Drusilla (SSR)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 12
Height 82 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Tea parties (with her dolls and Homlet)
Likes Valuable things like jewels and precious metals, studying (thinks that smart people should get more things)
Dislikes When her grandmother gets angry
Character Release
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 12歳
Height 82cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies お茶会(お人形さんやオムレットと……)
Likes 宝石や貴金属といった綺麗な物、お勉強(頭が良い方が得だと思っている)
Dislikes 怒った時の大御婆様
Character Release
Source [1]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Sigh... Oh, (Captain)!
Happy New Year!
Why the sigh? Well I... I was just thinking of home.
The store is always so busy around the end of the year. The first few days of the new year are really the only time I get to see Father...
D-don't get the wrong idea though! It's not like I want to meet my parents or anything!
It's true! Stop patting me on the head!


(Captain)... Has the first sun... dawned?
It's so dark and so cold. You know we don't have to be outside to see the first light... Yawn...
What? N-no! I am not a child! And I am certainly not slee— Yawn...
Huh? What is this? If I drink it, I won't be sleepy?
Oh! It's coffee! I know about this!
But it's so bitte— Nothing. I said nothing...<br /W-well, I'm not really sleepy... But I will have some nonetheless.
It's so bitte—
R... Rich... It has a rich quality to it. Yes, a very adult flavor.
(W-when is the sun going to rise! Make haste, Mr. Sun!)


Do I know what a kite is? O-of course I do!
(What is this black magic (Captain) speaks of! Perhaps...)
Oh, do you mean the bird? Are we going to eat it for the new year?
What is this red piece of paper? This is a kite? It flies?
(Could it be that something so frill can do that...)
(Perhaps the color is due to an infusion of blood from a bird which allows it to fly...)
I remember now! We must perform the sacred blood ritual for this to fly!
Why are you patting me on the head? I said hurry up and make preparation for the ritual!


New Year's rupies? Yes, of course I know of the tradition!
(Actually, I've never heard of it! I'm reminded of how I thought we were going to fry birds known as kites last year, but (Captain) was referring to something else entirely...)
(New... Year's... rupies... It's probably some sort of game where you take a whole bunch of rupies and try to guess which ones were freshly minted for the New Year!)
Come play New Year's rupies with me, (Captain)! I'm pretty good at it!
Hm? What's the envelope for?
(How many rupies can you even fit in here... Maybe we're supposed to tear it into pieces—each one representing a rupie!)
Haha, yeah, I know what New Year's rupies is all about! I'll start tearing now—
Huh? What are you patting me on the head for? Let's get the game going already!


Kakizome? Of course I know what that is!
It's a New Year's treat made of white and orange persimmons...
Or is that what you thought I'd say? I know it's the word for writing down your goals for the new year!
Hehehe... I am not the same person I was last year! You won't get the chance to ruffle my hair!
Because I had the ladies of the crew teach me all about the traditions from different islands!
A true lady never neglects her daily studies! That's what Grandmother always says.
Hey, why're you rubbing my head? I got the right answer this time!
Because I'm a good girl who deserves a pat for studying? You're just going to do it no matter what, aren't you!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)!
I've spent weeks choosing just the right chocolate for you!
You trust my judgment, don't you?
What are you waiting for! Dig in!
I... I know you've been looking out for me. I appreciate it.


(Captain), t-this is an invitation. Please take it.
W-what do you mean, "what is this?" It's a Valentine's Day tea party that I will be hosting!
I say party, but... It'll just be the two of us...
I-I just thought it would be so crude to only give you chocolate!
So, by necessity, I prepared a tea party.
You will attend, yes? There will be chocolate.
Phew... Thank goodness. I'm so glad you'll come.
All right... Until we meet again. Hehe...


(Captain)... M-may I... have your attention?
This year... I've made my own chocolate!
Hehe! This was my creation alone!
I suppose I did receive some help from the others... But I was the only one allowed to touch my ingredients!
It may not be as good as the world class chocolate I enjoyed at the manor...
But it took every ounce of strength I had to make this. Will you accept it?
Hehehe... Thank you!
This act of kindness will not happen often, so enjoy!


(Captain), happy Valentine's! I made these chocolates myself!
Hahah, I've really become accustomed to doing this! I didn't even have to ask any of the other ladies for help this year!
(Though it would have been nice to have them watch over me...)
And I even went the extra mile with this letter!
Consider it a token of my appreciation for being such a wonderful captain!
You know, this is actually the first time I've ever written such a letter... Um...
I hope you'll take its contents to heart!


Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)! I've prepared another batch of homemade chocolate for you this year!
I made it all by myself, from start to finish. The other ladies didn't have to help me in the slightest!
(I did confirm the recipe with them beforehand, but that's all...)
Before leaving with you on this journey, I never could have pictured myself giving handmade sweets to anyone.
Actually... I never even dreamed I'd soar the skies on an airship like this in the first place.
You've opened my eyes to so many new things. I'm incredibly gra—
A-ahem... I've said too much. Now then, make sure you savor every bite!
After all, a true lady speaks few words. I've poured all my feelings into my chocolate!

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Um, (Captain)? Is something the matter?
Is this for me? For White Day?
W-well! I expected as much from you, (Captain)!
I know you have to give this to everyone...
A-anyway, I'll take it! You have my thanks.


(Captain), something the matter? W-what? This is for me?
Oh! For White Day? This is all happening so fast!
T-thank you very much.
Huh? This doesn't have meaning beyond White Day?
You mean... It's just to say thanks for what I gave you on Valentine's day?
I-I knew that! That's just common sense! Even Homlet knows that!
(There was meaning in this exchange? I'll have to go research this!)


Hm? Is this for me? Thank you!
You thought I might like macarons?
This is wonderful! I love macarons! I will eat this alone in my room!
(Wait... Last year, I investigated the meaning of each gift given on White Day...)
D-do... Th-these macarons... mean...
(That (Captain) is in love with me?)
(Ugh... Or maybe (Captain) knew that I knew about the meaning of such a gift and is playing a trick!)


(Captain), about the White Day gift... Thank you so much for it!
Hm? What's this on the wrapping? It's... a letter!
Wow! Thank you so much for responding to my affections from last month!
I'm going to frame this letter and hang it on the wall!
Huh? You wrote on both sides? I guess a frame won't do then!
But I promise to treasure it forever and ever! Ehehe.


Oh? What could this letter on my desk be?
My goodness! It's an invitation to a tea party from (Captain)!
An event worthy of a true lady such as myself. (Captain) never fails to come up with the most magnificent gift ideas!
Now then, if I'm planning to attend, I must select an outfit befitting of a lady...
Hmm. This dress might be a bit too flashy...
But this one has a lot of frills, so it might come across as childish...
It's hard to decide, but that just makes it all the more fun.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat! Give me a treat or you're in for a nasty surprise!
What? Y-you don't have any candy left?
W-well then! I've no choice but to trick you then!
It'll take some time, so wash up and get ready! I'm serious!
(Oh no, oh no! What am I going to do! I don't have any tricks ready at all!)


Hey, (Captain), trick or treat!
Hmm. You don't seem to have any candy on you... Are you all out already?
(Hehehe... I've got a really nasty trick ready for you!)
(All right... Here goes nothing!)
Since you haven't got any candy, then a trick... W-what?
W-why do you have candy hidden up your sleeve?
Because last year you were short, so this year you prepared a large quantity?
I-I see. Then, as the laws of Halloween dictate, I will partake of your candy...
(I was completely ready to deliver my trick... I wanted the trick, not the treat!)


(Captain), trick or treat!
Heehee, you don't seem to have any treats...
How can I tell?
I watched you give them all away, and—
Ah, no! I mean... I knew none would be left since it's so late!
(Last year (Captain) stopped me with some candy hidden up a shirtsleeve.)
(Well, this year I've got something up my sleeve too!)
Get ready for the biggest—
Wha... you mean those decorations on your clothes... are really pumpkin cookies?
But... how could you be wearing cookies... Y-yes I'll have one.
Ah, (Captain), you're laughing so hard. Was this your plan all along?
Come on already! Next year you have to let me trick you!


(Captain), happy Halloween!
Huh? It's okay for me to play a trick on you?
Aw shucks! I don't have anything planned for today!
I mean, you've always found a way to stop my tricks every year, so I wasn't expecting this...
But thankfully, I have treats galore on hand!
That's right—I'm going to hold a Halloween tea party! We'll get to kick it back with treats of all kinds while sipping on tea!
A wonderful idea, don't you think? Of course, you're more than welcome to join in, (Captain).


Whew... Happy Halloween.
Hm? You'd like to play a trick on me? I appreciate you asking, but I'll have to pass.
Being pranked on every year has gotten me weary. I think I'll go back to my room and spend the rest of the day in peace.
Regretting playing all those pranks on Drusilla in previous years, (Captain) calls out to her.
I did it! I finally played a trick successfully!
I was pretending to be depressed! And you fell for it, (Captain)!
Oh my, did I just make you pout? I'm sorry if I've upset you.
Here, have some treats. As an apology, let's enjoy the Halloween party together!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Santa's coming tonight! Aren't you excited!
Huh? What was that, (Captain)? Yes, I told you—I'm a full grown woman now!
What? Santa doesn't come for grown-ups?
O-of course I know that! What do you take me for!
No! I wasn't expecting Santa to come! I'm all grown up after all!
(Sob, sob. My presents...)


Why hello, (Captain). Happy holidays!
This year we had a splendid feast. Though, it's not as fantastic as any party my house has ever held.
You want... to know more about my parties?
Haha... Alright, I'll tell you.
In halls as large as ships, we partook of an extraordinary meal and... We had the most famous guests we could find!
Then... In the evening, my great grandmother would tell us a story...
Those times were so wonderful...
Oh no... It's nothing. Please don't pat me.
Everyone here is oh so kind. I really am... grateful to you.
That is why this night will also be great!
Oh... Please stop coddling me!


What? You want to put decorations on the tree? Allow me to assist!
The party will be evermore the better with sparkly things hanging to and fro.
Hm? This stone is beautiful! What would this fetch? A pretty rupie, I suppose...
What! How can that be... Is it really worth so little?
Well... I already knew that!
I only meant that this silly rock would easily be mistaken for something of more value!
Enough prattle. Hurry up and decorate the tree!


Look, (Captain)! It's snowing! It's just what we need for a festive holiday!
You think I'm making way too big of a deal about it? Well, I just thought seeing snow would lift everyone's spirits!
The snow piles atop the holiday tree with the sparkle of the holiday lights, and the children merrily make their snowmen...
It's as if the town puts on its face to delight and please all who dwell within it... Ah, how picturesque, don't you think? I read the scene in a book!
I am a lady after all! So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I find such joy in simply taking in sights and sounds! Rather than sully myself in the snow, I—
Huh? You want to play with me in the snow, (Captain)? And you won't budge until I say "yes"?
Haha, very well then! I suppose I can accompany you for a bit!


(Captain)! You won't believe it!
There was a present next to me when I woke up this morning! Santa must've come last night!
Hehehe! Guess being a good girl has its merits! I even ate the veggies I hated...
A lady s-such as myself wasn't waiting for a gift or anything, but since he already left one, I may as well take it.
Huh? So why did I put a big sock next to my bed?
H-how did you know about that?
A-anyway, I just wanted one there! That's all!
Hey, why are you patting me on the head!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Grandmother's Trial

After parting ways with Nerine, Drusilla returns home for the first time since joining the crew. She reunites with her grandmother and expresses her desire to continue skyfaring. Upon hearing her words, Drusilla's grandmother initiates the Trial of Fair Ladies to see if the young girl is ready to keep going.

Since Drusilla's fateful encounter with Nerine, the young Harvin has embarked on several grand adventures.
Today, the airship is headed for familiar lands. Aboard the Grandcypher, Drusilla peers over the deck as a distinctive island jumps into view.
Drusilla: At last! My homeland, Port Breeze!
Homlet: Tweet, tweet!
Drusilla: That's right, Homlet! This is where my family happily resides!
Lyria: Isn't it exciting? It'll be your first time seeing them since joining us!
Drusilla: Indeed! Oh, I am ever so grateful, (Captain). Thank you for agreeing to stop by my humble abode while on assignment.
Vyrn: Y'know, I can't help but feel a bit worried. Your grandma's a strict one, isn't she?
Drusilla: W-well... It is true that I left in a bit of an imprudent fashion. And I knew my exit might earn Grandmother's scorn.
Drusilla: But all is well! She was quite warm and supportive in her letter, you see!
Grandma's Letter: "I am incredibly proud of you for embarking alone on your journey that day."
Grandma's Letter: "I have no doubt that you must be feeling anxious, but I myself am not concerned in the least."
Grandma's Letter: "You have always been an intelligent child who never fails to understand what is truly important."
Grandma's Letter: "If you do choose to visit home someday, I shall bake you your favorite cookies."
Drusilla beams with excitement as she clasps the letter to her chest.
Drusilla: It's been a while since I've indulged in Grandmother's cookies!
Drusilla: There's so much to talk about... Oooh, I just can't wait!
Upon arrival at Port Breeze, the crew disembarks and immediately heads off to Drusilla's house.
Grandmother: Drusillaaa! You've got some explaining to do!
Drusilla: Ahhhh!
Standing at the front door is Drusilla's grandmother, her voice bristling with fury.
Grandmother: Why didn't you write back at all? Do you have any idea how worried we were about you?
Drusilla: What? B-but the letters said you weren't worried—
Grandmother: Good heavens, I'm not talking about your decision to travel, I'm talking about your health and safety!
Grandmother: For all we knew, you could've been dead in a ditch at the end of the sky! You should have been contacting us, not the other way around!
Vyrn: (Dang... She's really flyin' off the handle...)
Lyria: (Ahaha... I guess this is what you call tough love...)
Drusilla: Ahhhh! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!
Grandmother: I hope you've learned your lesson. Now wipe your eyes.
Drusilla: Nngh... Yes, Grandmother...
Grandmother: You must be (Captain). I apologize for such an unseemly sight...
Grandmother: Thank you for taking care of Drusilla. I hope she has not been a bother to you. She can be a bit of a handful sometimes.
  1. Not at all.
  2. Actually, she's been a great help.

Choose: Not at all.
Choose: Actually, she's been a great help.
Lyria: Drusilla's been keeping track of the crew's finances! It's really wonderful having her around!
Vyrn: Yep, you got that right! She's a real pro with the abacus!
Grandmother: Well then, glad to hear it. It sounds like she's making herself useful.
Drusilla's grandmother nods in approval and beckons the skyfarers to enter the house.
Grandmother: Please, come inside. I've prepared tea for us.
The crew walks down the foyer and into the drawing room, where they are greeted by the fragrance of exquisite black tea.
Drusilla: Excuse me, Grandmother... Where's Mother and Father?
Grandmother: They're in the middle of important negotiations and won't be back before nightfall.
Drusilla: Oh, negotiations... It sounds like they're very busy...
Grandmother: Yes... They deeply regret not being able to welcome you back home today.
Grandmother: But now that you've returned, you'll be able to ease some of their burden—perhaps by working the register?
Drusilla: Grandmother? Whatever do you mean?
Grandmother: As you know, I wholeheartedly support your life choices. I'm sure you've gained a great many experiences in your travels.
Grandmother: But what reason do you have to continue such a dangerous journey?
Drusilla: Well... I mean...
Grandmother: You've found Homlet now, haven't you? I recall that was why you left in the first place.
Grandmother: I was under the impression that your return here was no mere visit, but an end to your skyfaring.
Lyria: What! Drusilla, you're not going to leave the crew, are you?
Drusilla: Of course not! It would be foolish of me to leave so soon!
Drusilla: I must continue... until the day I can embark on a journey with Nerine!
Drusilla: Besides, if I stop sending her letters of my grand adventures, she'll be in a huff.
Grandmother: Hmm... It seems like you've found your calling.
Drusilla: Yes! I'm determined to see this through.
Vyrn: Granny, you're not against Drusilla's decision, are you?
Grandmother: Of course not. As long as she acts with a clear mind and heart, then the whole family is behind her.
Grandmother: Regardless though... it wouldn't hurt to test that conviction of yours, Drusilla.
Drusilla: Test?
Grandmother: Yes. I need to see how much you've grown, to see if you have what it takes to continue sailing the skies.
Grandmother: It is time for... the Trial of Fair Ladies!
Lyria: The Trial of Fair Ladies?
Drusilla: It can't be! The legendary test that you and Mother barely survived?
Grandmother: Oh, so you knew already. Yes, it's been a tradition in our family for generations, and separates the girls from the women.
Vyrn: Erm... We're skyfarers, y'know? I don't think a froufrou little test is gonna—
Grandmother: Then you will all take it.
Lyria: Whaaat!
Vyrn: Why! Not all of us are girls, y'know!
Grandmother: The essence of being a lady comes from the heart, not from your chromosomes.
Grandmother: (Captain). You and your crew will accompany Drusilla during this task.
Grandmother: Depending on your performance, I will deem you fit or not to continue caring for my granddaughter.
Grandmother: Are there any objections?
Knowing their fate is sealed, the captain accepts these conditions.
Grandmother: The test is simple—it consists of only one question.
Grandmother: "What is of utmost importance to being a lady?"
Grandmother: You have until sunset to find your answer. I will leave you all to it.
Drusilla's grandmother turns on her heel and exits the room, leaving only fresh confusion in her wake.
Drusilla: Oh bother!
Drusilla: What a predicament! What shall we do now?
An unexpected challenge has forced its way into Drusilla's journey.
Homlet: Tweet?
In the midst of the young Harvin's panic, Homlet tilts her head to the side, oblivious to the impending crisis.
Grandmother: Hehe... You've already grown so much, my dear Drusilla...
Grandmother: I don't suspect you'll disappoint me now.

The End... or Is It?

Drusilla puzzles over the question, "What is of utmost importance to being a lady?" As an attempt to find clues, she explores the skills her grandmother imparted. After watching the young Harvin reenact her practice sessions, the crew figures out the answer to the test. Before Drusilla can react, however, (Captain) and company rush her out to where her grandmother eagerly awaits.

The crew has stopped by Port Breeze to visit Drusilla's house.
There, the young Harvin's grandmother challenged the crew to a daunting task—the Trial of Fair Ladies.
Drusilla: If I don't pass this test, then I won't be able to continue traveling with you all!
Drusilla: But there isn't much time left before sunset... Wh-what am I to do!
Vyrn: All right, let's calm down for a second. Remember, your mom and grandma passed it.
Vyrn: That means it's not impossible. We just gotta put our heads together and think.
Lyria: Your grandmother wants us to find what's important for being a lady, right?
Lyria: Does anything ring a bell, Drusilla? You two might've talked about it in the past...
Drusilla: Hmm... Grandmother has enriched me with knowledge from the arts to the sciences...
Drusilla: But I don't recall a single lecture on what it means to be a lady!
Vyrn: Well, let's think more general. Did you do any ladylike stuff when you were learning about arts and sciences?
Drusilla: Of course! I have dedicated countless weeks to honing my tea party decorum, ballroom dancing skills, and—
Drusilla: Oh! Perhaps the secret lies within practicing those skills!
  1. We should try them out!

Choose: We should try them out!
Drusilla: Yes! We may discover something useful in the process.
Drusilla: Let's start with tea parties!
Drusilla leaps to her feet and pulls out a tea set from the corner of the room.
Drusilla: My goodness, there's not even a speck of dust to be seen. Grandmother must've been taking great care of it.
Lyria: You're right—the cups are pristine!
Vyrn: Whoa, they're even lighter than they look. And I'm not just saying that because they're Harvin-sized.
Drusilla: These are merely for practice! We fashioned them out of lightweight wood. After all, real porcelain can get chipped rather easily.
Lyria: Oh, you're right. I see some dents here and there...
Lyria: Hehe, you must've practiced a lot, Drusilla!
Drusilla: N-no, I was promptly able to move on from using such inferior cups—
Homlet: Tweet, tweet!
Vyrn: Haha, even Homlet's saying you were workin' your socks off!
Drusilla: Nngh, don't look at me like that—it's quite embarrassing!
Drusilla lowers her head, concealing her warm cheeks as she adeptly arranges the tea set.
Drusilla: Voila!
Vyrn: Wow! That was some serious speed!
Drusilla: Of course—this is the result of my daily trials and tribulations! It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I could do this with my eyes closed!
Lyria: Aww, you really are passionate about practicing!
Drusilla: A-ahem! Normally I'd have my stuffed animals participate, but today you are my esteemed guests. Please everyone, have a seat.
Settling down, the group unwinds while enjoying aromatic tea and delicate pastries.
Lyria: Mmm... What a lovely way to spend time.
Vyrn: Ahh... I feel so fancy having a tea party.
Drusilla: Hmm... Indeed, such a soothing ambience...
All Three: ...
Drusilla: Oh! We're supposed to be doing the test!
Lyria: Whoops, we got a bit carried away! Now, let's focus—is this activity important to being a lady?
Drusilla: Hmmm... This tea party brings back memories, but none that would satisfy Grandmother's question...
Vyrn: Dang... Well, how about we give ballroom dancing a try?
Drusilla: Certainly! Allow me to prepare!
Within moments, the young Harvin procures a teddy bear and begins dancing gracefully in front of a large mirror.
Drusilla: Studying my reflection has been a great asset, since each movement requires precision.
Drusilla: But of course, it wouldn't be a ballroom dance without my trusty partner, Sir Bearington! Our synergy is unrivaled!
Vyrn: Dang, you practice by yourself all the time?
Drusilla: Yes—save for the occasional one-on-one lesson with Grandmother.
Drusilla: We all know that true progress is born from practice!
Drusilla: After all, a girl doesn't simply grow into a full-fledged lady!
Drusilla marks the end of her dance with a curtsy and stands tall with pride.
(Captain): ...
Almost instinctively, (Captain) reaches out and gives the young girl a gentle pat on the head.
Drusilla: E-excuse me?! What are you doing?
Lyria: Ahhh, I can't hold it back anymore either! Drusilla, let me pat you too!
Vyrn: Yeah! Me three!
Homlet: Tweet, twee-tweet!
Drusilla: Oh my goodness, what's gotten into all of you!
The little girl fidgets awkwardly as the crew smothers her in affection.
Lyria: We're so proud of the work you've done to become an elegant lady!
Vyrn: Yeah! Just thinking about all the hours you've spent alone in this room made me emotional...
Homlet: Twee-tweeeet!
Vyrn: O-ouch! Geez, I got it—you were with her too, Homlet!
Drusilla: Oh... This feels familiar...
Drusilla: Grandmother, may I have a tea set for my room? Pretty please!
Grandmother: ...A tea set? Do you want to play pretend with your dolls?
Drusilla: No, I want to learn about hosting real tea parties!
Drusilla: I need to quickly become a proper lady to make Mother and Father proud!
Grandmother: Drusilla...
Grandmother: I understand. I'll have a wooden tea set prepared for you this evening.
Drusilla: Hooray! Thank you! But isn't it already late today? You don't have to rush, Grandmother.
Grandmother: Don't worry, dear. I'm happy as long as you're happy.
Drusilla: Yay! I love it when you pat my head, Grandmother! You never do that!
Grandmother: Hehe... Drusilla, my sweet child, you're our pride and joy.
Drusilla: (Grandmother had the same reaction when I first began studying the elegant arts.)
Vyrn: Hey! I think we figured out what your grandma meant!
Drusilla: You did?
Lyria: That's right! I think it also explains why she wanted us to take the test with you!
(Captain) nods in agreement.
Drusilla: What have you discovered! Please tell me!
Vyrn: You're fine just the way you are, Drusilla—that's the answer! Now let's go find Granny!
Grabbing the confused girl's hands, the crew pulls her out of the room to reconvene with her grandmother.

The End... or Is It?: Scene 2

The crew declares that the answer has been inside Drusilla all this time—her passion for self-improvement. Drusilla passes the test with flying colors, earning her grandmother’s support and approval.

Returning to Drusilla's grandmother, the crew announce that they've reached a solution.
Grandmother: Very well, then. Tell me, what is of utmost importance to being a lady?
Drusilla: You see, well...
Drusilla: (We haven't discussed the answer yet! Oh no, this is much too soon!)
Lyria: The answer to your question... is already within Drusilla!
Lyria: Isn't that right, Grandmother?
Grandmother: ...
Drusilla: Excuse me? A-aren't you going to say something?
Vyrn: Granny, earlier you told us that being a lady comes from the heart, right?
Vyrn: And when it comes to Drusilla's passion for becoming a fair lady, she's got more heart than anyone else!
Drusilla: Do... do I give off that impression?
Vyrn: It's just like the passion skyfarers have for exploring the world and sailing the skies!
Vyrn: What you just showed us in that room—it's obvious the spark's been in you since day one!
Drusilla: How... I'm no more than an inexperienced girl!
Grandmother: Seeing the good parts of ourselves is often difficult.
Grandmother: Sometimes we need people to help us. And it seems like the crew and I share the same opinion—that you are strong, independent, and ambitious.
Drusilla: Even you agree, Grandmother? I had the potential all along?
Grandmother: Yes. The answer is having the passion and dedication to becoming the best version of yourself.
Drusilla's grandmother gives her a gentle smile.
Grandmother: My dear Drusilla, do you know why your parents and I weren't concerned about your adventures?
Grandmother: It's because you already have a true lady's mindset—pursuing your goals with intention and dignity.
Drusilla: Me... a lady? But I still make so many mistakes...
Grandmother: Indeed... I've watched you fail time and time again.
Grandmother: You can't drink coffee without tearing up; classical music immediately puts you to sleep; your ledger is full of miscalculations.
Grandmother: And yet, you've never resigned yourself to failure.
Drusilla: ...!
Drusilla: Urgh... Black coffee is far too bitter!
Drusilla: But I'm going to try my best to get used to it!
Drusilla: My eyes go round and round trying to make sense of this accounting ledger...
Drusilla: But stay strong, Drusilla! As long as you keep at it...
Grandmother: Drusilla, continue to believe in yourself and all the puzzle pieces will fall into place.
Grandmother: Perhaps things seem a bit vague, so listen closely. Confidence, self-love, and humility—these are the tenets of being an elegant lady.
Grandmother: Because you possess those qualities, you've been rewarded with lifelong friends and a greater sense of who you are... but there's even more out there.
Grandmother: And so, my dear, I can't wait to see what you'll discover next on your journey.
Drusilla: Oh, Grandmother! Does that mean I can continue traveling?
Grandmother: Of course. Follow your heart.
Grandmother: Ah, but before you go anywhere, there's one thing I forgot to tell you.
Drusilla: ...?
Grandmother: Welcome back home, Drusilla. I missed you very much.
Drusilla: ...!
Drusilla: Oh, how I adore you, Grandmother!
The young Harvin leaps into her grandmother's outstretched arms, and they give each other a warm embrace.
As the elderly woman pats Drusilla's head, all seems well in the world, and the young girl can't help but smile.

The End... or Is It?: Scene 3

That evening, Drusilla's parents join in celebrating Drusilla's homecoming over a lavish feast. After an evening full of food and talk, the crew departs for the skies once again. Later on, Drusilla begins writing letters to her family and Nerine. While doing so, a sense of renewed motivation swells in her heart as the young girl vows to become the finest lady in the world.

Later that evening, Drusilla's grandmother lines the table with an assortment of tantalizing dishes in honor of the young Harvin.
Grandmother: The food is ready! Please, help yourselves!
Lyria: Wow! Everything looks amazing!
Vyrn: Oh man, I don't even know where to start!
Drusilla: Hehe! Behold, Grandmother's culinary prowess!
Drusilla: Oh!
Lyria: Hm? What's that you're piling on your plate?
Drusilla: Only the finest fare in all of Port Breeze—Grandmother's cookies!
Grandmother: I got a bit carried away and ended up baking extra. You can take the rest with—
Drusilla: Not eating all of them while they're warm would be a crime! I'll leave no crumb behind!
Drusilla: Mmm, chomp chomp!
Grandmother: Now, now, where are your table manners? The cookies aren't going to run away!
Grandmother: Hehe...
The elderly woman shakes her head and chuckles as Drusilla powers her way through a stack of sweet treats.
Drusilla's Mother: We're hooome! Oh my, something smells delicious!
Drusilla's Father: Drusilla! We missed you so much!
Drusilla: Mother! Father!
With the arrival of Drusilla's parents, the occasion grows only more festive.
Between mouthfuls of cookies, the young girl recounts her adventures until the early hours of the morning.
Grandmother: Well then, it's been a pleasure meeting you, (Captain). Please continue to look after my granddaughter.
  1. You have my word!

Choose: You have my word!
Grandmother: Homlet, be a good bird and stay with Drusilla. Don't go flying off again.
Homlet: Tweet, tweet!
Grandmother: And Drusilla, my dear, don't forget to write this time. Keep us updated on your travels.
Drusilla: Yes, of course! I'll send letters and souvenirs from each place we visit!
Grandmother: Hehe. I can't wait.
Grandmother: Take care, Drusilla.
Drusilla: Bye-bye, Grandmother!
Grandmother: ...
As the Grandcypher takes off, Drusilla's grandmother gazes at the airship until it vanishes into the blue horizon.
Grandmother: Goodness gracious, it seems like my emotions have gotten the best of me.
Grandmother: My dear Drusilla, do you know why your parents and I weren't concerned about your adventures?
Grandmother: It's because you already have a true lady's mindset—pursuing your goals with intention and dignity.
Grandmother: In truth, it matters not whether you're an elegant lady or just a girl.
Grandmother: Whoever you decide to be, to us, you'll always be Drusilla—our one and only pride and joy. Fly safe, sweetheart.
A number of days have passed since Drusilla's visit to Port Breeze.
With an ample amount of news to share, the young Harvin plops down at her desk and begins composing letter after letter.
Drusilla: Phew... I've written quite the novel. Surely this is plenty for my family to read!
Drusilla: All right, next is...
After carefully penning "Dear Nerine" at the top, Drusilla rests her chin on her hand, pausing to think.
Drusilla: First, I must tell her about Grandmother's test—what a shocking revelation that was!
Drusilla: And of course, the recent missions... We've run into Pommern so many times that I've lost count...
Drusilla: My goodness, there's so much to share! At this rate, I could even consider a career in writing!
Drusilla continues to scribble away, eager to jot down every moment.
Drusilla: Someday, when Nerine and I can fly together...
Drusilla: We'll play in my room and eat all the cookies!
Drusilla: But until that day, I must continue my quest to grow and learn...
Drusilla: For I won't be just any lady—I will be the fairest in the skies!
Having returned home after a prolonged absence, Drusilla has gained a better understanding of herself.
But with the Grandcypher's course set for brighter skies, Drusilla's dreams, too, are bound to shine with greater radiance.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
