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Official Profile





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), happy birthday. I baked you your favorite cake.
As for your present, feast your eyes and relish in wonder... For it is I.
Ehehe... Don't hold back. You may do with me what you wish.
Choose: Then let's eat the cake together!
You want... to eat the cake, and not a tantalizing treat like me?
Sigh... I had a feeling this would happen.
One of these days, you'll come to regret the foolish decision you've made...
But for now, we shall eat the cake like you wish.
How strange... Does this truly fill you with so much joy?
I'll cut the cake. Give me a moment, and I'll hand you your slice.


Hekate: (Captain), happy birthday.
I was your present last year, but this time around...
Ta-da! Supo and Cubare are your gifts instead!
Supo and Cubare: Woof, woof!
Hekate: Truthfully, my darlings were begging to play with you.
I realize today is meant to be about you, but could I trouble you to humor them?
In return, I'll gladly oblige any request you have.
And when I say any, I truly do mean anything. Whatever your desire, no matter how forbidden...
Choose: Then I want us to eat cake together!
Hekate: Right. I thought you'd request as much, which is why I have one baking right now.
The magnificent goddess of the night, reduced to baking for a mortal... I hope you realize how lucky you are.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh? For what reason would I join you on your first shrine visit of the year?
If you want to pay your respects to anyone, they should be to me and my body.
I'm the goddess of the night, revered and even worshipped in other lands.
Choose: Here, you're a member of our crew.
Tch! You would command me as captain?
Fine. Have it your way. In return...
I'm inexperienced in matters of shrine visits. You shall guide me with a firm hand and show me the proper procedure.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), I used some leftovers in storage to bake a pie.
Would you like a slice?
Choose: I sure would!
Didn't have to think about it at all, hm? Here you go.
It's good, isn't it? Of course it is.
I'm more impressed that you didn't even hesitate to take a bite. Shouldn't a leader like you have someone test your food for poison?
Choose: Not at all. I trust you.
Is that so...

Nutty Chocolate Pastry
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

A gift for me... I expect it to be a grand offering.
Hmm, so it is a box packed with an assortment of candies and chocolates.
(Wait, this is the perfect chance to appeal to (Captain)!)
Drool... Lick, slurp...
Ngh... Suck, stroke...
Choose: Don't play with your food.
Oh. Um, right..


You're offering sweets to me this year as well? Baked ones, even...
(Last year's gifts were candies and chocolate. I attempted to eat them in an enticing way, but I was told not to play with my food...)
(I'd rather not repeat such a mortifying experience. I'll enjoy these without fanfare.)
Munch... Chew...
Choose: You're eating normally this time.
Y-you didn't have to bring that up! Are you mocking me?
I swear, I've never met a mortal as insolent as you before!
Choose: Does it taste good?
Yes, it very much does! Hmph!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Do you like playing tricks? Or do you like being on the receiving end? I can accommodate either...
Do you like playing tricks? Or do you like being on the receiving end? I can accommodate either...
Choose: What's this all of a sudden?
Forget the holiday customs involved for a moment.
What I'm asking about is the matter of tricking itself. In other words, are you a sadist or a masochist?
I've decided—Halloween shall be a day of baring our true natures to one another.
Now choose. Would you like to be the perpetrator or the receiver... Either option has its own delightful appeals.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, it's finally here—the one day a year in which we all celebrate becoming one in the night!
Choose: I thought today was the holy night.
It is! And what could be more sacred than worshipping one another's bodies and partaking of your partner's sacred nectar?
Ehehe... I see you have no idea what I'm referring to.
That's perfectly fine. I expected as much, which is why I decided to take things one step at a time with you...
Once you have come to crave my presence, I shall show you the most supernal of nights.
But for today, you have a party to host, don't you? I trust you are prepared to entertain me.
Choose: Let's take care of the party prep together!
The audacity...
Oh, all right. I shall grant you this boon.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

I Long to Become One

(Captain) and crew are trapped in dream worlds by Hekate, a powerful being, but manage to break free and defeat her. Later that day, Hekate shows up at their inn room, insulted and confused as to how the captain refused her temptations. She joins the crew, determined to one day become one with and siphon the essence of (Captain).

Up until a moment ago, (Captain) had been fighting a powerful enemy.
But for reasons unknown, the captain is now home in Zinkenstill alongside Vyrn and Lyria.
Vyrn: Something wrong with the veggies, (Captain)? You stopped washing 'em.
Vyrn: Better hurry, or we won't finish before your mom and dad get back.
  1. My mom... and dad?

Choose: My mom... and dad?
Lyria: Yeah! We're trying to surprise them with dinner, remember?
Lyria: I can't wait to see the looks on their faces! This is going to be amazing, (Captain)!
Vyrn: All the cooking utensils are washed and ready. (Captain), mind taking care of the chopping?
(Captain) takes a breath and recalls life in Zinkenstill with Vyrn, Lyria, Mom, and Dad.
The moment passes, and whatever seemed amiss about the situation is forgotten.
In the blink of an eye, the peaceful day passes by like any other.
That evening, someone knocks on (Captain)'s bedroom door.
Hekate: Hehe, surprise!
The girl that steps inside is Hekate, (Captain)'s childhood friend and betrothed.
(Captain): ...?
Hekate: What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see your beautiful beloved?
Hekate: I realize it might be unseemly to sneak into here every evening...
Hekate: But... you're up for another night of fun, aren't you?
  1. Of course.
  2. A night of... what?

Choose: Of course.
Hekate: Oh, you spoil me.
Hekate: I'll be sure to indulge you in return. We could always try something new...

Choose: A night of... what?
Hekate: Oh, you're such a tease.
Hekate: You can be as rough as you like, even more than yesterday... So don't keep me waiting.
Continue 1
Cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded, Hekate draws near with an alluring smile.
Hekate: Submit to the throes of eternal pleasure... Twilight Proposition.
(Captain): ...!
Hekate: (Captain)? Why do you turn me away?
In an instant, (Captain)'s eyes are opened to the truth.
Memories of traveling through the skies with trusted friends come flooding back as the captain breaks free of the illusory world.
(Captain): ...!
Hekate: You managed to rouse yourself awake? That shouldn't be possible...
Hekate: I was a hairsbreadth away too!
Blinking the lingering sluggishness away, (Captain) takes in the dust-covered wasteland that surrounds them.
Hekate: I granted your greatest wish and gave you a happy life with your parents. Yet you would foolishly reject it...
  1. What did you do to me?

Choose: What did you do to me?
Hekate: I whisked you into a dream world I fashioned.
Hekate: It is a place that conforms to the ideals of the dreamer, exposing and fulfilling their deepest desires, no matter how uncouth or egotistical...
Hekate: But you willingly chose to abandon it, and were even capable of rejecting my advances...
Vyrn & Lyria: Ah!
Vyrn: I knew it! That apple festival was all a dream you tossed me into!
Lyria: That would explain the all-you-can-eat buffet I was enjoying. Buffet Island was a dream too!
Hekate: You both managed to control your insatiable appetites and woke as well?
Lyria: We'd never let ourselves be taken by an illusion—even if it was a super delicious one...
Vyrn: That's right! It was totally tasty while it lasted, but...
Hekate: How very interesting. It's been some time since I've last had prey worth ensnaring.
Lips curling in open delight, Hekate gazes at the crew with newfound interest.
Hekate: Hehe... No matter how resilient you heroes may be, none of you have ever been able to resist the ecstasy I dangle before your eyes.
Hekate: Why, it didn't take long for the other warriors here to lay down their arms and slip into my world of dreams. Now they'll spend eternity writhing in pleasure...
Hekate: Drool... The once noble, reduced to such a shameful, helpless state...
Hekate: Witnessing it never grows old!
Vyrn: Ew, she's licking her lips and slobbering everywhere!
Hekate: Hehehe... Given enough time, you too will succumb to impulse and join them in slumber!
Lyria: She's coming for us, (Captain)!
A few hours pass.
Hekate: Why...
(Captain): ...!
Hekate: Why won't your minds yield, no matter how much I tamper and pry?
Lyria: I'm not sure. After the first time, I feel like I can withstand anything else you try.
Vyrn: Guess that just means your tricks are no match for us!
Hekate: Could it be that you're too embarrassed to let yourself submit? There's no shame in exacting pleasure from your dreams!
Hekate: Wouldn't you rather be free from the complexities of reality? To make true every wish unfulfilled—
  1. We'll do it through our own efforts!

Choose: We'll do it through our own efforts!
Hekate: ...!
Lyria: No matter how tough things get, we'll work together and face our problems head-on!
Vyrn: You said it! (Captain), let's finish this!
Hekate: Rgh!
After standing in the crew's way countless times, Hekate is finally driven to her knees by (Captain)'s overwhelming blow.
Exhausted but victorious, the captain returns home with comrades following close behind.
That night, the crew return to their inn and get ready for bed.
Hekate: I refuse to accept it!
Cheeks puffed in an indignant pout, Hekate comes crashing into the room.
Lyria: U-um, it's rude to come barging in without an invitation...
Vyrn: I'm surprised you'd want to see us again after all that fighting we did.
Hekate: I just can't wrap my head around how you maintained your sense of control!
Hekate: Throughout my ages of existence, I was feared as the wicked queen that drained all, cursed as a demon of illusions, a succubus...
Vyrn: Uh, you're just a primal beast, right?
Hekate: You'd do well not to lump me in with those animals. I only chose that battlefield as my hunting grounds because warriors full of vigor gather there.
Lyria: That explains why you felt different than a primal beast to me...
Hekate: Obviously. I'm the magnificent goddess of the night. No mortal can resist my charms!
Vyrn: Pretty sure we proved that statement wrong.
Hekate: A young dragon and a little girl don't count.
Hekate: But you, (Captain)... What is wrong with you!
Hekate: The form I took in your dream was perfectly suited to your tastes... You should have been gushing like a fountain upon laying eyes on me!
Hekate: Why... How... We should have become one that very moment!
Vyrn: Huh? You trying to absorb (Captain) or something?
Hekate: Go ask another adult if you really want to know. I'm not about to put myself through that conversation.
Clearing her throat, Hekate fixes her gaze on (Captain).
Hekate: I've decided. Your essence will be mine.
Hekate: Otherwise, my pride as goddess of the night will never recover.
Vyrn: Essence? The heck is that?
Hekate: Energy, of course—taken from the life force of the depraved souls resting in my dream world.
Hekate: But simply molding the world to become the dreamer's greatest paradise isn't enough to draw it out.
Hekate: They need to focus their ravenous attention on me and lay themselves bare, so I can siphon it directly...
Hekate: That is why I played the role of your betrothed once you were immersed in your perfect world.
Pupils glistening, Hekate stares into (Captain)'s eyes.
Hekate: Drool... Your essence will be mine. I can already taste how rich and succulent it will be...
Hekate: Grant me passage on your ship. As of this moment, I'll be joining you on your journey.
Lyria: O-oh! That was sudden...
Hekate: In return for your hospitality, my familiars and I will help with house chores and other tasks aboard the ship.
Black Dogs: Woof, woof!
Hekate: You can relax. I intend to make a mess of solely (Captain).
Vyrn: That's not reassuring at all...
Hekate: (Captain)... Our union is all but guaranteed!
Hekate: Hehe... Even someone as resilient as you will break eventually. I can't wait to see what kind of drooling, weeping animal you'll become!
Hekate, goddess of the night, joins the crew for one singular, impure purpose.
Once the news reaches the ship, the other adults are less than happy to hear it.

The Goddess's Scheme

As Hekate spends her days working as a crew member, she plots to trap (Captain) in one of her dream worlds. She determines that the captain is lacking experience and education in the birds and the bees, so she hatches a plan to take matters into her own hands.

Hekate, goddess of the night, joins the crew in order to ensnare and become one with (Captain) in her dream world.
For the moment, she spends her days studying the captain while performing her duties as a crew member.
During one sunny afternoon, Hekate stands lost in thought on the Grandcypher's deck.
Hekate: (Based on the information I've gathered, there's only one conclusion: (Captain) is an anomaly.)
Hekate: (This ship is filled to bursting with delectable men and women...)
Hekate: (It should be impossible for someone in the height of adolescence to deny themselves these full-course meals.)
Hekate: This might prove to be more difficult than I initially anticipated...
Black Dogs: Woof, woof!
Hekate: Of course I'm still hard at work.
Hekate: I've already finished scrubbing this area. We'll work on the other side of the deck next—
Lyria: Hekate, what are you doing?
Black Dogs: Woof, woof!
Lyria: Oh! Supo! Cubare!
Lyria: Ahaha, it tickles when you lick my face like that!
Hekate: Good grief... My little darlings have taken quite a shine to you people.
Glancing over at Hekate, (Captain) notices the bucket and brush at her feet.
  1. Were you cleaning the deck?

Choose: Were you cleaning the deck?
Hekate: I was, along with Supo and Cubare. We're about halfway finished.
Vyrn: Thanks a bunch! You're a real busy bee, huh? Doing so much cleaning, shopping, and cooking even when it's not your turn.
Hekate: I said I intend to make a mess of solely (Captain), remember?
Hekate: Unlike mortals, a goddess such as myself always keeps her word.
Lyria: Still... You shouldn't trap anybody in any more dreams.
Vyrn: Not like you'd be able to keep (Captain) in your clutches though.
Vyrn: Rackam and Rosetta are keeping an eye on you. They say you can't be left alone in a room with anyone...
Hekate: ...!
Hekate: (Rackam and Rosetta... Those overprotective adults.)
Hekate: (Could it be... my failures so far are because (Captain) lacks education and experience in intimacy?)
Lyria: Um... Hekate?
Hekate: (In that case, a little real world experience would go a long way!)
Hekate: Drool...
Vyrn: Eww... She's slobbering again.
Lyria: I wonder if she's hungry? It is almost snack time.
Ignoring the others' confused looks, Hekate returns to cleaning the deck.
As she scrubs, her mind churns with the beginnings of a plan.
Hekate divulges the details of her plan to Supo and Cubare upon returning to her room.
Hekate: To summarize: (Captain) needs a lesson on the birds and the bees.
Black Dogs: Woof?
Hekate: One would never dream of pleasure without knowing of it first, yes?
Hekate: Usually, interest and knowledge in matters of intimacy come naturally with age...
Hekate: But being sheltered by surrounding adults, on top of being preoccupied by a perilous journey, left no time for such things.
Hekate: Which is where I come in, putting my body on the line to elicit interest and impart my bountiful wisdom...
Black Dogs: Woof!
Hekate: Exactly! Once (Captain)'s newfound passions reach a breaking point, I will become irresistible.
Hekate: Drool... How will our beloved captain's release taste, I wonder... Oh, the anticipation!
Hekate licks her upturned lips as she pets her furry companions.
Finally, her prize appears to be within reach.

The Goddess's Scheme: Scene 2

Putting her plan into action, Hekate attempts various ways to seduce (Captain), but finds no success. Worried that her powers of temptation have diminished, the goddess of the night heads into town to test herself, trapping all the townspeople in dream worlds. A single soldier resists and almost strikes Hekate with a surprise attack, but (Captain) intervenes in the nick of time. The captain commands Hekate to free the townspeople, and to her own surprise, Hekate obeys without much fuss.

On a day like any other, (Captain) walks through the halls of the Grandcypher.
Hekate: Good morning, (Captain). The weather is lovely today, isn't it?
Black Dogs: Woof!
Hekate: Hehe, my little darlings are also enjoying themselves.
Stooping down to her knees and bending forward, Hekate pets her frolicking companions.
(Captain): ...!
Hekate: (Oh, I can see you looking at my chest! Yes, this angle is perfect for it!)
Hekate: (Since time immemorable, an ample bosom has always held the power to sway all to behold its glory... It is the ultimate symbol of fertility!)
Hekate: (Now feast your eyes, and awaken the beast that lurks inside!)
Hekate makes a show of shaking her shoulders and pushing her chest out, feeling (Captain)'s gaze trained squarely on her.
(Captain): ...!
In a frantic rush, (Captain) sheds their outermost layer.
Hekate: (Oh my... You already can't wait, can you?)
Hekate: (Well, neither can I! I'll whisk you away to my dream world this very instant!)
Right as Hekate prepares to spirit her captain away, a warm weight settles over her shoulders.
Hekate: Hm?
Hekate: Is this... your jacket?
  1. You seemed cold.

Choose: You seemed cold.
Seeing her shivering, (Captain) is oblivious to Hekate's attempt at seduction.
Hekate: Y-y-you...
With a smile, the captain continues heading for the kitchen.
Hekate: I have never suffered such humiliation in my life!
Over the next few days, Hekate employs a multitude of different strategies.
Hekate: Oh, dearie me! I can't believe I ran into (Captain) in the middle of the hallway!
Hekate: The momentum carried me forward and knocked the both of us to the ground...
Hekate: Ehehe... Now I'm on top of you... I hope you don't mind that I'm all squished up against you.
  1. I'm just glad you're not hurt.

Choose: I'm just glad you're not hurt.
Hekate: That's the part you're concerned about?
Hekate: Ah! My body is burning up, and my heart is pounding... Could you put your hand on my chest and check if I'm okay?
Hekate: Don't be shy. Touch me right here...
  1. Hmm. You heart rate does seem fast.

Choose: Hmm. You heart rate does seem fast.
Concerned, (Captain) rushes off to find a crew member more versed in medicine.
Hekate: Wait! That's not... A goddess like me isn't capable of catching a physical illness!
Hekate: Sigh...
Hekate: What is the captain made of?
Hekate: I've tried every manner of deception I can think of. I even slipped into the bath at the same time, but (Captain) easily avoided my advances...
As Hekate clutches her head in her hands, she goes through a list of possibilities.
Hekate: No... It can't be... Could my powers of allurement have weakened?
Black Dogs: Woof?
Hekate: My very dignity as a goddess is on the line. This calls for an experiment.
The next day, Hekate makes a beeline for the nearest town.
In no time at all, Hekate takes control of the townspeople, tearing them from reality and trapping them in their dreams.
Hekate: Well that was disappointingly easy.
Silence falls over the streets, only broken by the occasional laugh or murmur of a dreaming resident.
Hekate: The dreams I've spun are flawless. I am as magnificent as I've always been.
Hekate: Yet why...
Hekate: You should be honored to receive my attention.
Hekate: But you don't even seem to notice it, with the way you treat me as just another crewmate...
Soldier: I have you now!
A single man leaps up from among the sleeping bodies, swinging his blade at Hekate's exposed back.
Hekate: ...!
Absorbed in her thoughts, Hekate realizes all too late that one of her victims had been feigning sleep.
But the man's attack never reaches its mark, as (Captain) swoops in with an expertly timed parry.
  1. That was close!

Choose: That was close!
Vyrn: You sure picked a heckuva time to space out, Dream Lady!
Hekate: (Captain)? Why are you here?
Soldier: Get out of the way, fools!
Soldier: You're defending the goddess of calamity! If we don't put her down now, we'll all be doomed!
(Captain) refuses with a frown, before bowing to the man.
Soldier: ...!
Hekate: What... are you doing?
Vyrn: Apologizing on your behalf, duh. It's the captain's job to take responsibility for the crew.
Hekate: Apologizing?
  1. Free the townspeople.

Choose: Free the townspeople.
Hekate: Excuse me? Was that an order? In what world do you think you can—
(Captain): ...
(Captain) fixes Hekate with an unflinching stare.
Hekate: Fine...
Hekate: (Why... am I obeying?)
Hekate, despite her indignance, finds herself submitting to the captain's order.
Soon the town wakes, its people none the worse for wear.

The Goddess's Scheme: Scene 3

Hekate mulls over the day, feeling conflicted about being protected by and obeying (Captain). She recalls asking the soldier for advice on how to make (Captain) hers, to which the soldier suggested being more direct. Taking this into consideration, Hekate switches to a more mortal approach and finds her first success: getting (Captain) to join her on a shopping date. Now with a working strategy, Hekate excitedly awaits the day she can finally become one with the captain.

Vyrn: You're lucky we happened to be in town and noticed something was wrong!
Hekate: But I'm... I am the goddess of the night... I should be feared...
Vyrn: I don't wanna hear it! Never do that again, or else you're getting the boot!
Hekate: All right...
Observing Hekate's genuine reflection on her misdeed, (Captain) only grounds her to the ship as punishment.
Come bedtime, Hekate continues to reflect on her day as she turns in.
Hekate: To think I would suffer the indignity of obeying a child of man, on top of being shielded by one...
Hekate: ...
Soldier: Truth is, I've run into you one time before.
Soldier: I fell for your tricks, got stuck in one helluva pathetic dream... But somehow, I made it out of there alive.
Hekate: I see... That's how you knew to feign slumber and wait for an opportunity to attack.
Soldier: Yeah... Never expected to find you working with a crew, though.
Hekate: You're telling me...
Hekate: ...
Hekate: Say, do you find me irresistible?
Soldier: Come... again?
Hekate: I should be, and yet (Captain) refuses the call of my dreams.
Soldier: Wow, I didn't think anyone was capable of saying no to you.
Hekate: What should I do? I've never experienced rejection before...
Soldier: Why are you asking me? I don't owe you a thing, especially after all you've done—
Hekate: Even after all those times you and I became one in your dream?
Soldier: Gah!
Hekate: Why not give me a little something, for old times' sake?
Soldier: Y-you... That was...
The flustered soldier takes a moment to clear his throat and gather his wits.
Soldier: The best piece of advice I can give is... When you walk into a sword fight, you don't pull out a dagger.
Hekate: What are you talking about?
Soldier: (Captain) strikes me as a person who's honest, straightforward, and purehearted.
Soldier: For people like that, it's usually best to meet love with love, and romance with romance. Face (Captain)'s feelings head on.
Soldier: Might work best if you took a direct approach like us normal folks, you know? No tricks. No schemes.
Hekate: A direct approach, like a regular mortal...
Hekate: ...
The goddess of the night loses herself in thought, her eyes absently taking in the full moon through her window.
The next day, Hekate appears before (Captain) as the captain heads outside for training.
Hekate: Good morning.
  1. Morning!

Choose: Morning!
Hekate: I'm sorry for yesterday. After all I boasted about not making a mess of anything but you...
"It's fine, as long as you're willing to make things right," replies (Captain) with a smile.
Thinking their conversation finished, (Captain) tries to bid farewell, but Hekate spreads her arms and bars the way out.
Hekate: U-um...
Hekate: You know, I... I get cold easily, what with my outfit being like this.
Hekate: Besides, being a magnificent goddess doesn't mean that I'm immune to temperature differences.
Hekate: I was thinking I should buy myself a coat or something.
  1. That's a good idea!

Choose: That's a good idea!
Hekate: Wait, let me rephrase...
Hekate: Would you... accompany me as I shop for one?
Hekate: Drool...
Black Dogs: Woof?
Hekate: I did it! I secured a shopping date with (Captain)!
Hugging her furry familiars, Hekate giggles like a lovestruck teenager.
Hekate: Ehehe...
Hekate: It will be quite some time until we're joined together, but I've made certain progress today.
Hekate: Prepare yourself, (Captain)... I'll make you mine, even without employing my powers!
Hekate has refined her strategy and seen the first signs of success.
But the road ahead will be long, especially once the other adults on the ship catch wind of her change in tactics.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
貴方を救ってあげる……私の夢に溺れて? Immerse yourself in my dream... I'll save you.
現実なんてどうでもいい永遠の夢を見たくない? Wouldn't you rather do away with reality and lose yourself in an eternal dream?
夢の中で合体すると精気を搾り取れるの Becoming one in a dream is how I siphon the essence of my victims.
私の誘惑に屈するのは恥ずかしくない事よ There's no need to be shy. Relax and yield yourself to me.
愛らしい黒犬達でしょう?スークとクーバという名よ My darlings are lovely, aren't they? This one is Supo, and the other is Cubare.
ああ、もう……!何故堕ちないの!? Why, oh why, won't you give into me?
ふふ……ビィも私の犬になりたい? Hehe... Vyrn, would you like to become one of my pets as well?
ルリアちゃんが熟したらいずれ合体したいわ Lyria will certainly grow up to become quite the prize.
(主人公)の事……私の黒犬達も認めたみたい Even my beloved hounds approve of (Captain).
(主人公)を夢に誘って必ず合体してみせるわ It's only a matter of time before (Captain) becomes mine.
