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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 19
Height 162 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Swimming, training
Likes His hometown, the sea
Dislikes Hot food (burns his tongue)
Character Release

Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 19歳
Height 162cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 泳ぐこと、訓練
Likes 地元、海
Dislikes 熱いもの(猫舌)
Character Release

Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. If my company could bring even a little splash of good to your day, then I'd be drowning in delight.
I'm not sure that came out right... Anyway, have a happy birthday.


Happy birthday to you, (Captain). Since we're together every day, it's hard to see how you've changed.
But I know that both you and I will change as each year passes, (Captain).
Even so, my trust in you will never change.
So I'll keep trying my hardest so that your trust in me will never change either.
Ah, I'm sorry. I'm not sure if I said that very well...
But, anyway, let's make this next year a good one.


Today's your birthday, huh, (Captain)? Happy birthday to you.
I wasn't always able to swim like I do now, you know. When I was a kid, I got tired easily and couldn't swim long distances.
But all the grown-ups told me that if I keep at it, then I'd be able to do it... I believed them and practiced until I finally achieved it.
Sorry... Why am I talking about this anyway...
Oh... I mean, you have a dream too, don't you?
You've been steadily working at it, believing that it'll come true and you'll make it one day. You're growing closer to it step by step.
I can't put it into words very well... But do you get what I'm trying to say?
Good... I'm glad to hear it.
(Captain), your dreams will surely come true someday. I know because I believe in them too.


I'm so happy I get to celebrate your birthday this year too.
While I'm at it... I wanna thank you for another great year of adventuring.
Was it weird to say that out of the blue? It's just hard to find the right time, you know? But I wanted to express my gratitude.
People used to laugh at my dream of swimming in the ocean at the bottom of the skies...
But not you, (Captain). You took my dream seriously.
Not only that. You're trying to get to the end of the skies...
And when I see you striving toward that goal, it gives me strength. It's like you're telling me it's okay not to abandon my dream either.
Sorry. I meant to thank you and instead I'm just going on about my own stuff. But, um...
I'll be with you all the way to the end of the sky. I want to be there for you just the way you've been there for me.
And I'd love it if we could travel together to the bottom of the skies... That is, if you want to.
No matter how many years it takes, (Captain), let's make our dreams come true.


Happy birthday, (Captain). We went to a lot of different places this year too, didn't we? It was so much fun.
What do you mean it's a detour? 'Cause we still haven't reached the bottom of the sky? No way.
Having you here, spending your time with me and having fun without laughing at my dream...
And seeing you chase your dream as well... All of this is very precious to me.
One day, when the both of us reach our destinations, we might have to say goodbye and go on our individual journeys.
If that happens, let's promise to journey together again someday, even if we're all old and wrinkly by then.
Huh? That's fast-forwarding too much?
Yeah. Haha, you're right.
We don't know what'll happen tomorrow... but I hope I can wish you happy birthday again someday.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year! Be sure not to waste this important holiday.
The weather might be chilly, but don't stay cooped up inside. Try and take a walk. It'll warm you up!


If you relax all through the holiday, you might feel sluggish once it's over.
That's why you should try moving around a little. Even food tastes better after some exercise!
Come on! Let's take a little stroll outside! It'll warm you up.
Why don't you wear something light in case you break a sweat? Like a cardigan or something.
And don't forget, you could catch a cold if you don't stay active.
All right! Shall we head out then for a walk?


Huff, huff, huff, huff...
Happy New Year, (Captain)... Me? Well, the morning air felt so fresh, so I went and had a jog.
The weather's great today... You should try some exercise too.
By the way, I saw a crowd of people headed up the thousand-stair path near the mountain while I was out.
They say that if you climb all one thousand steps and make a wish at the top, then it'll come true.
You wanna check it out? Yeah, I figured you'd say that when I told you.
But climbing a thousand steps can be hard on your body, so let's take our time and not rush.
Go get changed and wait for me back here. I'll go make some hot tea to bring along to keep ourselves warm.


Happy New Year. This is a great opportunity for us to make sure we're all in good health.
To that end proper diet and exercise are key.
So I'm gonna go out for a run. There's nothing better than setting and maintaining good habits from the start of a new year.
Hm, you thought I'd say that? You're ready to go running too because you saw my annual invite from a mile away?
Good, both of us are prepped then. Let's get going.
Since we're doing this, we might as well follow up with some intense bodyweight exercises after the run.
To another year of fantastic health, (Captain)!


(Captain)... (Captain)! Come on, wake up. You planning on sleeping all day?
Let's go running. If you wanna stay fit all year, you have to start working for it from the get-go.
What? It's boring if all we're doing is running? Well, I guess...
Then... How about this? Let's wake everyone else up and run as a big group.
I mean, people feel connected when they're all doing the same thing, right? So it'd be like setting a resolution to stay traveling buddies.
Sounds like fun? All right! Then get up! I'll go gather the crew while you're changing. See you in a bit.
Oh wait. Almost forgot. Happy New Years, (Captain).
Also... Don't go back to sleep.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's! Hm? Sweets? I don't hate them. After all, sugar's important to a balanced diet.
You're giving me chocolate? Really? Thank you! I'll be sure to eat every last bite.


Hm? Is this... chocolate?
Thank you. No, I don't mind sweet chocolate. I'm very grateful!
Let's see, in exchange... Oh? Not now?
Okay, but I promise I'll give you something in return. I want to... So just be patient!
Pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to... Well, I'm not breaking it so that's enough!


You're giving me chocolate again this year? Thank you. I'm glad!
Chocolate is supposed to be good for your health. It helps prevent illness and recover from exhaustion.
But to get those effects, you shouldn't eat a lot at once. I heard you should have it in small portions.
So... I'll divide this up so I can eat some later.
Thank-you gifts are given next month, huh? Is there anything you want? Maybe something good for your body?
Okay, then leave it to me. I'll be sure to find something good for you!


Everything okay, (Captain)? What did you call me out here for?
A gift for me? Ah, right. Today's Valentine's. Thank you.
They look delicious. No, more like they're bound to be delicious. I know from tasting these every year.
Uh-oh, I'm feeling a sugar craving coming on. This puts me in the danger zone—wouldn't wanna finish these all in one go.
Too much chocolate leads to a nosebleed. Didn't you know that?
You'll watch to make sure I don't eat too much at once?
Thanks, that'll definitely help.
But why don't we eat together then? That way, if we end up overindulging, we can just exercise it off together.
From enjoying treats to exercise, it's always more fun done with someone else.
But you, (Captain), you'd be a wonderful partner for any activity.


What? (Captain)? Yeah, I'm done with my sprints for today. Did something happen?
Oh. For me? Hey, were you waiting this entire time just to give this to me?
Thank you, (Captain). I'm really... really happy.
So you were waiting for me to come home, huh? I dunno why, but that kinda puts me on cloud nine.
Oh... Uhh, sorry. I'm kinda sweaty, huh? Lemme take a shower real quick. Give me just a sec.
Then I wanna thank you again. That sound cool? Great. Thanks!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day! Do you like sweet treats?
I see... Then this is for you. Sugar is good for you in moderation, you know.
You're worried about putting on weight? Don't be silly. Just get some exercise! How about going for a run right now?


Oh, (Captain)! Wait! Whoa!
Sorry! And thanks... So I got you a gift for White Day, you see...
But I don't know which one you'd like. Could you just pick your favorite from these?
Hm? Sure, you could pick them all if you want. But if you eat all this, then you'd better exercise too.
Huh? What'll happen to the one you don't choose? I was going to eat it myself. What about it?
Got it. Then let's split it all. And after you've eaten it, let's go for a workout together, (Captain)!


Today is White Day, right? I have a thank-you gift for Valentine's day. Go on and take it.
You said you wanted something good for your body, so I tried looking for organic snack foods. Do you want to try these? Okay, go ahead!
Oh yeah? It tastes good? There were lots of flavors, so I tried them all and picked this one. I guess it was worth the trouble!
I bought a lot, but don't eat them all at once. You shouldn't have too much sugar.
I guess today's fun is over now...
Hm? It's so good that you can't stop eating them? I see... Well, I'm happy you like them at least!
Okay, I understand. Then if you overeat, we'll just do some exercise. So eat all you like!


(Captain), thanks for coming out here. Sorry for the short notice.
I get kind of bashful around others. I mean, it is White Day after all...
This here's to show my appreciation for your Valentine's goodies.
I was wondering if you'd like to feast on these together, like we did last month.
Yeah, I bought some for myself too. Actually, it's more like I couldn't decide what to buy, so I ended up buying a little of everything.
I figured the two of us could finish it all though. If you're up for it, that is.
You are? Good, I'll get some tea ready.
Just so you know, I didn't buy this all on purpose. But if it means I get to enjoy tea with you, then I'm glad I did.


Umm... Hey, (Captain). You got a second?
Here, this is for you. But, you know, I don't like the entire idea of White Day's presents being some kind of thank-you gift. Like you're forced to give them or something.
Well, it implies that I can't like anyone unless they say they like me first. Uhh... It takes away my free will, in a way.
Sorry. I'm not making any sense. Anyways, what I wanted to say is... Well, I like you, (Captain).
I bought you this present because I like you. Yeah, it's a thank-you gift, but that's not all it is. I just wanted you to know that.
Thank you. It really means a lot to me—you accepting my present and listening to me like this.
I guess communication really is important. So, you know what? I'll tell you as many times as it takes. I really like you, (Captain).
And I want you to like me back. So I will never ever give up on you.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween! Wear a costume? Me?
Well, I guess I could go as a fish. Is that no good?
All right, how about a crab? Or is a shellfish better?


Tricks... tricks... Hmm...
Maybe I could try dissolving some fun colors into the pool for the water polo game today.
Cleanup's gonna be a pain though.
What do you think, (Captain)? Maybe I don't need to bother with tricks at all?
Hm. But it's Halloween. Everyone's going to get really excited when they see it, don't you think?
They'll be perfectly happy just getting candy? You're probably right. Candy it is!


I went shopping for candy to pass out, but I was surprised at all the crazy colors it comes in.
So I tried looking into it to see if there are any dangerous ingredients, but they're mostly plants and beetle powder...
But just because it's plants and bugs doesn't meant it's safe. There are plenty of poisonous ones out there, you know!
As it turns out, the shop I went to uses safe ingredients in their time-tested recipe before adding coloring to their candies. So they're safe to give out.
I'm a worrywart? No way... I just don't want to make a mistake and give the kids something they shouldn't have...
But all this talk is keeping us from the party. This candy can't pass out itself! Let's go, (Captain).


Um, (Captain)? There's something I want to talk to you about.
I can't think what I should do for Halloween.
I just can't bring myself to play a trick on anyone. What if I really upset them?
Maybe it would be better if I let someone else prank me. (Captain), do you want to try?
It's hard to prank someone who's expecting it? Yeah, I guess you're right.
Yeesh... Halloween is tough.
Can I just tag along with you today, (Captain)?
I'd like to be your Halloween apprentice. Learn the trick-or-treats of the trade.
I'll make sure not to get underfoot... What do you say?
Really? I can? Thank you!
Let's head into town then. I'm counting on you to teach me your spooky ways.


T-trick or treat...
Huh? I'm being too hesitant? Hmm... I guess I am...
You see, I was thinking that since it's Halloween, I should think of a trick to play on people...
But I got worried thinking about how the trick might scare them too much... It's hard. Hmm, I wonder what kind of trick would be good...
Oh, how about something like this?
I can dress up as a ghost that hands out candy. Then people might be a little surprised, but also happy that they get treats.
How does that sound?
Yeah? All right! Then I'll go get the candy and costume ready!
You can be the first person that gets candy from me. I'll be right back!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays. I bet even Santa Claus can't make it to the ends of the sky.
Or can he?
It would be so awesome if he could!


Do you think Santa's sleigh could reach the bottom of the sky?
If I pleaded with him enough, I wonder if he'd take me there...
Then again, maybe he's too busy.
I should've asked when I was a kid. Instead of a present, I should've asked for a sleigh ride.
Ah... But maybe it's for the best.
If I'd asked, I might never have met you and the crew, (Captain). Yeah, I'm glad I met you instead!


Mm... It really is pretty...
Hm? (Captain)... Are you curious about this book of paintings?
I got it when I was a little kid. Do you wanna take a look?
Supposedly this painting is by an artist who was fascinated with the bottom of the sky, so she drew what she imagined it'd be like.
I bet she was a lot like me... Probably read fairy tales and thought a lot about a huge sea far beneath the clouds...
I wanted to meet her one day and ask her all sorts of things... But I heard she passed away a long time ago.
Looking at this picture, I wonder if Santa Claus will get to see a sight like this tonight! If he does, he sure is lucky...


What a quiet night it is... Then again, tonight is that special night.
Oh, of course. Because I brought you away from the party.
Hm, sorry about that. I just wanted to talk to you alone.
Especially after seeing how pretty it was outside from the window.
Hm, what I wanted to talk about? Well, I didn't exactly have something in mind.
But I was thinking that even at the bottom of the skies, they might be celebrating the festivities the same way we are... How strange that'd be...
Is it as quiet down there as it is here now, or is it always quiet in the Crimson Horizon?
The bottom of the skies is all I talk about? Well, it's always something I dreamed of as a kid.
I'd like to go there with you someday if you're up for it.
I don't know how many winter holidays will come before then, but I'm sure the time will come eventually...


I wonder if snow falls at the bottom of the sky... What do you think, (Captain)?
Be nice if it did? Yeah. You're right. I think so too.
Heh-heh. You always know what to say. Makes me kinda happy.
But, man... I feel like, every winter, all I do is talk to you about the world under the clouds.
Yeah... You have a point. I guess it's just because the thing I want most is to reach the bottom of the sky.
Guess I'm still dreaming, just like a kid. I really haven't changed at all.
And thanks for never telling me I had to change... (Captain).
One day, let's travel to the bottom of the sky and swim in that huge ocean together... I'd like that a lot.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Ocean Loving Coast Guard

While the crew is taking a break at a beach, Lyria is distraught to see a man jump off a cliff. He turns out to be a lifeguard named Joel, and he tells the crew of a vast ocean supposedly at the bottom of the sky. To try and get there, he decides to join the crew.

(Captain) and company visit Auguste to deliver goods.
Upon finishing a task, the crew takes the opportunity to enjoy some time off at the beach.
Lyria: I'm so glad the water doesn't stink anymore!
Vyrn: Yeah! The old man at the shop said that he was in real trouble with the beach closed during the tourist season.
Vyrn: Heh-heh... But things should be back to normal in no time! That's one less thing to worry about.
As they walk along the beach, watching the waves roll in, Lyria suddenly shouts in surprise.
Lyria: Gasp!
Look! What's that person doing way up there?
???: ...
A young man standing on top of a rocky outcrop takes a deep breath and then dives into the sea below.
Lyria: Aaah! Oh my gosh! He fell into the water!
The distraught Lyria starts rushing towards the water, but the young man resurfaces before she gets there.
???: Huff...
Lyria: A-are you okay? You're not hurt, are you? Did you hit your head or anything?
???: Huh? What's going on? Why are you giving me the third degree?
Lyria: I-I... You just fell from that cliff!
???: Oh, you mean my dive? No need to worry. I do that all the time.
Lyria: Huh?
So you fall all the time?
???: Come again...
You don't swim here too often, do you?
???: That cliff is really popular with divers. There are no rocks beneath it, so it's plenty safe.
???: But I guess it looks pretty dangerous if you don't know that. Sorry if I startled you.
Lyria: No... I should be saying sorry. I shouldn't have started screaming like that.
???: Are you guys tourists? The beach is still closed, so I'm afraid not many of the shops are open right now.
???: But it's almost time for lunch, so let me take you to a restaurant I know.
Come with me.
Vyrn: So you're a lifeguard, huh?
Joel: That's right. But with the beach closed, all us lifeguards are on vacation.
Vyrn: Really? Then why are you here?
Joel: Because I love swimming, and I love the ocean. Watching it calms me.
Joel: I always gaze at the ocean when I have something on my mind.
Lyria: Are you... worried about something?
Joel: Umm... No, nothing like that. I have a dream. Lyria, have you heard that there's a vast ocean at the bottom of the sky?
Lyria: What? Are you saying the sky ends in an ocean?
Joel: That's what the legends say. Ever since I was little, all I've wanted to do is swim in that endless sea...
Joel: And whenever I'm off the clock, I think about nothing else.
Joel: Not that I know how to get there or anything.
Vyrn: Hmm... I've never heard of anyone who's been to the bottom of the sky.
Vyrn: Though (Captain)'s dad apparently managed to reach the edge of it.
Joel: The sky's edge? You mean Estalucia, Island of the Astrals?
Lyria: Exactly! We're looking for the sky's edge. Isn't that right, (Captain)?
Joel: I see...
Joel: ...
Joel: (Captain), I think I might want to join you on your quest.
Vyrn: Are you sure, Joel?
Joel: Sure of what?
Vyrn: I mean, you know we're heading to the sky's edge, right?
Joel: Yes...
Because you just said that.
Vyrn: But didn't you say you wanna go to the bottom of the sky?
Joel: I did.
Vyrn: Hold it for a second! That means our destinations are different!
Joel: Oh, is that what you were getting at? I guess I need to explain.
Joel: I want to get to the bottom of the sky, but I don't know how to do it.
Joel: Your aim is the sky's edge, but you'll be stopping at various locations along the way, correct?
Joel: While we journey, I can look for a way down. That's why I'd like to go with you.
Vyrn: Couldn't you have just said that in the first place?
Joel: I suppose I could have... My apologies.
Joel: So, (Captain), how about it? May I join your crew?
  1. Of course!
  2. But you can't swim on most islands...

Choose: Of course!
Joel: ...
Vyrn: You okay? What's with the sudden silence?
Joel: Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I just didn't expect you to say yes so quickly. Took me by surprise.

Choose: But you can't swim on most islands...
Joel: That's a small price to pay for the chance to swim in that endless sea!
Joel: Besides, I have a spell to make spheres of water on land. I'll have to make do with swimming in those.
Lyria: Wow! That's amazing! You'll have to show us later!
Joel: Sure thing.
Continue 1
Joel: I'll try my best to help you and your crew. You won't regret it, (Captain).
Thus Joel, a young lifeguard looking for a way to the vast sea at the bottom of the sky, joins (Captain)'s crew.
Does the boundless ocean that he so longs for actually exist? Only time will tell.

Holistic Health

The night after an exhausting mission, the health-conscious Joel wakes (Captain) and company up early to exercise. Once finished, Joel then tells the crew that the exercise was meant as preparation for the real task at hand—patrolling the area for monsters.

(Captain) and the crew stop at an island and spend the night relaxing on the ship.
The crew intends to check whether there are any missions for them to complete tomorrow, but Joel takes the reigns.
Joel: (Captain). (Captain), wake up. It's time to get going.
Vyrn: Yawn... Huh? Joel? What are you doing up this early?
Joel: Good morning, Vyrn. It's already daybreak, so it's time to get up.
Vyrn: What are you talking about? We were up late last night! Let us sleep in a little longer.
Joel: No. Wake up late one day and you'll do it the next day too.
Vyrn: Gimme a break...
Joel: The lives of skyfarers are dictated by the jobs that they find, so it's easy to end up with an unstable daily routine.
Joel: But physical health is of paramount importance. We can't afford to idle away the day in bed.
Joel: Living a well-structured life is good for both the body and mind. That's why you need to get up, (Captain).
Lyria: Yawn... What's going on?
Joel: Lyria, you should get up too. Let's all get a drink of water, and do some morning stretches. You'll feel better after that.
(Captain) gives in to the stubborn Joel and gets up. Everyone heads out onto the deck.
Joel: One, two, one, two. Okay... Now hold that pose and breathe deep.
Lyria: Hee-hee... Stretching in the morning feels fantastic!
Joel: Well done, guys. That's it for the warm-up.
Lyria: Warm-up? What were we warming up for?
Joel: The real exercise of course! We didn't even break a sweat.
Joel: Come on! Let's go!
Vyrn: Wait! Joel, you haven't even told us what we're supposed to do yet!
Joel: What? Oh, you're right. I was thinking that we could do something light before breakfast.
Joel: Perhaps we could also patrol the area around the airship to make sure there are no monsters nearby.
Joel: It'll be a total-body workout and we can check for nearby danger. Two birds with one stone.
Vyrn: Umm... Exactly what part of that is light?
Joel: Come on! The longer you stand there talking, the later breakfast will be.
Vyrn: This's gonna suck...
Lyria: Hee-hee... I'm sure that after a bit of hustle and bustle, breakfast will taste even better than usual. C'mon, (Captain). Let's go!

Holistic Health: Scene 2

After clearing the surrounding area of monsters, (Captain) and company head to a nearby town. They visit a nearby bakery to buy some bread, but find the owner arguing with his son. When they try to intervene, the son directs his rage at them.

After clearing the area of all monsters the crew, following a sprinting Joel, approached a nearby town.
Joel: Hmm... This town is actually closer than I thought.
Vyrn: Pant... You know, there's nothing light about fighting monsters and running a marathon!
Joel: Look at it this way, at least now you're wide awake.
Lyria: Grumble... My stomach's starting to talk...
Joel: I'll make everyone breakfast when we get back. Since we've made it this far, let's go buy some bread.
Vyrn: Not like we have much choice... Let's get to it!
Joel: Look! There's the bakery.
Joel: Huh? Are they arguing?
Baker: How many times have I... I've had it up to here with you coming and going as you please!
Baker's Son: Whatever! I'm sick of you always nagging me!
Vyrn: Hmm... Looks like a family feud.
Baker's Son: Go to hell!
Joel: !
The baker's son gets ready to throw a punch at his father, but Joel steps in just in time.
Baker's Son: Stay out of this if you know what's good for you!
Joel: You look tired. A lack of sleep can impair judgment.
Joel: An unhealthy lifestyle leads to an unhealthy body and an unhealthy mind. You're a textbook example.
Joel: Do you really think punching your father will solve anything? You need to talk it out.
Baker's Son: Get lost! Unless you want my fist hitting your face!
Baker: Despicable... You don't care who you lash out at.
Joel: Till you've cooled off there's no talking sense into you, is there?
Joel: (Captain), I'm going to need your help.

Holistic Health: Scene 3

Once (Captain) and company stop the baker's son, Joel gives him advice on how to change his life for the better. Through hard work and determination, he successfully diverts the boy from his self-destructive path.

Joel: Now, have you calmed down a little?
Baker's Son: Ugh! Nothing ever goes the way I want it to! It's not fair!
Baker: How did he ever turn out like this? He used to be such a good kid.
Joel: ...
Being good all the time can be burdensome.
Baker's Son: Huh?
Joel: You might feel like you need to rebel and lash out, but I assure you that you'll regret doing so in the future.
Joel: Violence begets violence, creating a vicious cycle that will spiral out of control.
Baker's Son: Quit talking like you know me!
Joel: No need to get angry. If you change your ways now, things will get better.
Joel: Stop fretting. I'll help you through this.
Baker's Son: Huh? Whoa! Don't touch me! I can get up on my own!
Joel: (Captain), I'm going to take him for a bit of exercise. You can head on back to the airship.
Vyrn: What? Wait!
He's gone. He moves fast...
True to his word, Joel helps the baker's son everyday while maintaining his duties with the crew.
Joel: Come on... Just 10 more. Once we're done with your core, we'll work your lower back.
Baker's Son: Got it!
Baker: Wow... He's doing so well.
Thanks to Joel's tireless efforts, the baker's son changes his ways.
And the ever health-conscious Joel will surely continue to look after the minds and bodies of the crew.

For Love of the Sea

Cailana and Joel visit their hometown of Auguste and rush off to their favorite place by the sea. While fondly recollecting memories of times past, the two spot miscreants on the beach and decide to teach them right from wrong.

On one of their days off, (Captain) and the crew visit Auguste.
All the members are enjoying their time in the best way they know how.
Cailana: Wow! Just feel that breeze! It's got a scent that brings back memories!
Cailana: Haha! (Captain) said I could go out to relax! Be back in a bit!
Cailana avoids the crowded beach and instead sets out for a place she used to visit practically every day.
Joel: ...
Meanwhile, a young boy stands on some ever-so-slightly elevated rocks while gazing out into the gently undulating ocean.
Joel takes in the air of his hometown he has so pined for.
Joel: The water really does have a calming effect...
Joel: The smell, the air, all of it... I wish I could take it with me wherever I go.
???: Awesome! Nobody's around, so I get this whole place to myself!
Joel: Hmm?
Joel: Is that...
Cailana: Woo!
Cailana: Haha! This feels amazing!
Joel: Goodness... Chipper as always, I see.
Joel: ...
Joel looks out across the sea he knows so well, breathes in deeply, and leaps.
Cailana: Huh?
Cailana: Is that who I think it is?
Cailana homes in on the figure she just saw jump into the water and approaches joyfully.
Joel: Huff... Huff...
Cailana: Dude! Joel!
Cailana: Hahaha! So you came here too!
Joel: Of course I did. It's been so long since I've seen the sea of Auguste. This place helps me relax.
Joel: Look at you. Haven't changed a bit.
Cailana: Duh!
Cailana: Hehe!
Nothing beats this beach, y'know? It's got... like this soothing effect.
After their swim is over, the two head back to the shore and take in their hometown's open waters.
Joel: It's been so long since I've felt this way... There's something so nostalgic about being here.
Cailana: Hahaha! Totally! Before our adventure began it was just the norm to be here. Now it feels almost weird being back!
Joel and Cailana... Born in Auguste... Raised in Auguste...
For as long as they can remember, they have been thick as thieves. Before their journey began, the shared affection for the sea brought them together every day.
On the one hand, the calm Joel has eyes only for the sea beneath the clouds.
On the other hand, the reckless Cailana seeks to ride the monstrous waves created by Leviathan.
They seem like polar opposites at first glance, but what they both have in common are larger-than-life dreams and a genuine love for the water.
Cailana: Oh! That reminds me! I don't think the cascade's coming today.
Cailana: When I went to visit gramps, he told me so. He said they're rare nowadays.
Cailana: This stinks... It would have been totally awesome if I'd been able to ride at least one legendary wave!
Joel: Are you still serious about doing that?
Joel: Seriously... How many times do I have to tell you? Those waves are dangerous.
Cailana: Hey! You're not going to start lecturing me, are you? Come on! Gimme a break!
Joel: You'd use up your nine lives just trying to ride one of those things...
Joel: You know... The sea isn't your conquest. It's like family.
Cailana: I know that! I treat it like my baby! Anyone who lives in Auguste knows the ocean's a part of them.
Cailana: It's because I love the sea that I want to understand it better than anyone.
Joel: Sigh...
Understanding and conquering aren't the same thing... Do you normally want to conquer family members?
Cailana: Mmm... You know, you're missing my point! You can be so hardheaded sometimes!
Cailana: Sniff, sniff...
Hey! The wind is calling me! Catch ya later!
Joel: Whoa! Hold your horses! You never listen to what people have to say...
After escaping Joel's sermon, Cailana, with surfboard in possession, proceeds back to the ocean. She suddenly stops.
Cailana: Joel! Look at those guys...
Joel: What now? One minute you're running and the next you stop dead in your tracks... I can't keep up.
Cailana: Save your preaching for later! Look over there...
Cailana gestures to the shore. A group of young men in the midst of their barbeque are throwing trash into the ocean.
Joel: They're...
Joel: Tch...
Why're they...
Cailana: I thought I smelled something off! They have no respect for the sea!
Cailana: Let's get a move on!
Cailana: Stop that!
Joel: Hold it!
Ruffian 1: Whadda y'all want?
Cailana: Don't you know you can't throw trash there? You're polluting the ocean!
Joel: That trash will destroy the environment!
Ruffian 2: Huh? Say what now? Why ya gotta go and be such mood killers?
Joel: We want you to obey the rules so that everyone can enjoy the waters.
Ruffian 2: Huh? Who are ya guys, the moral brigade? Is that a new trend or somethin'?
Whadda we do with these clowns?
Ruffian 1: Tch...
Shut ya traps already! We're just tryin' ta have a good time, and you're killing it fer us!
The enraged youths begin hurling their garbage at Joel and Cailana.
Cailana: Gross! What do you think you're doing!
Cailana: You wanna pick a fight over the ocean with me? Now you've done it! I'm not letting this go!
Joel: So that's how you folks want to play it? I'm not about to stand by as you stain the sacred seas of Auguste.
Ruffian 1: Whad'ya say to me? You pickin' a fight, punk?
Cailana: Humph!
Me and Joel are pretty tough! Don't even think about screaming for mercy after we've made you cry!
Joel: This... is gonna hurt.
And so Joel and Cailana begin to lay down the law.
The ruffians stand no chance against the veterans of war.
The problematic young men are beaten in seconds and then forced to admit their wrongdoing.
Ruffian 1: Who the hell are you guys? How could you be that strong?
Cailana: What? You didn't think we were part of (Captain)'s crew just because of our good looks, did you?
Ruffian 2: We're sorry. Go easy on us. We've learned our lesson...
Cailana: I warned you we're strong, didn't I? It's a little too late to be asking us to go easy!
Cailana: Now then... How exactly will you make this up to us?
Cailana: You do know that Leviathan lives in the ocean, right? You guys basically spat in it's face!
Ruffian 1: We know. We said we're sorry...
Joel, who has only been observing up till now, opens his mouth and speaks in his usual matter-of-fact tone.
Joel: A sound mind in a sound body, as they say. For your sakes as well, you'll need some educating.
Ruffian 2: Huh? Educating?
Joel: That's right! You won't just be picking up your trash. You'll be picking up all the trash on this beach.
Cailana: Good idea! Cleaning up the beach will probably even make Leviathan happy!
Joel: Don't forget... Running along the sand will serve as training for the body too. That should be a fair punishment.
Joel: All right, get to work. If you don't hurry it up, the sun will set.
Ruffian 2: Whaaat! Please forgive us!
Cailana: Hahaha! Come on now! I don't wanna hear anymore complaints!
Joel and Cailana make sure the ruffians leave no stone unturned in their mission to remove all the filth from the shores.
Cailana: Well, that's that. The beach and those dudes seem better off than when we found them. All's well!
Joel: Agreed. When a body moves, that usually has a purifying effect on the soul.
Cailana: Hehe! Hey! That reminds me... Were you trying to tell me something earlier?
Joel: Uhh... Just forget it. It wouldn't make a difference. You don't listen to a thing I say anyway.
Cailana: Haha! Good point! Let's just agree that we both want everyone to treat our beach with respect!
Cailana: Look at that! The water is calling my name! I'm off to catch some waves!
Joel: Nothing changes... That's for the better, I suppose.
I could use a dip myself. Let's go.
While they march to the beat of their own drums, the sea will always bind these two for the rest of their days.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
規則正しい生活が健康の第一歩だ Keeping regular hours is the first step to good health!
準備運動、完了だ Enough stretching for today!
水の中はいつも温かい落ち着く場所だ It's always so warm and relaxing in the water.
波の音は鼓動と似ている The sound of the waves resembles a heartbeat.
泳ぎ方を教えようか? Shall I teach you how to swim?
運動の後はきちんと休憩も取るんだ You'll want to take it easy after strenuous exercise.
…無理していないか?我慢は禁物だ It's not good to hold it in, you know."
…もっと泳ぎたい… I want to swim...
(主人公)、よく眠れているか? Sleep well, (Captain)?
(主人公)、泳ぐのは好きか? Do you like to swim, (Captain)?
