Ferry (SSR)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 13
Height 145 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Walking the shores (of the Fog Island)
Likes Family, her little sister
Dislikes Strangers, scary stories
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 13歳
Height 145cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies (霧の島の)館周辺の散歩
Likes 家族、妹
Dislikes 他人、怖い話
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


The spirit of a Erune girl residing in a mansion near the Town of Crepesculo on the Mist-Shrouded Isle. After a plague befell herself, her family and all residents of the island, she made a last wish to see them once again before her demise. That's when the primal beast Celeste appeared, turning all residents, who died of the disease, into undead beings.

Since then, Ferry is waiting for her little sister to return to the island. Before the arrival of the plague, her sister left the island in search for a cure for her rare disease.[7]


Main Quest


  • Drang is her great-nephew.


  • Her skills are all in German.
    • "Vergiften" means "to poison".
    • "Grausam" means "cruel".
    • "Hinrichten" means "to execute".
    • "Ewige Freundschaft" means "Eternal Friendship".

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
Heehee. So how old are you now?
Take it from me as someone who's been around for a long time—
What? You don't want my advice? Yeah, no one wants to be lectured on their birthday...
Anyway, I do wish you a happy birthday. I look forward to seeing what kind of person you become.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Hehe, you seem to have gotten a little more mature compared to last year.
Which isn't surprising when you think about everything you've experienced in a year.
It's exciting watching you grow as a person.
Leaving something behind can feel a bit lonesome at times...
But even still I want to be with you, watching by your side.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
On this day of every year, I get to see how much you've grown, and it warms my heart.
There's nothing better than watching people come into their own.
My little sister got big so quickly...
And now you too are growing so fast.
Hehe, I think of you as family.
So I'll keep watching over you, (Captain).
In any case, what keeps me entertained is just seeing how far you can go.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
How many candles are on the cake? I see one, two, three... Well, the same number of candles as last year...
Plus one more of course. The cake sure looks pretty in the glow of the candle lights.
One by one, a new flame is lit each year. It's like looking at a live representation of your life.
And I'll be right there with you, watching over you, as your flames get bigger and brighter.


Happy birthday!
So it's our fifth time celebrating your birthday together, huh? Looks like you got taller again.
Growing up is a wonderful thing. It shows that you're alive.
Oh, don't make that face... I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
I'm a ghost, so I won't get any taller than this.
But the more time I spend with you, the more memories I have. All of our fun times together are my precious memories.
I'm not sure if you feel the same, but... do you?
Hehe, you smiled. That's good.
Hopefully we can make even more memories this year, (Captain).
I pray that we can be together like this forever...
Is that too much to ask?

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
My island is always shrouded in fog all year round, so almost nothing ever changes regardless of what time of year it is.
Mmm... But the winds outside the island bring change. It's a fantastically refreshing feeling.
Hehe. No matter how many times I've experienced something over the past year, I still find it to be a unique experience.
Please show me more new experiences this year too, (Captain).


Mm... I love feeling the first breeze of the new year.
One year fades while the next one brightens. It's a never ending cycle...
Before you came I would spend my days languishing from one moment to the next, but I realize now how important my time is.
Thank you, (Captain). This is all possible because of you and everyone else.


A visit to the shrine, you say?
I'd very much like to go with you, but is it all right for a ghost to be there?
People usually pray for good health, but that's not especially helpful to a ghost who doesn't get sick and doesn't age.
Well, if it does turn out okay for me to go, then I guess I'll pray for everyone else's well-being.


Have you decided what you're gonna accomplish this year, (Captain)?
It's not like you have to make grand plans or anything as long as it's something you'll set your mind to.
Being able to change every day is one of the things only the living get to do.
If you pass the time doing nothing or never trying anything else, it's no different from being dead.
So it's not enough to simply live; having goals is important too.
Why don't I think of a goal too?
Um, because I...
Hehe, actually yeah. Why not? I'll try to come up with something.
A ghost like me doesn't change like you or the rest of the crew, at least not in a way that can be seen.
But as long as I have you guys with me, I'll change slowly but surely. I hope.


It's a little strange for a ghost to be watching the first sunrise of the year, isn't it?
But the sun's just so pretty, even if its bright rays hurt my eyes.
The sight reminds me of when everyone from my village disappeared after they were freed from Celeste...
I'm a little sad at the memory, of course.
But the new year can only start once the old one ends, much like new relationships begin once you've said goodbye to old ones.
Sorry, I didn't mean to get so broody. I only meant to say that I hope this year will be a good one.
Do you get what I was trying to convey though?
Hehe, then that's good enough for me.
(Captain), I'm excited to see what this year holds.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hi, (Captain). I tried making chocolates today since it's Valentine's Day.
I think I'm pretty good at cooking, but this is my first time making chocolate.
It makes sense though, right? My pets can't have chocolate, and for a long time I never had anyone else to give it to.
It's my first try, but I did put a lot of heart into it so... I hope you really enjoy them.


I made chocolates again this year, (Captain)! Would you like some?
I worked on these with everyone, so I'm sure they'll taste even better than the ones from last year...
Hehe... I wondered who I would give my first chocolates to, and I'm glad it was you.
Because... I want you to see how far I've come each year.


Would you like these chocolates I made, (Captain)?
Thanks for taking them. Unlike last year, I did it all by myself.
So they're probably not as good as last year's batch...
Um, the reason I did it alone was because I wanted to show you my own brand of appreciation.
Your heart is brimming with happiness?
Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Well, I have to go now. I have presents to give to my pets as well.


Here are Valentine's chocolates for you, (Captain).
I made a lot of different types, so I hope you enjoy sampling them one by one.
Um, why are you staring at the chocolates like that?
I knew it. Too much, right?
Well, I'm not asking you to eat them all!
You can just eat the ones you like...
Or does looking at them give you a stomachache?
That's not it?
Oh, you want to know why I made so many different types of chocolates.
Um, you see...
You were really happy with my chocolates last year, remember?
So how could I make you even happier this year?
The answer is by making lots of chocolates.
Now that you know, I want you to pick out your favorites.
Teehee. Having trouble deciding? I'm surprised you'd be this greedy, (Captain).
That's totally fine of course. Take them all then.
That's why I went out of my way to make them for you in the first place. Your happiness is all I care about.


(Captain)! I made chocolates for you this year too.
P-please take it! Here!
I know it looks like I made way too many, but you can pick whichever ones look good to you and just eat those ones!
You think you can eat them all? Really? You're not going to get heartburn or anything from doing that, right?
As long as... you're sure that you aren't pushing yourself.
Once you're done, can you let me know which ones you liked the best?
Why? Well, I get the feeling that it'll be useful knowledge in the future...

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Wow, a present for me? I have to think of the right thing to say...
Um... Is a thank you enough in this situation?
Or maybe there's a deeper meaning behind this...
A-anyway, thank you, (Captain). It's wonderful to know how you feel.


What's this, (Captain)? Oh, a present for White Day!
Hehe... I can't tell you how happy I am to get something from you again.
I learned a lot from you last year, so I didn't feel so surprised this year.
There are still a lot of things that are new to me, (Captain). Will you tell me more?


What is it, (Captain)? You have a present for me?
Ah, as thanks for Valentine's Day.
Thank you. I'm always happy to get anything from you, (Captain).
Oh, these? My pets gave me these.
They took the time to think of what kinds of things I'd like.
They're such cute little things.
You think that makes me motherly?
Well, it sure would make me happy to know that they think of me in that way.


Hey, (Captain), did you know there's meaning in the kind of sweets you get as a gift on White Day?
I just found out about that the other day.
But honestly I wished I hadn't...
Worrying about hidden messages in my head, I'd end up jumping between excitement and anxiety for any present you give me.
Up until now the simple pleasure of getting a present made me happy enough...
N-no, I didn't mean anything by that! I'm very happy to get a present from you!
Hey! Why are you opening it right now!
At least give me a moment to prepare myself please...


A White Day present for me? Th-thank you.
Do you remember last year we talked about how different kinds of sweets hold various meanings to people?
Apparently there are differing opinions on the matter. Some say that depending on interpretation, the same sweets can have opposite meanings.
That's why I'm a little worried about whether or not I'm reading your feelings here correctly.
B-but judging by your smile, you're feeling something positive, right?
Hehe, thank you. I'm honestly very happy right now!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, um, I think you know this already...
But it always feels like Halloween in my village.
Even so, seeing all the decorations and merriment today makes me feel calm and nostalgic.
Well, anyway, it's time for the festivities.
Since you're here with me, Captain, let's go have some fun.


Hey! Come back!
Ah, I'm glad you're here, (Captain).
My spirit pets are too caught up in the Halloween festivities. They won't listen to a word I say.
Can you help me round them up?
Huh? Oh yeah, you might not be able to touch them since they're spirits...
Hmm... Well, then see if you can touch me. J-just on my hands, okay?


Um, (Captain)... Trick or treat...
That wasn't weird, was it? Watching everybody get into the spirit made me want to say it too.
It's okay every once in a while, right? I mean my pets and everyone are having fun, so I should join too...
What are you going to do now? Will you give me candy, or will you play a trick on me?
Hehe... I'm fine with either one.


Oh, (Captain)! Trick or treat!
Well? I'm not too bone-chillingly or ghastly, am I?
I'm asking because I'm finally getting around to joining in on the scares.
I am an actual ghost after all. The thing is, I have no idea just how frightening I might come off as.
And it's not like I want to give the children nightmares or anything.
If you're not busy, would you tag along with me?
I want you to watch off to the side to make sure I don't overdo it.


Ferry: Actually, (Captain), I want to ask for your opinion on something.
Pets: ...!
Ferry: Since I'm actually a ghost, I don't want to play any tricks that're too scary... Do you have any ideas?
Huh? Dance with the moon behind me? I don't know if you can call that a trick...
Pets: ...!
Ferry: Hehe, okay... They all seem to want to try it.
But none of us have any dance experience...
If you don't mind, do you think you can give us a hand?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

This takes me back. I haven't celebrated winter festivities in decades...
Oh, I had so much fun then. My father was there, my mother was there... and that little girl too...
Oops, I didn't mean to dampen the mood. But I'm not sad at all.
Reminiscing with you about old times helps me enjoy the holiday.
I'm happy just like I was in my memories. Thank you, (Captain).


Listen, listen, (Captain)! I placed the star way up on top of the tree!
Back when I was celebrating with my family, they wouldn't let me help because I was too young.
I never knew how much fun decorating for the holidays could be!
Tonight's going to be super fun, (Captain)!


So we're having cake tonight...
Oh no, it's nothing. I was just remembering something from the past.
My younger sister and I loved strawberries on our cakes. We'd always fight over who gets what, which drove our parents crazy.
I was supposed to act as an older sister should, they said, and she'd end up winning the strawberries.
That really was such a long time ago. I was so serious about even small things like that back then.
What else will come back to me the next time I bite into a strawberry, I wonder?


(Captain)! Do you have any big wool stockings?
You don't? Hmm... Oh well, that's just how it goes I guess.
Did you forget what day it is? I wanted to hang stockings from the tree.
That's how you get Santa Claus to come visit or so I was told as a kid.
As you can see, I'm not a kid anymore—I'm a ghost. Does Santa even visit ghosts?
But it's still pretty exciting to think he might come, you know?
Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go out and shop for stockings together?
We can buy some for everyone on the airship and really cover the tree with stockings.
Heehee, I just know it's going to turn out bright and colorful.


(Captain), look at this!
I was walking around town when an elderly lady gave me these lovely cookies! She said it was a present for the holidays.
Meeting her made me think that maybe in another life I could have grown older and become just like her...
But I'll always be stuck in this child-like body.
What I can still do is give out presents though. I think that'd be nice.
Say, what do you think about coming with me to buy some presents for the kids aboard the airship?
Then Santa Ferry and Santa (Captain) can walk around surprising them later.
Hehe, it sounds fun, right?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Unknown Spirit

Ferry has learned to understand the words of ghosts since she joined the crew, and she now enjoys talking to them. The crew goes to rid some ruins of an evil spirit, but Ferry restores it to its original form by naming it Momo, and Momo joins her on her journey.

(Captain) and the crew have taken a request and are now in a town bustling with people.
Ferry watches women go by, her head slightly tilted as if she's lost in thought.
Ferry: That outfit isn't too bad, but I think I'd prefer something easier to move around in.
Ferry: And her clothing... I'm not quite ready for anything like that yet.
???: ...!
Ferry: Wha? What is it, Beppo? Oh? You think I should quit daydreaming?
???: ...!
Ferry: Fugee, Nicola... There's no need to be so harsh.
???: ...
Ferry: Oh, Geegee... You're the only kind pet I have.
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: Haha! Okay, I'm sorry. I was just kidding, guys.
Lyria: Ferry, do you understand what your ghosts are saying?
Ferry: Huh? I do in fact. Though I didn't at first.
Ferry: I met them after we all became ghosts, you see.
Ferry: When I lived on the island, I could only understand them about as well as anyone understands an animal.
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: Hehe. That's right. Everything changed after I started traveling with (Captain).
Ferry: I gradually learned to understand what they're saying.
Ferry: It's a little hard to explain. They don't make any sounds, but I can perceive their voices as words.
Geegee: ...
Ferry: Well, of course I misunderstand you sometimes! Hearing silent voices isn't exactly easy!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: What? Hey, why are you two always so mean?
Ferry: What do you think, Lyria? Wasn't that terrible?
Lyria: Um... I'm sorry, but I have no idea what they're saying.
Ferry: Oh... I guess not.
Ferry: Hehe. It's interesting though. Now that I can make out their words, I can hear their accents too.
Vyrn: Hey! There they are! The ruins from the request.
Vyrn compares the building before the crew to the one on the request in his hand.
Ferry: I see...
Ferry looks up at the dilapidated building. With much of its paint peeled off, the whole place exudes a spooky atmosphere.
Vyrn: They said this place is haunted by an evil spirit, and it sure looks the part.
Lyria: Ugh... It feels like something could jump out at us at any moment.
Ferry: Maybe, but aren't ruins always like this?
Ferry: Let's just get this over with and—
Ferry: Huh? What was that voice just now?
Lyria: V-voice? I didn't hear anything.
Ferry: Huh? No, I'm sure I heard something. You guys did too, right?
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: Of course you did. It came from the ruins. Something in there is saying it's lonely.
Lyria: Eek! Wh-what could it be?
Vyrn: Hmm... I didn't hear any voices. You didn't either, right, (Captain)?
Ferry: So it's just us who heard it?
Geegee: ...
Ferry: I see. A voice only we ghosts can hear, huh?
Ferry tilts her head slightly as she heads into the lair of the evil spirit, (Captain) and the others in tow.
The sound of creaking floorboards greets the intrepid crew members as they head into the shadowy building to bust the fiendish spirit.
Vyrn: Yikes. And I thought this place was ugly on the outside...
Lyria: I-it's so scary! Everything and its shadow looks like it has something hidden in it—even that curtain!
Ferry: You'll be okay. If anything pops out, (Captain) and I will—
Evil Spirit: Groar!
Lyria: Eek!
Vyrn: There's our boogeyman! Get it, (Captain)!
Ferry: ...!
No! Wait!
Ferry senses something and reaches out a hand to stop (Captain).
Evil Spirit: Grrr...
Lyria: What's the matter?
Ferry: It's him.
Geegee: ...
Ferry: No question about it. He's the one I heard from outside.
Ferry: He's so lonely that he was crying.
Evil Spirit: Grrr...
Lyria: Really?
Vyrn: But didn't we come here to get rid of him? You know, the evil spirit that's rampaging in the ruins.
Vyrn: I know loneliness sucks, but it's no excuse to attack a construction crew.
Ferry: Yes, I agree, but still...
Ferry faces the evil spirit.
Ferry: What's your name?
Evil Spirit: ...
Lyria: Does, um, it have a name?
Ferry: He does. Since he's a ghost like me, he must have had a name when he was alive.
Lyria: Hmm... The request just calls him an evil spirit. No other name here.
Ferry: Is that so...
Ferry resolutely turns to look at (Captain).
Ferry: Hey, (Captain). Can you leave this one to me? I think I have an idea.
  1. Of course.
  2. Are you sure it's okay?

Choose: Of course.
Ferry: Hehe. That was a quick reply. I'm glad you trust me.
Ferry: Thank you. I won't fail you, so just watch for a bit.

Choose: Are you sure it's okay?
Ferry: Hehe. Are you worried about me? (Captain), you're so sweet.
Ferry: But it's fine. I'm not going to do anything dangerous, so just watch for a bit.
Continue 1
Ferry slowly takes a step toward the evil spirit.
Ferry: Hey, can you tell me your name?
Evil Spirit: Grrr...
Ferry: Oh... So you forgot your name, huh?
Ferry: Over the long years, you lost not only your body but your name as well, and you became an evil spirit.
Evil Spirit: ...
Ferry: The townsfolk asked us to get rid of you.
Ferry: But I don't want to do that. You said you were lonely, and I don't want you to be on your own anymore.
Ferry: So I'm going to give you a name.
Ferry: Once you have that, you won't be a simple ghost anymore; you'll be just like me.
Ferry: You won't be an evil spirit anymore; you'll be yourself. The real you. And I'll never let anyone call you an evil spirit again.
Evil Spirit: ...
Ferry: From this point on, I will call you by your name, and I'll always be with you.
Ferry: So please accept this gift.
Ferry: From now on your name will be...
Peace returns to the ruins, and (Captain) and the crew stop by the town at Ferry's request.
Ferry, who wanted to visit the town's tailor, shyly steps out in front of the crew wearing a new outfit.
Ferry: What do you think? It looks okay, right?
Lyria: Better than okay! It really suits you, Ferry!
Ferry: Thanks, Lyria. This is the first outfit I've ever chosen by myself.
Ferry: While I lived on the island, I only wore clothes my parents chose for me.
Ferry: Those clothes are obviously still important to me, but...
Ferry: I've changed a lot since I left. I wanted something a bit more grown-up.
  1. It's very cute.
  2. Yeah, you're all grown-up all right.

Choose: It's very cute.
Ferry: You think so? Thank you, (Captain).
Ferry: Though it is a little embarrassing when you're all direct like that.

Choose: Yeah, you're all grown-up all right.
Ferry: Hey. That's not a very captain-like response!
Vyrn: Was that really necessary, (Captain)?
(Captain) gives a mischievous grin in response.
Ferry: Um... So I guess you at least don't mind my new outfit...
Continue 2
Vyrn: Anyway! Now that we're done here, let's get back to the airship.
Lyria: Yeah! We have a bunch of stuff to pick up on the way back after all.
Ferry: Okay, let's go.
Ferry: Come on, Momo. And the rest of you.
Momo: Rawr!
Beppo: ...!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Geegee: ...
Ferry's ghost pets, who were playing nearby, gather around her.
Vyrn: You know, I'm still surprised that the so-called evil spirit is coming with us.
Lyria: I'm surprised too—surprised at how cute he is!
Momo: Rawr!
Ferry: Hehe... Momo says he's rugged and handsome, not cute.
Lyria: Hah! Fair enough. Okay, Momo! You're handsomely cute!
Momo: Rawr!
Vyrn: Well, there ain't anymore evil spirits in the ruins, so that's a job well done!
Ferry: Yes. And now Momo will never degenerate back into an evil form again.
Ferry: After all, he has us now. Just like I have (Captain) and the rest of you.
Ferry takes (Captain)'s hand and smiles.
Having made a new friend, albeit a slightly strange one, (Captain) and the crew continue their journey with yet another member aboard the Grandcypher.

Forever a Plunder

Momo has trouble getting along with Ferry's other ghost pets. When Ferry and the crew find the thieves they've been asked to catch, Ferry encourages Momo to show the other ghosts what he can do to gain their acceptance.

Ferry's ghost pets are frolicking in an especially cheery patch of forest.
Momo: Rawr!
Beppo: ...!
Momo: Rawr!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Momo: ...
Momo: Rawr!
Geegee: ...
Momo: ...
Ferry: Hmm... Looks like it could take a while before Momo finally fits in.
Lyria: Hehe... It'll be okay. I'm sure they'll all be friends eventually!
Ferry: Yeah... Good thing we have a lot of time.
Ferry: We can do it at our own pace, can't we, Momo?
Momo: Rawr...
Ferry: Don't worry. You're all birds of a feather, so you'll find a way to fly together...
Lyria: Birds of a feather?
Ferry: Yeah. Remember how I told you that I met these guys after I was already a ghost?
Ferry: At that time, none of these four had a name, so I gave one to each of them.
Ferry: And you know what's funny? I'd already forgotten my own name by then.
Beppo: ...!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Geegee: ...
Ferry: But because they were there for me, even though I couldn't remember my name, I rediscovered myself.
Ferry: We all have that in common. That's what I meant by birds of a feather.
Lyria: Oh, I get it now.
(Captain) and the crew advance through the forest, occasionally stopping to play with Ferry's ghost pets.
Thieves have recently been spotted in the forest, so the crew has taken a request to apprehend them.
Ferry: What a peaceful forest. It's hard to believe there are thieves around here.
Vyrn: You know, they attacked that researcher, but they only took his stuff.
Vyrn: Maybe they aren't all that danger—
???: Hey! Stop right there! You're skyfarers, right?
Lyria: Um, yes?
Thief 1: Oho! Then we're the thieves you're looking for!
Thief 2: Forget stealing money! All we wanna take is your lives!
Vyrn: Whoa! These guys seem way more brutal than the request let on!
Ferry: And they seem to have been waiting for us. Maybe they heard about the bounty on their heads.
Ferry: This is your big chance, Momo. Show Beppo and the others how strong you are, and they'll have to accept you!
Momo: Rawr!

Forever a Plunder: Scene 2

The crew defeats the thieves, but the villains were actually only trying to distract the crew while a mysterious man makes off with Ferry's ghost pets. Momo and the crew try to chase the man, but the thieves block their way once more.

Ferry: Hya!
Thief 1: Argh!
Momo: Grrr...
Ferry: Pretty pathetic considering you guys started that.
Ferry: No clue what your plan was, but it's about time for you to surrender.
Thief 2: Pant... Wheeze... This sucks.
Hey, is it time yet?
Thief 1: I'd say so...
Hey, skyfarers! We surrender! Take us away!
Vyrn: Huh?
Vyrn: What's with these guys? I thought they were just thieves, but then they attacked us out of the blue.
Vyrn: Then they just gave up. Guess they weren't so brutal after all.
Thief 2: Heh-heh. We had a job to do, and we did it.
Ferry: What?
Thief 1: Yep, I'd say we earned our money.
Momo: Rawr!
Ferry: Momo! Wha-
The crew looks in the same direction as the barking ghost—and sees a mysterious man making off with Ferry's other ghost pets.
Mysterious Man: Tch! If only you idiotic thieves could keep your mouths shut!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: Stop! What do you want with my pets?
Mysterious Man: I'll put them to better use than you ever could.
Mysterious Man: Hey, pigs! There's a bonus reward up for grabs. Buy me some time!
Thief 1: Sheesh... That researcher could stand to spend less time with books and more with people.
Thief 2: Yeah, but at least he pays good money.
Swaying, the thieves rise to their feet and face (Captain) and the crew once more.
Ferry: No!
Beppo: ...!
Geegee: ...
Mysterious Man: See if you idiots can stop this lot. I don't feel like dealing with them.
The mysterious man scoops up Beppo, Fugee, Nicola, and Geegee, and he disappears into the forest.
Ferry: Stop! Fiend! Where are you taking them? Answer me!
Thief 1: Stop right there. Nothin' personal, but we can't let you go just yet.
Ferry: Ugh... We need to get rid of these two fast! Momo! (Captain)! Help me out!
Momo: Rawr!

Forever a Plunder: Scene 3

Thanks to Momo's powerful nose, the crew finds the mysterious ghostnapper lurking in a cave. When he says he wants to use Ferry's ghost pets as materials to make an elixir of everlasting life, she attacks him to save her friends.

(Captain) and the crew deal with the thieves and rush into the forest after the mysterious man.
They lose sight of him, but not all hope is lost.
They rely on Momo's nose to pick up his scent, eventually following his trail to an ominous cave deep in the forest.
Lyria: This place is creepy even for a dark, scary cave. I have a bad feeling about this.
Vyrn: Why do you think that guy would bring the ghosts here?
Ferry: I don't know, but he managed to capture Beppo and the others.
Ferry: And not just anybody can capture ghosts.
Ferry: Maybe he's a magician or an alchemist. Either way, we should be very careful.
As the crew prepares to head further into the cave, the man suddenly appears from the gloom.
Mysterious Man: What an unpleasant surprise. How'd you manage to find me here?
Ferry: I happen to have a friend with a nose that knows.
Momo: Rawr!
Ferry: What do you think you're doing? Return Beppo and the others at once.
Mysterious Man: To tell you the truth, based on our research, you're quite suspicious yourself.
Ferry: What are you talking about?
Mysterious Man: Celeste, the primal beast... The power of the immortal ghost ship... That's what we want.
Vyrn: Celeste? You mean the one from the island of mist?
Mysterious Man: The very same. She randomly shows up on different islands.
Mysterious Man: That ghost ship is connected to many legends of immortals throughout the skies, and Tramont Island was the last place it was seen.
Mysterious Man: You skyfarers were involved in the disappearance of Celeste, weren't you?
Lyria: ...!
Um... Well...
Mysterious Man: Don't bother trying to hide it. We're quite confident in our sources.
Mysterious Man: That's why I paid those bozos and put up the request. To lure you all here.
Ferry: This seems like it'll be a long explanation. Why don't you return my pets before you go back to boring us?
Mysterious Man: Don't be so hasty. I was just about to tell you their true purpose.
Ferry: Purpose? What do you mean purpose? Those are my friends you're talking about, not test subjects!
Ferry: I consider myself a patient person, but I advise you not to test me.
Momo: Grrr...
Mysterious Man: Then I'll get right to the point.
Mysterious Man: The ethereal bodies of your ghosts are preserved by Celeste's power, and extracting that power is our goal.
Ferry: Huh? You want to extract Celeste's power?
Mysterious Man: Indeed. The power of the Astrals made them ghosts, so we'll analyze their bodies to learn the secrets of permanence.
Mysterious Man: For the sake of science and invention, for progress and innovation, we'll finally obtain immortality!
Vyrn: Whoa, bud! You're makin' less sense by the second!
Mysterious Man: Ahem... Well, to put it bluntly, we'll use your ghosts as materials to make an elixir of everlasting life.
Lyria: Materials? What a horrible thing to say.
Ferry: So what happens to these... materials?
Mysterious Man: Who can say? I suppose they'll disappear. We have no interest in the remaining dregs.
Ferry: You monster!
Ferry's hand moves swiftly to her whip, but a pale shadow lunges at the man even faster.
Momo: Rawr!
The man hurriedly shakes off Momo and puts some distance between himself and the crew.
Mysterious Man: Ugh... We're merely trying to put those ghosts of yours to good use.
Mysterious Man: How dare you defy us! You, an affront to the natural order!
At the man's signal, a giant weapon appears from the back of the cave.
Adversa Reborn: ...
Mysterious Man: This weapon is only an imitation, but it still carries the power of the Astrals! It will give you a better demise than you deserve!
Vyrn: Aw, man! So is this guy an imperial dog too?
Lyria: That would explain the bad feeling I had about this cave.
(Captain) and the crew freeze up in front of the giant weapon.
But Ferry has no fear, and she takes an unwavering step forward.
Ferry: Maybe you have a point... We do continue to exist even though we've already died.
Ferry: Perhaps we are an affront to nature, as you so eloquently put it.
Momo: ...
Ferry: But that doesn't change the fact that we're here.
Ferry: Beppo, Nicola, Fugee, Geegee, Momo, and even me. Every one of us is right here.
Ferry: From the perspective of the world, perhaps the time we have is somehow incorrect.
Ferry: But that doesn't mean I'll let anybody take away what we've been given! I'm here, and I refuse to give that up!
Ferry: And I wouldn't be who I am without my ghost pets.
Ferry: So hand them over! There's no replacement for my friends!

Forever a Plunder: Scene 4

The crew defeats the weapon set on them by the researcher, but he escapes during the fight. Ferry's rescued ghost pets line up before Momo to express their gratitude, and they get along a bit better from then on.

(Captain) and the crew easily crush the researcher's weapon.
But on the other hand, he managed to give them the slip during the fight.
Beppo: ...!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Geegee: ...
Ferry: Hehe... Is that so? Well, I'm sorry. That must've been really scary for you guys.
Vyrn: Who was that coward anyway?
Lyria: I don't know. He didn't really seem like he came from the Erste Empire...
Ferry: Who cares? All that matters is that my pets are safe.
Ferry: That's more than enough—for now.
Ferry gives all her ghost pets a warm hug.
Momo: ...
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: Huh? What is it, Beppo?
Ferry lets go of Beppo, Fugee, Nicola, and Geegee, and the four ghosts line up in front of Momo.
Momo: Rawr?
Beppo: ...!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Geegee: ...
Ferry: Hehe... Isn't that nice, Momo? Your hard work paid off!
Lyria: What did they say?
Ferry: Beppo and the others were thanking Momo.
Ferry: Though they did sound a little embarrassed they needed his help in the first place.
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Ferry: Yikes! Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing you.
Momo: Rawr!
Lyria: Hehe... Ferry looks so happy!
Vyrn: And not just her! Look at her pets!
Nobody other than Ferry understands what the ghost animals say.
But (Captain) can't help but smile at how peaceful she looks with her companions.

Precious Family

When Ferry starts feeling unwell after being struck by an exorcism spell on a zombie-hunting mission, a worried Beppo nestles up beside her, reminding her of their first encounter before her death. At the crew's request, she then begins to describe how she met her other pets.

Zombies: Graaah...
Vyrn: Heads up, Ferry! They're comin' your way!
Ferry: Roger that!
Come on, guys! We're up!
Ferry: Haaah!
Zombies: Waaargh!
One day...
The crew accepts a request to take down a horde of zombies within the ruins of a manor on the outskirts of a certain town.
Although overwhelmed at first by the undead swarm, (Captain) and company slowly manage to reduce their numbers.
Zombies: Waaargh!
Ferry: Huh? What's that sound?
Ferry: ...!
Guys, look out!
Noticing a sudden rush of magic, Ferry shouts just as the pillar of light rising from beneath them explodes, flooding the area with a bright, white glow.
Zombies: ...!
The zombies caught within the light are instantly obliterated, leaving only (Captain) and the crew blinking and rubbing their eyes.
Vyrn: Urgh. What the heck was that? I'm seein' spots...
Lyria: ...!
Ferry! Are you okay?
Hearing Lyria's panicked voice, the captain frantically glances around to see Ferry sitting on the ground, surrounded by her pets.
Ferry: Yeah, I'm fine. I got grazed a little, but no serious injuries or pain to speak of.
Lyria: Thank goodness.
Lyria: But I wonder what that was just now?
Ferry: Magic that was imbedded in the floor previously must have been activated. Look over there.
Vyrn: Is that... a magic circle?
Ferry: Mhm. I imagine it was some sort of trap. The spell triggered the instant the zombies touched it.
Vyrn: Now that you mention it, the client did mention that skyfarers had come here zombie huntin' before.
Ferry: They're probably the ones who set it up, then. Thanks to them, it looks like the zombies have all been exterminated. We really owe them.
Ferry: Anyway, I guess that means our mission is complete. Let's hurry back and give our client the good news.
Saying this, Ferry attempts to stand. However...
Ferry: Huh?
Momo: Rawr!
Momo and Beppo dash over as she sways on the spot, propping her up before she falls.
Lyria: Ferry! Are you all right?
Ferry: Y-yeah... Sorry, I just got a little dizzy for a second. Must have stood up too fast.
Beppo: ...
Momo: Rawr...
Ferry: No need to worry about me, you two. Thanks for catching me.
Lyria: I wonder if it was because of that magic circle... Can you walk okay? If you need help, you can lean on me.
Ferry: Thanks, but I'm all right. The dizziness seems to have passed, and I'm not feeling woozy or anything.
Lyria: Really? Well, if you're sure...
Vyrn: Maybe you're just worn out from dealin' with all those zombies.
Vyrn: Let's call it a day early after we talk to the client.
Agreeing with Vyrn's suggestion, (Captain) and the crew depart from the ruins to report back to their client.
A few days have passed since (Captain) and the crew completed their zombie-hunting request.
Ferry: Urgh...
Lyria: What's wrong, Ferry?
While chatting with (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn, Ferry suddenly emits a small groan.
Beppo: ...
Ferry: Oh, sorry—I'm fine. It's gone already. Nothing to worry about.
Vyrn: You catch a cold or somethin'?
Ferry: No, it's nothing like that. I just keep getting these twinges of pain in my head from time to time.
Beppo: ...
Lyria: I don't like the sound of that. Beppo seems worried too...
Ferry: I'm okay, really. Since I'm a ghost and all, I don't really get sick or anything.
Seemingly unconvinced by Ferry's nonchalant attitude, Beppo nestles up to her.
Ferry: Hehe. This really takes me back.
Lyria: Ferry?
Ferry: Whoops, sorry. I was just remembering something that happened a long time ago.
Ferry: Back when I was still alive, Beppo used to cuddle up against me whenever I was feeling sick.
Vyrn: Huh? But didn't you say you met your pets after you died?
Ferry: Oh, well... Beppo's a little different actually.
Ferry: If I remember correctly, it was shortly after the disease started to spread on the island...
Closing her eyes, Ferry begins to speak slowly, attempting to recall a distant memory.
Ferry: Around that time, I started showing symptoms, and I was sent to a quarantine facility along with my parents.
Ferry: While I was there, I met a dog that was all alone.
Ferry: I can't say for sure whether he was always a stray, or whether he lost his owner to the disease.
Ferry: But he was really attached to me from the get-go, and we've been together ever since.
Lyria: So that's how you and Beppo met.
Ferry: Yeah. A nurse from another island helped me come up with the name.
Ferry: I don't know what his original name was, or if he even had one to begin with.
Ferry: But from that day on, he became my one and only Beppo.
Ferry: He's always been by my side. He was there when my parents died, all the way up to the moment I passed away...
Her expression clouds slightly as she says this, and Beppo looks up from his spot at her feet as though unsatisfied with her explanation.
Beppo: ...
Ferry: Hehe, that's right. He's still with me even now.
Ferry: Back then I was depressed, scared, and in pain—but I wasn't lonely.
Ferry: And that's because Beppo was right there through it all. I guess you could say he's basically family to me.
At those words, Ferry's other pets spring up and begin nudging her relentlessly.
Pets: ...
Ferry: Whoa! What's with you guys all of a sudden!
Momo: Rawr!
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Ferry: Of course, you're all part of my family too. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you.
Geegee: ...
Ferry: You think I worded it poorly? Come on, I'm sorry. So don't pout like that...
Lyria: Hehe. Your pets really must love you!
Vyrn: Hey, Ferry. How'd you meet your other pets?
Ferry: Hm? Now that you mention it, I guess I've never really talked about it before.
Ferry: That being said, I'd just become a ghost at the time, so my memory is a bit fuzzy.
Ferry: But this is a good opportunity for you to get to know them better, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk about the old days.
With that introduction, Ferry strokes her pets as she thinks back on the distant past.
As though searching her memories one by one, she begins to recount her first encounters with her precious pets.

Precious Family: Scene 2

After becoming ghosts, Ferry and Beppo save a spirit from a monster attack, whom she dubs "Geegee." A few days later, Ferry encounters two ghosts who had been stealing toys from the village out of loneliness. Convincing them to return the items, she names them "Nicola" and "Fugee," and invites them to join her little family.

Ferry: I met my other pets not long after I became a ghost.
Ferry: One day, I was investigating the forest with Beppo in order to find out what had happened to the island, and to me.
Beppo: ...
Ferry: Hm? What is it? Did something catch your eye?
Seeing Beppo come to a sudden stop, Ferry scans the area, attempting to spot what might have grabbed his attention.
Just then...
???: Groooar!
Ferry: ...?
Was that... a monster?
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: Hey! Beppo, wait! Where are you going?
Beppo dashes off with Ferry close on his heels, and together they move steadily deeper into the forest.
Hearing a small sound not unlike a cry for help amidst the threatening clamor of the monsters, Ferry squints, attempting to pinpoint its source.
Bestial Monster: Groooar!
Long-Eared Ghost: ...
At last they come upon a small, pale animal surrounded by a number of monsters.
Ferry: That must have been the voice I heard!
Sic 'em, Beppo!
Beppo: ...!
Bestial Monster: Yelp!
With one of their number felled by a sudden intruder, the monsters shift their attention from their pocket-sized prey to Ferry and Beppo.
Ferry: Naughty monsters that bully the weak need to be taught a lesson! Come on, Beppo!
Beppo: ...!
Bestial Monsters: Yip, yip!
Standing no chance against the ghostly duo, the monsters flee into the depths of the forest, yelping pitifully.
Ferry: Whew... Don't worry, you're safe now.
The small creature immediately leaps into Ferry's arms, shaking with apparent relief.
Ferry: Whoa! Aw, there, there. I know, you must have been scared out of your mind.
Long-Eared Ghost: ...
Ferry: Oh, are you a ghost too? I guess even we're not immune to monster attacks, huh.
Ferry: There are a lot of them in the forest, so be careful out there, okay?
Giving the ghost one final pat, Ferry sets it gently onto the ground before departing from the area with Beppo.
Ferry: Sigh.
Ferry exhales softly as she turns to look back at the little ghost trailing after them.
Ferry: Hey, where do you live? It's not safe to wander around like this. I'll come along to make sure you get home okay.
The small spirit merely stares up at her, making no attempt to leave.
Seeing the pleading look in the creature's button eyes, Ferry heaves a resigned sigh.
Ferry: If you don't have anywhere else to go, would you like to come with me?
Long-Eared Ghost: ...!
Ferry: Whoa! Sheesh, you're a needy little thing, aren't you?
Ferry: Well, it must have been fate that we met like this. As fellow ghosts, I'm sure we'll get along just fine.
Ferry: Now then, I guess you'll be needing a proper name all your own.
Ferry: Hmm... But what?
Ferry falls silent for a moment in thought. When her eyes fall on Beppo, she nods as though hit with a stroke of inspiration.
Ferry: Geegee. That'll be your name starting today. What do you think?
Long-Eared Ghost: ...!
Ferry: Hehe. I'm glad you like it. Nice to meet you, Geegee!
Ferry: That's how I met Geegee.
Ferry: From then on, my family came to include Geegee as well as Beppo, adding a bit more spice to my life.
Ferry: I think it was ten or so years later that my family grew even more.
???: Hey, is this really the work of thieves?
Ferry: Hm?
While strolling through the forest with Beppo and Geegee one day, Ferry comes to a sudden stop upon hearing someone nearby.
Turning her gaze in the direction of the voice, she spots two men hidden among the trees.
Ferry: People, here? With so many monsters roaming around, the villagers don't usually come near the forest if they can avoid it.
Intrigued by what she had overheard, Ferry conceals herself behind a nearby bush, listening intently.
Middle-Aged Man: Well, it's true that things are going missing from the village. Just yesterday, an old woman had a stuffed toy stolen from her—a memento of her grandson.
Young Man: Isn't she the one who saw a shadow disappear into the woods? It's hard to believe there'd be thieves on this island though.
Young Man: Everyone here has been dead for so long, what would be the point of looting the place now?
Middle-Aged Man: Good point. And what's more, the only things being stolen are children's toys and other useless junk—not even anything of value.
Middle-Aged Man: That being said, since we don't know who's behind it all, we agreed to patrol the village just in case.
Middle-Aged Man: There's always the off chance that we'll find someone, and it's better than sitting around doing nothing. So come on, let's get going.
Ferry: Hmm... Things are being swiped from the village?
Ferry: (That's definitely strange. We haven't had a single visitor from the outside since this turned into a ghost island.)
Ferry: (But I can't imagine that someone living in the village would go out of their way to steal from a fellow resident at this point.)
Ferry: If I heard correctly just now, they said the victim saw a shadow escape into the woods.
Ferry: In that case, we might just find a clue there. Let's go take a look, Beppo, Geegee.
Gesturing to her pets, Ferry heads deeper into the forest to hunt for clues about the thief.
Geegee: ...
Ferry: What's wrong, Geegee?
Geegee: ...
Ferry: What are those? Ghosts?
Following Geegee's gaze, Ferry spots a pair of spherical spirits floating in the air.
Creeping forward so as to avoid notice, she finally gets close enough to see that they are playing with a worn stuffed toy.
Ferry: (That must be the plush...)
Ferry: Hey, you two.
Globular Ghosts: ...!
The moment Ferry calls out, the two ghosts spring upward, darting around in an attempt to flee.
Geegee: ...
Beppo: ...
Ferry: The fact that you're trying to run away is proof that you have something to hide.
Ferry: Tell me, where did you get that plush?
Globular Ghosts: ...
Their escape route blocked, the ghosts continue to flit around in circles momentarily before hanging their heads guiltily.
Ferry: I had a feeling you two were the thieves. It's not nice to steal from people, you know. Why would you do such a thing?
Globular Ghosts: ...
The ghosts gesture wildly as though desperately trying to convey something, when suddenly something catches Ferry's eye.
Ferry: (Huh? On second glance, it looks like that plush isn't the only thing they stole.)
Upon closer inspection, she sees a number of stuffed animals, dolls, and building blocks lined up neatly behind the ghosts.
Noticing that their arrangement seems to resemble a small town, Ferry arrives at a hypothesis.
Ferry: Could it be you two were lonely?
Ferry: So you stole plush toys and dolls from the village and built a toy town to help ease the pain. Am I right?
Globular Ghosts: ...!
The two ghosts bound joyfully at Ferry, all but confirming her theory.
Ferry: Whoa! Looks like my guess was right on the mark.
Globular Ghosts: ...
Ferry: It all makes sense now. Still, you shouldn't steal people's things.
Ferry: Even if these objects weren't being used anymore, they still hold important memories for their owners.
Ferry: Anyone would be sad if something precious to them suddenly went missing one day.
Globular Ghosts: ...
Following Ferry's lecture, the ghosts slouch sadly, evidently feeling remorse for their actions.
Ferry: Have you learned your lesson?
Globular Ghosts: ...
Ferry: Good. Then you need to return all the items you stole back to their rightful owners. Can you do that?
Globular Ghosts: ...!
Nodding vigorously, the two ghosts quickly round up the stolen items and soar off toward the village.
A short time later...
After giving back the pilfered possessions, the ghosts return to Ferry, who had been watching their endeavors from the woods near the village.
Globular Ghosts: ...
Ferry: Looks like you kept your word and returned everything. Great work, you two.
Globular Ghosts: ...
Ferry: Now listen. I don't want you stealing from people ever again. Can you promise me that?
Globular Ghosts: ...
Ferry: Good. Then why don't you come with me?
Ferry: That way you guys won't be lonely anymore, right?
Globular Ghosts: ...!
In response to Ferry's invitation, the two ghosts dive at her in clear jubilation.
Ferry: Hehe. I hope we'll be good friends, Fugee, Nicola.
Globular Ghosts: ...?
Ferry: Those are your names. You with the two horns—you're Fugee. And you with the single horn—you're Nicola.
Ferry: Not a fan of them? Then I'll try and come up with something else—
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Fugee and Nicola bounce up and down animatedly as if to deny her words.
Ferry: And that's what led me to meet Fugee and Nicola.
Ferry: From that day on, Fugee and Nicola became part of my precious family, together with Beppo and Geegee.
Ferry can't help but smile as she watches Beppo and Geegee playing happily with the two newest members of their family.

Precious Family: Scene 3

Although certain that Beppo was the only pet she met while alive, Ferry feels as though she encountered Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola in the past as well, but none of them remember. Deciding it doesn't matter since they're all family now, she and her pets cuddle happily together.

Ferry: And the rest is history. After that, I spent my days together with these guys in the mansion where I met you all.
Having reached the end of her tale, Ferry lets out a breath and falls silent.
Lyria: So that's how you met Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola.
Ferry: Yeah. Talking through it like this really brought the memories flooding back. I'm feeling all nostalgic now.
Ferry: That reminds me...
Suddenly remembering something, Ferry begins to speak once more.
Ferry: Like I said before, I'm sure I first met Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola after becoming a ghost...
Ferry: But from the moment I saw them, I've had the strangest feeling that they've been by my side for a long time.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean?
Ferry: Mm, I'm not sure how to explain it...
Ferry: (Captain). You've lived with Vyrn ever since you were little, right?
Ferry: Whenever you feel anxious—like when you're in an unfamiliar place or something—doesn't Vyrn's presence naturally put you at ease?
After reflecting for a moment on Ferry's question, the captain nods.
Ferry: It's similar to that. It's like my body somehow remembers that I can feel completely safe and comfortable when I'm with them.
Vyrn: Huh? But you don't have any memories of meeting them when you were alive, right?
Ferry: No. None that I can recall, at least.
Ferry: But I mean, I even forgot my own name. That shows just how hazy my memories of being alive are.
Ferry: I barely remember anything from back when I was little, so I can't know for sure if I encountered them at some point.
Vyrn: Guess that makes sense...
Oh, but you guys would probably know if you'd met before, right?
Geegee: ...
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola shake their heads in response to Vyrn's hopeful question.
Ferry: These guys don't seem to remember much of what happened before they became ghosts either.
Vyrn: Dang...
Lyria: It would make for a nice story if you'd met a long time ago and then found each other again after becoming ghosts...
Lyria: But whatever the case, it doesn't change the fact that you all share an incredibly strong bond now!
Ferry: Hehe, that's true. Regardless of what happened in the past, the fact is we get to spend every day together like this now.
As her pets nestle close to her, Ferry strokes them affectionately with a smile on her face.
Ferry: Fugee is mischievous, while Nicola is a bit of a scaredy-cat.
Ferry: Geegee is a little flighty, but gentle. Momo is brave and reliable, but he can also be somewhat reckless.
Ferry: Beppo is the most mature and skilled at rallying everyone together, but he's surprisingly easygoing and does things at his own pace.
Ferry: They can definitely be a handful from time to time, but that's just another of their charms.
Ferry: Even though I may have been separated from my blood relatives, I'm lucky to have gained such a wonderful family.
Pets: ...
As if in agreement with her words, her pets snuggle up closer.
(Captain) and the crew smile warmly, looking on as Ferry and her family cuddle happily together.

Always and Forever

When (Captain) and company learn that the exorcism spell is causing Ferry to fade away, they return to the ruins, where they find a magic tool possessing Celeste's power. However, they are attacked by the original owner's vengeful spirit, and Ferry is buried in rubble after protecting (Captain).

Several days have passed since (Captain) and the crew completed their zombie-hunting request.
Sensing that Ferry seems unwell somehow, a concerned Lyria makes her a cup of herbal tea with some leaves she bought in town.
Lyria: Here you go, Ferry! This tea is supposed to relax and invigorate the mind and body.
Ferry: Wow, really? Well, it certainly smells good. Thanks, Lyria.
Ferry: Whoa!
Lyria: Are you okay? You didn't cut yourself, did you?
Ferry: No, I'm fine. I must have spaced out a little...
Ferry: Oh—wait, Lyria! There's broken glass everywhere, so you'd better not come too close. I'll go grab a dustpan.
Finding a dustpan in the corner of the room, Ferry quickly sweeps up the shards of glass scattered across the floor.
Ferry: Sorry, Lyria. You went to all the trouble of making me tea, and I ended up wasting it...
Lyria: No, don't worry about it! I'm just glad you're not hurt.
Vyrn: Is it just me, or have you been droppin' stuff a lot lately?
Vyrn: And it feels like I can see through you more than before... C'mon, be straight with us. You're not in good shape, are ya?
Ferry: That's not true...
Actually, no, it is. You're right, Vyrn.
Though her first instinct is to deny Vyrn's words, after thinking through it, Ferry drops the facade and furrows her brow.
Ferry: But I wouldn't exactly say I'm sick or anything. It's more that my body just feels... strange.
Ferry: My senses of touch and temperature seem dulled, like I've gone numb all over...
Ferry: It's like my very existence is fading away little by little.
Vyrn: What! That sounds pretty serious! What the heck brought all that on?
Realizing that the situation is far worse than they had imagined, (Captain) and the crew begin to panic.
In contrast, Ferry's expression remains cool and collected as she continues.
Ferry: Remember when we were on that zombie-hunting mission and a trap suddenly went off?
Lyria: You mean the magic circle that was in the ruins, right?
Ferry: Yeah. Evidently I failed to completely avoid the light it emitted, and that's why I ended up in this mess.
Feeling anxious about the growing disconnect with her own body, Ferry had spoken with crew members knowledgeable about magic.
Through her investigation she learned that the magic circle had unleashed an exorcism spell, and that the magic was affecting her as well.
Ferry: Ordinarily, an exorcism spell is powerful enough to make ghosts or zombies disappear simply by coming into contact with them.
Ferry: But since I'm not a typical ghost, the magic seems to be working in an odd way.
Ferry: From what I can gather, it's slowly chipping away at my existence... like a curse.
Vyrn: A curse?
Ferry: That's right. If the magic keeps affecting me like this, eventually I might just, well...
Ferry trails off and looks at the floor, unable to speak of a future in which she might cease to exist. (Captain) and the crew gasp.
Lyria: No! I don't want you to disappear!
Lyria: There must be a way to fix this! If we all put our heads together, I know we'll figure something out!
Lyria: So please don't give up hope!
Lyria grasps both of Ferry's hands tightly, desperately attempting to persuade her. Ferry slowly raises her gaze.
Ferry: Lyria...
Vyrn: Yeah! It's not like you're one hundred percent gonna disappear yet, so let's all do our part to find a way outta this!
Ferry: ...
You're right. I have no intention of vanishing without a fight.
Ferry: There are still a lot of things I want to do and see before I pass on. For that, I need your help.
(Captain) and the crew nod emphatically in response to her request.
But despite their best efforts, they are unable to find a solution, and Ferry's condition continues to worsen.
Ferry: Oh... Haha... This is getting bad...
Beppo: ...?
Ferry: I can't touch anything... Doors, chairs—my hand just slips right through...
After a few days, Ferry finally becomes a bona fide ghost, unable to touch anyone or anything.
The crew is at a loss for what to do, until their hope is rekindled following a visit to their previous client on a new mission.
Vyrn: Never thought we'd be seein' this place again.
Together with Ferry, (Captain) and the crew arrive at the manor ruins once more.
Lyria: According to the client, there were documents related to zombies and ghosts left here in the ruins, right?
Ferry: Yeah. Apparently the owner of this place had a keen interest in things like that.
Ferry: But he lived here a long time ago, so it's hard to say how many of those documents might have survived.
They had been fortunate to obtain information on the lord of the manor from the client who had issued the original zombie-hunting request.
He had been intrigued by Ferry upon seeing that her form had faded considerably since their last meeting.
Upon learning about the situation from (Captain), he had told them everything he knew in hopes that it might prove useful.
Ferry: I think we took out most of the zombies last time, but there might still be some wandering around.
Ferry: So be careful, guys.
Vyrn: Got it! C'mon, let's get explorin'!
Thus (Captain) and the crew venture deeper into the ruins in search of materials left behind by the manor's original owner.
Eventually they come upon a somewhat large room that they had overlooked during their previous visit.
Lyria: Is this... a study?
Vyrn: Looks like it.
Cough, cough... The books are all covered in dust.
Ferry: They're in better condition than I expected. Hmm, this book's about... immortality? And this one talks about... raising the dead?
Ferry: Seems like the owner had some pretty... radical ideas, to say the least.
As they continue hunting through the dust-covered tomes, (Captain) comes across a notebook.
  1. Hey, look at this.

Choose: Hey, look at this.
Ferry: Is that a journal? Do you think it belonged to the owner of this place?
Vyrn: Ooh, nice find! What's it say?
Flipping through the pages, they find records of the manor lord's unhealthy obsession with death, as well as the cruel experiments he performed.
Ferry: This is awful. He even desecrated the dead for the sake of his research.
Lyria: So that's where all those zombies came from...
Vyrn: Huh? Hey, doesn't this stuff about "magic tools" seem familiar?
Ferry: Let's see here... "Magic tools are various items that have been imbued with the power of mighty beings."
Ferry: "Among them, those that have drawn in a portion of a primal beast's power are especially strong."
Ferry: And look at the primal beast pictured here! Isn't this Celeste?
Vyrn: Right? The description makes me think it's gotta be talkin' about Celeste too.
Ferry: "The tool I obtained recently is said to possess the power of a death-snatching primal beast. I don't know if it's authentic or not, but it's worth testing."
Ferry: "If I engrave it with a magic circle and activate the spell by allowing the primal beast's power to flow into it..."
Ferry: "It should be possible to transform any living creature into an immortal being that can neither die nor disappear."
Ferry: A death-snatching primal beast... Then this really must be about Celeste.
Lyria: But do magic tools with the power of primal beasts really exist?
Ferry: Good question. There doesn't seem to be any information about what he found out.
Vyrn: If he really got his hands on a tool related to Celeste, that could be pretty useful!
Vyrn: I mean, you became a ghost 'cause of Celeste, right? Don'tcha think it might be worth lookin' for?
Ferry: Maybe. There don't appear to be any other leads in here, so I guess we might as well try to find this "magic tool."
Nodding, (Captain) and the crew make their way into an underground storeroom mentioned in the journal.
Ferry: Hm? Could this be it?
After splitting up to scour the room for the magic tool, Ferry comes across a small box sitting near the back of a shelf.
Ferry: Hey, guys! Look at this!
Vyrn: What's up? Did you find the magic tool?
Ferry: A box that looks promising, at least. Could I ask you to grab the little container on the back of that shelf?
Ferry: I tried to get it myself, but my hand went right through it...
Vyrn: Oh, right. I forgot you can't touch anything...
Casting a worried glance at Ferry, (Captain) retrieves the small box as requested.
The captain opens it to find a glass orb the size of a person's palm that appears to be swirling with black mist.
Vyrn: So this is the magic tool with the power of a primal...
Can you feel anything, Lyria?
Lyria: Hmm... I think I sense a faint presence similar to Celeste's, but I could be wrong.
Ferry: I see...
Vyrn: What about you, Ferry? Gettin' any primal vibes from that thing?
Ferry: Well... I'm in the same boat as Lyria. Sometimes it's hard to tell if what I'm sensing is a primal beast or not.
Vyrn: In other words, this thing's just a big dud? And here I thought we'd finally found a useful clue...
Beppo & Momo: ...
Ferry: Beppo, Momo? What's wrong?
Beppo and Momo suddenly freeze, staring intently at a spot across the room, their hackles raised.
The next moment...
Vyrn: Wh-what's goin' on!
Black mist suddenly appears from a corner of the room and gradually begins to take form.
Manor Lord: ...
Manor Lord: Fools! You have trespassed upon my territory and defiled my creations!
Ferry: ...!
Manor Lord: You will pay for your insolence! This is my castle—my domain! Those who encroach upon my sanctuary will be punished!
Zombies: ...
Lyria: Th-there are so many zombies!
Vyrn: Argh! Guess we'll just have to take 'em all out!
Countless zombies appear one after another from within the dark mist, hurling themselves at (Captain).
Ferry: (Captain)!
Rushing toward the captain, Ferry swings her whip to halt their advance. However...
Ferry: Huh?
No matter how many times she strikes, the whip merely passes harmlessly through the zombies.
Ferry: (Oh no... My existence has become so faint that I can't even touch things now!)
Ferry: ...!
I'm counting on you guys! Protect (Captain) and the crew for me!
Pets: ...
Watching her pets obediently leap into the throng of zombies, Ferry quietly clicks her tongue, furious with herself.
Ferry: (I don't believe this! Everyone's in danger, and here I am just standing around!)
Ferry: Even if I can't directly attack the zombies, there has to be something I can do!
But to Ferry's dismay, no one—neither living nor dead—seems to even acknowledge her presence.
Ferry: (No matter what I say or do, there's no response. My existence must be on the verge of disappearing completely.)
She grits her teeth in frustration, able to do nothing but watch her friends struggling against the horde of zombies.
Ferry: ...?
What's that sound?
Hearing a strange noise, Ferry carefully scans the dimly lit room.
Just then, she perceives a subtle vibration together with a crumbling sound beneath her feet, and she gasps in realization.
Ferry: Oh no!
Ferry: Guys, we've got to run! Otherwise this room is going to collapse!
Ferry cries out frantically, but (Captain) and the crew make no indication that they can hear her.
Ferry: (What do I do! At this rate, everyone's going to be buried alive!)
Ferry: (I have to get (Captain) and the others out of here somehow!)
Manor Lord: Die! Fools who dare tread upon my sanctuary!
Ferry: ...!
The manor lord casts a number of spells that fly in every which direction, crashing loudly into the walls and ceiling.
Lyria: Eek!
Vyrn: Whoa! He just upped the ante!
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)! Ferry! Let's get outta here!
Realizing that the room is on the brink of collapsing, Vyrn calls out to the crew, and they rush toward the door leading to the stairs.
Lyria: ...!
Look out!
The ceiling at last gives way, raining debris down on (Captain), who had been leading the retreat.
Ferry: (Captain)!
Ferry musters every bit of her remaining strength to shove the captain out of the way.
Ferry: (...!
Thank goodness! I somehow managed to touch (Captain)!)
  1. Ferry?

Choose: Ferry?
Feeling a push from behind, (Captain) turns around, but the spot where Ferry should have been standing is abruptly buried in rubble.
(Captain) and the crew manage to escape from the basement, and the shaking finally subsides.
Vyrn: Ferry? Hey, Ferry! Where are you!
Lyria: Ferry! Please say something!
Pets: ...
No matter how many times they call her name, there is no sign of Ferry anywhere.
All that remains before the stunned crew is a mountain of rubble and the faint sound of flowing water.

Always and Forever: Scene 2

Losing consciousness, Ferry dreams of her childhood, when a living Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola kept her company while her parents were busy with her newborn sister. Recalling that her pets had found her when she got lost in the forest looking for medicine for her sister, Ferry resolves to apologize to them for forgetting.

Ferry: (Huh? I hear someone crying...)
Ferry: (The voice is so familiar... but where do I know it from?)
Ferry's Mom: Oh dear. It looks like her fever is back...
Ferry's Dad: I just called the doctor. He'll be here soon, so hang in there a little longer, Firra.
Young Girl: ...
As the couple hover over their crying baby, a young girl stares at them from the doorway.
In her arms she holds a worn storybook.
Ferry: (Is that... me?)
Ferry: (Oh... I remember now. This is from when Firra was still little...)
After hesitating for a moment, the young Ferry steps into the room with an air of determination.
Young Ferry: Um... Daddy? Um...
Ferry's Dad: Sorry, Ferry. This will have to wait until later. Would you mind waiting outside for now?
Young Ferry: B-but... Today you promised...
Ferry's Mom: Sorry, dear. But you're a big sister now. You can be patient for us, can't you?
Young Ferry: ...
Doing her best not to cry, Ferry nods solemnly and leaves the room.
Young Ferry: Mommy and Daddy are always busy with Firra.
Young Ferry: It's not like I asked to be a big sister...
Ever since Firra's birth, she had been the sole recipient of their parents' attention, and Ferry had played second fiddle.
Though she can't help but feel lonely, even at a young age, Ferry understands that it's wrong to feel resentment toward her sister.
Young Ferry: ...
Hastily wiping away the tears as though hoping to dispel her sadness along with them, Ferry slips outside, still grasping the storybook tightly.
Young Ferry: Whew. Are you guys there?
Ferry leaves the house and dashes into the forest alone, glancing around in every direction.
Slender Rabbit: ...
Young Ferry: Geegee!
Suddenly, a rabbit comes hopping out of a nearby bush and leaps toward Ferry.
The moment she catches the small creature in her arms, it gleefully nuzzles its head against her cheek.
Geegee: ...
Young Ferry: Ahaha, that tickles. Patty-pat...
Two-Horn Monster: ...!
One-Horn Monster: ...!
As Ferry is thoroughly enjoying the rabbit's fluffy cuddles, two monsters emerge from the depths of the forest.
Young Ferry: Fugee, Nicola! You're here too? Hello!
Young Ferry: Ehehe. You're always so warm, Fugee.
Fugee: ...!
Young Ferry: I brought that picture book you like today, Nicola. Wanna read it together?
Nicola: ...!
Fugee: ...!
Geegee: ...
Young Ferry: Yeah, you two can read it with us! Come sit over here, everybody!
Ferry pats the ground beside her, and Geegee, Fugee, and Nicola obediently nestle close.
Young Ferry: Once upon a time, there was a sick mother and her little boy living in a forest.
Young Ferry: One day, the boy learned about a magic herb from the fairy of a fountain.
Young Ferry: In order to make his mother feel better, he went into the forest to search for it.
Huddled together with her little forest friends, Ferry reads them the picture book she had brought with her.
Ferry: (Ah, it's all coming back to me. Back then, my parents were always preoccupied with Firra, and I was all alone.)
Ferry: (But these little ones I met in the forest became my friends and helped relieve my loneliness.)
Listening to the sound of her own laughter from when she was a child, she thinks back on fond memories once forgotten.
Her surroundings gradually become darker and darker until finally everything turns to black.
The next moment, a new scene appears before Ferry's eyes. In it, her mother stands sobbing over a cradle, supported by her father.
Rain lashes against the windows as thunder rumbles outside, joined by the sound of her mother's despairing wails.
Ferry's Mom: Why is this happening! She was only just born. This is too cruel!
Young Ferry: Daddy... Is Firra going to die?
Ferry's Dad: Of course not. Firra's fighting against the disease as best she can.
Ferry's Dad: That's why... I'm sure she'll be fine. We need to stay positive, for your mother's sake as well.
Ferry's Mom: But... But...
Ferry's Dad: She's always pulled through thus far. So she'll be all right this time too. Let's have faith.
Young Ferry: ...
Upon witnessing her parents' grief, Ferry understands that her little sister is at death's door.
Without a word to her grieving parents, she quietly exits the room, clutching her small hands to her chest.
Young Ferry: No... I don't want Firra to die...
Blinking away her tears, she desperately tries to think of a way to save her sister.
After a moment, her head snaps up with a gasp.
Young Ferry: I know! I'll find a magic herb like in my storybook!
Young Ferry: If I had one of those, I could make Firra all better!
Unable to contain her excitement at the idea, Ferry heads into the woods alone.
Young Ferry: Magic herb, magic herb... Where are you?
Cold rain pouring down around her, Ferry plunges through the dimly lit forest in pursuit of the medicinal herb.
Young Ferry: Eep!
Her nerves getting the best of her, a sudden rustling sound causes her to jump.
Young Ferry: Urgh... I'm Firra's big sister, so I have to do my best to help her!
Forcing herself to press forward despite her uneasiness at not having her usual forest friends by her side, she continues her search.
But no matter how hard she looks, she is unable to find the fairy-tale herb.
Young Ferry: Huh? Where am I?
Eventually Ferry finds herself lost deep in the forest.
Young Ferry: Sniffle... Mommy, Daddy... I'm scared...
Realizing that she is all alone in a strange place, the fear she had managed to keep at bay suddenly comes crashing down.
Though she tries to retrace her steps, the scenery around her looks the same no matter how far she walks. Finally she crouches down, feeling defeated.
Young Ferry: Eep!
At that moment, the bushes beside her shake, and two shadows come flying out.
Eyes squeezed shut, Ferry feels a warm touch joined by a soft breeze caressing her cheek.
Young Ferry: ...?
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Young Ferry: Fugee, Nicola! You scared me...
Fugee: ...?
Fugee zooms around, tilting her head quizzically as if to ask why Ferry is there.
Suddenly remembering her original goal, Ferry launches into an explanation.
Young Ferry: Listen, I came here to find a magic herb.
Young Ferry: You know, like the one in that book we read together the other day.
Young Ferry: My little sister Firra is really sick.
Young Ferry: Fugee, Nicola, do you know where to find one?
The two little monsters look at each other before gesturing into the forest as though indicating the way.
Young Ferry: You do? Please show me where it is!
Fugee: ...
Young Ferry: That way? Got it!
As Ferry takes a step forward to follow after Fugee's floating form...
Young Ferry: Eep!
Nicola: ...!
She loses her footing and tumbles down the slope.
Young Ferry: Urgh...
How much time had passed since she fell?
Awakened by the cold, Ferry strains to pull herself up but collapses to the ground.
The pain that shoots through her body is enough to cause her to burst into tears.
Young Ferry: Ow... It hurts...
Sniffle... Sob...
Fugee: ...
Nicola: ...
Young Ferry: Fugee, Nicola... It really hurts...
Young Ferry: Mommy, Daddy...
Young Ferry: I'm so cold... It hurts... I wanna go home...
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Watching with concerned expressions as Ferry sobs uncontrollably, Fugee and Nicola snuggle close to her, seemingly unsure of what to do.
With no one around to respond to her cries, her voice gradually becomes quieter and quieter.
Young Ferry: (Am I... going to die?)
Young Ferry: (I didn't know dying was so sad, cold, and scary...)
Young Ferry: (I wonder if Firra's been scared all this time too?)
Young Ferry: (Maybe that's why Mommy and Daddy were so worried about her...)
Young Ferry: I'm sorry, Firra... I couldn't find a magic herb... to save you...
Ferry mumbles despairingly as she closes her eyes, her consciousness slowly fading away.
???: Woof!
Young Ferry: ...?
Suddenly, Ferry feels a warm nudge on her cheek, and she opens her eyes to see the face of a strange dog with a slender build.
Seeing the worried face of a familiar rabbit peeking out from behind it, Ferry blinks in bewilderment.
Geegee: ...
Slender Dog: Woof, woof!
???: This way?
Ferry! Answer if you can hear me!
Young Ferry: Daddy?
Slender Dog: Woof! Woof, woof!
Ferry's Dad: ...!
Oh, how could this have happened! But don't worry, everything's all right now.
Young Ferry: Daddy...
Ferry's Dad: That's right, Daddy's here. Look at you, covered in injuries...
Ferry's Dad: Come on, I'll get you straight to the doctor. But I'm so glad I wasn't too late!
Slender Dog: Woof, woof, woof!
Ferry's Dad: It's all thanks to you guys. Thank you for finding my daughter.
Slender Dog: Woof!
Ferry's Dad: Yes, we'd better bring her somewhere warmer as soon as possible.
Hearing her father's voice, Ferry finally slips out of consciousness, comforted by the warmth of the arms wrapped tightly around her.
A few days later...
Slender Dog: Woof, woof!
Having made a full recovery, Ferry emerges from the front of the clinic, where she is greeted by the slender dog and Geegee.
Young Ferry: You're that doggy!
Geegee: ...
Young Ferry: Geegee! Did you two come here together?
Young Ferry: Is this doggy your friend? Hehe, he's so cute!
At the sight of Ferry frolicking happily with her animal friends, her father smiles.
Ferry's Dad: They're the ones who found you, you know.
Ferry's Dad: When I realized you were gone and rushed out of the house, they led me to the forest.
Young Ferry: Really? Ehehe, thanks!
Slender Dog: Woof!
Geegee: ...
Ferry's Dad: Are they friends of yours?
Young Ferry: Uh-huh! It's my first time meeting the doggy, but Geegee's my friend!
Young Ferry: And I have two more friends named Fugee and Nicola!
Young Ferry: Actually... Hey, Daddy! Is it okay if I go see them too?
Ferry's Dad: Huh? But your injuries have only just healed. Do they live in the forest as well?
Young Ferry: Yup! Fugee has two horns, and Nicola has one!
Young Ferry: They stayed with me the whole time I was in the woods, so I wanna say thank you.
Ferry's Dad: Well now... What to do, what to do...
Ferry's Dad: I heard there were going to be skyfarers hunting monsters in the woods today, so I wouldn't want her to get too close to them...
Young Ferry: Pretty please?
Ferry's Dad: Oh, all right. Then I'll come with you.
Ferry's Dad: But we're heading back right after we thank them, understood? You can play with them when you're better. Can you promise me that?
Young Ferry: Okay! I promise!
Nodding vigorously, Ferry heads into the forest with her father to visit her friends.
Young Ferry: Fugee, Nicola? Where are you?
Accustomed to the two little monsters flying right up to her, Ferry looks around in confusion.
Young Ferry: That's weird. They usually come right away...
Ferry's Dad: Maybe they're spending a quiet day at home today too.
Ferry's Dad: The wind's getting colder, so why don't we come back and see them another time?
Young Ferry: Okay...
Ferry nods—albeit a bit grudgingly—as she continues to glance around for any sign of her flying friends.
Young Ferry: Nicola?
Just as she turns to leave the forest with her father, the sound of a gunshot followed by a high-pitched squeak sends her running.
Ferry's Dad: ...!
No, come back!
Young Ferry: Fugee! Nicola! Where are you?
Ferry races through the trees frantically calling for her friends, a surge of unspeakable panic gripping her chest.
Stumbling her way to the location where the sound had come from, she falls speechless in shock.
Young Ferry: Wait... What? Fugee? Nicola?
There before her are two skyfarers carrying guns.
And crumpled at their feet...
Ferry: (Ah, I remember now. Fugee and Nicola were... monsters.)
Ferry: (The village had recently been victim of a monster attack, so the adults hired skyfarers to clear the forest.)
Ferry: (That's when Fugee and Nicola were killed... and I saw it happen.)
Ferry: (They were still young, but monsters are monsters. The skyfarers were just doing their job.)
Ferry: (But I was so small, I couldn't understand. The pain and grief was too much to bear... and I ended up forgetting everything.)
Ferry: (And Geegee... She was always by my side, but one day she just disappeared. Thinking back, she must have reached the end of her life span.)
Ferry: (They were all my precious friends. My little playmates who were always there for me when I was lonely.)
Ferry: (I wonder if they knew all along... if they remembered me from way back when...)
Ferry: When I get back, I'll make sure to apologize. I need to tell them how sorry I am for forgetting them...
As Ferry mutters these words, her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sensation of her consciousness rising from the depths of nothingness.

Always and Forever: Scene 3

Awakening to find herself on the verge of disappearing, Ferry laments not being able to say goodbye to the crew and her pets, when suddenly she hears them calling out to her. After being saved thanks to the magic tool, Ferry smiles at her beloved pets who remain by her side even after death.

Ferry: Ungh...
The sound of rushing water pulls Ferry out of her unconscious state.
Ferry: Where am I? What was I doing?
She opens her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar dark cave.
Ferry: (Oh, right. I came back to the ruins with the crew, and we were attacked by the owner of the manor...)
Ferry: (Captain)! Lyria, Vyrn! What happened to them!
As the memories come flooding back, Ferry instinctively tries to sit up. However...
Ferry: ...!
Ferry: Wait... I'm see-through? My hands, my body... Every bit of me...
She suddenly realizes that she is unable to sense the coolness or touch of the water flowing beneath her.
Feeling trapped, as though her consciousness has been completely cut off from her body, Ferry smiles grimly, her lips quivering.
Ferry: Haha... I see. So... this is where it ends...
Ferry: ...
Ferry: Time really is a fleeting thing. I've lived for so long, and then suddenly it's all just... over.
Ferry: Actually, I guess my... unique circumstances led to this underwhelming finale. It's pointless to think too hard about it.
Ferry: But... the thought that this is finally the end makes me a little emotional.
Ferry: I made them wait for so long, but now I can finally see Mom, Dad, and Firra again.
Ferry: So... yeah. It's not all bad.
Ferry: (My life should have ended long ago.)
Ferry: (It was only a matter of time. Death comes for all living things eventually.)
Ferry heaves a deep sigh as though resigning herself to her fate, but her breath catches in her throat at the figures that suddenly pop into her mind.
Ferry: But at the same time... disappearing without being able to say goodbye is... pretty lonely...
Ferry: (Captain)... Lyria... Vyrn...
Ferry: Beppo, Geegee, Fugee, Nicola, Momo...
Ferry: I hope you'll remember me even after I'm gone...
Ferry: No, that doesn't even begin to cover it. There are so many things I want to tell you all before I disappear...
Ferry: I can't believe I'm going to vanish in a place like this, all alone...
The more she thinks about it, the more her lingering regrets seem to press on her heart.
But in contrast to her whirling mind, her body continues to fade gradually, and her consciousness along with it.
Ferry: ...
I feel... so sleepy...
Ferry: I wish I could have seen you all... one last time...
Unable to hold her heavy eyelids open any longer, Ferry slowly closes her eyes.
???: Rawr!
Ferry: (Is that... Momo's voice?)
Vyrn: ...!
Momo! Is Ferry over there?
Momo: Rawr! Rawr!
Lyria: Hold on, Ferry! We're coming to save you now!
  1. Stay with us, Ferry!

Choose: Stay with us, Ferry!
Ferry: (I hear... everyone's voices. Am I... dreaming?)
Ferry: (What a blissful dream... Even if they can't see me, it's enough just to have them by my side...)
Hearing familiar voices desperately calling her name, her consciousness surfaces once more.
With her eyelids still too heavy to open, she listens vacantly, all the while drifting between dream and reality.
Vyrn: How's it lookin', Lyria? Ready to do this?
Lyria: Yeah! I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull it off, but I'll give it a try!
Following this conversation, Ferry feels her consciousness slowly becoming clearer.
Suddenly feeling the chill and pain of the water around her, she lets out a faint groan.
Lyria: ...!
Ferry! Thank goodness!
Ferry: Lyria? And (Captain), Vyrn... and everyone else... Why are you here?
Seeing her friends peering at her with concern, she tries to sit up, but a wave of dizziness causes her to collapse.
But in place of the sensation of cold, hard rock that she had anticipated, she feels the warmth of another—something she had not felt for quite some time.
Ferry: Huh?
Lyria: Now that we've found Ferry, why don't we move to a place where she can rest?
Vyrn: Y-yeah, good idea! She looks pretty weak, and we oughta get those injuries treated...
  1. Hop on.

Choose: Hop on.
Ferry: Huh? O-okay...
Confused by the sudden, seemingly impossible invitation, Ferry lowers her gaze in thought.
After a short pause, she touches the captain's back, blinking in surprise at the warmth that spreads through her palm.
Ferry: I can touch (Captain)...
Ferry: So that feeling earlier wasn't just my imagination...
  1. Ferry?

Choose: Ferry?
Ferry: Oh, no... It's nothing. I'm sorry to make you carry me like this.
Allowing herself to be picked up, Ferry leans against (Captain)'s back, sighing contentedly at the comforting sensation.
Vyrn: All right, let's get movin'!
Momo, Beppo, we're countin' on you guys to lead the way!
Momo: Rawr!
Beppo: ...
With Ferry safely rescued, (Captain) and the crew follow Momo and Beppo out of the cave.
After returning to the Grandcypher, Ferry is given prompt treatment and sent to recuperate in her room.
Vyrn: Boy, I'm sure glad your injuries weren't serious. And you're not fadin' away anymore, so I guess there's nothin' else to worry about!
Ferry: It's all thanks to you guys. But how did you even know where to find me?
Ferry: What in the skies happened after the room collapsed?
Lyria: Well, we went back to the basement to look for you.
Lyria: But all that was left was a giant hole in the ground, and you were nowhere to be found...
While (Captain) and the crew had been staring down into the gaping pit, racking their brains for what to do, Geegee had managed to find a map of the area.
Learning from it that there was a cave beneath the ruins, they had made their way toward the entrance straightaway.
Vyrn: The cave was a lot more of a maze than we expected. We couldn't find you anywhere...
Ferry: Oh, I was close to vanishing completely at that point, so you probably wouldn't have noticed me even if we were right next to each other.
Lyria: But thanks to your pets, we were able to find you!
Lyria: They took off running all of a sudden and gathered around an empty area...
Vyrn: When we squinted reeeally hard, we could barely see you lyin' on the ground.
Vyrn: Without them around to help, we might've never tracked you down.
Lyria: After that, I borrowed Celeste's power and used that magic tool to break the spell on you.
Lyria: I wasn't sure if it would work, but I'm so, so glad it did.
Ferry: So that's what happened...
Ferry: (Captain), Vyrn, Lyria. Thank you so much for saving me.
Ferry: And Beppo, Geegee, Fugee, Nicola, Momo... That goes for you all too.
Pets: ...
Ferry: If it hadn't been for you guys, no one would have found me, and I would have disappeared right then and there.
Ferry: To be honest, I had already accepted that my long life was about to come to an end.
Ferry: But... thanks to you guys, I'm still here.
Beppo & Geegee: ...
Fugee & Nicola: ...
Ferry: I finally remembered everything.
Ferry: Years ago, you all found me when I was on the verge of death, just like you did today.
As Ferry reaches out toward her pets, she thinks back on the memories she had seen during those moments of fading consciousness.
Watching the ghostly creatures cuddling up against her outstretched hands, hot tears spill freely from her eyes.
Ferry: Thank you for finding me. For being by my side.
Ferry: And... I'm sorry. I forgot about you guys for so long.
Ferry: How could I do such a thing when you've been my dear friends all this time—since back when I was still alive?
Beppo & Geegee: ...
Fugee & Nicola: ...
As though assuring her not to worry about it, her pets lick the tears from her cheeks, nuzzling up against her head.
Ferry smiles softly at their sweet gesture.
Ferry: I know this is a lot to ask for someone who's forgotten you in the past, but would you be willing to stay with me from here on out?
Pets: ...!
From their response, it is clear that that had been their intent since the beginning.
Ferry: I'm happy to hear that. Hehe... Thanks, guys. Here's to many more memories and adventures together.
Embracing her beloved family members who had remained by her side even after death, Ferry beams brightly.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
皆がいるから、私は戦える… I can fight because everyone's here with me.
さぁ、みんな、はぐれるなよ Hey, everyone, don't get separated!
モモ達は、皆、可愛い奴らだよ Momo and the others are so cute!
うん…やっぱり、動きやすくていいな It's really easy to get around in this outfit.
生者も死者も、あまり違いは無いのかもな… Maybe there is no significant difference between the dead and the living...
悪霊なんて呼ばせない…誰だって名があるんだ Don't call them demons. They all have names.
躾は得意だ任せてくれ I'm good at disciplining monsters. Leave it to me.
皆が一緒なら、恐れるに足らないさ If we stay together, nothing can scare us!
(主人公)にも声が聞こえないか? (Captain), can you hear the voices too?
(主人公)の故郷にはどんな友達がいるんだ? (Captain), what are your friends at home like?

Other Appearances


  • Ferry appears as both a card and as an alternate leader for the Shadowcraft class.
Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: If this is your tenth turn or later, perform Burial Rite 2 times. If you perform Burial Rite 2 times, give all other allied followers the ability to attack 3 times until the end of the turn. (To perform Burial Rite 2 times, there must be at least 2 open spaces in your area after this follower comes into play.)

I've spent decades on an island enshrouded in fog, so this outside world never ceases to amaze me.


I was without a family or a name, but new friends found me and took me out into the world. I'll find some way to repay them while I search for my sister.

Class Shadowcraft
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Ferry, Spirit Maiden
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other

Tales of Asteria
