若者、夢想家
Character Release
Character Release
果たしてデリフォードは、今の団員としての生活よりもかつて憧れたような軍を選ぶのか? 気になる詳細はフェイトエピソードでお確かめください!
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy New Year Cutscenes
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1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ah, (Captain). Do you have a moment?
I'm having trouble thinking of a White Day gift for my wife and child.
And I was hoping you might have some advice for me...
(Captain) takes a moment to think.
The answer proves to be a profound one.
Hm? Whatever gift I decide on after much self-reflection will surely be the right one?
I see. You may very well be right.
Then I shall continue to dwell on it. Thank you for your counsel, (Captain).
The gift that Deliford's family eventually receives...
Arrives some time after White Day.

Chocolate Biscuits
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Ex-Soldier's New Opportunity

While out drinking, Deliford is asked to consider returning to the Erste Army with Zechs. In order to make the right decision, he decides to take a trip to Ravi Island to see with his own eyes the current state of the Erste Royal Army.

Deliford: Agastia, the imperial—no, the former imperial capital has changed plenty since I was last here.
Deliford had returned home to his family during the crew's vacation.
Near the end of the vacation, he received an invitation to catch up with Daryl over some drinks in Agastia before returning to the Grandcypher.
Deliford: Where's the oden stall... Ah, there it is.
Deliford traverses through familiar alleyways in a rush to reach the designated meeting spot.
Daryl: Over here, Deliford! You're early!
Zechs: Sorry we started without ya.
Deliford: Doesn't exactly feel like I'm "early" when you're already three glasses in.
Daryl: Aw, don't sweat the small stuff!
Daryl: Mister! Some grub and drink for our friend here too!
Deliford: I'll have vegetables, if you have anything like that in stock...
Daryl: A platter of veggies? You've got dietary restrictions now?
Deliford: Not exactly. When I eat with my folks, I get so engrossed in conversation that I end up overeating.
Deliford: And here I am trying to make up for that...
Zechs: Just goes to show what a family man you are.
Daryl: Heck, with all the time you spend in the sauna, there's no way you're in poor shape!
Zechs: I happened to read your last article. You're really making a name for yourself as a sauna columnist.
Deliford: Please, I still have a lot to learn. I also have more to say about the Sauna Sandbox.
Deliford: Mm... The radish really packs a punch. I still remember how moved I was when I first tried it here.
Daryl: Sure does. Zechs, wasn't it you who first found this place?
Zechs: Someone in my unit introduced me. You could say this place is the home of the soul for old Erste soldiers like us.
Deliford: Yes, this joint definitely speaks to my soul.
Deliford: I never imagined we'd be able to get together for another meal here. Thanks for the invitation, Daryl.
Daryl: Any time. Truth be told though...
Daryl: I didn't gather us here just to reminisce on the good ol' times.
Deliford: What do you mean?
Daryl: I won't beat around the bush, Deliford. What do you say to rejoining the army?
Deliford: Wha?
Zechs: C'mon now, there's a better way to bring up the topic.
Zechs: Deliford, I'm sure you're well aware of how Erste has reformed itself from an empire into a kingdom.
Deliford: Yes, of course... And it's the Erste Kingdom's army that Daryl's asking me to join?
Daryl: Yep. Unlike back then, the royal army tries its best to stay on the straight and narrow under General Pommern.
Daryl: But traces of the imperial army remain aplenty across the skydom.
Daryl: A legacy of tragedy, some might call it. Erste will never be acknowledged on a grander scale if this issue's not resolved.
Zechs: On a surface level, law and order have taken a firm hold in Agastia. But we had countless brigands join the imperial army during its final stages.
Zechs: Although many of them were able to clean up their act and go on to be upstanding soldiers...
Daryl: Some remained stuck in their old ways. They were put through their paces and filtered out of the army in Erste's transition to a kingdom.
Zechs: Enter an alleyway on a dark night nowadays and you'll occasionally find one of those bad apples.
Daryl: Of course, it's the army's job to stop any mischief, but...
Deliford: They lack sufficient manpower, I take it?
Daryl: Exactly. The Erste army must maintain the peace in both Agastia and Mephorash.
Daryl: And to achieve that, capable, trustworthy personnel are paramount. The more, the better.
Zechs: I do what I can to help every now and then. Helps me get by since I'm currently out of a job.
Deliford: I see...
Deliford: Wait, why are you still out of a job if you're assisting the army?
Daryl: Says he likes his laid-back life right now. Boy oh boy, wish I had a cushy job myself...
Zechs: Heh, I guess we're all taking things for granted.
Zechs: To be honest, if the pay was just a little better...
Deliford: (The transition from empire to kingdom is still recent. It must be tough managing their finances...)
Daryl: I'll admit the pay's not the greatest. Even compared to back then.
Daryl: But damn is it a job worth doin'. I'm as passionate about this as when we first enlisted to join the army.
Deliford: Hrm...
Daryl: I don't expect an answer right away.
Daryl: Here's a ticket for a ferry to Ravi Island. If you've got even the slightest interest in this, I'd like you to see what Mephorash is like now with your own eyes.
Daryl: I promise it won't be a waste of your time if you make the trip.
Deliford: You seem awfully serious about this. Very well, then. I promise to give it due consideration.
Daryl: That's all I'm askin'. Also, here's something a little extra.
Deliford: A special invitation to Agastia's Garden... That's the recently opened sauna that Pholia paid a visit to!
Daryl: The royal army issues a few of these vouchers each month as part of their benefits package. And it is one heck of a sauna, I tell ya...
Zechs: Yeah, half of why I help out is because I hope to land one of those vouchers.
Deliford: Really now, Zechs... Wouldn't you be better off being back in the army?
After parting ways with Daryl and Zechs, Deliford makes his way to Agastia's Garden.
Deliford: The royal army, eh...
Many fellow patrons in the sauna seem to be affiliated with the military.
They are engaged in lively chatter with the common folk seated next to them.
Deliford: When I first enlisted a decade ago, a sight like this was rather commonplace...
Deliford: Ah, how the imperial army shined in my eyes back then...
Deliford: My older brother had gone missing, and I alone was left to support my aging parents.
Deliford: That's when I saw a recruitment poster for the imperial army.
Deliford: Of course I knew what it would mean to be a soldier, but the conditions were too good to pass up, so I went to take the test...
Deliford: The officers administering the test seemed to be full of life in their spirited interactions with the enlistees.
Deliford: I told myself this would surely be a job worth doing.
Deliford: Looking back, I suppose you could say that was half-true. Every day truly did feel fulfilling.
Deliford: My skill with a spear was praised by all. I won merit for my feats in battle, and the citizenry thanked me for my work.
Deliford: But there were things I pretended not to see.
Deliford: I could sense something sinister about the Erste Empire as it continued to expand...
Deliford: Rumors of troubling experiments, aggressive invasion into foreign territories, among other things...
Deliford: In retrospect, I'm glad I was no longer looking to make a name for myself and had already left the front lines in the empire's waning days...
Deliford: If I had remained on the front lines, I would have either lost my life or borne witness to things so terrible they'd haunt me forever...
Deliford: Being relegated to mostly clerical duties and lacking the courage to uproot my comfortable lifestyle, I remained in the army.
Deliford: Until that day... when I was ordered to capture and detain an innocent blue-haired girl...
Wiping the profuse sweat off his brow, Deliford stares at his hands.
Deliford: While it is true that the royal army of today is more akin to the imperial army I looked up to in my youth...
Deliford: I have my job as a skyfarer now... and precious friends who depend on me... Perhaps I should turn Daryl down after all...
Deliford: Though I should probably consult my friends in the crew first before making a decision...
Deliford mutters quietly to himself, remaining deep in thought in the sauna for a short while after.
Daryl: You came!
Deliford: Yes... I realized I'd never seen Mephorash, and this would be as good a chance as any.
Zechs: Not a bad stance to have. Looks like you lucked out, Daryl.
Daryl: Wh-why do you say that to me?
Zechs: You've been hung up for days now, worried about whether Deliford might show up.
Daryl: That's not true! I... I just didn't want to see the ferry ticket go to waste!
Deliford and Zechs burst into chuckles at Daryl's response.
Though none of them realize that a lone figure watches them from the shadows.

Ex-Soldier's New Gig

Deliford, Daryl, and Zechs are waiting for the ferry to Ravi Island when they are called away to help a man named Deryk move furniture out of his home, where the floor slides open, sending the four plummeting underground. Deliford and an injured Deryk realize they've been separated from Daryl and Zechs.

Deliford and company shoot the breeze while waiting for the ferry to Ravi Island.
Deliford: Mephorash... I never once got close to the capital back when I served.
Deliford: How exactly would you describe it?
Zechs: In a word, quaint... More than anything though, I love how peaceful the island is.
Daryl: My work mostly keeps me here in Agastia, but the occasional trip helps me relax. Food's great too!
Deliford: Oh yeah? That reminds me, do you have any recommendations for souvenirs?
Deliford: I'm sure (Captain) and my family would appreciate a little gift—
Man's Voice: First time visiting Mephorash?
Deliford: Hm? And who might you be?
Deryk: I'm Deryk, just a piddling laborer.
Deryk: But I'm big on travel and have been to Mephorash more than a few times.
Deryk: I'd be more than happy to show you around if you're interested.
Deliford: As much as I appreciate the gesture...
Daryl: I might pop in to Mephorash every now and then, but I hardly know the place well enough to give you a proper tour. I don't see any harm in accepting his offer.
Zechs: Surely there's gotta be some catch. Bet you're hopin' for a handsome tip?
Deryk: Oh, that's not quite it... Truth is, I could use some help with a bit of work in Agastia.
Deryk: My little brother moved out of his house here, but most of his belongings are still in the house.
Deryk: I could really use some extra hands moving everything out. Of course, I'll pay you for your services.
Zechs: Count me in.
Deliford: You decided that in a split second! But the ferry—
Zechs: Our tickets aren't for reserved seating—they're still good for a later ferry.
Daryl: Besides, between the three of us any moving job shouldn't take more than an hour.
Deliford: True enough... And considering the tour we'll get afterward, this might just be a job worth doing.
Deryk: Glad to hear it! I don't want to take up any more of your time than I need to, so let's get to it right away.
Deryk: Apologies in advance for how dusty it can get in here.
Deliford: Oof... No kidding. I can feel it already...
Zechs: Best not to breathe in too much of it. All right, Deryk, what do you want us to haul out?
Deryk: Hm... Why don't you guys get started with the large furniture? I can handle the smaller stuff.
Deliford: Very well. I suppose first would be... the bed?
Daryl: Sure. But, Deliford, a sprained back is no joke. You sure you don't wanna stretch first?
Deliford: No worries. The sauna keeps me in good shape!
Zechs: That's reassuring. On with it, then.
Deliford and company move to lift the base of the bed.
Daryl: On three!
The Three: One, two...
Deliford: ...!
Uh-oh, did someone's back just go out—
Trying to imagine what that sound could have possibly been...
Deliford realizes he isn't exactly "standing" anymore.
Deliford: Wha?
All Four: Uwaaagh!
Pained Voice: Ergh... It hurts...
Deliford: (I'm... alive? Who was that groaning just now?)
Deliford lifts his creaking body and surveys his surroundings.
Deliford: Wait a second... Did the floor really open up where we stood?
Deliford: ...!
Deryk lies unmoving on the floor.
Deryk: Ngh... Deliford...
Deliford: Are you okay? You haven't hit your head, have you?
Deryk: My head's fine. But my left foot...
Deliford: Let me have a look.
Deryk: Urk!
Deliford: It's fractured... Give me a minute.
Deliford scrounges up material to apply emergency treatment.
Deliford: I've put a makeshift cast on your foot, but you'll want to get it looked at by a doctor as soon as possible.
Deliford: Then again...
Deliford: Where exactly are we, Deryk? Any idea?
Deryk: I wish I could tell you...
Deliford: Hm, I see...
Deliford: (Daryl and Zechs are nowhere to be found. Not a trace of them... Perhaps they've landed elsewhere?)
Deliford: (Should I try to look for them? But I can't just leave Deryk behind here either...)
Deliford: First, let's find you a suitable place to recuperate, Deryk.
Deryk: Ah... Thank you, Deliford...
Deliford helps Deryk through the unfamiliar underground passage.

Ex-Soldier's New Gig: Scene 2

Deliford relates to Deryk how he previously quit the imperial army because of guilt over the empire's misdeeds. Deryk, in turn, confesses that he'd planned on using the trio to uncover the imperial underground lab his late little brother worked at to exact revenge. Just then, they come under attack.

Deliford and Deryk proceed through the mysterious passage.
Deliford: My apologies, Deryk.
Deryk: Hm? What for, Deliford?
Deliford: The floor must have buckled under the weight of three men exerting themselves on it...
Deliford: Confident in Agastia's building codes, we were too complacent...
Deryk: Oh, no, no... I'm the one who should apologize for making the request to begin with.
Deryk: Please... You don't have a thing to be sorry for... It's also my fault you got separated from your friends.
Deryk: H-hopefully, you didn't get hurt yourself in the fall?
Deliford: No, I'm fine. It's a good thing I'm well-built and made a relatively safe landing.
Deliford: My friends are quite sturdy themselves. Surely they should be unharmed.
Deliford: Who knows? They might even be calling for help from outside right now.
Deliford: Let us wait for rescue once we find you a place to rest.
Deryk: Okay...
The two continue on in silence.
Deryk: I just remembered...
Deliford: Yes? What did you remember?
Deryk: Oh, it's nothing really. Haha, don't mind me.
Deliford: No, no, please, I'm all ears. Besides, it would be a little depressing to continue on in complete silence.
Deryk: I-I suppose you're right...
Deryk: I overheard you guys talking at the docks... What made you quit the imperial army?
Deliford: Well, the direct reason was friction with my commanding officer...
Deliford: Deryk, you'll probably know what I mean if you're a Phantagrande native, but I could no longer agree with the empire's way of doing things.
Deliford: The Erste Empire, in its waning days, had changed so drastically from the time I joined.
Deliford: Even as a common soldier, I heard increasingly common talks of shady experiments and war strategies that put our own civilians' lives in danger...
Deliford: While it may be easy to speak ill of the empire now...
Deliford: It is also a fact that I was party to all the schemes at play.
Deryk: But I mean... weren't you just doing your job and following orders?
Deliford: Fortunately I was stationed away from the front lines during the empire's later stages. Nor was I involved with any of the experiments.
Deliford: Still... In the end, I cannot deny my part in looking the other way while this was all happening.
Deliford: I'm sure there were many in my position who felt the same way.
Deliford: If we had all just maybe mustered the courage to speak up... perhaps we could have effected some change.
Deliford: Looking at Agastia now really makes me wonder about that.
Deryk: ...
Deliford: Ah, forgive me! Given our current predicament, I really shouldn't be dampening the mood with such talk!
Deryk: Oh, it's no bother at all. I'm the one who asked to begin with.
Deryk: Deliford, I have to ask... Why haven't you doubted me or thought to question me?
Deliford: Hm?
Deryk: No matter how you look at it, I'm as fishy as they come!
Deryk: I come to you with a job out of the blue, the floor comes apart like a trapdoor, and we end up in this strange underground passage...
Deryk: There are too many bizarre coincidences for you to not think I'd planned this all along!
Deliford: Well, I normally might... Except you fell too and got hurt pretty bad.
Deryk: You're far too kind...
Deryk: Truth is... I used you guys!
Deryk: My little brother joined the imperial army during its waning days, as you put it...
Deryk: He was just trying to help with the family's expenses... for my worthless sake...
Deryk: Because he was well-educated, they put him in a unit that specialized in scientific experimentation...
Deryk: Some time later, tattered remains of his shirt were sent to our house... Along with it was a letter explaining that his body had been blown to bits!
Deliford: Wha...
Deryk: In order to help keep things mum, the house he was using at the time supposedly harbored some sort of secret mechanism that led directly to the research lab.
Deryk: I used you guys in hopes of uncovering that lab.
Deryk: Part of me figured it might be defunct after having been abandoned for so long... And here we are now to see how bad it's gotten... Haha...
Deliford: Okay, I think I get the gist of it. But what did you plan on doing with this facility?
Deryk: I'd have my revenge!
Deryk: On former imperial soldiers who've supposedly turned over a new leaf and get to live an easy life despite all the evil they wrought!
Deryk: By unleashing whatever senseless weapons my brother and others like him gave their lives to create!
Deliford: Why are you confessing this all to me?
Deryk: Talking to you made me realize how foolish my plot was. Not to mention you're trying to save me.
Deryk: Thing is though, I've still got an axe to grind... But dragging you folks into it feels like the wrong way to go about it...
Deryk: Deliford, you can easily find an exit if you go on alone.
Deryk: Just... leave me here. Maybe Daryl or Zechs can find me later...
Deryk: Heck, I'd be okay with just starving to death here...
Deliford: That won't do.
Deryk: Did you hear any of what I just said? I tried to dupe you!
Deliford: I live as a skyfarer nowadays. And honestly, we do run into clients who try to fool us every now and then.
Deliford: You, on the other hand, were willing to come clean with the truth, making you that much more trustworthy.
Deliford: Our task right now is returning to the surface safe and sound.
Deliford: And thanks to your confession just now, I have a better idea of what to look for.
Deliford: Any research facility has an egress point to communicate with the outside world... We just need to find it.
Deliford: If we can't, surely we can at least find a spot where we're more likely to be seen by anyone who might be looking for us.
Deryk: You're really something else...
Deliford: Stay strong, Deryk. We'll get out of this somehow.
Deryk responds to those words with a resolute nod.
Deliford smiles and urges Deryk onward with his supporting arm. Just then...
???: Kshaaa!
Deliford: Watch out!

Ex-Soldier's New Gig: Scene 3

Monsters powered up by the empire's experiments emerge. Deliford alone fights off entire hordes while protecting Deryk. As things get dire, Daryl and Zechs show up with Erste Royal Army reinforcements. Pommern lends Deliford a suit of Lionbrave Armor, then they proceed to clear the facility.

A flying monster from behind makes to sink its teeth into its prey, only to be parried by Deliford.
Deliford: Nwaaah!
Deliford: That was no typical monster... Deryk, hold this spear!
Deryk: O-okay...
Deliford: Thank you! Here goes—
Deliford lifts Deryk up and piggybacks him, then charges straight ahead.
Deryk: Wh-where are we going?
Deliford: I am unable to protect you while doing battle in this narrow passageway!
Deliford: I need a wide open space... Not to mention there appears to be more than one monster!
Multiple growls begin to sound around them, confirming Deliford's suspicions.
Deryk: C-could they be the products of my little brother's research?
Deliford: It's certainly possible... The tremendous power exhibited by the monster earlier would make a lot of sense, in fact, if dark essence was involved.
Deliford: (I'm sensing a lot of them... Will I alone be able to defend Deryk?)
Deliford: (No, I must! I am the only one capable of fighting here!)
While trying to stop unease from coloring his face, Deliford continues charging full speed ahead.
Deliford: Huff... Huff... This must be the research facility you spoke of...
Deryk: Everything is such a mess... What happened down here?
Deliford: Chances are the researchers lost control of the monsters they were performing dark essence experiments on.
Deliford: Based on the numbers I sensed earlier, I'd say they've been breeding.
Deryk: ...!
Deliford: Deryk, spear please. And do not, under any circumstances, come out from behind me.
Deliford: I swear to protect you!
The moment Deliford assumes a battle stance, monsters come flooding out from the ducts and under the ground.
Deliford: Hrrgh! Haaah!
Deliford's spear rapidly pierces through the opposition.
However, their numbers prove to be overwhelming.
Deliford: Rgh... Nwaaah! Come at me!
Deliford's wounds multiply significantly faster than the number of monsters he fells.
Deryk: Deliford! You've done enough! Please, save yourself!
Deryk: U-use me as bait to draw away their attention from you! Then—
Deliford: Absolutely not!
Deliford: It was the former Erste Empire that birthed these monsters!
Deliford: And it was the empire's actions that ultimately led you here!
Deliford: As a former imperial soldier, I bear some responsibility in the matter!
Deliford: Although Erste is now a kingdom, the sins of the past do not simply vanish!
Deliford: I will look the other way no longer as the fruits of the empire's crimes run rampant!
Deryk: Then the both of us will be dead by day's end!
Deliford: I'll have you know why I was called a Lionbrave and finest spear wielder in the empire!
Deliford: A few scratches is nothing I cannot withstand!
Deliford: Besides, an important mission remains for me!
Deliford: I promised to deliver a hopeful young lass to the Island of the Astrals!
Deliford: And to find my brother who wound up missing in search of that island!
Deliford: The happiness of my wife, child, and parents depends on me as well! So I will not succumb so easily!
Deliford: My fate does not end here!
Every enemy that rushes in is swept up and knocked down in the maelstrom of his spear.
True to Deliford's reputation in the Erste of old, his deft maneuvering is a sight to behold.
Deryk: W-wow...
Stained with the blood splatter of foes and his own wounds, Deliford finally sinks to his knees atop a mountain of monster corpses.
Deliford: Is that... the end of them?
Deliford: Urk...
Another swarm follows the giant monster that appears next.
Deryk: Crap... You've got a wife and kid, right? Just run already!
Deliford: Haha... My knees are kinda shot after all that sprinting earlier.
Deliford: There's no getting out of this situation.
Deliford: Besides, the crew I travel with wouldn't give up even under such circumstances.
Comrades' Voices: Well said, Deliford!
Deliford: Daryl... Zechs!
Daryl: Sorry we're late!
Zechs: Phew, you did some heavy lifting here. Wish I could've seen you at work.
Deliford: Heh... Think you two can handle these numbers?
Daryl: Maybe a decade ago!
Zechs: I hate to admit that age hasn't been kind to me either.
Deliford: Then our chances of victory are...
Daryl: Not great, but not terrible either.
Zechs: Reinforcements are inbound. The royal army was quick to react, fortunately.
???: Blast through, I do say!
A hole in the ceiling suddenly opens up, creating a descending ramp.
A detachment of soldiers floods in along with the resulting rubble. Last among them is a familiar figure.
Pommern: To have former imperial soldiers one-up the current royal army would make us look rather bad, wouldn't you say?
Pommern: Let us vanquish these monsters together for the safety of Agastia's citizens!
Deliford: You're—
Pommern: Hm, it appears your reputation with a spear was no fluke after all... Yet age is not kind to even the best of us.
Pommern: My, you're in tatters... It would be most embarrassing to leave the man who nearly singlehandedly defended our citizenry in such a state, I do say.
Pommern: Here, take this suit of armor and join us as soon as you're ready.
Deliford: This armor... I can scarcely believe it...
Daryl: Gear up, Deliford. Some of my men have entered the fray. Wouldn't want to see them get hurt.
Zechs: It's not often we get to fight together nowadays. Who knows when the next time will be? Might as well take advantage of this.
Deliford: Let's go!
Weapons in hand, the trio rushes toward the monster swarm.
It isn't long before the royal army has things under control at the abandoned research facility.

Ex-Soldier's New Gig: Scene 4

Deliford is commended for his efforts and is granted an audience with Queen Orchis. After some discussion, the veteran soldier agrees to take on the role of Erste Royal Army Spear Instructor as a side job. To go along with that, he is also granted a custom suit of Lionbrave Armor.

At the Palace of Elijah Chelm's waiting room on Ravi Island...
Adam: Due to a long period of abandonment, the device controlling access from the mansion into the research facility malfunctioned.
Adam: Causing the floor to completely open up when the bed was moved from its usual position. And that's how you four fell down there.
Adam: The underground passageways are intricately designed and connected to various sectors.
Adam: Because the bed got stuck in place, Daryl and Zechs landed in one place, while Deliford and Deryk landed in another.
Adam: Daryl and Zechs immediately began a search for Deliford but had little luck.
Daryl: I felt a chill goin' up my spine. That's when we began to suspect Deryk.
Zechs: Who would've figured he was just as clueless? But we didn't know that at the time and couldn't help but panic.
Adam: Amid your search you found an accessway to ground level and went outside to request reinforcements from the army.
Adam: General Pommern received the request and personally led a detachment to take control of the facility. Fortunately damage was minimal, with only a single minor casualty.
Adam: How's that for a summary? Do I have the details correct?
Deliford: Y-yes... That sounds about right.
Adam: Thank you. I will be submitting this as the official report.
Deliford: U-understood!
Adam: Deliford, we owe you a great deal for your efforts on this matter. Please be at ease.
Deliford: I-if only it were that easy...
Daryl: Relax, Deliford. Prime Minister Adam's a real casual guy. He even joins us for sushi sometimes.
Deliford: Sushi?
Adam: Yes. I try to take interest in all things, even sushi, in order to become a better golem.
Adam: Once again... You have our thanks for helping to mop up this mess of a research facility.
Adam: It turns out we had no documentation on the laboratory, which turned out to be a pet project of certain officers acting independently in the former Erste Empire.
Adam: Their recordkeeping on the research proved to be extremely shoddy as well, which may have contributed to the monster outbreak.
Adam: If their numbers had increased any further, they may have come out to attack the people of Agastia.
Adam: Your efforts in preventing such a disaster cannot be understated, Deliford. Thank you again.
Deliford: You give me far too much credit... And it was not a task I accomplished alone.
Deliford: M-may I ask a question, Prime Minister Adam?
Adam: But of course. As long as it's something I can answer.
Deliford: Er... What will become of Deryk?
Deliford: He promised to take us on a tour of Mephorash, and... how should I put this...
Adam: Deryk, too, played a big role in resolving this incident. He is currently undergoing treatment, but we will be thanking him accordingly as well.
Adam: We will also be issuing a formal apology for what happened to his little brother and launching an investigation into where exactly things might have gone wrong.
Deliford: Th-thank... goodness!
Adam: I hope you don't mind, Deliford, but I have a question as well.
Deliford: Y-yes, of course. Please ask away.
Adam: Do you have some time after this?
Deliford: Er... Yes. I believe (Captain)'s crew will need some more time to come pick me up.
Adam: Well, then... Her Majesty would like to thank you personally, if that sounds okay to you.
Deliford: ...
Deliford: Her Majesty? As in... the queen?
Adam: Yes, I'm referring to Queen Orchis.
Daryl: Way to go, Deliford!
Zechs: A common soldier getting special praise from the leader of an entire nation? I never thought I'd see this day come.
Deliford: Wait! You mean just me?
Daryl: That goes without sayin'. The rest of us just chipped in a bit when you already cleaned out most of the mess!
Zechs: You couldn't be more deserving of this honor, buddy. No need to hesitate.
Deliford: (It doesn't seem like I can refuse! My goodness, how did things escalate so fast?)
Though drenching in cold sweat within, Deliford cannot help but nod in response.
He is swiftly guided to the audience chamber.
Orchis: Nice to meet you, Deliford! I'm Queen Orchis of the Erste Kingdom. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Deliford: I-I-I-I am D-D-D-Deliford, Your Majesty—
Orchis: Um... I'd heard you might be a bit nervous, but really, there's no need to stand on ceremony.
Orchis: Hm, okay, moving on to business! Deliford, thank you so much for everything you've done here.
Orchis: I was told that when you could have escaped on your own, you chose instead to stay and fight to protect Deryk, a citizen of Agastia.
Orchis: And I must apologize for any culpability you may feel for things the empire did in the past.
Deliford: P-please, Your Majesty. You have nothing to apologize for. I only...
Deliford: I only acted as an imperial soldier—nay, as an Erste soldier should, telling myself I would have no regrets this time.
Orchis: That's... good to know. In that case...
Orchis: I must extend to you my utmost gratitude for remaining committed as an Erste soldier after all this time.
Deliford: I am unworthy of such kind words, but... thank you.
Orchis: No... It is my job to give credit where credit is due.
Orchis: On that note, has Captain Daryl spoken to you about returning to the military?
Deliford: Yes...
Orchis: I don't mean to rush you... but have you arrived at an answer yet?
Deliford: Yes...
Deliford: My sincerest apologies, but I do not see myself returning to army life.
Deliford: There are other things I must do... places I must go...
Orchis: Yes. I hear you're a valuable member of (Captain)'s crew.
Orchis: But... what if you took this on as a side job?
Deliford: A side job?
Orchis: Yes. Instead of being on duty all the time, you'd only be called upon for special occasions.
Deliford: That... could work... but this sounds awfully convenient for me.
Orchis: I've been thinking about the logistics after hearing about you from Captain Daryl.
Orchis: Many former soldiers of Erste have left this land to start their lives anew elsewhere.
Orchis: To ask anyone to abandon that and return to Erste once more would be too much to ask.
Orchis: But as long as those who've left still see some semblance of hope for the country's future...
Orchis: I'd like there to be a way for them to continue supporting Erste.
Orchis: If you're willing to help us, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to do so. That's all there is to it.
Orchis: So... what do you say? Of course, it is completely within your rights to turn down this offer.
Deliford: (Your Majesty, Erste is most blessed to have you...)
Deliford: (Queen Orchis... Prime Minister Adam... General Pommern... And the soldiers of Agastia...)
Deliford: (Seeing the people leading this kingdom, I see greatness in its future...)
Deliford: Well, if you put it that way, I suppose I have no reason to refuse.
Deliford: I'd like to provide a better life for my family, and to that end, a side job certainly wouldn't hurt.
Orchis: Really? Thank you so much!
Orchis: We can get into the specifics later. But first...
Orchis: By the power vested in me as queen, I hereby designate you Erste Royal Army Spear Instructor!
Deliford: Erste Royal Army Spear Instructor!
Orchis: And you'll have this suit of armor to go along with it.
Deliford: But that armor's for Lionbraves! I'm not even officially in the army anymore...
Orchis: I had this made especially for you.
Orchis: I imagine the armor itself would be proud to have an owner truly worthy. Besides, it was fashioned with your size in mind...
Deliford: So I see... In that case... I gladly accept.
Orchis: Great! Please take good care of it.
Deliford then signs some paperwork prepared by Adam, making the arrangement official.
Orchis: Phew... I don't think I'll ever get used to putting my seal on documents...
Orchis: Deliford. I look forward to working with you.
Deliford: As do I... I promise to give my utmost to this job.
Orchis: That's very reassuring to hear! And just between the two of us...
Orchis: I'm really glad you refused to join the army in an official capacity.
Deliford: Huh? Wh-what do you mean?
Orchis: I'd be doing (Captain) a terrible disservice by plucking away a valuable crew member. And what's more...
Orchis: I'm a huge fan of yours, Sauna Spearit.
Deliford: Ack—
Deliford manages to avoid screaming at the top of his lungs before the queen, opting to scream inwardly instead.
Deliford: (Who could have possibly informed her of Sauna Spearit's true identity?)
From an ex-imperial soldier to skyfarer, sauna columnist, spear instructor...
And who knows what else in the days ahead—Deliford really can do it all.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 07.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, キャラクター紹介!「ドランク」「カリオストロ」「デリフォード」
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, グランデフェス開催&新キャラクター「オリヴィエ」「デリフォード」紹介のお知らせ