Meg (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 163 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Reading travel magazines (It boosts my mood to travel~♪)
Likes Auguste (Vacations there are the best!)
Dislikes Individualists (Meanwhile, I'm so ordinary...)
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 18歳
Height 163cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 旅行雑誌を読むこと(読書で旅気分♪)
Likes アウギュステ(バカンス最高!)
Dislikes 個性的な人(私、平凡だし……)
Source [1]




  • Meg's full name is Margaret Bluemarine.

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Today's your birthday, right?
You're so much more mature than your age would suggest. Is it because you have so much to protect?
I can relate, because that was my entire reason for getting stronger.
It's strange. Once you realise what matters to you in life, you're suddenly able to do so much more.
Of course, I'm sure you've gone through a lot more than me to get where you are.
Meeting you has strengthened my resolve to protect what matters to me as best I can.
I hope you'll continue to be my goalpost, (Captain). Happy birthday.


Hey, it's your birthday today, isn't it?
Time goes by so fast. It's already been a year, huh?
This year passed by in the blink of an eye. But I guess that just means I'm having a lot of fun traveling with you!
When I first met you, I never thought we'd eventually get this close to each other.
To me, this crew is my second Auguste.
I hope we can continue making a lot of memories together, (Captain)!


Past Meg: Happy birthday, (Captain).
Me? I'm Meg. The Meg you met in Auguste and joined your crew.
I look different from the Meg you know?
Ah... So you realized. I'm a memory from the ocean.
My love for Auguste from back in the day drifted through the ocean, and now they've manifested in front of you.
How is Auguste now? Is everyone still going on holiday there? How's Mari?
I'm probably still crazy about Auguste, right?
I might be a bit of a bother sometimes, but it'd be great if you could stick with me.

Present-day Meg: Hey! (Captain)! Can you hear me? Hang in there!
Phew, thank goodness... You scared me when you suddenly zoned out during our training session...
Huh? You saw the past me? My... appearance was different?
Ahaha! What are you talking about? Sounds like one crazy dream to me!
I mean, I can't possibly look that different! Pretty sure I'm practically the same as I was back then!


Past Meg: (Captain), it's your special day again. Happy birthday.
This is Imaginary Auguste, an illusory sea that doesn't really exist.
Is the current me doing okay? Has she matured any?
Huh? She has nice muscles?
What do you mean? Muscles? Did something happen to me? Now I'm curious... Tell me more.
Hey, don't wake up just yet! We're not done talking!
What did you mean by muscles? Is the other me a macho? I have to know—
Present-day Meg: (Captain)! You'll catch a cold by sleeping out here.
Huh? You met a younger me?
Ahahaha! I was "elegant"? What a funny thing to say.
I've always been elegant. Nothing's changed there.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ursula! Make sure you don't go biting anyone else's kite!
Oh, (Captain). Happy New Year.
Ursula got so excited seeing those kites blowing in the wind. She probably mistook them for other flying sharks.
I tied a string to Ursula's tail fin so she could pretend to be a kite. It also works as a leash just in case anything happens.
Ursula's an important friend, so I try to share in some of her interests.
I hope you can become good friends with Ursula too, (Captain). I'm looking forward to another great year with the crew.


Great timing, (Captain)! I was just making some treats for New Year's. Think you could taste this for me?
As requested, (Captain) gives the food a taste.
How is it? I'm pretty confident that it turned out well.
The taste's plainer than you'd expected? Then that's perfect!
Oh, did I not tell you? This is for Ursula.
I'm not sure what Ursula likes exactly, but lighter seasoning is probably better health-wise.
Sorry for not explaining! But don't worry, I've got something prepared for you too!
Here, this one's yours! Dig in!


No, no, no! I'm gonna be late!
Meg here! Just an ordinary girl you'll find anywhere!
Or that's what I thought, until I found myself in a skyfaring crew and suddenly everything changed! There's still a lot I have to learn, but I'm doing my best!
Ouch.. Geez, watch where you're going!

  • Choose: No, you!
    What'd you say!
  • Choose: Are you all right, my little kitten?

Huh? Wait... (Captain)?
S-sorry about that... I'm supposed to be getting a New Year's card from Mari in the mail, so I got ahead of myself and just started running...
H-happy New Year! I-I-I'll see you around! Sorry about what happened!
Ack, I went and bumped into (Captain) of all people, right from New Year's! I'm so clumsy... Talk about a crazy start!
Just what's gonna happen to me this year!


No, no, no! I'm gonna be late!
Meg here! Just an ordinary girl you'll find anywhere!
I'm an eighteen-year-old plain Jane member of (Captain)'s crew who definitely doesn't stand out.
Everyone else on the crew though is amazing. I have my hands full just trying not to get in their way...
Ouch... Watch where you're going, Meg!

  • Choose: Silly girl.
  • Choose: A sea urkin's stuck in your hair.

Urk... (Captain)!
I'm s-so, so sorry! I was afraid I'd be late for my meetup with Mari at the shrine, and...
Gah! Meg, you big dum-dum! Is vacationing the only thing in your head? Goofing up already on the first day of the new year?
Here's hoping this is not a sign of things to come!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Won't you accept my chocolates?
They might look generic, but I promise you they taste great!
At first I wanted to surprise you with something fancy.
But I ended up going with something I knew would come out tasting delicious. Figured my feelings would come across better that way!
Besides, I can work on making them look better over time.
Give me a few years, and I'll give you tasty chocolates tailored to your senses, (Captain)!


Oh, (Captain)! Here are your chocolates for this Valentine's!
They turned out nicely this year, so I'm pretty proud of them! I asked Mari to teach me a few things!
When I gave her some of these, she said they were really good! Here, have some too, (Captain)!
Let me know how you like it later. Since I've gotten better at making them, next I want to make ones that suit different people's tastes.
You can always count on a girl to do her best for the people she loves.
I may be average, but I don't want to make just average Valentine's chocolates!
So look forward to next year's, (Captain)!


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
What? Chocolate? Oh, um, I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's... That's it...
Oh, no! I actually have some! I did make chocolate and everything. It's just that...
You see, I used the salt I brought back from Auguste and tried making some salted chocolates.
But then when I got everyone to try them, they didn't look like they were enjoying it, so I thought maybe I should just throw them out...
Huh? You don't mind? You still... want to eat them?
Wow, thanks, (Captain)! You're really great, you know that?
I tried replacing all the sugar in the recipe with salt 'cause I thought, why not!
Enjoy the full taste of Auguste!


Happy Valentine's! This chocolate's for you, (Captain)! Go ahead and have a bite!
(Captain) makes an earnest attempt, but the chocolate is too hard to bite into.
Sorry about last year. I'll admit replacing all the sugar in the recipe with Auguste salt was going a bit too far...
To make up for it, I put in plenty of nuts harvested from the forest I used to train at!
I realize they're a bit hard, which kind of works out, because then you'll only want to eat it when you're really hungry.
Never mind the taste. It's jam-packed with nutrition, and that's what matters in the end!

Raspberry Chocolate Cake
4th year: Nutty Chocolate Pastry
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Meg: (Captain)... This is thanks for Valentine's?
Two boxes? I gave you pretty standard chocolates, but you're giving me so much more in return...
Huh? One box is for Ursula? Wow, you really went all the way.
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: Ahaha, you've made Ursula one happy shark. Thanks, we'll take it.
Where I'm from, all the chocolate-giving happened only on Valentine's. Having a separate White Day is an interesting change for me.
I'm starting to see why people gather around you, (Captain).
I hope some of your kindness rubs off on me.


Is this a present in return for Valentine's? Thanks!
Ahaha, two boxes again? Gotcha—I'll be sure to pass this one over to Ursula!
Your kindness really is what makes this crew what it is.
I feel just spending time with you has helped me grow softer as a person, compared to how I was before for a period of time.
It's strange. I never thought I'd change this much as a person.
But now that I think about it... Maybe if we'd never met, I wouldn't have changed from how I'd been in the first place...
Oh well! Let's not think too deeply about it!


Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Wh-whoa, hey! Ursula! Stop pushing!
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Sigh... Geez!
Oh, (Captain)... Sorry for the ruckus.
Um, Ursula wanted me to come find you and kept pushing me around.
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Er, this is kind of awkward, but... Ursula's waiting for your return gift for Valentine's.
You always give us two, so Ursula's been wanting you to hurry it up... Haha. Talk about a greedy shark, right?
Wow... thanks!
Look, Ursula! You got one this year too!
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: At least now Ursula's happy. Sorry we were so demanding... Ahaha...
But I'm really happy for the present too, (Captain). Thanks!


Meg: Ah, (Captain)! Is this thanks for Valentine's?
Aw, how sweet! I really appreciate this—
At that very moment...
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Ah! I can't believe Ursula just took the present!
Wait up, Ursula.
Ursula! Come back!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Meg: (Captain), happy Halloween!
Ahaha, I seem a lot more upbeat than usual? Well, something really neat happened.
I got to talking with some of the kids in the crew, and they became fast friends with Ursula.
They probably mistook her for a very well-made doll.
I'm sure they would've run away if they knew Ursula was a bona fide shark, so I kept mum about that.
Even if it was the result of a misunderstanding, I'm glad they were able to have a fun time together.
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: And most of all, I'm thankful to you, (Captain), for inviting us to join the crew.


Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: Ahaha, it's okay, Ursula!
Oh, (Captain)! Listen to this!
I was dressing myself up for Halloween and stuck a toy knife to my stomach as part of my costume...
But Ursula thought it was a real knife and got really worried!
I guess Ursula's never seen anything like this before, so it must've been surprising.
Anyway, it's kind of nice to have a friend worry about you, huh? It means they care.
I'm super average and people don't usually look twice at me, so this makes me happy.
Ursula's a very important friend to me and always will be! Hehe.


Meg: Sharrrk!
(Captain), Happy Halloween!
How was that? Did I look like the real Ursula? I made this costume myself! Looks pretty good, right?
I saw that there was a correspondence course on how to make character costumes, so I tried taking it.
I'll be wearing this around town for this year's Halloween! Doesn't it seem fun?
Anyway, correspondence courses really are amazing! You can learn to do pretty much anything!
Whoops, it's about time. Let's head out to town!
Hm? For some reason, I get the feeling I'm forgetting something...
Ursula: Sharrrk...


Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Sharrrk!
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Teehee... Well, (Captain)? Surprised?
I'm wearing an Ursula costume just like last year, except I'm also tag-teaming with the real Ursula this time around.
Being cornered by a pair of sharks is bound to startle anyone.
Okay, off we go!
Ursula: Sharrrk!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Wow, look at all the pretty illuminations in town!
What a special night this is. Wouldn't you say so, (Captain)?
It was always incredibly busy at the cafe back home around this time of year, so I could never really enjoy the festivities.
Not like I had anyone to enjoy the festivities with anyway. Ahaha...
Hey, (Captain). When we're walking together, doesn't it feel like...
Like we're a couple?
Pfft! Sorry about that! Lost myself for a second...
I was trying to make you laugh with a joke, but I guess it backfired!
I'm serious though when I say that I'm having a lot of fun just walking around with you, (Captain).


Hey (Captain), do you believe in Santa Claus?
I do. I got a present from him when I was little, you know.
If you could wish for anything right now, what would you wish for? Lemme guess—peace for everyone in the crew?
As for me, hmm... I don't know. Maybe nothing in particular.
What, were you expecting me to say "peace in Auguste" or something? It's true that I do wish for that, but...
I want to protect the things important to me myself!
But I guess it'd be a waste if I didn't wish for anything when I could.
I know! I'll wish for Mari's happiness!
Oh, and yours too, of course!


Oh, (Captain)... Happy holidays...
Huh? I look kind of down? Yeah, I guess you could say something happened... Will you hear me out?
I just got a letter from Mari. I'll read a bit of it out.
"Dear Meg. It's almost the holy night, and the illuminations are just crazy here."
"It's literally the best. Why don't you come over for a visit?"
"Come to Auguste and let's spend a nice and cozy winterguste together."
The letter ended up arriving late and I just saw this... It's already the holy night.
Ahh, this isn't fair! I bet a winterguste with Mari would've been super nice!
I wanted to see the illuminations and eat some delicious seafood!
What do you think a "winterguste" is anyway?


Ursula: ...
Alerted to a presence, (Captain) awakens in the middle of the night.
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Aw, we goofed. you were supposed to stay nice and quiet...
Sorry, (Captain)! I asked Ursula to place my holiday present to you by your pillow...
She was convinced she could do it without waking you, but ah well...
Really sorry! You can go back to bed now!
I'll leave the present here! You can check it out in the morning!
Good night!
Ursula: Sharrrk!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

As Plain as Can Be

Meg's eyes light up when she learns of their next destination: Marshal Island. It is home to Master Charlot, founder of the Lumiora combat style that Meg took a one-year correspondence course in. The crew notices the striking resemblance Charlot's story bears to Charlotta's and suspects he may be a sham.

Meg: Meg here! Just an ordinary girl you'd find anywhere!
Meg: I worked hard at the local cafe to save up for a trip to Auguste, the place of my dreams!
Meg: Swimming at the beach, munching on good food... My vacay started out well enough!
Meg: A lot happened in between, but I've since ended up in a skyfaring crew!
Meg: The distinctive personalities of my fellow crew members make plain ol' me want to hide in a corner sometimes...
Meg: But that's just the shy part of me talking! I've got to get pumped up if I'm gonna keep Auguste safe!
You can do it, Meg!
Vyrn: Huh? What were you going on about, Meg?
Meg: I-it's nothing!
Lyria: Just so you know, Meg, we're always here for you if you need someone to talk to!
Meg: Thanks...
Meg recounts the time she spent with (Captain) and company in Auguste, a smile spreading over her face.
Meg: So? Where are we headed? I heard we've already taken on the next assignment.
Meg: Given the kind of stuff this crew does, can I assume we'll be battling some really outrageous monsters like in Auguste?
Vyrn: C'mon now, you make it sound like we go around pickin' fights with kooky baddies...
Lyria: Ahaha... I guess it is true that we get caught up in a lot of major conflicts...
Lyria: But we should be okay this time! It's a simple clear-the-monsters mission!
The crew briefs Meg on the details of the mission.
Her eyes light up when she learns that their destination is Marshal Island.
Meg: Marshal Island! Are we really going there?
Meg: I can't believe it... I'll finally get to meet him!
Vyrn: Huh? What's gotten you so hyped up, Meg?
Meg: This could be my chance to meet Master Charlot in person! Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, what am I going to say!
Lyria: Um... Who's Master Charlot?
Meg: He's my savior and my teacher!
Meg: When I secluded myself in the mountains for that one-year correspondence course on martial arts...
Meg: I followed the principles set forth by Master Charlot, founder of the Lumiora style of combat.
Meg: I'm so much stronger today thanks to him! That's why I have nothing but respect for the man!
Ursula: Sharrrk...
Meg: Good point, Ursula. I probably never would've met you if I hadn't toughened up.
Vyrn: The founder, huh? He must be crazy strong!
Meg: He's gotta be! I mean, I've never met him, but his career tells me so much!
Meg: Charlot is regarded as the finest leader ever in the history of the Lumiora Brigade, the most elite special ops group in his home country!
Meg: But he wasn't strong from the outset. He went through an incredible amount of pain, sweat, blood, and tears to get to where he is today!
Meg: As if that weren't enough, wait till you hear his reason for retiring!
Meg: Charlot's extraordinary height made him an easy target for enemies, so he decided quitting would be the best way to keep his subordinates safe!
Meg: So he's strong, works hard, and cares about his friends. Is he the epitome of awesome or what? I can't wait to worship him in the flesh!
Vyrn & Lyria: ...
Meg: Hm? What's wrong?
Vyrn: Where have I heard something like that before...
Lyria: Maybe it's just me, but that sounded a lot like what Charlotta's been through...
Vyrn: You're right! Except the height thing is reversed!
Meg: Charlotta?
Vyrn: Why don't we ask Charlotta herself to be sure!
And so the crew goes off to look for Charlotta.
Charlotta, having just been briefed on the situation, answers with a perplexed look and arms folded.
Charlotta: So I see... Other than that bit about height, it does sound a lot like my own past.
Charlotta: There's also the resemblance in name... Hm, I sense some sort of malicious intent...
Meg: Then... You mean...
Meg: Master Charlot and his Lumiora style are all a scam?
Vyrn: Well, hey, it worked for you, didn't it? The similarities to Charlotta could just be a coincidence after all.
Lyria: Let's go meet this Master Charlot in person! Then everything will be as clear as day!
Vyrn: Yeah! Let's pay the guy a visit after our assignment's done!
Meg: Thank you! I hope you don't mind, (Captain).
  1. I'm just as curious.
  2. If it's a scam, he's gonna pay.

Choose: I'm just as curious.
Meg: Yeah, it's a head-scratcher. I really hope we get this all cleared up.

Choose: If it's a scam, he's gonna pay.
Charlotta: He certainly will. Whatever the case, cheating people out of their money is never the way!
Meg: R-right...
Continue 1
Having mixed feelings about this all, Meg is curious as to what she will find on Marshal Island.

As Plain as Can Be: Scene 2

The crew barges into Master Charlot's office only to find out he's a cheat who was profiting off of Charlotta's fame. Before passing out from a much-deserved thrashing, Charlot calls Meg a master. Pleased with the individuality that the title brings, Meg dubs her unique fighting style shark fu.

In a small office on the street corner of a Marshal Island town, two men are making merry with drink.
Master Charlot: Hahahah! We're rakin' it in big, innit!
Underling: Gyehehe, we sure are, Boss! Charlotta's name is pretty well known, but most people don't even know what the lady looks like!
Master Charlot: Folks who've only heard of Charlotta have gotta be the biggest suckers. Any time someone suspects us, we can shrug off the similarities as happenstance.
Underling: Whoo! You're a genius, Boss!
Master Charlot: Wahahaha! Drink up! We're diggin' this gold mine for all its—
Meg: Um... Excuse me! You must be Master Charlot?
As the two men drink a toast, the crew—with Meg leading the way—steps into the office.
Master Charlot: Hm? And you are?
Meg: There's a rumor about the Lumiora style being a scam, but I don't want to believe it! Please tell me the truth!
Master Charlot: Ah... You must be one of my students...
Master Charlot: It breaks my heart to know all my hard work's bein' called a scam. I've spent my entire life perfectin' the Lumiora style.
Master Charlot: Please don't tell me you're here because it didn't work for you. Some people just ain't cut out for it.
Meg: Oh, it most certainly did work. I've gotten so much stronger.
Master Charlot: Wha? (She serious?)
Meg: I heard you were trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes by using the name of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights and their captain...
Master Charlot: Now that's just bloody nonsense! Who's feedin' you that poppycock? I oughta report you for disruptin' my business!
Charlotta: Ugh! Give it up already!
Underling: Watch yourself, kiddo! Don't be butting in on the grown-ups' conversation!
Charlotta: I am Charlotta, captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights! And you are going to listen to me good!
Underling: Pssh, you're Charlotta?
Master Charlot: Aw, gimme a break... You're just a little squirt!
Underling: Heh. I'm sure it's just a bluff, Boss! Leave it to me to scare 'em off!
Underling: The hell is your problem! Don't be draggin' us into your bullcrap! I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson!
Charlotta: Stay back, everyone! I'll handle—
Meg: Haah!
Underling: Urk!
Meg: Weak... How sad that you can't even dodge such a basic attack. So it's true after all...
Master Charlot: Cor blimey... Did my phony martial art really work a miracle on you?
Master Charlot: Nah, that's just a load of rubbish. I scribbled that thing in a single day with a bottle in my hand.
Meg: ...!
So you admit it after all!
Meg: What about that pro tip you gave about repeatedly bashing a basilisk in the head with a rock until it dies?
Meg: I can't believe I actually followed your advice! You're awful!
Vyrn: Er... I'm pretty sure any monster'll go down if you bash it enough times...
Master Charlot: If you got this strong on my farce of a combat manual, then you've got a real gift, lady.
Master Charlot: As much as I'd love to send you off with a round of applause out of respect for your talent, I don't think that's in the cards today.
Meg: Fine by me. I wasn't planning on leaving yet anyway...
Meg: At least not until I smash your face in!
Master Charlot: Hahahah... My training manual might be a sham, but these fists of mine ain't. My time in the army was real.
Master Charlot: And you're gonna be sorry for knockin' out my assistant. Don't think you're gonna get aw—
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: No holding back, Ursula.
Master Charlot: What in the name of Albacore is that? I don't remember puttin' anything like that down in the manual!
Meg: You messed with my pride big-time. And I'm gonna make sure you pay for that tenfold.
Master Charlot: Geez, gimme a break, lady... I was only tryin' to make myself some chump change... Can't we just let bygones be bygones—
Meg: Shut! Up!
Master Charlot: Aiieee!
More than eager to punish Master Charlot for his wrongdoing, Meg beats him senseless.
Master Charlot: Sniff... I'm so sorry... You're the master now...
Meg: Phew... I hope that teaches him not to scam anyone else going forward.
Ursula: Sharrrk! Sharrrk!
Meg: You did good today, Ursula.
Lyria: Hey, Meg? You're not hurt, are you?
Meg: I'm okay. Thanks for asking.
Meg: If anything, I'm still recovering from the shocking revelation that I spent an entire year in the mountains training in a fake martial art...
Meg: Sigh... That was really stupid... I took it so seriously too...
Lyria: Don't say that! You're an amazing person, Meg!
Lyria: I think you were able to become so strong because you believed in yourself and worked incredibly hard!
Lyria: The Lumiora style might have been fake, but your strength couldn't be more real, Meg!
Meg: Lyria...
Meg: I appreciate the kind words... I've definitely saved plenty of people with this newfound power of mine.
Meg: Master Charlot might be a con artist, but he seemed genuine enough when he said I have a gift. Hehe...
Vyrn: Hm? I thought you might need more time to recover; good to see you're feeling all right.
Meg: I mean... he called me the master at the very end. And a master of anything definitely isn't generic.
Vyrn: Yeah. I gotta hand it to you, Meg...
Meg: Haha. I'm probably the most generic person in the crew, so I'm stoked I got to spread my wings a little.
Vyrn & Lyria: ...
(Captain) and company scratch their heads and ponder over what it means to be generic.
Meg: Hey, Ursula? About our combat style when we merge to fight—what do you think of calling it shark fu?
Meg: I thought giving it a special name might make us seem more unique.
Ursula: Sharrrk!
Meg: Ahaha! I'm glad you like it too, Ursula!
Meg cracks a smile to match the toothy grin of her shark companion.
Having gained further individuality over the course of this trip to Marshal Island, Meg gains a significant boost to her self-confidence.

Early Auguste Memories

Meg and Mari join (Captain) and company on the beach, making things considerably more lively.
Meg: So I finally get to bond with the crew. Ahaha... I knew this day would come sooner or later.
(Captain) looks at Meg with a puzzled expression.
Meg: You probably don't know this, (Captain), but I've been running into you guys for years now. It all started with that Albacore.
Meg: Hrm... What island was that again?
  1. Benthic Island.
  2. Yudhisthira Island.
  3. I don't know...

Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: No, that can't be right. Benthic Island's known for sea urkins.
Meg: It's also where Ferry saved me when I went out for a walk at night. I can't believe how rude I was to her afterwards...
Meg: I'm still on a guilt trip about that... It's embarrassing just talking about it.
Meg: Ah, but it also reminds me of how tasty those sea urkins from your crew were!
Meg: Siero brought me a bunch. It's a bit late to be saying this now, but thanks for the yummy urkins!
Meg: Wait, how did we get to talking about urkins. What were we discussing again?
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: ...
Meg: Ngh!
Oh, sorry...
Meg: Even now, just hearing the name makes me black out for a second...
Meg: After all, it was the first traumatic experience I had in Auguste.
Meg: I left my cottage to see this giant black sea creature before my very eyes... It turned out to be the Albacore.
Meg: What was it doing there, you ask?
Meg: Heck, that's what I wanna know!
Meg: I'd have had Ursula chomp it to bits if she were with me at the time.
Meg: I ended up locking myself in the cottage until the day of my flight back home.
Meg: Ahaha... Looking back on it now, I guess it's worth a good laugh.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: I don't know...
Meg: So you don't remember!
Meg: That's amazing in a way... I guess once you've risen to the rank of captain...
Meg: Small details like that don't matter anymore! Because you have to look at the big picture...
Meg: As for me, I just can't get over how ordinary I am...
Meg: I want to become strong in every way possible like you are, (Captain).
Meg: So that I can keep Auguste safe no matter how great the threat.
Meg: Given all you've accomplished in your travels, I'm sure I have a lot to learn from you.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!

Working at the Beach

Meg: I ate at Siero's beach house during my second trip to Auguste.
Meg: That's when I first saw Lyria and Vyrn.
Lyria: Huh? Really?
Vyrn: What were we doing there?
Meg: You were helping out as waitstaff. I ordered juice to wash down my meal, but Lyria mistakenly brought something else.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Lyria: Urgh... Sorry about that...
Vyrn: Gyahaha! Good times, even if I don't remember that part.
Meg: And it got me thinking... The idea of working in Auguste never occurred to me.
Meg: Can you tell me what it's like?
  1. We work hard and play hard.
  2. It's a walk in the park.
  3. It's a pain in the butt.

Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Meg: So you've got the best of both worlds!
Meg: Work really hard during work hours, then slack off during breaks. Something like that?
Meg: Must be really nice.
Meg: Sounds like the kind of summer I've always wanted...
Meg: Hm? It's not too late for me, you say?
Meg: True. I can come back to Auguste anytime.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Meg: Yeah? It's cool you think so.
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: If I were in your shoes, I'd probably be very tempted to goof off...
Meg: Having worked at a cafe back home, I found it especially hectic at the beach house.
Meg: Which makes it all the more impressive that you find it to be a breeze, (Captain).
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Meg: I bet it is!
Meg: I know the feeling all too well from working at a cafe back home.
Meg: Mm-hm. I toiled to save up for my trip to Auguste.
Meg: But ironically, I got to stay at the hotel for free and won tickets for various tours...
Meg: I lucked out so many times on those special offers that I still have a lot of money saved up.
Meg: I have so many more stories to tell you, (Captain). Thanks for being a great listener.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!

Hard Work Merits Opportunity

Meg: I'm as plain as plain gets, have no special talents, and rush headfirst into whatever I set my sights on.
Meg: As a kid, I dreamed of what an incredible place Auguste must be just from listening to others who'd been there.
Meg: Growing up, I kept my fascination with Auguste close to my heart. And before I knew it, I was here.
Meg: A lot's happened since then, and now I'm on the side of wanting to protect Auguste.
Meg: To get to where I am today though, I had to throw myself into combat training for a year. Got the chance to beat up countless monsters along the way.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: Despite finally becoming motivated and forcing myself to take action... there was no major threat to protect Auguste from this year.
Meg: Takes the wind out of my sails just thinking about it.
  1. Effort never goes wasted.
  2. You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
  3. What is it you want to do?

Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Meg: Yeah, I suppose that is true...
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Meg: Auguste will always be around, and the next summer will be here soon enough!
Meg: Thanks for the encouragement, (Captain). Now I feel much better about keeping on this path.
Meg: I'll just have to train harder to reach even greater heights.
Meg: Is there anything else you'd recommend I do to strengthen myself?
After giving it some thought, (Captain) offers a suggestion.
Meg: Wha? You'd like me to join the crew?
Meg's eyes widen in surprise.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Meg: Yeah. True enough...
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: Just thinking about it makes me all nervous.
Meg: Who knows what strange sea monster might show up next time... I have to keep pushing myself to be ready for anything...
Meg: Hm, I wonder what'd be the best way for me to get stronger...
(Captain) offers Meg a suggestion.
Meg: Huh? You think joining the crew would do me good?
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Meg's eyes widen in surprise.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: What is it you want to do?
Meg: For now, I just want to make sure Auguste stays safe.
Meg: Ahaha... I've never had much in the way of skills or aspirations.
Meg: But I'd like to strengthen myself further so that I'll be ready to defend against any threat.
Meg: I'm just not sure what's the best way to go about it...
Seeing Meg stuck in a rut, (Captain) offers a suggestion.
Meg: Huh? Me? Joining the crew?
Her eyes widen in surprise.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!

Cause for Concern

Meg: Me joining the crew...
Meg: I never even considered the possibility! That was the furthest thing from my mind, to be honest!
Meg: After all, my impression of you guys was...
Meg: Ah, sorry! I don't mean to be rude!
Meg: It's just that every time something awful happened to me in Auguste, for some reason a member of your crew would be involved too... So...
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: Sorry... I guess it made me really biased.
Meg: But now that I've given it some thought, you guys kept saving me time and time again.
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Meg: If I were to join your crew with that kind of track record...
  1. Not interested?
  2. It's your best bet for toughening up.
  3. We'll make a superhero out of you yet.

Choose: Not interested?
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Meg: Hm...
Meg: How do I put this...
Meg: Ehehe... For starters, I definitely am interested.
Meg: But do you think traveling with you will make me stronger?
(Captain) readily nods.
Meg: Okay... That's what I needed to know!
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Meg: Count me in already!
Meg: Hahaha! I'm sure it won't be safe travels everywhere we go, but I'm ready for anything.
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: I think it'll be good for me.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Meg: Whoo! That's what I wanted to hear!
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Meg: Hehehe! I can't imagine skyfaring being easy...
Meg: But if it means I'll become that much more capable of protecting Auguste, then I'm ready for anything!
Choose: What is it you want to do?
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!

Prince Charming

Mari calls (Captain) out to a deserted beach.
Mari: I wanted to talk about Meg... Growing up, she was the wallflower among our group of friends.
Mari: She'd quietly listen to our conversations without speaking her own mind.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Mari: But look at her now—she's ripped enough to be a fitness model, turns monsters into minced meat, and can merge her arm with a shark.
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Choose: Not interested?
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Mari: But that's all on the surface level; Meg's still the same person inside really.
Mari: The same girl I knew from all those years ago...
Mari: Meg was also the first in our group to dream of visiting Auguste.
Mari: I was actually kinda jealous the first time I saw her in Auguste. You've gotta be passionate and have initiative to come all the way out here alone.
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Mari: Girl was always so pure and never gave up on her dreams. Made me green with envy.
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Mari: In a way, she's become my Prince Charming. And I say that with pride.
Mari: Are you... really going to take her away, (Captain)?
  1. It's up to her.
  2. I need Meg.
  3. You sound upset.

Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Choose: It's up to her.
Mari: So you're leaving it up to Meg? I can already guess her decision...
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Mari: Meg's aspirations are too great for her to stay a country bumpkin. I think in the end, this is for the best.
Mari: I hope you'll take good care of her, (Captain).
Choose: What is it you want to do?
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: I need Meg.
Mari: I'm sure Meg would be pleased to hear that.
Mari: I need Meg too, but I can't give her what she needs.
Mari: Whatever that might be, I have no doubt that she'll find it during her travels with your crew... So ultimately I'm okay with this.
Mari: Be good to her, (Captain)!
Choose: I don't know...
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: You sound upset.
Mari: ...
Mari: Of course I'm upset! It'll be so lonely without Meg around...
Mari: But at the same time, I don't want my personal circumstances to drag her down.
Mari: Besides, Meg's set on keeping Auguste safe for a long time to come, meaning she'll want to get stronger.
Mari: I hope you'll support her in her endeavors, (Captain).
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!

Favorite Place

Meg joins (Captain) and Mari on the beach.
Meg: What's going on, guys? I was wondering where you went off to.
Mari: Teehee! We were just gossiping about you, Meg.
Meg: Wha? You didn't tell the captain anything embarrassing about me, did you?
Choose: Benthic Island.
Mari: Kidding, kidding. We were just shooting the breeze.
Meg: I don't know if I can trust you. Now I'm really curious...
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Mari: I was asking (Captain) about cool places to visit in Auguste. Don't you wanna know too?
Choose: Not interested?
Meg: Sure I do! The crew would know best since they come here all the time.
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Mari: So what's your favorite Auguste hot spot, (Captain)?
  1. Tono Island for its sushi.
  2. Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
  3. Cyrath Island for their eals.

Choose: Tono Island for its sushi.
Meg: Tono Island? Where's that?
Mari: You have to take a boat from Venera Beach to get there, right?
Mari: Ooh! I might have to check it out.
Meg: Sushi, huh... I'd love to try some—after I find out what sushi is.
Meg: Mari. Next time I see you, we're going to Tono Island together!
Mari: Huh... You're inviting me?
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Meg: 'Course I am! My ideal Auguste isn't complete without you!
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Mari: Meg...
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
Mari: Sounds like an easy recommend for Auguste lovers.
Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Choose: It's up to her.
Meg: Venera Beach is definitely a nice place. Didn't expect a resort to be at the top of your list though, (Captain)...
Meg: Come to think of it, that's where I first experienced a guy hitting on me.
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Mari: He did what now? Tell me everything about this turdsack making moves on you!
Meg: Whoa, calm down there, Mari... Aren't you kinda overreacting?
Choose: What is it you want to do?
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: Cyrath Island for their eals.
Meg: Cyrath Island... That's where an electric eal knocked me out cold...
Choose: I need Meg.
Mari: Which reminds me, I didn't get the chance to eat any eals.
Choose: I don't know...
Meg: Same here. I still need to get revenge on one in the kitchen and on an electric one in the sea.
Mari: Yeah, go shock 'em, girl!
Choose: You sound upset.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!

What's the Crew Like?

Meg: Other members in the crew are so full of personality. It's overwhelming...
Mari: Just so you know, (Captain), Meg's being serious here.
Meg: How do I leave a good impression when I go around saying hello to everyone later?
  1. Speak loudly and clearly.
  2. Smile.
  3. Sing.

Choose: Speak loudly and clearly.
Meg: So that's the way to make an impact, I see.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: You know, I almost missed the Auguste-bound air cruise liner every single year.
Meg: But the cruise staff always heard me when I yelled "Wait for me!" So I can definitely be loud and clear!
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Choose: Not interested?
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Choose: Smile.
Choose: Tono Island for its sushi.
Meg: Smile, huh... I wish I had the confidence for that...
Mari: What are you saying! You have a beautiful smile, Meg!
Meg: Huh... Really?
Meg: Thanks, Mari. I guess I'll be okay then!
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: Sing.
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Meg: Sing? I've never been a good singer...
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Meg: Hm? You have lots of musicians in the crew?
Meg: Wow... I guess you have all types onboard, huh...
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Choose: Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!

Stray Sharks Are a Thing?

Ursula: Sharrrk...
Lyria: Can you understand her, Meg?
Meg: I get the gist of what she's saying. We're able to communicate much more easily when we merge.
Choose: Speak loudly and clearly.
Vyrn: I still can't believe there were sharks who survived the sharktastrophe to see another day.
Meg: I was pretty surprised myself when I first found Ursula in that back alley.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: Then again, stranger things have happened in Auguste. Keeping that in mind helped me think of Ursula as a stray shark.
  1. Auguste is a weird place.
  2. Auguste seems pretty normal to me.
  3. Nah, nothing ever goes wrong in Auguste.

Choose: Auguste is a weird place.
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Meg: Yep. You can say that again!
Choose: Not interested?
Meg: I bet you guys are used to it by now though.
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Choose: Smile.
Meg: You've fought so many sea monsters that a stray shark must seem ordinary in comparison.
Choose: Tono Island for its sushi.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: Auguste seems pretty normal to me.
Meg: You're kidding, right?
Meg: Although compared to all the sea monsters you've faced, a stray shark must seem ordinary in comparison.
Vyrn: Hrm, I dunno about that...
Choose: Sing.
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Choose: Nah, nothing ever goes wrong in Auguste.
Meg: Huh?
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: (Captain)! Have you forgotten all the sea monsters you've fought over the years?
Choose: Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
Meg: Remembering the past helps us prepare for the future, so I hope you'll work on your memory.
Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Choose: It's up to her.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!

Ideal Vacation

Meg: Have you ever thought of the perfect vacation you'd like to have someday, (Captain)? I have.
Meg: I'm a happy girl as long as I get to swim, eat, and sleep aplenty.
Meg: No stress, and just enough to do. I couldn't ask for a better vacation!
Choose: Speak loudly and clearly.
Meg: How about you, (Captain)?
  1. Spacing out all day.
  2. Hanging out with friends.
  3. I've got nothing.

Choose: Spacing out all day.
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: Yeah, I know the feeling!
Choose: Auguste is a weird place.
Meg: Sometimes forgetting all your worries and just spacing out is what you need to get recharged.
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Meg: It's something you can do anywhere.
Choose: Not interested?
Meg: Yet spacing out at a resort somehow feels so much more relaxing. Strange, isn't it.
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Choose: Smile.
Choose: Tono Island for its sushi.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: Hanging out with friends.
Choose: Auguste seems pretty normal to me.
Meg: Haha, makes sense. You run a crew after all.
Meg: I was thinking of a solo vacation, but you immediately thought of your friends.
Meg: It makes me jealous. Maybe I can be a part of your perfect vacation someday.
Choose: Sing.
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Choose: I've got nothing.
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Choose: Nah, nothing ever goes wrong in Auguste.
Meg: Oh? I see...
Meg: Vacations are fun, you know. You get to swim and eat all you want...
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: Buuut I guess not everyone has an idea of a perfect vacation.
Choose: Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Choose: It's up to her.

The Next Vacation

Meg: Vacation season's coming to an end...
Meg: It's the first time I've had this much fun in the summer. Teehee...
Meg: I'm already looking forward to the next.
Choose: Speak loudly and clearly.
Meg: Do you have any plans for your next visit to Auguste, (Captain)? Particularly plans to try something out of the ordinary?
  1. How about fishing?
  2. How about surfing?
  3. How about shopping?

Choose: Spacing out all day.
Choose: How about fishing?
Choose: Benthic Island.
Meg: Sure! I'd be down with that.
Choose: Auguste is a weird place.
Meg: I'm surprised I haven't done that yet when the sea and fish are right there.
Choose: Effort never goes wasted.
Meg: But now I'll definitely have to try it.
Choose: Not interested?
Meg: Another thing to look forward to. Thanks, (Captain).
Choose: We work hard and play hard.
Choose: Smile.
Choose: Tono Island for its sushi.
Meg's loyalty increased by 75!
Choose: Hanging out with friends.
Choose: How about surfing?
Choose: Auguste seems pretty normal to me.
Meg: Surfing?
Meg: Sounds like a lot of fun!
Meg: But the fact that you can surf while also being a crew captain is really impressive...
Meg: I'd love to see you riding the waves sometime.
Choose: Sing.
Choose: It's your best bet for toughening up.
Choose: I've got nothing.
Meg's loyalty increased by 50!
Choose: It's a walk in the park.
Choose: You'll be ready to kick butt next time.
Choose: Nah, nothing ever goes wrong in Auguste.
Choose: How about shopping?
Meg: Shopping?
Choose: Yudhisthira Island.
Meg: That's definitely not the answer I was expecting, but I suppose that's one way of spending a vacation.
Choose: Doesn't get classier than Venera Beach.
Meg: Now that you mention it, I haven't done any real shopping in Auguste yet.
Meg: Even though it's the first thing most people would think to do on a vacation...
Choose: We'll make a superhero out of you yet.
Choose: It's up to her.
Meg: I guess I was always too focused on having fun on the beach.
Meg: I think like a kid, you say? Sure, I'll take that. Facts are facts.
Choose: It's a pain in the butt.
Meg: But I'll be sure go to shopping in town the next time I'm here.
Meg: I want to do everything there possibly is to do in Auguste.
Choose: What is it you want to do?
Meg's loyalty increased by 100!
Choose: Cyrath Island for their eals.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
本当に守りたいものは、自分の手で守らないと It's my responsibility to protect what matters to me.
ウルスラ、喰い尽くせ! Ursula, meal time!
フツーの女の子だからって甘く見ないで! I might be your average girl, but I'm no slouch!
(主人公)、私が背中を預かるよ (Captain), I've got your back.
ウルスラ、拾い食いはダメだよ? Don't eat garbage off the ground, Ursula.
通信教育一年コース、結構高かったのに…… That one-year correspondence course wasn't cheap...
(主人公)の強さ、私も見習わないと I have a lot to learn from (Captain).
アウギュステを脅かすなら誰だろうと容赦しない! I'm not letting anyone who threatens Auguste off the hook!
まりっぺにお土産でも買って行こう I should pick up a souvenir for Mari.
艇内にカフェがあるの?よければ私も手伝うよ There's a cafe on the ship? Mind if I help out?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター「メグ」紹介!