Johann (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17
Height 162 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Archeology, folkloristics
Likes Things with feelable history
Dislikes Research obstacles
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 17歳
Height 162cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 考古学・民俗学の研究
Likes 歴史を感じられるもの
Dislikes 研究の邪魔になる存在
Character Release
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

A most hearty, happy birthday to you!
A person's history is entangled with the world's, just as a thread is woven into a tapestry.
I sincerely wish only the best for you in the future.


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I suspect I said this to you last year, but the accumulated experience of all the days you've lived through is what makes you who you are.
That I managed to have some small effect on another one of your years is, well... I suppose you could say I'm proud.
May the year that starts today be even better than the last, (Captain).


Happy birthday, (Captain).
It's been some time since this crew took me under its wing.
As I look back on our time together, meeting you was the turning point in my life.
Essentially, your existence is the pivotal requisite in history's timeline.
Thus the day of your birth holds a greater significance, especially to me.
To have been able to meet you amid the flowing time of this huge world is nothing short of gratifying!


Hm? Oh, (Captain). Sorry, I was just lost in thought.
Today is your birthday, is it not?
Has it already been four years? I've thoroughly enjoyed our adventures which have taken us through so many ups and downs.
And I expect that others will find traces of what we have accomplished.
When those traces are found, what will the finders think of us?
Here I go again. Rambling on...
Oh, but think of the research that will be needed to understand what we did together!
You know! I'm jealous of the researchers of our future!


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Time flies... It's already been five years—or should I say, it's only been five?
In our journey together, every single day passes by in a flash.
It truly is an adventure packed with countless experiences that will no doubt become a valuable part of history.
I wouldn't be surprised if you end up appearing as a hero from a fairy-tale to researchers in the future.
I am very honored to be able to personally witness this history as it is being spun.
Heheh. After all, this is something only a person traveling together with you can experience!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Another year is upon us, which means we're that much further from antiquity.
My resolution is to see all the ruins of old before they vanish.


Happy New Year, (Captain)!
We've come to the start of another year, yes? How wondrous.
Last year was quite fruitful. What astonishing discoveries and mysteries await us this year? I can hardly wait to find out!


Say, (Captain), will you partake in a New Year's custom from a different land? All you have to do is write down your resolution for this year.
Yes, I even have the materials all prepared for you. Go for it.
Phew, I'm all done. How about you, (Captain)?
Hahaha. Oh no, I'm not laughing at your resolution.
Someday in the distant future, someone is bound to see our mementos of the past.
I wonder what that person will think of us.
I get the strangest sense of elation when I imagine myself as a small part of the larger tapestry that is history.


(Captain), happy New Year.
It's the start of a new time. What will you do with it? Last year you wrote down a resolution...
Since then I've read quite a few texts and found other quite varied traditions...
Some that have lasted, some that have changed, and some that have vanished...
So many different cultures have crossed so many unique roads. It really is fascinating.
The me of the past would have stopped there.
But now I have you and all the members of the crew.
Why stop at talking when there are so many things we could do together!
That would give me the chance to really feel everything I read for myself!


Happy New Year, (Captain).
Are you surprised? This enormous feast of food laid out before you is today's breakfast.
I'm afraid this is my fault. A few crew members listened to my explanation of a region which enjoys twelve meals for New Year's Day, and they all decided to replicate the tradition.
They wished to incorporate every kind of food possible, so they're busy researching other cuisine at the moment.
Oh, there's nothing to worry about! I've come prepared with stomach medicine in case anyone needs it.
So we can eat to our heart's content and relax into the new year.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Feasting on sumptuous morsels only improves my thought processes.
Oh? Today is Valentine's Day, isn't it?
These chocolates are for me? I'm not a fan of eating while reading, you know.
But it's from you. I suppose I'll accept.


Hm, I'm not sure I understand the meaning of this passage. Looks like the previous page is missing.
Oh? Why, hello, (Captain). Can I help you with anything? My research has hit something of a snag, and—hm?
Mm, what's that smell? Oh, are you giving me chocolates again this year too?
Heheh. Not a bad time to take a break, I suppose. Thank you very much, (Captain).


Ah, (Captain). Is this a Valentine's Day present?
Thank you! With this I think I can finally be at ease.
Hahaha, to tell you the truth, my heart was palpitating in the days leading up till now.
It interfered with my research. But now that the anticipation is done with, I can go back to focusing solely on my work!
I have some texts that I wish to study, so I'll be leaving now.
Oh, and thank you again for the chocolates, (Captain)!


Oh? (Captain). Why, is it Valentine's Day already?
I'm grateful for your gifts every year. I really am.
I remember every item you have ever given me, (Captain).
Those presents represent the history between us after all.
Haha. You know, I always forget things that I have no interest in.


Hmm... I can't puzzle this out. If I go back to the description here, the explanation contradicts with this...
Whoa! (Captain), how long have you been here for?
I'm sorry. I was so busy with my research that I didn't even notice you come in.
Oh my, something smells sweet... That's right, it's Valentine's Day, isn't it?
Thank you very much. I'll savor this.
You know, whenever I eat the chocolates you give me, I'm able to push past any obstacles in my research.
Hehe, it's strange, isn't it? I really do appreciate these sweets every year, (Captain).

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

I made this as a thank-you gift for Valentine's Day. It's all yours if you want it.
Today's White Day after all. I recreated this dessert from an ancient recipe.
It may be a little bland and unsophisticated, but it's not half-bad.


This is for you, (Captain). I made it for you in return for Valentine's.
I'm quite a bit more confident about how it turned out compared to last year's.
My original intent was to recreate a recipe I found in an ancient tome. Quite the enjoyable diversion, if I do say so.
I suspect my research may end up playing a part in the kitchen as well. I'm sure those who already find themselves in the thrall of the kitchen will agree.


Since it's White Day, I want to show you my appreciation with a little gift, (Captain).
Yes, indeed, I did handcraft everything again just like last year, but with a small exception. I know you'll love it!
You see, I didn't consult any ancient texts this time around. Instead I went in pursuit of genuinely delicious sweets.
It's a special day, after all. A day of excitement not just for me but for you as well.
But who knew the world of cooking could be so deep! Even within the confines of sweets, there exist multitudes of recipes...
Oops, forgive me. You can't help rambling when you're a scholar at heart.


All right, (Captain), please accept this! And eat it!
Making sweets really does get more fun with the years.
I've made something amazing again this year as well! I paid attention not only to the taste but the overall look.
I promise you this is an improvement from last year!
It's strange... Aside from research, there is nothing that catches my attention as much as this.
Hahaha. This might be what others typically call a hobby of sorts!


Take a look at this, (Captain)! I've made a masterpiece this year, wouldn't you agree?
You could even call it a work of art—an achievement befitting of a professional!
Go on, have a taste!
Hehe, you appear to be enjoying yourself immensely.
Truthfully, that pleased look on your face is precisely the reason I made such a refined treat for the occasion.
As for next year, well... It's only natural for a person to want to make more when their hard work is received so well.
Hehe, I'll be sure to create a treat with no equal! You'll devour it without leaving a single crumb behind!

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Haha! This is my first Halloween, and I'm truly impressed! Look at these great costumes!


Happy Halloween, (Captain)! We find ourselves at the cusp of another night of shocks and surprises!
My experience last year, coupled with my research into various ancient tomes, has made me into a veritable Halloween meister in record time!
First step—costume. I prepared one for you as well, (Captain). Let the spooks commence!


"Trick or treat" is the usual saying during Halloween, but why?
Many thoughts came to mind, so I decided to look into the origin of the phrase.
Halloween was originally established as a commemoration for the souls of the departed.
As such, it seems slightly inappropriate to be begging for candy on a hallowed day, doesn't it?
After further research, I found out that the candy was actually an offering of appeasement to the souls.
People who didn't receive candy weren't the ones playing tricks on others—it was the work of the deceased!
As far as the dead were concerned, the living had no right to play practical jokes on anyone during Halloween.
A lot of children do this, though, without knowing its history.
Ah, but it makes sense that they'd wear costumes while saying trick or treat... Hmm... This is interesting...


Halloween really is a beast of its own.
(Captain), what if the dead really were to come back...
And we could communicate with them. With whom and what would you discuss?
What? Me first?
Hmm... I find it difficult to name only one person...
But I might say... anyone who knows something about an era I'm interested in.
And I'd like to test the validity of my research.


Happy Halloween, (Captain).
That large pumpkin... Ah, I see. It’s a jack-o'-lantern, isn't it?
Speaking of which, do you know of the legend behind the jack-o'-lantern?
It's a legend on the origins of the jack-o'-lantern that has been passed down for generations on a certain island...
They say the jack-o'-lantern is based on a certain devious man who, unable to move on to the afterlife due to the grievous sins he had committed, wanders this world with a lantern.
And the lantern he holds is said to be made from coal and a dried turnip that he received from a demon.
That's why, in the region where this legend is from, jack-o'-lanterns are made using turnips and put out on Halloween.
Heheh. Has this story made you interested in the decorations involved with the Halloween season, as well as the treats?
Knowing the stories behind the different Halloween decorations just might make your walk in town that much more enjoyable.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays.
It seems that this holiday has been celebrated for a long time. I wonder when it originated?
I imagine it was much different back then.
Now all of the cultures from around the Sky Realm have mixed together to come up with what we see today. Amazing, don't you think?


It seems the holiday season is upon us once again.
I must confess, I've been rather preoccupied with my research as of late and lost track of time completely.
Heh heh... I can hear such lively voices outside. And I imagine you came here to bring me with you, yes? Let's go join the crew together.


Seasons greetings, (Captain)! Holidays only come once a year, so let's make the most of them!
Is it out of character for me to say that?
Haha, guess it shows how long I've been a member of this crew.
I've gotten used to being a reveler. I might as well act the part and be merry.
Plus, I could probably use this experience as inspiration for my research!


Happy holidays, (Captain).
This is a beautiful night. It's cold out, but the sky is clear, and I feel like I can hear the sound of the stars.
It's like my mind is hypersensitive... I might even make real progress with my research!
I must be going to my room!
Don't mind me. Everyone have a lovely evening!


I must apologize for dragging you along with me on this walk, (Captain).
My research hit a bit of a wall, so I needed a change of scenery to help clear my head.
I must say, however, that the holiday decorations around town are absolutely astounding.
The history of all living beings is reflected in these countless sparkling lights.
Hm? Is it... snowing? I suppose it makes sense, considering it suddenly became colder.
We should head back before we catch colds. With my head plenty cleared, I'm feeling quite optimistic about making more progress in my research!
Have a wonderful evening, (Captain)! May this be a holy night to remember!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Lonely Folklorist

While visiting Sierokarte for a new mission, the crew reunites with the folklorist Johann. He's interested in Lyria's ability to manipulate primal beasts, and his curiosity drives him to join the crew.

On a visit to Sierokarte to pick up a new job request, (Captain) and crew have an unexpected reunion.
Johann: Hello! I haven't seen all of you since that matter on Lognos. It's been too long.
Vyrn: If it isn't Mr. Scholar! You doing good?
Johann: I am. Quite the coincidence running into you here. I'm looking for a job request myself.
Sierokarte: That's gonna be a problem! I only have one request available at the moment.
Johann: All right, then I propose that we undertake it together, since our last mission worked out so well.
Johann: I believe it may be quite enlightening to work with others for a change.
Lyria: Yay! I'm sure you'd be a big help!
Sierokarte: All right then! Be careful out there, everyone!
It doesn't take long for them to complete the mission and return to Sierokarte.
Johann: Requests really are more fun if you do them with others!
  1. You always go it alone?
  2. Now goodbye forever.

Choose: You always go it alone?
Johann: Yes, that's right.

Choose: Now goodbye forever.
Johann: How can you say that when we've been apart for so long?
  1. Just kidding.
  2. Seriously, bye.

Choose: Just kidding.
Johann: I figured as much. Nothing gets past me.

Choose: Seriously, bye.
Johann: Just a warning, but I've been known to cry.
  1. Aw, sorry!
  2. What a baby.

Choose: Aw, sorry!
Johann: You had me going there.
Continue 2
Johann: Now let's get down to business.

Choose: What a baby.
Johann: Sob...
Vyrn: Hey! Where are you going, Mr. Scholar?
Lyria: Wait!
The crew later catches Johann as he runs through the market with tears in his eyes and frantically tries to calm him down.
(Captain) ultimately apologizes for going overboard.
Continue 1
Vyrn: Hmm... So you've been doing research and handling jobs by yourself this whole time?
Johann: Well, since I'm primarily a researcher, I couldn't just join a crew.
Johann: What if I received a job request during important research or had my research call me away from a crucial job?
Johann: As such, I've usually worked alone up to this point.
Johann: But I've started to think it might be interesting to work with others from time to time.
  1. Care to join our crew?
  2. So what? You want an invitation?

Choose: Care to join our crew?
Johann: Goodness, yes. Assuming I won't get in the way, of course.

Choose: So what? You want an invitation?
Johann: You're being rather cold today...
Continue 3
Johann: The truth is that I actually broached the subject because of my keen interest in Lyria.
Lyria: Huh? Your interest in me?
Johann: As a scholar, I wish to know more about the secrets of the Astrals.
Johann: So it should come as no surprise that I'm curious about the source of Lyria's power to manipulate primal beasts.
Lyria: You want to know the secret of my powers?
Johann: Precisely! On Lognos Island, you said you didn't know the source of your powers, right?
Johann: Do you not wish to find out? I'm personally brimming with curiosity.
Lyria: Um... I want to know too.
Lyria: (Captain)! Why don't we have Johann come with us?
  1. Sure thing.
  2. I don't want to have to take care of him.

Choose: Sure thing.
Johann: Thank you, (Captain). That's quite the relief to hear.
Vyrn: Yeah! If it means finding out the secret behind Lyria's powers, I'm all for it!

Choose: I don't want to have to take care of him.
Johann: You make it sound like I'm some stray dog or cat you picked up.
Lyria: I'll take good care of him! I promise!
Johann: Ha-ha.
Vyrn: Uh... Even I feel kinda bad about the way you're getting treated here, Mr. Scholar.
Vyrn: But if it means finding out the secret behind Lyria's powers, I'm fine with bringing you aboard!
Continue 4
Johann: I believe I should prove useful to you. As you know, I have a certain degree of fluency in the ancient language of the Astrals.
Johann: If you intend to find the Island of the Astrals by following the footprints of the Astrals themselves, my expertise will likely come in handy.
Johann: I'm looking forward to working with you again, (Captain). We're going to make it to Estalucia one day. You can count on it.
Thus the folklorist Johann joins (Captain)'s crew.
His wealth of knowledge will doubtless prove a great help.

Johann the Hunted

While working on a mission, (Captain)'s crew is attacked by people who seem to be after Johann for reasons not yet clear.

(Captain) and crew are suddenly attacked during a mission on a certain island.
The attackers' objective is unclear, but they don't seem interested in interfering with the mission.
Vyrn: Sheesh! Talk about bad apples!
Lyria: Hmm... I think they are after Johann.
Johann: Yes, there can be no doubt about that.
Katalina: But who are they? By the look of their weapons, they seem to be knights...
Johann: I've actually had a lot of people after me lately. People under the command of someone rich and powerful, no less.
Katalina: That's difficult to believe. You hardly seem like the sort of person anyone would want to hurt.
Johann: They have their reasons. You don't need to be involved in black market dealings or dark conspiracies to be a target.
Katalina: I see. I don't know what those reasons are, but running seems to be our best option.
Johann: At the moment, I agree. I've been strong enough to repel them up until now...
Johann: But each time I defend myself successfully, they redouble their efforts.
Assassin 1: Ah-ha! There you are, Johann!
Johann: Great. They found me.
Assassin 2: Heh-heh... And this time you'll be handing over th—
Johann: No.
Assassin 2: Argh!
Assassin 1: Why you little... Where do you get off?
Johann: That's one point for me. Consider that my official refusal to hand over anything to you. Ever.

Johann the Hunted: Scene 2

The attackers are after Johann's staff and offer him a king's ransom for it. When he refuses, they send monsters the crew's way.

Assassin: No! We have to get that staff! Don't let him get away!
Vyrn: Wait... Those guys want your staff?
Johann: Seems like it. Quite the bother, if I do say so. They simply don't know when to quit.
Katalina: But why do they want your staff so badly?
Johann: I just can't let them have it. Period.
Assassin: Listen, we're not telling you to give it to us for free! We're offering to pay a lot of money!
Assassin: See? Look at this letter! This is how much our client will pay you! Are you seriously saying this isn't enough?
The assassin tosses over a letter, which Katalina picks up off the ground.
Katalina: I don't believe this... You could buy an island with that amount!
Lyria: Gasp!
Johann: Like I said... I have no intention of selling my staff, no matter the price.
Assassin: Tch... Then you leave us no choice! Do it!
Monster: Groar!
Vyrn: We've got company! They're releasing monsters!
Assassin: You should have handed it over when we asked!

Johann the Hunted: Scene 3

Johann's staff is a relic of the Astrals. He reveals that his dream is to discover its true origin and purpose.

Assassin: This ain't over! You won't get off so easy next time!
Johann: Looks like we're done here. Thank you for the help. I don't know if I could have handled them alone.
Lyria: Um... What's so special about your staff? How could it be worth the price of an island?
Johann: Oh, this?
Katalina: Yes. Why do others pursue it?
Johann: I haven't mentioned it before? This is a relic of the Astrals.
Lyria: Wow! The Astrals made it? That explains the mysterious power I sense—
Lyria: Wait... Oh my gosh!
Katalina: It must be incredibly valuable!
Johann: Yes, it's likely safe to assume so.
Johann: What value can money have when discussing a relic from a culture and society that vanished hundreds of years ago?
Vyrn: Whoa... You sure it's okay to be swinging something that valuable around?
Johann: I'm still not sure what the staff's true purpose is, so using it in this manner is all part of my research.
Johann: To use something is to understand it, you see.
Johann: There seems to be some magic left in it, so it's been quite useful to me as a weapon.
Lyria: Wow... So we've had something that incredible with us this whole time?
Johann: To find out why this staff was created and where it came from... That's my dream.
Johann: When the staff is once again used for its original purpose, perhaps I will glimpse the world spoken of in the myths of creation... A man can dream, yes?
Motivated by an inexhaustible curiosity, Johann's search will continue until he finally finds what he's looking for.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
神話の話、聞きたいですか? You wish to hear me speak of mythology?
この地形、確か古文書に… This landmass was inscribed on the papyrus...
シェロカルテとは長い付き合いなんです Sierokarte and I go way back.
ふふ、僕も決して弱くはありませんよ? I can hold my own, you know?
この杖は手放せません絶対に I won't let go of this staff, ever!
騎空団というのも面白いものです Crews are an interesting bunch.
僕の知識がきっと役に立つでしょう My knowledge will surely come in handy.
どこかに星の民の足跡が…… Any traces of the Astrals?
(主人公)に護衛を依頼して正解でした I was right to ask for (Captain)'s protection.
また(主人公)と遺跡を巡りたいですね Let's go exploring ruins again sometime, (Captain)!


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 05.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ロボミ」「ロザミア」「ヨハン」「クロエ」