Main Character/Voice

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Game Voice Gran (Anime) Djeeta (Anime) Gran (Versus) Djeeta (Versus) Gran (Rising) Djeeta (Rising)
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Fully Voiced Gran

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ルリア、この広い空の果てに何があるのか、一緒に確かめに行こう!
Lyria, whatever's at the end of this vast sky, let's discover it together!
I'd like Rackham to teach me the right way to maintain a gun.
Katalina's asked me to taste her cooking... Am I going to be okay?
I wonder what kinds of journeys Eugen went on when he was my age...
イオ、僕に魔法を教えてくれないかな。誰かを笑顔にするための魔法を I wonder if Io would teach me magic, magic to put a smile on someone's face.
ロゼッタさんは、ルリアの事を何か知っているのかな Rosetta seems to know something about Lyria.
リンゴ買ってきたよ、ビィ。ザンクティンゼルの物とは、ちょっと種類が違うみたいだ I bought some apples, Vyrn. It looks like they're sort of different from the kind we have on Zinkenstill.
空の彼方、約束の地へ――僕は、必ず父さんに追いついて見せる Across the sky, toward the Promised Land--I'll definitely show Dad that I've caught up to him.
Add to Party よし、準備完了! Okay, preparations are taken care of! Plays when the skin is equipped.
へへっ、どんな冒険が、僕達を待っているのかな Hehe, I wonder what kind of adventure is waiting for us.
さあ、旅を続けよう! Now, let's continue our journey!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack たあっ! Tah!
そこだっ! There!
はっ! Hah!
Enemy Defeated よし! There we go!
Skill 1 ルリア、下がって!
Lyria, get back!
Let's go!
Plays when a damage skill is used.
Skill 2 畳み掛ける!
Keep up the pressure!
Now, let's go!
This is the big moment!
Plays when a buff skill is used.
Skill 3 今だ、隙あり!
Now, there's his weak point!
Just try recovering from this!
If I don't do my best...
Plays when a debuff skill is used.
Skill 4 無理はしちゃだめだ
You can't push yourself like that.
This is going to be just fine.
Show me where it hurts.
Plays when a healing skill is used.
C.A. Ready これで決める This will finish it.
Charge Attack こんな所で、僕は止まれない!


I won't be stopped here!
Even if my path is blocked, I'll cut a way through with my own hands!
Whoever my opponent is, I absolutely won't lose!
Skip Charge Attack 僕は止まれない!
I won't be stopped!
I'll cut a way through with my own hands!
I absolutely won't lose!
Damage Taken ぐわぁぁ! Gwaah!
Red HP 大丈夫、まだ I'm still good.
Knocked Out ごめん、みんな… I'm sorry, everyone...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Guh--my body's so heavy...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed うん。もう大丈夫 Mm. I'm fine now.
Join Battle 僕も戦う! I'll fight too!
Victory ここはもう大丈夫だね。次の場所に向かおう! Everything's fine here, now. On to the next place!
Turn Start 行こう、みんな! Let's go, everyone!
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Skill 1 グラン「敵を牽制します!」
Gran: Checking the enemy!
Katalina: Please do! I'll keep going too!
Skill 2 グラン「ここは任せてください!」
Gran: Please leave this to me!
Katalina: Still, don't push yourself... Covering!
Skill 3 グラン「僕達なら・・・きっと勝てる!」
Gran: If all of us are here, then we'll definitely win!
Katalina: Hahaha... Whenever you say that, I start believing that too. How wonderful.
Skill 4 カタリナ「今だ、グラン!」
Katalina: Now, Gran!
Gran: Right! Teeeeeei!
C.A. Ready グラン「カタリナさん、ここで一気に攻めよう!」
Gran: Katalina, let's hit them all at once!
Katalina: Understood. Let's move!
Charge Attack

Fully Voiced Djeeta

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ルリア、この広い街に、どんな食べ物があるか、一緒に確かめにいこ!
ラカムさん、お手伝いできることはありますか? 大丈夫です、体力余ってるんで!
Lyria, let's check out what kinds of food they have in this part of town!
Rackham, is there anything I can help you with? It's fine, I've still got lots of energy!
Katalina, let's go to the Knickknack Shack and accept a request.
I want to learn stuff from Eugen...
イオちゃん、魔法の練習につき合ってよ! Io, let's practice our magic together!
うふふっ、ロゼッタさんとユグドラシル、仲良しなんだ Ahaha, Rosetta and Yggdrasil are really close.
父さん、何処に居るのかな… Oh Dad, where are you?
そういえば、ビィって何なんだろう…ドラゴン?」 Come to think of it, what is Vyrn? A dragon?
Add to Party 行ってきまーす I'm going out! These play when equipping the skin.
ふーんふっふふーん♪ふんふふっふーん♪ Hmmm hm hmmm hm hmm hmmm!
あ、お仕事ですか?頑張ります! Oh, a job? I'll do my best!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ! Hah!
てやっ! Hyaah!
そこっ! There!
Enemy Defeated いっちょ上がり! That's one down!
Skill 1 ええい!
There we go!
Play when a damage skill is used.
Skill 2 体力には自信あるから!

This is because of your belief in your own strength!
We'll do this job with all we've got!
Everyone, let's do this!
Play when a buff skill is used.
Skill 3 ふっふっふ…奥の手だよ
Heeheehee... Here's a little trick for you.
How do you like this!
Your weak point is... Here!
Play when a debuff skill is used.
Skill 4 ほら、もう痛くない
みんな、休んでて 後は私が!
Now look, that doesn't hurt at all!
Everyone, take a break, I've got this!
Okay, all better!
Play when a healing skill is used.
C.A. Ready それじゃ、本気で行くよ! Okay, now I'll get serious!
Charge Attack これが私の奥義、とっておきを食らえ!
みんな、準備はいい? これで決めるよ! てえい!
This is my secret technique! Take this!
Everyone, are you ready? We'll finish it with this! Hyaah!
Evildoers, this is your punishment!
Skip Charge Attack とっておきを食らえ!
これで決めるよ! てえい!
Take this!
We'll finish it with this! Hyaah!
This is your punishment!
Damage Taken あぁ… Ah!
Red HP アイタタ… Ouchouch!
Knocked Out あうぅ…もう無理です… Ahh... I just can't...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
My head's feeling all dizzy...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
No... What... is this?
Healed よし!頑張ろう! Alright! Let's do this!
Join Battle 悪事は見過ごせません I can't overlook an evil deed.
Victory よし、これで一件落着! Okay then, that's settled!
Turn Start 私にまかせて Leave it to me!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Skill 1 ジータ「頑張ろうね、カタリナさん」
Djeeta: Let's do this, Katalina!
Katalina: Ah, don't do what the enemy wants you to!
Skill 2 ジータ「攻めるなら今ですね」
Djeeta: If we're going to attack, let's do it now!
Katalina: Stop being so reckless all the time!
Skill 3 ジータ「切り込みます!」
Djeeta: I'm cutting a way through!
Katalina: I'm right behind you!
Skill 4 カタリナ「ここで決めるぞ、ジータ!」
Katalina: We'll finish this here, Djeeta!
Djeeta: Okay, Katalina!
C.A. Ready ジータ「ここで、決めに行きましょう!」
Djeeta: Now, let's go win this!
Katalina: Ahh, show me your strength!
Charge Attack
Red HP ジータ「カタリナさ~ん...」
Djeeta: Katalinaaa...
Katalina: Djeeta? Quickly, get that treated!
Join Battle カタリナ「外道はこの手で成敗してくれる!」
Katalina: The wicked shall be punished by my own hand!
Djeeta: Katalina, that's so cool!
Victory ジータ「カタリナさん、やっぱり格好いい……」
カタリナ「ん……? あはは、そう褒めるな」
Djeeta: Katalina, no matter what, you always look so cool...
Katalina: Hm? Ahaha, don't flatter me like that.