Happy New Year/Story

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Event Story

Happy New Year! 2021

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 1

(Captain) and company are drawing fortunes at a nearby shrine to bring in the new year.
Andira: Woohoo! Look, I got excellent luck!
Lyria: I got regular good luck!
Vyrn: Same. It's better than bad luck I guess... What'd you get, (Captain)?
(Captain) reveals the fortune drawn.
Andira: Whoa! Did you get excellent luck too? Looks like this is our year, huh, Captain?
Vikala: Ngh...
Andira: What's up Vikala? You, uh, don't sound so good...
Vikala: I... I drew terrible luck. Me, a Divine General... Ah... Ahaha...
Andira: Oof... Well, even the Divine Generals might get unlucky now and then! Right?
Vikala: R-really? Have you ever drawn one before?
Andira: M-me? Oh, uh... Not personally. Sorry.
Vikala: Oough...
Andira: But, um... wow! I've actually never seen this side of you before, Vikala!
Andira: It's not every day that we Divine Generals get to hang out with each other, you know?
Andira: It'd be great if we could get to know each other more... only if you're okay with it, of course!
Vikala: Heh... Hehe... I'm just an unlucky citizen of Yintopia—a sorry excuse for a Divine General...
Ludmila: Pfft... Heehee! I-I don't see it that way at all! Ahahaha!
Ludmila: Terrible luck? Pfft... If you've hit rock bottom, that means it's only uphill from here, right? Bahaha!
Vyrn: I can't tell if she's tryin' to make her feel better or makin' fun of her.
Lyria: Ahaha... Ludmila, did you draw your fortune too?
Ludmila: Hahaha! Me? Yeah... Pfft... Terrible luck! Bahahaha!
Vikala: Huh? What's so funny about that?
Vikala: Oh... They say that great fortune comes to those who laugh, right?
Vikala: Maybe you're on to something... If my luck can't get any worse, I guess it can only get better from here. Right?
Ludmila: Yeah, that's the spirit! Pfft... So cheer up already! Ahaha!
Vikala: Th-thank you... I'll do my best to not let this keep me down.
Ludmila: Pfft... That's probably for... the best! Bahahaha!
Lyria: Um, Vikala? Ludmila isn't laughing because she wants to—
Vyrn: Weeellll... as long as Vikala's feeling better about her luck, it's fine, right?
Andira: Ahaha... All's well that ends well, I suppose.
In any case, (Captain) and the others are glad to see a smile on Vikala's face once again.

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 2

Kumbhira: Okay, is everyone ready to write their New Year's calligraphy?
Vyrn: Yeah!
Athena: Hehe... You two are as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever.
Kumbhira: Okay then! Let's get started.
Athena: Kumbhira, if I may...
Athena: Are there any rules or traditions we need to adhere to for this custom?
Kumbhira: Huh? Hmm... There aren't any super strict guidelines or anything like that.
Kumbhira: I guess if you want to stick to tradition, first you'll want to face the direction of the year's blessing.
Kumbhira: Then you'll want to write something to bring good fortune into the new year. You know... for your health, family, well-being, and whatnot.
Vyrn: Hmm... I've gotta admit, I'm kinda stumped on what to write now.
Kumbhira: Well, that's just what I've been told anyway. You don't need to sweat the small stuff—just write whatever comes to mind!
Lyria: Got it!
Athena: (A single piece of parchment to embody my wishes for the new year... I'll have to choose my words wisely!)
Dextrously maneuvering her brush on the stationery, Athena raises it proudly once finished.
Vyrn: Peace, huh? Heh, that's no surprise coming from you!
Athena: My wish is for peace to flourish in a sky without conflict... I merely put those feelings to paper.
Kumbhira: Yeah, that's perfect! Great choice, Athena!
Kumbhira: And next is me, huh...
Following after Athena, Kumbhira puts her brush to the parchment and holds it up shortly after once finished.
Athena: "Sound health"? A commendable choice.
Kumbhira: Yep! I want everyone in the skies to live their lives to the fullest in good health, just like Vyrn and Lyria!
Vyrn: Aw, shucks... Isn't that nice, Lyria?
Lyria: Hmm...
Vyrn: What's the matter?
Lyria: I want to write something nice too, but I can't come up with anything...
Kumbhira: Don't think too hard about it—just be honest and write whatever's on your mind!
Lyria: Whatever's... on my mind?
Lyria: Okay then! I think I've got it!
Lyria puts her brush to the parchment and proudly raises it once finished.
Athena: Oh?
Vyrn: A... New Year's feast?
Lyria: I... I just wrote what was on my mind. Ahaha...
Vyrn: Haha! That's Lyria the gourmand for ya!

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 3

It's another carefree day on the Grandcypher. However, things are heating up in a game of battledore between Vajra and Vania.
Vania: Aw, I lost again!
Vajra: Haha! It'll take more than that to stop me and Gar!
Vania: Grr... Let's go one more time! We won't lose the next one!
Vajra: You're on—I can do this all day!
Vania: Okay... You asked for it, Vajra!
Vania readies the shuttlecock for another round.
Vajra: Gotcha!
Malinda: Gyoo!
Garjana: ...!
Vania: Huh?
Malinda: Gyooooo!
Malinda takes to the skies in full form, shutting down Vania's return with overwhelming force.
Vajra: Buh!
The shuttlecock zooms past Vajra, slamming into the ground.
Vania: Heh-heh! Score one for Vania and Malinda!
Malinda: Gyoo!
Vania: Sooo... Vajra, Gar. You guys ready for the real fun to begin? Because I've got all kinds of drawings ready for your faces!
Vania picks up a brush, freshly dipped in jet-black ink.
Vajra: Grr... You won fair and square. Do your worst.
Vania: Hehe. All done!
Vajra: Another round, Vania—you just got lucky last time!
Vania: Heh-heh! Fine by me, but luck's got nothing to do with it!
Vajra: Bring it! Ready, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Hmm? What's up, Gar? Oh, it's (Captain)!
Vyrn: You guys playin' some battledore? And by the looks of it, things are gettin' pretty intense!
Vania: Bloodkin, Bloodkin! Join us for a game, won'tcha?
Vajra: Yeah... (Captain) and Vyrn can be on their own team together!
Vania: And if you lose, get ready for a doodlin'!
Vajra: All right, here goes!
Vyrn: H-hey, wait a sec! We never agreed to—
At the peril of getting their faces drawn on, (Captain) and Vyrn are roped into a game of battledore.

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 4

Viceroy: Yo ho!
Galadar: Hut!
Viceroy: Yo ho!
Galadar: Tah!
Galadar and Viceroy, master and disciple, are hard at work on the Grandcypher deck pounding away at a fresh batch of mochi.
Watching over them are four fundoshi-clad men: Ghandagoza, Soriz, Eugen, and Jin.
Eugen: Would you look at that! Those boys are perfectly in sync—mighty impressive if I do say so myself.
Soriz: But I'll be damned if we're just gonna sit back and let 'em outdo us like this! Am I right, fellas?
Jin: Indeed... Nothing to get the blood flowing like some fresh competition!
Soriz: Heh-heh. You boys thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Come on, Jin!
Eugen: It looks like Master Ghandagoza's way ahead of you.
Ghandagoza: Galadar... You mind lendin' me that mallet?
Galadar: Dahaha! Aye, give it yer best shot!
Soriz: Ghandagoza's beaten me to the punch, eh... Guess there's only one thing we can do now.
Soriz: You men ready to make some noise? I wanna hear you put your soul into it!
Eugen: Yeah!
Jin: Yes!
Viceroy: Here you go, Master Ghandagoza!
The Three: Soiya!
Viceroy: Wh-what's happening!
The Three: Soiya! Soiya! Soiya!
Viceroy: Hahaha! I don't know what's goin' on here, but I'm getting pumped! Soiya!
Ghandagoza: Soiyaaaa!
Ghandagoza swings the mallet down, rocking the mortar with enough force to cause the entire ship to rattle.
Galadar: Aye, now that's a real poundin'!
All Five: Soiya!
Ghandagoza: Soiyaaaa!
All Five: Soiya!
Ghandagoza: Soiyaaaa!
Ghandagoza: Hmm... This mallet ain't makin' this job any easier. Aha! I know—I'll just use my fists!
All Five: Soiya, soiya, soiya, soiya, soiya!
Ghandagoza: Soiiiyaaaaah!
Ghandagoza: Hngh...
Soriz: Uh-oh... Looks like he went in a little too hard there.
Ghandagoza: What have I done! I... I'm sorry!
Eugen: That's Master Ghandagoza for ya... Talk about raw power! Am I right, fellas?
Eugen breaks into a chuckle as the rest of the men join him in laughter at the sight of the mortar, now in shambles.

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 5

It's a lazy afternoon on the Grandcypher—Mahira, Anne, and Grea have retreated into the warmth of a heated kotatsu.
Mahira: Grea, Anne... Would you like some?
Anne: Ooh, I'll have one. Can you peel it for me?
Grea: Anne, don't be rude... Mahira's been gracious enough to offer you one.
Anne: Boo, fine. Can you peel it for me then?
Grea: Geez... Fine. Here, say ahh.
Anne: Ahh.
Anne: Mmm... Sweet and deeelish!
Mahira: Oranges just taste better in a kotatsu—it's simple science. Here, have some tea as well.
Anne: Thanks, Mahira. Ahh... This sure is a nice way to bring in the new year, don't you think?
Mahira: Indeed. It's good to laze around and do nothing every so often.
Owen: Pardon the intrusion. I thought I heard the princess's voice.
Anne: Oh? What's up, Owen?
Owen: Princess, have you forgotten your orders to return home for the holidays?
Anne: Oh... Was there an order like that?
Mahira: Did you forget about it?
Anne: Ah... Ahaha...
Grea: Anne, this is no time to loiter—especially if you have important matters to deal with at home.
Owen: Princess, let us hurry back. His majesty awaits.
Anne: Well, you see... It's just so warm and toasty here, you know?
Owen: I understand. Please forgive me, Princess.
Owen tugs on Anne's hands, forcing her out of the warm kotatsu and putting her on his shoulders.
Anne: W-wait, Owen! What're you doing?
Owen: I've received special permission from his excellency to take you back by force if necessary.
Owen: I apologize for being indelicate, but I will be taking you back one way or another.
Owen: So nice to see you again, Grea, Mahira. Happy New Year.
Anne's Voice: Put me down already! Do you know how humiliating this looks?
Owen's Voice: That is not of my concern.
Mahira: Ahh... Nothing like a hot cup of tea, right? Grea, would you like some too?
Grea: I'd love some.
Mahira: Okay then. Say ahh...
Grea: Mahira?
Mahira: Oh, sorry... I thought you might be lonely without Anne. Did I go too far?
Grea: Oh, no, er... I just didn't expect it, that's all.
Mahira: No need to be embarrassed. We're the only ones here now.
Mahira: Now then. Say ahh...
Grea: Ah... Ahhh...
Anne's Voice: Mahira! Grea! Saaave meeee!
Anne's cries for help gradually fade into the background as Grea and Mahira continue to enjoy the simple delights of the kotatsu.

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 6

Stan: Nom, nom...
In the middle of his meal, Stan suddenly stops eating and stares at his plate.
Aliza: What's the matter?
Stan: Well... I was just thinking. These New Year's dishes are great, but... I think I've grown tired of eating the same thing.
Aliza: What? You're in no position to complain about a meal you didn't even cook!
Cain: Well, it doesn't look like you've made much progress either.
Aliza: Uh... well, you see...
Anila: ...
Stan: A-Anila! It's not what you think! I, er, this is a splendid meal, I just...
Anila: Oh no, please don't mind me. I'm not upset or anything.
Anila: I suppose we made too much this year... It only makes sense you'd get tired of eating the same food for days.
Anila: But worry not. I've taken certain measures for dessert.
Cain: Certain... measures?
Anila flashes a grin to the group before making her way back to the kitchen.
A few moments later, she returns with a new dish.
Anila: Hehehe... Tadaaah!
Stan and the others gasp in awe at the sight before them—a glimmering plate of chestnut jelly.
Anila: See this right here? I made this using some of the leftover chestnut paste we had.
Stan: Whoa... This is incredible!
Aliza: It's perfectly balanced—sweet enough for dessert but not so much as to overwhelm you... I could eat this forever!
Cain: I see... You've taken the chestnut flavor and made it into something entirely different. Impressive.
Anila: Hehehe... Your kind words are more than enough.
Cain: You know... You could probably get creative with some of the other leftover ingredients as well.
Anila: Let's see... These black beans would go great in a steamed bun. And these kelp rolls would be right at home in some noodle soup!
Cain: That sounds pretty intriguing! Do you think you could teach me how to make it too?
Anila: But of course! I didn't think you'd be so interested in the culinary arts.
Cain: When people around me start talking about food, I get into the mood for cooking myself.
Anila: Then let us head for the kitchen right away! I'll teach you all of my secret techniques.
Cain: Thank you. I'll do my best to keep up!
Stan: Let me try some of it when you're done!
Aliza: Get off your lazy butt, Stan! This is a chance for us to learn how to make some ourselves!
Aliza: I think Mama and Papa would be blown away if we showed them. Right?
Stan: I like the sound of that! All right, then... Count me in too!

Happy New Year! 2021 - Ways to Ring in the New Year - Episode 7

Catura and (Captain) are spending the afternoon together, huddled in the warmth of a heated kotatsu.
She conspicuously opens a magazine, in a not-so-subtle attempt to catch (Captain)'s eye.
Catura: Oh... look at this, (Captain)! Am I saying this right? A resort... wedding... on the shores of Auguste!
Catura: An eternal vow... made between two lovers... where the sky meets the sea. Isn't it beautiful?
Catura: What a lovely chateau... and look at the garden! We could even invite some cows...
Vyrn: A wedding magazine? Heh, so that's what's got you all riled up.
Catura: Moohoohoo... There's so much mooore I have to learn about becoming a bride!
Catura: What kind of wedding would you want, (Captain)?
Lyria: Thanks for waiting, (Captain)! Sorry it took us so long!
Vyrn: Heh, still feelin' a bit sluggish from the holidays, huh? It's been a while since we've received some work.
Catura: Oh... Work, my prince?
(Captain) explains that it's almost time for the crew to start their regular duties once again.
Lyria: Over the holidays we take time off to refuel. That way, we can start the new year at our very best!
Catura: You can... count on me too! Just leave the chores... to me...
Catura: Cleaning, laundry... I'll keep everything spick-and-span, okay?
Lyria: Really? That'd be a great help!
Vyrn: But be careful, Cow Prints... You've got a clumsy streak, so don't overdo it, okay?
Catura: I... I'll be fine...
Moomoo: Moo!
Milky: ...!
Catura: Moomoo and Milky will help out too...
Vyrn: Nice! In that case, these two are sure to keep things shipshape!
Vyrn: Wait... I'm trusting the Grandcypher to a lil' cow and a gearcycle? Yeesh, this crew's really something else now, huh...
Catura: Please come back safe, my prince...
Catura: And... when you come back... let's talk about our wedding, okay?


Happy New Year! 2022

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 1

Feather and Co.: ...!
Feather: Happy New Year!
Feather: Phew... That was the best shrine visit ever! Even my soul's quaking!
Randall: Hah. Good to know you're just as loud and annoying in the early morning. But I feel you.
Fiorito: ...!
Randall: What gives!
Fiorito: Oof... It happened yesterday... I was pumped that it was New Year's Eve, so I worked Rosa a little too hard...
Fiorito: Now she's in full bloom and my body is in full-blown pain... Heh...
Randall: Hmph. Why do I always find myself in the company of these Neanderthals?
Lucio: Hehe. What an exceptional start to the new year.
Lucio: With the sun shining this fiercely, evil won't have a chance to take root.
Feather: ...!
Fiorito: Whoa... Why pull out the full halo effect?
Fiorito: Aren't you already permanently covered in holy light? Did you need more glitz?
Feather: Ah, that reminds me!
Feather brings his palms together and bows to Lucio in a reverent gesture.
Randall: Are you actually praying to him?
Feather: Please, Lucio!
Lucio: Hm? What is it, Feather? Do you want your New Year's money?
Feather: No! I don't need anything like that! But, if you could...
Feather: Please let me challenge you!
Randall: For real... This won't end well, you idiot!

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 2

Tsuchinoko: Screee!
Will: Eep! W-w-was that a, a tsuchinoko?
Will: Breathe, Will... Just breathe. There's no way; they're too rare.
Tsuchinoko: Screee!
Will: But that distinctive call, swollen abdomen, and incredible jumping ability...
Will: To think, the famed cryptid tsuchinoko has blessed me with a sighting this early into the new year... Oh, what fortune!
Tsuchinoko: ...
Will: It's okay... I'm a friend. So won't you come with me for a bit?
Tsuchinoko: Scr-screee!
Will: Ah, hold it! I promise I have good intentions!
The tsuchinoko dashes into the forest, but Will, after a herculean effort, manages to catch the esoteric creature.
Will: Ahahaha! I did it!
Tsuchinoko: Hehe! Not many can grab me! You must be a fine hunter!
Will: Y-you can talk!
Tsuchinoko: What's so special about talking? Can't you talk?
Will: Heh... I guess you're right...
Vyrn's Voice: Hey, Will...
Will: There's so much I want to ask you. If you don't mind, how about we share a cup of tea and—
Ms. Miranda's Voice: Yoohoo, sleepyhead. We finished preparing our New Year's feast. We're ready to eat!
Will: Mm? Is someone calling my name?
Vyrn's Voice: Geez, Will! Get your butt up!
Will: Mm, mmm...
Ms. Miranda: Good morning, Will! Were you researching all night? It's not good for your body to sleep at your desk.
Will: Oh no... It was, it was just a dream...
Ms. Miranda: Oh! A dream on New Year's? What did you see? Be a sweety pie and tell Ms. Miranda, won't you?
Will: Well, I saw the legendary tsuchinoko, and I managed to catch it with my own two hands.
Ms. Miranda: My, my! Isn't that a type of snake? They say dreaming of a snake is a very good omen!
Vyrn: That's pretty neat, right?
Vyrn: Now, let's put that good fortune to work and go have ourselves some New Year's grub!
Will: ...!
Vyrn: Huh? What's the matter? You got sleep in your eyes?
Will: Hah... Hahaha... He has the same tone of voice? Did my mind subconsciously do that? No, I can't be sure.
Will: Could it be because tsuchinoko and dragons are both cryptids I've yet to study in full? And thus my brain has created an unconscious association?
Will: Hey, Vyrn! Can I use you as a research subject? It's important!
Vyrn: Uh?
Will: It'll be okay! It won't hurt at all!
Vyrn: Whoa, hold your horses! Just what the heck are you planning to do with me? The way you said that made my skin crawl!
Will: Vyrn! Wait! Come back!
Ms. Miranda: Hehe! I'm glad to see those two are in such high spirits!

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 3

Bai: Huang, put the chair here. And the plant on the windowsill. It's super important, so don't butterfingers it.
Huang: So the tiger ornament goes near the entrance. First we need to move the bookshelf, right? Or maybe the bed?
Bai: Not the bed. It's a special hiding place. Let's leave it alone for now.
Huang: A hiding place? For what?
Bai: No clue. Only (Captain) would know?
Laolao: Gawr, you and your nonsense...
Vyrn: Whoa, what the heck are you guys doing in (Captain)'s room?
Huang: Heh-heh! Rejoice! We're rearranging this place according to the tenets of feng shui!
Bai: It's just a little remodeling to improve the qi flow. The new year's the best time for it.
Huang: Hmm... I think that's good for now. Much better than before. Let's double-check, Bai.
Cidala Sisters: Twin Tiger Feng Shui!
Vyrn: Whoa!
The Cidala Sisters begin to measure the energy flow of the room but come to a sudden stop.
Bai: What's this? Something's off...
Huang: The qi has changed, but not in a good way. This is not the remodeling we had in mind...
Laolao: Finally, you gawrls realized... Airships are constantly changing directions; how do you expect geomancy to work in a rotating room?
Bai: ...!
Huang: A moving room... Our only weakness... There's no way we can recombobulate the qi aboard an airship.
Seeing the sisters slump in dejection, (Captain) quickly reminds them of their status as the year spirits.
Vyrn: Oh yeah! That's right... You guys are extra lucky this year!
Vyrn: Hehe! And there are two of you, which means double the luck!
Huang: Ah, that's true! As long as we're next to you, we're your lucky charms, right?
  1. Better stay close!
  2. Lucky charms are for kids.

Choose: Better stay close!
Huang: Erm! In which case, in which case... we...

Choose: Lucky charms are for kids.
Huang: Uhhh, suuure. Hah.
Huang: (Silly, (Captain), trying to act tough around us. I see through you. Hehehe.)
Continue 1
Bai: If the year spirits are lucky charms, that's treating us like objects, don't you think?
Bai: How will you take care of us?
  1. Uh, like people?
  2. What's your fancy?

Choose: Uh, like people?
Bai: Ah. Sure. Hah.
Bai: (Being vague on purpose, are you? How devious.)

Choose: What's your fancy?
Bai: Nya! I can't believe you'd make me answer... How embarrassing...
Continue 2
Laolao: These gawrls are a whole pawful of trouble, but I know you'll take care of 'em.
Vyrn: Hehe! Leave it to us! I just hope we can keep up with their energy.
Bai: We'll get some good qi flowing into this boat stat. Prepare for oodles of safety, prosperity, and health.
Huang: We're the luckiest charms you've ever had!
Cidala Sisters: Gawr!

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 4

Justin: So, where's the punk who called us?
Athena: Happy New Year. Aren't you Aoidos's bandmates?
Justin: Name's Justin. Bass player for Vicious Three. We came here to talk about a gig.
Athena: ...
Justin: What gives? Got trash stuck on my face?
Valentin: You can call us trash if you want.
Athena: Uh... forgive me. I did not mean to imply such a thing.
Athena: It's, just, I thought you were both looking a bit pallid. Have you been eating enough?
Justin: Eating? Does it look like we're starving to death to you? We eat after night fall.
Athena: After night fall?
Justin: Yep.
Athena: What of breakfast and lunch?
Justin: Pains in the ass.
Athena: Hm. Mortals must consume regular nutrition to function. It's not good to neglect your meals.
Athena: Come, follow me. Aoidos is already feasting upon the osechi I prepared. You will join him.
Justin: Huh? S-sure...
Justin and Valentin are pushed into the mess hall.
A bountiful feast of New Year's delights stretches before them.
The Two: ...
Athena: Osechi was originally cooked to be an offering to the year spirit.
Athena: After much time passed, it became a New Year's tradition for the commonfolk to prepare such dishes.
Athena: The stacked containers and the food within became associated with good fortune and well wishes.
Justin: Hold up. Why are you revealing your vast knowledge to us?
Athena: This year I was charged with protecting the health of the crew. And as friends of the crew, you are naturally under my care.
Athena: I thought only to confer the traditional blessings upon you, but perhaps I was long-winded.
Justin: Ah, thanks for that.
Justin: Blessings aside, we're not the type to refuse a free bite. C'mon, Valentin. Pig out.
A grateful Athena stands watch over the feast as Justin and Valentin begin helping themselves.
Valentin: Hehe... Like lying on a bed of needles. I can get into it.
Athena: Huh?
Justin: He means he likes it. Only thing, this room is too bright. Feels worse than clear skies in here.
Justin: So where is the punk who called us anyway? He better show himself before I cut open the skies themselves.
Aoidos: Ah. Glad to see you could make it, Justin, Valentin.
Justin: You say that like we're someone else's problem. After all we've been through together, I could puke.
Valentin: Hehe. Have you forgotten us already?
Aoidos: Never. Not even while I was washing the dishes. I was merely searching for things we have to do at the next gig.
Aoidos: But seeing you here has cleared my confusion. All I wanted was to see you two enjoying some osechi.
Aoidos: Such a grand perversion of the natural order... I must take it to the extreme! From fortissimo to fortississimo!
Aoidos: "The goddess grants her blessing to all. But the wretches who live in darkness, they shun her mighty caaaaall!"
Aoidos: It's done... Our new song concept! Quickly, we must give it flesh and bones!
Aoidos: Justin, Valentin! After you've finished eating, join me in my quarters!
Aoidos's Voice: Aaaaah!
Justin: Wait, are we supposed to be the wretches? Eh, I guess it's fitting enough. If he ever loses his way, I'll just kill him.
Valentin: Hehe! Judged and shamed... Can't say I mind it!

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 5

Lyria: Yay! I got the best fortune too!
Jeanne: Isn't that nice? Hehe. I'm just glad to see you smile, Lyria.
Nezahualpilli: Well, both of you have beaten me to the draw. But I shan't be daunted!
Nezahualpilli: Let us test the future!
Nezahualpilli: Hah-hah-hah! As expected, I too have been granted the best fortune.
Nezahualpilli: Though we brave this New Year's tradition every year, we find ourselves in unanimous joy!
Lyria: Hurray!
Jeanne: It's funny that a small slip of paper can control our mood.
Jeanne: Almost as if we are the flagbearers for others, and they will find victory in our wake... As silly as that sounds.
Nezahualpilli: It's not silly at all! I shall use your wisdom and declare my resolution: this year, I will lead my family to a life of peace!
Vyrn: Aww...
Jeanne: Vyrn! What's wrong?
Jeanne: Ah, unless...
Vyrn: Yeah... I got a bad fortune...
Lyria: Oh no... We're sorry, Vyrn. We shouldn't have carried on like that in front of you.
Vyrn: Nah, you've got nothing to apologize for. I'm just a little let down is all.
Jeanne: Well said, Vyrn. I admire your capacity to accept any result with grace and humility.
Vyrn: I wouldn't go that far, but...
Richard's Voice: Oh yeah! The worst fortune imaginable!
Nezahualpilli: Hm? Is that Richard? Why does he seem to be overjoyed by such a terrible outcome?
Richard: Well, well, speak of the noblest members of your skyfaring crew, and they shall appear!
Nezahualpilli: Excuse us, Richard, but may we trouble you with a question?
Richard: Sure thing. I'm feeling great right now, so I'll answer anything.
Nezahualpilli: You were elated to draw the worst fortune. Why is this so? It seems a most peculiar behavior.
Richard: Oh, that? Normally I'd be bummed, you know? But it's all in how you look at it.
Richard: If I know I'm about to walk around with the worst luck of my life, then there's nowhere to go but up, baby!
Richard: Which is why I'm headed to the casino! Adios, (Captain)!
Nezahualpilli: The breadth of his optimism is overwhelming... I have much to learn from a man like him.
Vyrn: Not quite. I bet you anything that he was just looking for an excuse to hit the slots.

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 6

Geisenborger: Tepid! How maddeningly tepid!
Geisenborger: Forget the warmth of the kotatsu! It's the languid aura of the new year... I cannot withstand such boredom!
Geisenborger: I need war! War! The new year deserves to be bathed in blood and bone! I desire nothing more than the battlefield!
Jasmine: Excuse me. Is something the matter?
Geisenborger: Huh? Your name was Jasmine, wasn't it?
Geisenborger: Heh heh. So you've escaped the kotatsu for the fury of the forest! It's a fine place to battle, isn't it?
Jasmine: Sorry. I'm a simple herbalist, and I've only come to harvest some herbs that grow only in the cold.
Geisenborger: What? Herbs, you say?
Geisenborger: Forgive me. I thought you were a fellow warrion.
Jasmine: A warrion?
Geisenborger: Simply put, they're citizens of the battlefield: warrions. Most of (Captain)'s compatriots qualify.
Jasmine: (Ah! Could this be like Mahira's Citizens of the Kotatsu?)
Geisenborger: Sigh... Is there no joyous battle that can satisfy the limits of my body?
Jasmine: Hmm... Joy that can satisfy your limits... Let me think.
Jasmine: Ah! Yes, of course! I think I know the perfect place for you, Geisenborger!
Jasmine: Would you kindly consider yourself tricked and come with me?
Geisenborger: Huh?
Jasmine leads Geisenborger back to the Grandcypher. When they arrive, his breath catches at the sight before him.
The Three: ...
Geisenborger: Why? Why is everyone wearing a fundoshi!
Eugen: Gahaha! Consider it tradition. What better outfit for a bit of mochi-makin'?
Geisenborger: Wait! You say you're making mochi?
Jasmine: Yes. I thought this activity would give you the thrill you're looking for.
Geisenborger: No, this is precisely the slothful New Year's I've been trying to avoid. I appreciate the invitation, but I must decline.
Jin: Do not retreat yet, Geisenborger. I can see through you.
Jin: There is a passion burning in your chest.
Jin: Why not allow it an escape? Pick up the mallet and temper your emotions as you temper the rice.
Soriz: Not to mention there ain't nothin' slothful about the way we make our mochi.
Soriz: In fact, this is war! It's a test of spirits to ensure victory for a full year!
Geisenborger: What! War, you say?
Eugen: Sure is! C'mon, Geisenborger! Join the fray!
Geisenborger: Heh heh... You have piqued my interest! I shall accept your offer!
Eugen: Knew you would! You know how to make mochi?
Geisenborger: Of course! But keep your mallet. I shall use my fists and beat the rice into submission!
Soriz: Hehe, can't wait to see it! I'll be your wingman.
Jasmine: Give it your all, Geisenborger!
Geisenborger takes a deep breath before brutally punching the mochi.
Geisenborger: Gah!
Soriz: Soiya!
Geisenborger: Gah!
The Three: Soiya!
Geisenborger: Gah!
The Three: Soiya!
Eugen: How's it feel! Amazing, right?
Geisenborger: Heh heh... To say otherwise would be a bald-faced lie.
Soriz: Hah! I like how you tell it like it is! You were workin' magic with those fists!
Geisenborger: Thanks... Now back to work! War waits for no one, and we have mochi to pound!
As the four war masters continue their work and sweat begins to soak brow, the deck of the Grandcypher exudes an air of raw masculinity.

Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 7

Commentator: Happy New Year, everyone! It's finally the moment you've all been waiting for: the Lucky Dude Grand Prix 5000!
Commentator: The starting line is whirring with excitement, each of our competitors hoping to snatch this year's Lucky Dude crown for themselves!
Sho: Hyaaahahaha! I was expecting to see you here, Tsubasa!
Tsubasa: Tch. Spotted by the pain in the ass...
Sho: Only one of us will rise to claim victory... But it won't be you! There's only one King around here!
Tsubasa: Damn, you never shut up, do you?
Tsubasa: Wait... No way! Meteon, you're joining the race?
Meteon: Yep! I never turn down a competition, even if it's not a speedship race. Let's see you burn rubber out there!
Sho: Hah. So the Cobalt Comet joins the pack. Good! The heavier the opponent, the harder they fall!
Agielba: Hey, don't forget about me. I'll lap you runts before you know it!
Commentator: I want to see a clean race out there! No magic, no vehicles, and no funny business! The fastest legs take the cake!
Commentator: First one who runs around the track and touches this stone will be declared this year's Lucky Dude!
Commentator: Well, my dudes! Are you ready? Get set...
Commentator: Gooooo!
Commentator: Look at that, folks! The Cobalt Comet bursts ahead of the competition!
Commentator: And just behind him, let's see... Are a bunch of hot-blooded hooligans and the Great Blade of Daybreak, Agiiiielbaaaa!
Tsubasa: Crud, man! Even without a speedship, Meteon is crazy fast! He's gonna leave us in the dust!
Sho: Listen to yourself, talking like a loser. You want someone to wipe your ass for you too, you crybaby?
Tsubasa: Naaargh! Now you've pissed me off! Try to keep up!
Agielba: Grr! I didn't get a good start... But that doesn't mean I'm finished yet! Raaaaah!
Sparks fly as the men barrel down the track, propelled by the roar of the crowd.
The race soon reaches its final stretch, with Meteon its clear frontrunner.
Ardora: Papi! Do your bestest!
Meteon: (Huh! That child... She's Agielba's daughter!)
Meteon: ...!
Tsubasa: Whoa! Meteon slowed his roll! He break an ankle or what?
Sho: Pft, who gives a crap. This is war. I'll pay my respects to the Cobalt Comet by overtaking him!
Ardora: Paaapi! Just a little fuwther! You can do it!
Tsubasa & Sho: Ngh!
Sho and Tsubasa take notice of Agielba, and suddenly it becomes clear to them why Meteon began to slow down.
Tsubasa: Sho...
Sho: Yeah, yeah, I know.
Commentator: Oh my word, folks! It looks like those terrifying teens took a tumble! And they were so close to catching Meteon!
Agielba: ...!
Agielba: (C'mon, guys... You didn't have to go that far!)
Agielba: Ardora! Papi's gonna be the Lucky Dude, just like he promised!
Commentator: Agielba has found his opening, and he's doing it! He's making a mad dash! And, yes, folks! He's passed Meteon!
Commentator: What a development! This year's Lucky Dude crown goes to... Agiiiielbaaa!
Agielba: Ardora! Papi did it! Papi's the Lucky Dude!
The other competitors look on as Agielba scoops up his daughter in a celebratory hug.
Smiling, they congratulate each other on a race well ran.
Agielba: (Look at me, in debt to a bunch of young bucks.)
Agielba: (But I'll pay you all back. As the Lucky Dude you all chose.)
With Ardora secure in one arm, and the warmth of his fellow competitors' sportsmanship on his heart, Agielba raises a victorious fist to the crowds.


Happy New Year! 2023

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 1

The crew greets the New Year upon the Grandcypher once again.
(Captain) and company have returned to its deck after going to view the first sunrise of the year together.
Satyr: Hehe. The sunrise was so pretty!
Flesselles: It really was! I'm so glad I was able to see it with you all again this year.
Vyrn: Makes it worth wakin' up super early and climbing that mountain. But now I'm pretty sleepy...
Lyria: Why don't we spend the rest of the day relaxing together then?
Satyr: Whoa, that's a great idea! All right, (Captain), let's go!
At Satyr's suggestion, (Captain) and the others start to head inside the ship when they run into a pair of familiar faces.
Halluel: Hehe, I'm glad to see you've all made it back safely.
Malluel: Happy New Year, everyone!
Lyria: Happy New Year to the both of you, too! Are you delivering New Year's parcels this year too?
Malluel: That's right. Is there someone named "Flesselles" here?
Flesselles: That'd be me!
Halluel: What perfect timing! I have a letter postmarked for you. Here you go.
Flesselles: Wow, it's a New Year's greeting from Mom and Dad! Thank you for the delivery!
Flesselles: "Are you having fun and staying healthy? We're both doing great, so no need to worry."
Flesselles: "Please give (Captain) and the others our regards."
Vyrn: Glad your letter made it here safe and sound this year too! You look forward to getting them every year, don'tcha?
Flesselles: Yup! It really puts me at ease to know Mom and Dad were in good health last year.
Flesselles: I'm going to go put this away in my room. Let's go, Camaro!
Camaro: Bow wow!
Satyr: Hey, hey. Are New Year's letters special or something?
Malluel: Yeah. It gives people the opportunity to let those they couldn't see the previous year know they made it into the new year safely.
Malluel: And it's a great way to encourage each other to start the new year feeling good and energized.
Halluel: A lot of people send letters to those they don't get to see very often.
Halluel: We're proud to be able to deliver special letters like this.
Satyr: Wow, that's lovely! Maybe I should take the opportunity to send a letter to Freyr and the others.
Malluel: Sounds like a great idea! Let us know when you've written it and we'll come pick it up for you.
Satyr: Thank you, that'd be great!
Halluel: Well, we still have deliveries to finish so we'll see you all later.
Malluel: Have a wonderful New Year, everyone!
Satyr: Who should I send it to? Freyr and... I'm not sure if he would even accept a letter from me, but maybe Geo...
Satyr: Oh, and I have letters I'd like to send to other people on the ship too.
Satyr: But wouldn't it be a little strange to write a letter for someone who's on the same ship?
Lyria: I don't think it's strange at all! There are plenty of things you can express by writing a letter.
Lyria: I know! How about we deliver letters directly by hand to the others on the Grandcypher?
Lyria: That way we can hand them over more quickly, and say our New Year's greetings all at once!
Satyr: Wow, what a great idea! I'm going to go write my letter right now so please wait a moment!
(Captain) and the others wave off Satyr with a smile as she rushes off to write her letter.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 2

Athena: A New Year's letter... for me?
Satyr: Yeah, I wrote my New Year's greeting in a letter for you! Please take it!
Athena: Thank you...
Athena: Hehe. I am glad. This letter has given me the perfect excuse to start a conversation with you.
Satyr: Are you good friends with Meddy?
Satyr: If you and Meddy get along, I hope you'll be friends with me too!
Athena: Me? Friends with Medusa...
Athena: If someone close to her such as you views us as being friends, that makes me happy.
Athena puts the letter away in her pocket and turns to face Satyr once again.
Athena: Thank you very much for the letter. I am currently in the middle of preparing some food, so I will read it later when I have time.
Vyrn: Preparing some food... You mean these New Year's dishes here? The New Year's already here, ya know.
Athena: Yes, that is why...
Ardora: Those are for Papi!
Rosine: Agielba has been very busy recently.
Rosine: He hasn't had time to eat New Year's dishes, so we thought it'd be nice to make some for him, even if a bit late.
Ardora: Hehe! Let's make Papi some dewicious New Year's fwoods!
Athena: Yes, let us do our best, Ardora. Your father will surely be pleased by these lovely dishes you have put your heart into making.
Vyrn: Haha! I just know Agielba'll be bawlin' his eyes out from joy!
Lyria: Hey, (Captain). Why don't we help them too?
(Captain) explains how they ended up in the kitchen while helping Rosine and the others make New Year's dishes.
Rosine: Delivering New Year's letters? Oh dearie me, how lovely.
Rosine: I did ask the Archangel Parcel Service to deliver a New Year's letter to my husband, but delivering them to our friends on the ship... What a great idea.
Rosine: (Captain), may I ask you to deliver some letters for me as well later?
Lyria: Of course! Right, (Captain)?
Ardora: (Captain)! I hab some letters fwor you to send too!
Rosine: Oh my, it looks like Ardora has some New Year's greetings she'd like to make too.
Rosine: After we finish cooking, grandma'll help you write your letters. How does that sound?
Ardora: Yay! Pwease show me how!
Satyr: Hehe, it seems like we still have plenty of letters to deliver!
Vyrn: Let's give it our all, (Captain)!

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 3

Drang: Hey there, everyone! Happy New Year!
Lyria: Oh it's Drang and Sturm! We ran into you at the perfect time!
Satyr: We have a letter addressed to the both of you from Ardora. Here you go!
Sturm: Ardora... That's Agielba's daughter. Why did she send us a letter?
Drang: Hmm? Let's have a look-see...
Drang: "Tank you fwor taking care of Papi last yea. Happy New Yea!"
Sturm: That's right. We did a few jobs with him last year.
Sturm: So that's why she sent a letter. Ardora's a pretty dependable kid.
Drang: Indeed! She's a loving daughter with a good head on her shoulders!
Drang: Speaking of letters, we have some for you too. Here you go, (Captain).
With those words, Drang pulls out a small stack of letters and hands them to (Captain).
Sturm: These are New Year's letters from some of the guys back in Erste.
Vyrn: Whoa, there's so many! From Pommern and Orchis... and Adam too!
Lyria: Hehe, they say they'd love to come and visit again when they have time!
Vyrn: And... "Leave it to the Dynamic Merc Duo to take care of any job on the double!" What the heck's this?
Drang: Ah, that one's from us! We'd love for you to hire us again this year...
Sturm: Hey, don't rope me into your weird marketing schemes.
Drang: Ow, that hurts! We have to put ourselves out there if we want to get hired, you know!
Drang: I brought lots to hand out to the others on the ship!
Lyria: Ah... Would you like us to deliver these then?
Satyr: We're delivering letters to others on the Grandcypher!
Drang: Ah, so that's why you brought a letter from Ardora! Can I request a delivery too, then?
Satyr: Sure thing, leave it to us! Do you have any letters you'd like us to deliver, Sturm?
Sturm: Not really. I don't really see the point in sending a letter to someone I'll eventually run into on the ship.
Sturm: I've got something to do so I'm heading out to see Herja. See you later, (Captain).
Drang: Sturm is always so rational! I think it's nice to put a little extra time and thought into communication like this though.
Drang: Not to mention there are some things you can only express in a letter...
Drang: That's right... I haven't been able to make up my mind until now, but I think this is a good opportunity to hand that over.
Drang pulls out a letter he was hiding behind his back and hands it to (Captain).
Drang: (Captain), I'd like you to deliver this letter too, if you don't mind.
Vyrn: Ooh lemme see! Wait a minute... Why didn't you put that it's from you?
Drang: Ah, my name's not necessary. Actually, I'd like you to keep the fact that it's from me a secret, if you don't mind.
Satyr: Huh, why? You wrote a letter and don't want the recipient to know who wrote it?
Drang: Don't worry about it! Don't you think it'd be kind of romantic to receive a New Year's letter and not know who it's from?
Drang: Take good care of that letter, okay? See you later, everyone!
As if wanting to cut the conversation short, Drang offers a curt goodbye and scurries off.
While slightly confused at Drang's strange behavior, (Captain) and the others head off to continue their letter deliveries.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 4

Ferry: A letter... for me?
Ferry: I can't think of many people who'd send me a New Year's letter. Who is it from?
Satyr: Ehehe, it's a secret! They'd be really happy if you accept it, though!
Ferry: It just says, "I hope you spend this year in good health. Take care not to catch a cold."
Ferry: I haven't had a cold since I became a ghost but... the thought is nice. What a heartwarming letter.
Ferry: Thanks for delivering it. If you get the chance, let the sender know they have my thanks.
Vyrn: (So that was the letter Drang wanted us to deliver... Wonder when they became so close.)
Lyria: (I'm not sure... But Ferry looks really happy!)
Satyr: Hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed receiving it! By the way, what're you doing up here on the deck?
Ferry: Ah, well, everyone seems really busy with New Year's and there's not much I can help with, so I just decided to head out...
Ippatsu: Hey there, everyone! What're you all up to?
You: If you're looking for something to do, you should help us with some pounding!
Lyria: Pounding... You're pounding mochi?
Kou: That's right. While we were looking for things to help with, we ran into Ippatsu and he invited us.
Ippatsu: Soriz's put me in charge of the mortar and pestle.
Ippatsu: So I couldn't turn down an extra pair of hands or two!
You: Hehe, leave it to me! (Captain) taught me how to pound mochi so I've gotten suuuper good at it!
Kou: I'm counting on you, You. We'd love it if all of you could join us too. It'd be a lot of fun.
Ferry: Sure, we'll help you out. If we all work together, I bet we can make some pretty tasty mochi.
You: All right! It's finished!
Ippatsu: Nice work, everyone! You've pounded out some tasty-looking mochi!
You: Ehehe, what should I put on my mochi? Soy sauce is yummy, but... Ah, sugar is good too! If I add sugar it'll taste like a dessert!
Kou: Hehe. Let's try all sorts of things. You'll all have some mochi before you go, won't you?
Lyria: What should we do, (Captain)? We still have those letters Rosine asked us to deliver...
You: Deliver? Have you been running deliveries, (Captain)?
Ippatsu: Ah, now that you mention it, I heard you've been delivering New Year's letters.
Satyr: Hehe, we're the special New Year's delivery team! Do you have someone you'd like us deliver a letter to, Ippatsu?
Ippatsu: Hmm... I suppose I do.
Ippatsu: Could I trouble you to make a delivery for me?
And so (Captain) and company take on another delivery, this time for Ippatsu.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 5

Lyria: Oh, there he is! Hi there, Cassius!
Cassius: Ah, hello. Do you have need of me for something?
Vyrn: Yeah, we have a letter... Huh? Why do you guys all look so serious?
Vyrn shifts his gaze to see four people talking, a look of determination painted upon each of their faces alongside a certain familiar tiger.
Redluck: Cassius and I are planning on hitting up some food stalls over thataway.
Redluck: Huang and Bai are going to read our fortunes and tell us the luckiest order to visit stalls to eat.
Huang: Our role as the year spirit is over and we have some free time, so we thought we'd try out something new.
Bai: We'll figure out which stalls you should visit in which order with feng shui. That way, you won't run into any long lines and you can enjoy walking around and eating without any issues!
Bai: All right, the most favorable direction is... huh? It's not pointing toward the town, but inside the ship.
Huang: Actually, it seems to be pointing directly to (Captain) and the others. Can you think of any reason why, (Captain)?
Satyr: I wonder if it's because of this letter? We received a request from Ippatsu to deliver this letter to Cassius.
Cassius: From Ippatsu? It seems quite illogical to send a letter to someone who is in the same ship as you.
Cassius: It says...
Cassius: Aburaboshi Ramen has started serving ramen with mochi for a limited time.
Cassius: Ramen noodles and mochi are both carbohydrates... Is this a mistake on the owner's part?
Redluck: It doesn't sound that strange to me. It's pretty common to eat mochi with soba noodles, so it could work.
Redluck: If you finish off a savory broth with some mochi, it might make for a pretty tasty meal.
Cassius: I see... I suppose that is a logical approach. I must have a taste to ascertain whether or not it is as satisfactory as you have hypothesized.
Redluck: All right, let's go meet up with Ippatsu! We might as well have Lilele join us too.
Cassius: An agreeable plan. I will ask Isaac to join us as well.
Huang: There they go... Well, at least we got them pointed toward the luckiest direction in the end.
Bai: You came all the way here just to deliver that letter?
Lyria: Yep! We're doing deliveries for other crew members on the Grandcypher!
Vyrn: If you've got somebody you'd like to send a letter to, you can count on us to get it to 'em!
Huang: A letter, huh... I have a certain someone in mind I could send a letter to.
Bai: Yeah, they might be able to teach us some interesting stuff.
Bai: Like the most shady places in the ship, or what to watch out for when hanging out with (Captain)...
Laolao: You guys... You really just let your imaginations run wild sometimes, gawr.
Laolao lets out a sigh of resignation while Huang and Bai put their heads together and begin writing their letter.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 6

Makura: Nom, nom. Mmm! Freshly pounded mochi is the best!
Harley: Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
Harriet: Y-your eyes are bloodshot...
Lyria: Oh there you are, Makura!
Makura: Oh, it's you guys! The ones who Ippatsu made pound all the mochi. Thanks for the food!
Harley: Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
Vyrn: Sheesh, don't eat so fast you'll choke to death...
Satyr: Waaah, what a cute bunny!
Harry: Oho, well hello there, little lady. I believe this is the first time we've met. We're the Boss's shikigami you see, and...
Vyrn: Oh yeah, I just remembered! We've got a letter from Huang and Bai here for Makura.
Harry: Hey! Quit crampin' my style, lizard!
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard!
Makura: D'aww, look at them playing with each other!
Vyrn: We ain't playin'!
Lyria: Ahaha... Here's your letter, Makura.
Makura: Ahaha! Those two are a real hoot!
Lyria: It seemed like they put their all into writing your letter. What does it say?
Makura: Something about the mysteries of the skies being packed into this ship? Now that's a surprise!
Makura: And (Captain)... W-w-whoa! How shameless!
Makura: Ahem, never mind... This is probably something Huang and Bai should tell you themselves. Haha... And...
Makura: All sorts of tips on how to get along well with everyone... I'll have to store this letter away for safekeeping!
Satyr: Ooh, what are they? I wanna know too!
Makura: Hehe, it's a secret!
Makura: It's such a strange feeling. This is my first New Year's away from the Lepus Troupe, but...
Makura: When I'm with you all, it really feels like I'm right at home.
Harriet: I know what you mean, Boss! I-it's... really comfortable here!
Vyrn: Hehe. We're happy to have ya here too!
Makura: Now that I think about it... I've been so busy that I haven't even had the time to send letters to the others in the troupe.
Harrington: I'm sure they'd feel at ease if you let them know your year spirit duties are going smoothly.
Makura: That's true... All right! Let's get to writing some letters!
And so Makura puts pen to paper and begins writing New Year's letters with a fervent passion.

Happy New Year! 2023 - Letters to Link Hearts - Episode 7

Vyrn: Phew, it looks like that's the last of 'em!
Lyria: I'm glad everyone enjoyed receiving their letters!
Satyr: I had fun too! It gave me the chance to see lots of people right from the New Year, too!
Satyr: Oh, that's right! We still have that mochi that we got from Ippatsu.
Satyr: Let's grill it and eat it together while we take a break!
Lyria: Oh, that's a great idea! What types of seasonings should we bring from the kitchen?
(Captain) and company enter a room with a stove when they see a familiar face already seated before it.
Fediel: Singularity, I heard you've already been running around frantically from the New Year.
Fediel: Did you obtain something of value from your hard work?
(Captain) ponders Fediel's question for a moment before arriving at an answer.
  1. I learned how tight-knit the crew is.
  2. I shared the joy of others.

Choose: I learned how tight-knit the crew is.
Lyria: That's true! Lots of people on the Grandcypher have become good friends.
Lyria: I'm glad we were able to see how well everyone gets along by delivering their letters!

Choose: I shared the joy of others.
Satyr: Me too! The smiles on everyone's faces were absolutely contagious!
Satyr: It made me want to get to know the other crew members on the ship even more!
Continue 1
Fediel: I see... The actions of the children of man on this ship fill your mortal heart with joy.
Fediel: Take care not to let your heart be overfilled lest it explode. I know the bodies of mortals tend to be quite fragile.
Fediel: Here, I have something for you.
Fediel hands a postcard to (Captain).
Lyria: A postcard? Was there someone you wanted to send a message to?
Fediel: Negative. This is a gift for the singularity.
Fediel: I visited the Erune girl and other children of man aboard the ship to ask for help in writing it.
Fediel: The children of man know the best means of nourishing their mortal bodies. Use this knowledge as reference and take care of yourself.
Vyrn: There she goes... What's it say, (Captain)?
Satyr: Let's see...
"Ginger soup. Grated apple..."
Lyria: It looks like a list of things that are good to eat when you have a cold...
Vyrn: But why the heck did she hand over a list?
Satyr: Maybe she was worried because (Captain) has been busy?
Lyria: I think you're right! I'm sure Fediel wanted to show that she cares in her own special way.
Satyr: True! Aww, that Fediel's such a softy!
Vyrn: We've got a list right here, so why don't we see if we can't fix somethin' up during our break?
Lyria: Good idea! Hehe, now what should we make...
(Captain) takes a peek at Fediel's list while Lyria considers their options.
The four then begin discussing which item they'd like to make.
